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Well, Homelessness May Be An Unfortunate Happening

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That's awful.

tell her to quit stinking the place out with the disgusting drugs and sort her life out.

Then throw them out anyway.

You’ve been too busy simping and blowing your cash. You’ve had your head up your arse and now you're in the the shit.

Wake up you donut. You know they were making excuses about getting work. She doesn’t need to worry about you, she’ll be off to another mate while you get thrown under the bus.

I can only advise you to toughen up because you’ll be mugged off again and again in the future. As soon as I saw your posts in the containment thread I was reminded of one of my best mates (the one I mugged off for his 7900 XTX). He is just like you and constantly going through this shit.

Next time don’t take in any freeloaders. Speak to your landlord as honestly as possible and try to come to some agreement.

This is where simping gets you in life.
I hope this is a wake up call for OP.


Gold Member
That's awful.

tell her to quit stinking the place out with the disgusting drugs and sort her life out.

Then throw them out anyway.

You’ve been too busy simping and blowing your cash. You’ve had your head up your arse and now you're in the the shit.

Wake up you donut. You know they were making excuses about getting work. She doesn’t need to worry about you, she’ll be off to another mate while you get thrown under the bus.

I can only advise you to toughen up because you’ll be mugged off again and again in the future. As soon as I saw your posts in the containment thread I was reminded of one of my best mates (the one I mugged off for his 7900 XTX). He is just like you and constantly going through this shit.

Next time don’t take in any freeloaders. Speak to your landlord as honestly as possible and try to come to some agreement.

This is where simping gets you in life.


I had a major stroke probably due to the stress of my father dying in November 2022. It affected me greatly when he passed as I was close to him and cared for him up until his final days. The last few days were absolutely a nightmare as I had to see him suffer. I still remember waking up at 5:45 a.m. in the morning after hearing my dog barking then walking into his room and seeing him lying emotionless and dead in his bed.

While I was taking care of him, he was still in in-home hospice care but they only came around for 1 hour a day. The rest of the day I took care of him whether it was cooking or cleaning for him.

I'm kind of stuck here too because I have a lot of memories. The place is a little bit fixed up though which helps but the severe depression and loneliness still lingers. One good thing about my roommate is that at least I have a sense of safety and security.

Edit: for what it's worth, my father also had a stroke as a result of my mother's death in 1994.

Unless you're older or you have brothers and sisters, I would not wish this kind of horror to happen to anyone. It's devastating to lose a parent when you have no other family around. I went through literal hell.
You've had it rough so I'm sorry to hear that. Life can be horrible but whatever happens don't feel sorry for yourself as you've come out of all of this and survived so it shows you have a strong character.

You need to look out for yourself first and foremost in life.

Get rid of the dogs as others have said, they're an expense you can't afford. Call every shelter or private rehoming place in your area.

Then contact welfare support groups to see if you're entitled to anything.

Once you're in a more stable situation with housing and with the roomate out the picture, if you're doing any drugs/substances then you MUST get clean if you want a shot of a reasonable life. Join free support groups for that and cut associations with certain people who are in that world if they're involved in your life (such as the roomate and others of that ilk!).

All the best. :messenger_heart:
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
So, the day after my birthday (September 29th) I'm finding out that my roomie may not have the money to cover rent.

Neither of our friends or family can help us out and we're already selling stuff on OfferUp and Craigslist with no hits.

My roommate does have an upper hand though since she has a very good friend or two who will let her stay with them. Meanwhile, I'll be on the street. No friends or family can help me either especially since they're all on the other side of the country.

Work has been really bad and my social security disability is taking forever.

Any advice would be appreciated. I really do not want to end up in a shelter.

Understand your leverage and negotiate. It isn't like the second you miss rent you're out on the street. Eviction takes time and has multiple off ramps.

First they have to file for eviction. This will lead to a hearing, which usually takes a month. If at any point in that month you get paid up or sign an agreement such as an installment plan to pay things off, the eviction will be overturned. If not, you will have around a week in most places, sometimes you can apply for extensions and drag it out a bit. So in general expect about six weeks.

