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Well, Homelessness May Be An Unfortunate Happening

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Gold Member
Unfortunately at this time I don't. Nor does she.

The best part of all this is she is supposedly, and I say supposedly, A gifted person. She's very intelligent but she actually does show it and not just say it. She's very good at fixing things up and she knows a lot about world events, etc. She's more than capable of finding many different types of jobs that she's too fucking lazy and unmotivated to do so because of her ADHD.

In fact the only time she really does any kind of work is when she's on Adderall, which she has failed to get her prescription for which she's had before.

Her main excuse is that the buses don't run reliably and it's too hot outside to take them. Yeah.
You can't live with a room mate that fucked up and lazy, just because you want to get in her knickers. Stop dreaming of her so called good qualities and focus on her shit ones that have left you in the predicament.
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Have you tried contacting the person/department in charge of your social security/disability case?
Try explaining you're in fairly dire financial circumstances (I'd leave out the part about the roommate), and ask if there's anything they can do to prioritize you.
You can also inquire if there's any services you can utilize in the meantime (Food bank's, financial assistance, Job placements, etc.)

Failing all the other advise that's already been given in this thread, you seem to have someone who cares enough in your life to give you birthday money.
You may want to ask them for assistance if push comes to shove.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope you come out of this okay.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Have you tried contacting the person/department in charge of your social security/disability case?
Try explaining you're in fairly dire financial circumstances (I'd leave out the part about the roommate), and ask if there's anything they can do to prioritize you.
You can also inquire if there's any services you can utilize in the meantime (Food bank's, financial assistance, Job placements, etc.)

Failing all the other advise that's already been given in this thread, you seem to have someone who cares enough in your life to give you birthday money.
You may want to ask them for assistance if push comes to shove.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope you come out of this okay.
Believe me when I say the social security department does not give one fucking shit about anyone. They take forever as it is and they don't care about your situation. Everyone is treated the same.

I've already asked family for a little bit more money just for help but they cannot give it to me. To be honest I'm even surprised they gave me some birthday money.

I'm just hoping that my disability money arrives quickly. I already had a mental and physical evaluation just about a week ago so hopefully after that they get the results.


Gold Member
Reading this thread just frustrates me. Dude, you’ve had some very sound advice here. I actually feel like everyone has been gentle with you because they understand you’re going through a hard time. I also sympathise with your circumstances, but holy shit, man the fuck up! Kick this bitch out, find a replacement ASAP. Stop being a simp and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop being hopeless. Take control of the situation before it actually does get worse. You have the capacity to remedy the situation.

Find any job, dude clean the streets if you have to. Do whatever it takes to get money in your pocket. Don’t make excuses. Don’t expect people to get you out of this situation. What is your physical and mental disability? Can you walk? Can you use your hands?


Believe me when I say the social security department does not give one fucking shit about anyone. They take forever as it is and they don't care about your situation. Everyone is treated the same.

I've already asked family for a little bit more money just for help but they cannot give it to me. To be honest I'm even surprised they gave me some birthday money.

I'm just hoping that my disability money arrives quickly. I already had a mental and physical evaluation just about a week ago so hopefully after that they get the results.

Perhaps they don't care about your situation, but at this point you have very little to loose by trying.
Even if they can't do anything for you, like I said they may be able to recommended other avenues of assistance you can utilize.

You may also want try searching yourself, for any help/outreach programs you can find in your area.


Rodent Whores
The whole situation is really pissed me off to the point where I might just go off on her today.

Be stern. Be honest. Be respectful. But don't go off. That's not a workable solution and isn't going to help the situation get better. Talk it out rationally like grown-ass adults.

From what I read, she didn't scam you out of that money. It sounds like you were trying to win her favor with presents. Don't worry about that. It happens to the best of us. We all want companionship in our lives and sometimes our brains bend over backwards to accomplish that at the expense of more important things.

Until your bank account has at least 2 months rent as a cushion, you shouldn't be buying anything other than bare necessities.


Find any job, dude clean the streets if you have to. Do whatever it takes to get money in your pocket. Don’t make excuses. Don’t expect people to get you out of this situation. What is your physical and mental disability? Can you walk? Can you use your hands?

Ultimately, this ^ line of reasoning needs to happen.

Can you work at all? Work is a requirement for all forms of life.

If you're truly truly incapable of providing for yourself OP, we who make up society should help you. That is going to be an increasing difficulty given the current world scenario of lockdowns -> inflation -> destroyed currencies.

This roommate is just the straw that broke the camels back which will force you to confront your mental, spiritual and physical situation and either accept doom or force yourself to step up and help yourself.
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If you are in the U.S., it takes upwards of 90 days to get evicted through the courts. Keep grinding and trying to figure something out. I hate to say it, but this exact situation is exactly why I stopped trusting others, especially when it comes to having a roof over my head. I hope you figure it out, I’m pulling for you!

