Yup. The current MS leadership is questionable at best. Remember, it's this leadership with Spencer, ybarra, etc that allowed Halo to become ruined under 343. They kicked off this publisher buying spree and they are responsible for having no AAA in '22. Also, they are the ones encouraging mandatory cross play in multi-player games. I remember Phil Spencer last gen when he was selling us on the Xb1X that "people don't want 60 fps". MS is also woke as hell these days.If this 343i slaughterfest was the only thing we heard then I still bank on ms to pump out quality games. But its not just this, its the entire corp focusing on the rotten acti-blizz deal, its the 2022 with no fp AAA , its the rumor Fable and Perfect Dark dev issues, its the leads of Playground games leaving to a startup.
It adds up.
He emptied the Microsoft war chest all over the place and nearly ten years on from that ill-fated XB1 launch, they're still in third place. Every few months he pops his head up to reassure folks that greatness is just around the corner while Nintendo and Sony take it in turns to see who can teabag them hardest. When the highest accolade you can claim in recent years is 'Metacritic publisher of the year 2021', you know you're in a bad place. Sony and Nintendo have both had crash-and burn consoles in recent decades, and both learnt from their failures and come back stronger.Phil reminds me of a wartime general. You need someone to come in with good ideas and rally the troops so you can right the ship, he's the guy. Which is what he did with Xbox. Shuttered the underperforming studios, brought in some key features and ideas, and bolstered the in-house talent through acquisitions. It feels like his work is done and now its time to hand the keys to someone more equipped to manage what they have, the right way.
It's become stale through being too safe - constantly trying to recapture Bungie's golden age rather than redefine itself for a new era. The long dev cycles just made the disappointment all the more drawn out. Both Epic and Bungie were closely tied to the MS in the X360 era and key to the console' success. Both moved on from boring samey franchises to launch successful new IPs that have each been generation-defining.I love how some neogaf posters keep the narrative that Halo is a tired/milked franchise that needs time off. The last one took at least 6 years to come out. A slower rate is needed?
I love how some neogaf posters keep the narrative that Halo is a tired/milked franchise that needs time off. The last one took at least 6 years to come out. A slower rate is needed?
Live from PR.For the folks who believe all this, be ready for it to all be proven to be nonsense and senseless drama in due course. This has nothing to do with the state of Halo or doubts about future Halo singleplayer games or anything like that. Microsoft above their heads decided "we want job cuts, make it happen." Someone new was brought in to lead 343i and we knew there might be some changes from that.
Game development is no longer solely handled by one mega team alone. There are many outsourced parts of the project that include other studios and development partners or staffing companies that provide talent. Halo Infinite literally had over 20 altogether studios and development partners altogether on it. 343i doesn't need to be as large as it is to carry out its mission. All 3 Bethesda Game Studios locations collectively had less or equal amounts of people to what 343i on its own did, this includes the Starfield team in Maryland led by Todd Howard. 343i does not have to be as large as they were to do what they have to do, especially when more and more of the industry are moving towards remote and distributed development practices. Job losses always fucking suck, but they were inevitable with what's taking place economically. Google just today announced similar massive cuts.
Those 10,000 jobs sure as hell weren't going to exclusively come from areas that obviously outperform the sector containing Xbox. Job cuts will be all over.
I say Let 343i rock and do their thing. Many of the same things being said about 343i have been said before and look how well MCC turned out. They've been said about Fallout 76, look where that is. They've been said about Sea of Thieves, we see how far that has come.
343i made amazing progress in the last year, and when the time comes to reveal the next big Halo SP project, whatever form that takes, 343i, as always, will fulfill the role they always have as overseer and franchise coordinator as well as game development lead/partner. They did this with Halo Wars 2, animated projects, live-action projects like forward unto dawn, book and podcast projects, and they did it with Halo MCC, the Halo TV series, and Halo Infinite.
That is the most bizarre part of the rumors that are now out there. Somehow Microsoft will keep on payroll a game development studio that does not actually develop games. That was the short version of what they were trying to say and hopefully some see it for the nonsense that it is. Not all roles necessary to facilitate the creation of future main Halo singleplayer FPS games have been cast aside. It's one of Xbox's most popular, most played, and most loved gaming franchises. It isn't going anywhere. I even saw one particularly idiotic games journalist yesterday suggest who should Microsoft sell the Halo IP to and among the names on the list were Bethesda (right that makes sense a lot of sense) and Activision (who Microsoft is in the act of purchasing currently).
The one cog in the original plan for 343i that has yet to happen was when there were supposed to be spin-offs or reimaginings of Halo in even more genres, potentially also third person or even RPG based that never came to fruition. Microsoft should absolutely be willing to treat it the way Marvel does its IPs or the way Disney treats Star Wars universe games. Nobody expected new Halo Campaign content this year so I'm not sure what anybody is concerned about.
I actually Google searched ‘NeoGAF astroturfing’ yesterday, and guess who’s posts from the 2013 Xbox One DRM thread turned up as an example?Live from PR.
I actually Google searched ‘NeoGAF astroturfing’ yesterday, and guess who’s posts from the 2013 Xbox One DRM thread turned up as an example?![]()
I actually Google searched ‘NeoGAF astroturfing’ yesterday, and guess who’s posts from the 2013 Xbox One DRM thread turned up as an example?![]()
It was actually linked through a gameFAQs thread from the time warning people about corporations shaping the online narrative.SenjutsuSage: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61780568&postcount=685
Speedy Blue Dude: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61782374&postcount=780
Hunter Gather: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61789892&postcount=1248
crusadernm: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61806752&postcount=2233
RyanReedyMusic: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61812206&postcount=2458
MrNyarlathotep was banned but not for a post in this thread I think, he's also an old-school GAFer.