Your landlord probably doesn't want to go through all this because it's all lost revenue for him. And turning over the apartment is more lost revenue. So if you haven't had any issues before he's probably going to be pretty motivated to negotiate. You can generally work out an installment plan or something, just get in front of it.

If that's just impossible because of lost income, my advice is still to stretch it out as long as you can, and save as much as you can in the meantime.

If the worst happens, there are other options besides shelters. Some people stay in storage units, which have the added benefit of housing your shit. Obviously some places are strict about this but if you scope out enough of them you will see the ones where people stay at.

Squatting is an option, but good squats are hard to find and you usually have to know someone. But some squats are actually pretty nice, like people assume it's all sleeping it gutted houses with no electric but that isn't necessarily the case. But you still end up staying with a lot of sketchy people. And even if there isn't an landlord, they may expect you to throw in a certain amount. But squatting got me through some hard, lean times and got me back on my feet, so I'm speaking from experience.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
If you decide to keep her in your life, please pimp her out on onlyFans selling feet vids.

(I'm being silly to lighten the mood) 😉
Well, this is certainly a fast track to monetary stability, lol. For the situation, I mean.
OP should get a job at a grocery store or something temporary, till he finds a solid solution.
While she's going OnlyFans, he could be scouting for a new roommate. Kill two birds with one stone, imo.
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Sorry to hear about your stroke, Darkmakaimura Darkmakaimura . As someone with a family history of strokes, I know how scary that can be.

I don’t have much else to say except to echo what others have already said. Regarding your roommate, tell her she needs to find the money or leave. She’s an adult (40!) and should be well aware by now how the world works. If she refuses tell her to go darken someone else’s doorstep. You have to look after yourself first and foremost.

Repeating my initial post, do try and talk to your landlord even if you think it won’t help. As the adage goes, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. But, again, document everything just in case.

And lastly, regarding disability, if you don’t have an attorney helping you, get one. The process is daunting even with an attorney and nigh impossible without one. By law the amount they can take from you, if you are approved, is 25% of your retroactive lump sum payment, or $7200, whichever is less. In addition, those attorneys often have resources for people in situations such as yours to help you with emergency situations like loss of shelter or loss of utilities, etc.

I really do hope you manage to land on your feet.


That's awful.

tell her to quit stinking the place out with the disgusting drugs and sort her life out.

Then throw them out anyway.

You’ve been too busy simping and blowing your cash. You’ve had your head up your arse and now you're in the the shit.

Wake up you donut. You know they were making excuses about getting work. She doesn’t need to worry about you, she’ll be off to another mate while you get thrown under the bus.

I can only advise you to toughen up because you’ll be mugged off again and again in the future. As soon as I saw your posts in the containment thread I was reminded of one of my best mates (the one I mugged off for his 7900 XTX). He is just like you and constantly going through this shit.

Next time don’t take in any freeloaders. Speak to your landlord as honestly as possible and try to come to some agreement.

This is where simping gets you in life.
SO many red flags OP, my god. 🚩🚩🚩 Kick the deadbeat roommate out asap and find someone who will actually pay rent, isn’t a drug addict, has an actual job, and will not take advantage of you. Go to a food pantry and inquire about dog food, or give the dogs to a shelter. Most daschunds would get adopted quickly out, even if elderly.


The only drugs I do are prescription medications that I receive from my psychiatrist.

I was doing kratom but I very infrequently do it nowadays.

Are you sure your stroke wasn’t due to the kratom? One huge factor in strokes is high blood pressure, which kratom causes. And considering it’s not proven to actually help with anything, why do it at all?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

Are you sure your stroke wasn’t due to the kratom? One huge factor in strokes is high blood pressure, which kratom causes. And considering it’s not proven to actually help with anything, why do it at all?
I wasn't doing kratom when I had my stroke. So it really had nothing to do with that. The stroke was caused by massive amounts of stress, depression and anxiety as well as severe loneliness. My dad had the same thing happen to him when my mother passed away.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Jesus Christ OP.