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Advice: If you live in the United States there are public welfare programs that specifically address the inability to meet rent obligations, along with providing an outline for tenant responsibility. Do the research on your city (if you live in the US).

My personal opinion: Reading how you describe the gifts your purchased for your roommate give me the impression you wish they were more than just your roommate. You put significant time in thinking about each of the gifts and how you wanted them to react to those.

This is never a good position to be in..1) they already know your personality and "quirks" from living with you, 2) it sounds like she is dating other people, 3) it might be a better idea to "get your poop in a pile" (personally) before you go looking for short or long term relationships.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Yeah, I really did fuck up on multiple occasions. I'd rather live alone even if it means getting a section 8 housing.
Did you miss my totally serious and not a joke advice earlier in the thread?

Oh wait…no I didn’t.

“From what I read, she didn't scam you out of that money. It sounds like you were trying to win her favor with presents”.


If this is your idea of being “totally serious” when dude might be out of his house…go somewhere else dirtbag.
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I'm just hoping that my disability money arrives quickly. I already had a mental and physical evaluation just about a week ago so hopefully after that they get the results.

Out of curiosity, how long have you been going through the disability process? Without asking for too many specifics, what's your physical disability? Have you had your first denial and subsequent appeal? They deny almost everyone on their first application, no matter how much supporting evidence you have, except in extremely urgent cases (e.g. late stage cancer or severe heart failure).

A sad tidbit I learned from going through the process with my wife is that, despite listing mental disorders as qualifying conditions, SSA gives very little consideration to mental conditions because they're a) notoriously hard to prove and b) generally considered treatable.


hide your water-based mammals
Gotta establish boundaries. You’re being too nice and not treating a roommate like what it is first and foremost—a business arrangement. It’s okay to be on good terms with someone you’re doing business with, friends even, especially since it involves cohabitation, but if their side of the arrangement is not being fulfilled, and they’re sitting around doing drugs and hanging out all day instead of working because of BS excuses, leading to your peril, then that’s the end of it.
And let me add to this because if you go down this route, you have to be an adult and live with the decisions that got you there in order to avoid the predicament again.

I've been homeless in the past for the better part of 2 years. I had a car. I wasn't under a bridge or some wooded area like those less fortunate. I have a strong upbringing and went through 2 massive losses during that time but wouldn't change the circumstance for nothing. I have more than I've ever even imagined now and had to go through the dark but have always had a good head thanks to my upbringing (2 brothers, church, humble poor beginnings).

I have hardly felt more free than when I was in that position. It only made me appreciate having things like a home even more when I got back on my feet.

You can make it be the worse thing ever or ride it and realize that other people have it way worse. Be more positive. You have to be able to find that energy even during the times when you are alone. I had to and didn't crumble. Good luck.


Find any job, dude clean the streets if you have to. Do whatever it takes to get money in your pocket. Don’t make excuses. Don’t expect people to get you out of this situation.

I just want to add to this: "Don't expect people or the government to get you out of this situation."

This isn't an attack on Darkmakaimura because I've seen similar sentiment from many others. Programs like SSI/SSDI, Section 8, SNAP, TANF are nice social safety net programs but they're stretched beyond the point of breaking almost everywhere. I know it sounds cliche and almost right-wing but, the government isn't coming to save anyone. That's not political, it's truth. They'll toss you a few band-aids. Maybe. If they deem it so. The rest is up to the individual.
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Gold Member
I just want to add to this: "Don't expect people or the government to get you out of this situation."

This isn't an attack on Darkmakaimura because I've seen similar sentiment from many others. Programs like SSI/SSDI, Section 8, SNAP, TANF are nice social safety net programs but they're stretched beyond the point of breaking almost everywhere. I know it sounds cliche and almost right-wing but, the government isn't coming to save anyone. That's not political, it's truth. They'll toss you a few band-aids. Maybe. If they deem it so. The rest is up to the individual.
I think it’s perfectly fine and normal to ask for help, we’re all human and face challenges whereby the gratitude we end up having for those that do help us when we our in need is immeasurable. But I don’t think you should be expecting help without making the effort to help yourself first. Handouts are very rarely the solution to long term problems.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
That’s what happens when all the social programs are inundated with fraudulent claims. People that can work but just don’t want to when they can get a handout. Other people falsely filing claims in the names of other people without their knowledge.
Fair enough, but we should already be at post-scarcity.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
On a slightly related note, what can I do to get rid of my dogs (they're both dachshunds) as soon as I can? I'm pretty much out of dog food and supplies and I cannot afford to keep them.

I don't have the heart to starve them, of course, so I want to give them a good home but I need to do it ASAP.