343i was put together back in 2007, which is 7 years before Phil Spencer took over Xbox. By that time Halo 4 had already shipped and Halo 5 was nearly completed. Halo Infinite is the first major Halo game that began development under his tenure and he has cleaned house with the studio after it's disappointing outing. If that's not taking action to right a ship then I don't know what is.Ironic post in a Halo Infinite thread considering the failures of 343 and Infinite all happened under his leadership.
Press sneak fuck always delivers the goods.
I ran these bullet points by a few people. While it's true that 343 is focused on multiplayer, the stuff about campaign DLC being scrapped is false (I don't think there was much of that planned in the first place), and a lot of this is either wrong or just speculation.
SenjutsuShill.It was actually linked through a gameFAQs thread from the time warning people about corporations shaping the online narrative.
He looked at two mediocre outings in a row and thought "let's give them another eight years - and a brand new engine. We don't want to be rash!".343i was put together back in 2007, which is 7 years before Phil Spencer took over Xbox. By that time Halo 4 had already shipped and Halo 5 was nearly completed. Halo Infinite is the first major Halo game that began development under his tenure and he has cleaned house with the studio after it's disappointing outing. If that's not taking action to right a ship then I don't know what is.
Eh, I don't think that is an entirely fair assessment tbh. Saying they are in 3rd place as a knock doesn't really tell you the whole picture, since despite that the Series X|S is the fastest selling Xbox console ever, and Game Pass is generally panned as the best value in gaming which per reports is profitable. I think Phil is doing a good job overall but MS has the tools to be doing much better, at least in regards to software output. Xbox today is MUCH better than they were during the Xbox One era, so the idea they didn't learn and rebound doesn't compute. I think the apt take would be they are doing well but should be doing better, much better.He emptied the Microsoft war chest all over the place and nearly ten years on from that ill-fated XB1 launch, they're still in third place. Every few months he pops his head up to reassure folks that greatness is just around the corner while Nintendo and Sony take it in turns to see who can teabag them hardest. When the highest accolade you can claim in recent years is 'Metacritic publisher of the year 2021', you know you're in a bad place. Sony and Nintendo have both had crash-and burn consoles in recent decades, and both learnt from their failures and come back stronger.
He looked at two mediocre outings in a row and thought "let's give them another eight years - and a brand new engine. We don't want to be rash!".
The train is never late. Another huge L for people who want to believe anything. And I'm not even a fan of Jason Schrier, but it's obviously bs.
I love how some neogaf posters keep the narrative that Halo is a tired/milked franchise that needs time off. The last one took at least 6 years to come out. A slower rate is needed?
But they already admitted that they are losing money from each consoles. It's all about Gamepass subs. If people buy consoles but don't sub to Gamepass, that's a loss.The Xbox Series X/S is their fastest selling console....
I think it's dumb that they get praised for this. It came out in 2014, and they should have gotten it right the first time. Do they have one guy working on it shifting pixels around? It's a done deal.Really hope that work continues. Absolutely love that collection.
If the two previous games were "mediocre", I think giving the team a longer development schedule and money to re-work the game engine from top-to-bottom is a very logical thing to do. Unfortunately, the team under Bonnie Ross didn't deliver even after all that time and investment which is why she is now gone, and the company has been reduced in staff significantly.He looked at two mediocre outings in a row and thought "let's give them another eight years - and a brand new engine. We don't want to be rash!".
Losing money on hardware sales has been a staple of this industry for decades for every console manufacturer. The money is made from selling software (games, subscriptions, DLC). Everyone knows this.But they already admitted that they are losing money from each consoles. It's all about Gamepass subs. If people buy consoles but don't sub to Gamepass, that's a loss.
What a shame to ruin a great pair of sweater kittens. I don't care about halo I just wanted to comment on these great yams.Your posts are hard to read
So we went from DLC isn't being scrapped to there never was any DLC to begin with? Shitty news either way for those hoping more from the campaign.
I'm calling it right now Friday, January 20th 2023, if the Activision deal does not go through, Xbox will drop out of making gaming consoles this generation and the only thing left will be Microsoft publishing. Yes they will become a 3rd party publisher. You will see Halo, Forza, Starfield and Gears on PlayStation and probably Nintendo (Depending on if the next Nintendo can run these games).
It's basically the same thing and doesn't make anyone looking forward to SP content feel better...So we went from DLC isn't being scrapped to there never was any DLC to begin with? Shitty news either way for those hoping more from the campaign.
If people buy a console without Game Pass then they're going to be buying games. Which MS makes a profit on. Model works for Sony who obviously don't make much money from selling console sales alone.But they already admitted that they are losing money from each consoles. It's all about Gamepass subs. If people buy consoles but don't sub to Gamepass, that's a loss.
Wasn't that one of the talking points about the game? That it was going to be the Halo we play for the next 10 years or something? Claims being made about the single player being expanded over time with more story and new areas?So we went from DLC isn't being scrapped to there never was any DLC to begin with? Shitty news either way for those hoping more from the campaign.
Forget about praising a company or not.I think it's dumb that they get praised for this. It came out in 2014, and they should have gotten it right the first time. Do they have one guy working on it shifting pixels around? It's a done deal.
Wasn't that one of the talking points about the game? That it was going to be the Halo we play for the next 10 years or something? Claims being made about the single player being expanded over time with more story and new areas?
I love that people keep going in this thread shitposting while completely ignoring that it's been stated, IN THIS THREAD, that the rumor was bogus. Keep gaf'ing gaf.
Can't believe im going tosayfantasize about this, but Just sell Halo to Sony please.