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Recommend an RSS feed reader? (Sites welcome as well)

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I'm using Windows XP and getting sick-and-tired of checking two-dozen sites a day to stay on top of news, comics, politics, friends, etc. Can someone recommend a good RSS browser/reader for Windows systems? And if you use one, any cool/recommended sites (and why) would also be welcome. Thanks!
The program I use is RSSReader. It's by no means glorious, but it works well, and it's free.

I've found that it's better to have fewer sites as opposed to just adding a lot "just because you can". What sites you add will really depend on your interests; there's a lot of feeds out there covering pretty much everything imaginable. As a starting point, I suggest just adding the sites you already check out on a regular basis (if they have an RSS feed). For example, as a self-confessing geek, the two main news feeds I follow are Slashdot and News.com. But, as I said, I suggest picking only the things that are important to you - otherwise you just get overwhelmed with information.

aoi tsuki

Also, look into a reader that integrates with programs you already use. Firefox/Mozilla have an RSS reader, and i think Winamp does as well. i don't read a lot of feeds, but i find it's easier to read them in Firefox with the Sage reader than to have a separate program.

i've got three feeds, Animesuki, Slashdot, and a third which may be grounds for banning so i won't post it here. :)
This is the first time I've ever messed with RSS stuff, and I'm trying out the Sage plugin for Firefox that was recommended by aoi tsuki. However... I guess I just don't get it. Bookmarking an RSS feed and viewing that through Sage barely seems different than just checking a site's regular news listing.

Now, if any of these programs would check all the feeds and combine them into one page view sorted by date/time, that would be noticeably quicker and useful. Anything like that?
JoshuaJSlone said:
Now, if any of these programs would check all the feeds and combine them into one page view sorted by date/time, that would be noticeably quicker and useful. Anything like that?

Right, that's what I want - something that will aggregate all my feeds into Your Special Site.


There are web based aggregators like BlogLines that are supposed to be really good and don't suffer from the problems of local rss readers (a lot of them are written in .net and are terribly slow or have weird behaviours).

Also, they fulfill the promise of rss, that is they don't use massive amounts of bandwidth because one site is hitting the feed for hundreds or thousands of users.
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