The bad roomie, simping for them, can’t pay rent, had a stroke, can’t feed your dogs.

Man. I just don’t know how to advise someone so far down that rabbit hole.
Don't forget that the roomie is involved in sex work, which adds another convoluted layer to this situation.. 😳

Yikes! So much to unpack.

I wish the best for OP , though.
Good luck and hopefully you can make better life decisions going forward. 🍀


What advise are you wanting? In one thread you're talking about drinking vodka & smoking weed and several days later you're going to be homeless because you can't afford the rent. Sounds like you need to sort out your priorities in life and stop wasting money if you don't have much in the first place.

No idea who this girl is but it sounds like you're hung-up on her and she's taken you for a ride ... and not the type of ride you're wanting.


Neo Member
Darkmakaimura Darkmakaimura , reading your posts made my blood boil.

You did spend all your money on drugs, booze and rent for a 40 years old leech and you have the nerve to tell that "you need to get rid of the dogs" because you don't have money to buy food for them?


They're animals.
They're innocent and can't fend for themselves.
They NEED you.

These poor souls have no fault on this mess and may end up dead if you get rid of them.

DON'T do this.


These poor souls have no fault on this mess and may end up dead if you get rid of them.

DON'T do this.

I agree with your overall sentiment; I have never considered giving up any of my cats no matter how tough times got and have always made sure they had food before I did.

However, if he’s about to lose his shelter, and he has no means to feed them right now, the poor dogs may well die if he keeps them. Honestly, given his past poor decisions, giving the dogs up to someone who can make sure they’re cared for might be the most responsible decision he’s made.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Darkmakaimura Darkmakaimura , reading your posts made my blood boil.

You did spend all your money on drugs, booze and rent for a 40 years old leech and you have the nerve to tell that "you need to get rid of the dogs" because you don't have money to buy food for them?


They're animals.
They're innocent and can't fend for themselves.
They NEED you.

These poor souls have no fault on this mess and may end up dead if you get rid of them.

DON'T do this.
My first thought as well. But he clearly isn't the right owner for these dogs. Starving is not an option. Euthanization is better than that. When's the last time these guys went for a walk? They are likely better at a shelter at this point.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I agree with your overall sentiment; I have never considered giving up any of my cats no matter how tough times got and have always made sure they had food before I did.

However, if he’s about to lose his shelter, and he has no means to feed them right now, the poor dogs may well die if he keeps them. Honestly, given his past poor decisions, giving the dogs up to someone who can make sure they’re cared for might be the most responsible decision he’s made.
Exactly this.

My dogs are better off with somebody else and not somebody like me who makes very poor decisions. Don't get me wrong, I love my dogs. For what it's worth, both my dogs are inherited so to speak. The older dog belonged to my dad who passed away in 2022. The other dog I own belonged to a neighbor who just recently passed away from cancer.

All around it's been a very sad situation. I've been surrounded by nothing but sadness and death and I feel trapped.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh and to add insult to injury, I even just got recently scammed the other night.

Someone was going to help me with some money and I did something really stupid and shared some personal information that I should not have because I was so desperate.

Anyways, the person did send me money but it was some kind of fraudulent claim that they took from past payments I made. I guess in other words they try to reverse certain payments like to my landlord. Fortunately, I got really suspicious quickly and I called my bank and had it reversed. But then I had to have my bank account frozen and create a new one.

Before anyone says I'm stupid as a rock, yes I know. I've literally hit myself on my head with my fist for my own stupidity because I was so desperate to receive some financial assistance.

I was literally up all night with my bank and had to get transferred about a dozen times to get this resolved. What a fucking nightmare.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Reading all this makes it really hard to sympathize with you OP, you brought this on yourself. Only real solution I could give you is join the military 🤷‍♂️
It's hard to tell if you're joking or not especially since it's the internet but I am both physically and mentally disabled from having a stroke. On top of that I'm too old to join the military.

Or did you not even bother to read the thread where I mentioned these things?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Help her out and give us a link to the Onlyfans.
She's not on OnlyFans.

She is on some sex work website where there's videos of her and she can receive texts and phone calls from people, of course which she makes money off of.

But bad news for you is that I don't know the name of the site.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Seriously, I don't. I do think she once mentioned it to me but I don't quite remember and I didn't want to ask her because it would be kind of awkward especially since it is a porn site. I'm not sure she would be thrilled having her roommate looking at her pornography.

If it's any consolation, I do know her Instagram but I'm not going to share that. I feel that would be an invasion of privacy and somebody here might know her. She's been around the country a lot and even in Europe for a short period of time.

No point in risking anything like that.


Gold Member
Seriously, I don't. I do think she once mentioned it to me but I don't quite remember and I didn't want to ask her because it would be kind of awkward especially since it is a porn site. I'm not sure she would be thrilled having her roommate looking at her pornography.

If it's any consolation, I do know her Instagram but I'm not going to share that. I feel that would be an invasion of privacy and somebody here might know her. She's been around the country a lot and even in Europe for a short period of time.

No point in risking anything like that.
She doesn't pay rent and as a result you might be homeless. Probably wouldn't worry too much about that.
If disability benefits are going to come soon, and lack of housing is only supposed to be short term, I'd see if you could swing it at a public place like an Airport or even religious places like Church/Mosques. And to be honest...your situation with stroke/depression/disability sounds like the exact type of person all these religious institutions are supposedly building up charity for (still don't understand where tf all that money goes). Convert if you have to I guess, but it's time for those institutions to show their worth.
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Gold Member
There was an user here the other day with a similar issue, he was having a complete meltdown, i PM'D him to ask more time to the landlord, it worked out in the end. Look for other solutions and do not let emotions take over as they can cloud your judgment.
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I don't know what country you are in, but is there a housing charity, either local or national, that could give you advice on where you stand legally? I realise you said your landlord is extremely strict and I don't know what the legislation is like where you are. But I find it hard to believe they could kick you out over a single missed payment.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It's hard to tell if you're joking or not especially since it's the internet but I am both physically and mentally disabled from having a stroke. On top of that I'm too old to join the military.

Or did you not even bother to read the thread where I mentioned these things?
I know this sounds harsh but youve got to change your mentality. I've been there. Life is hard and not "fair". We all have to play the hand we're dealt making excuses about why you can't do this or that isn't going to get you anywhere. Dump the freeloader stop wasting money on anything that's not a necessity and get a job.
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I don't know what country you are in, but is there a housing charity, either local or national, that could give you advice on where you stand legally? I realise you said your landlord is extremely strict and I don't know what the legislation is like where you are. But I find it hard to believe they could kick you out over a single missed payment.
I mean a tenant with two dogs, is into drugs and part of the adult entertainment industry probably isn’t winning any favours with landlords.


But I find it hard to believe they could kick you out over a single missed payment.
In many states in the United States, they absolutely can. And it’s not just in “red” states. Once you get beyond whatever grace period is allowable under the lease (or state law; usually 5 days), the landlord can begin the legal proceedings to have you evicted.

It usually takes longer than a month though because they usually have to give you a 30 day pay-or-vacate notice before they can actually go to civil court and get an eviction order. Some states are require longer terms but 30 days is pretty average.

Then, after an eviction judgement, there’s usually a two week period between the judgement and the actual eviction, to allow time for the eviction notice to be properly served.

So while they can kick you out for a single missed payment, the process often takes 1.5 months or longer after the missed payment to fully play out.

Convert if you have to I guess, but it's time for those institutions to show their worth.

They show their worth every day, you’re just too blinded by your obvious dislike of them to notice. (Not including these megachurch scams.) Religious charity is no more a solution than government aid. At the end of the day, it comes down to individual effort and mentality.
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