Nobody seems to want to take them either because one is elderly and the other one is disabled because she has no teeth.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
On a slightly related note, what can I do to get rid of my dogs as soon as I can? I'm pretty much out of dog food and supplies and I cannot afford to keep them.

I don't have the heart to starve them, of course, so I want to give them a good home but I need to do it ASAP.

Nobody seems to want to take them either because one is elderly and the other one is disabled because she has no teeth.
Any animal shelters nearby?


hide your water-based mammals
On a slightly related note, what can I do to get rid of my dogs as soon as I can? I'm pretty much out of dog food and supplies and I cannot afford to keep them.

I don't have the heart to starve them, of course, so I want to give them a good home but I need to do it ASAP.

Nobody seems to want to take them either because one is elderly and the other one is disabled because she has no teeth.
No kill shelters or there may be specific places that take certain breeds. I had to do that in the past when a lardlord didn't want dogs in the house. We dropped them off and saw them off to make sure it was legit. These were regular people who had retrofit their house to accomodate the dogs they took in. You may find different avenues but just rememeber that it is for the better.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Well OP you can suck 100 dicks for $5, or you can suck 10 dicks for $50.

Also, you can take out a credit card to pay for one rent session, but find a new roommate who is very “has their shit together”.

From there slowly pay off the card with the dick sucking.


On a slightly related note, what can I do to get rid of my dogs as soon as I can? I'm pretty much out of dog food and supplies and I cannot afford to keep them.

I don't have the heart to starve them, of course, so I want to give them a good home but I need to do it ASAP.

Nobody seems to want to take them either because one is elderly and the other one is disabled because she has no teeth.
Local dog pound. You can research on your own their procedures, like if it’s a no-kill shelter, but they take them.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
On a slightly related note, what can I do to get rid of my dogs as soon as I can? I'm pretty much out of dog food and supplies and I cannot afford to keep them.

I don't have the heart to starve them, of course, so I want to give them a good home but I need to do it ASAP.

Nobody seems to want to take them either because one is elderly and the other one is disabled because she has no teeth.
If you don't take care of them or rehome them they'll be euthanized at a shelter.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
If you don't take care of them or rehome them they'll be euthanized at a shelter.
Oh I know that. That's why I don't have the heart to take them to a shelter that's going to euthanize them. Places like Hearts Alive which is supposedly a no-kill shelter has a waiting list that takes a couple of months and I don't have anywhere that long. I need to figure out what to do with these dogs within the next day or two since I cannot feed them.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Also, OP, to some extent I think you’re holding back some key pieces of info unless I missed it.

Sure your family is across the country but I’ve never known a mom or dad to let their kid suffer who is also going on disability. What are you not telling us? If you can’t afford rent or they can’t spare money to assist surely they’d say just come back and live at home to save up until the disability comes through.

What’s really going on OP?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Oh I know that. That's why I don't have the heart to take them to a shelter that's going to euthanize them. Places like Hearts Alive which is supposedly a no-kill shelter has a waiting list that takes a couple of months and I don't have anywhere that long. I need to figure out what to do with these dogs within the next day or two since I cannot feed them.
Find a way to feed them, then. Talk to local charities, get a big bag of the cheap stuff from somewhere.


Gold Member
Also, OP, to some extent I think you’re holding back some key pieces of info unless I missed it.

Sure your family is across the country but I’ve never known a mom or dad to let their kid suffer who is also going on disability. What are you not telling us? If you can’t afford rent or they can’t spare money to assist surely they’d say just come back and live at home to save up until the disability comes through.

What’s really going on OP?
Both he’s parents have passed away and he’s relatives live far away. Read the thread.


Rodent Whores
Also, OP, to some extent I think you’re holding back some key pieces of info unless I missed it.

Sure your family is across the country but I’ve never known a mom or dad to let their kid suffer who is also going on disability. What are you not telling us? If you can’t afford rent or they can’t spare money to assist surely they’d say just come back and live at home to save up until the disability comes through.

What’s really going on OP?

I remember his past history from previous threads. Both parents are dead.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Also, OP, to some extent I think you’re holding back some key pieces of info unless I missed it.

Sure your family is across the country but I’ve never known a mom or dad to let their kid suffer who is also going on disability. What are you not telling us? If you can’t afford rent or they can’t spare money to assist surely they’d say just come back and live at home to save up until the disability comes through.

What’s really going on OP?
Perhaps you did not read but my mother died of cancer in 1994 and my father died in November of 2022 and I was his caregiver at the time.

Both my parents are dead. I have no brothers or sisters and I am an only child. I also have an uncle that is dying.

And my grandparents are both dead. In fact I've never even met them because they died when I was a very small child.
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Oh I know that. That's why I don't have the heart to take them to a shelter that's going to euthanize them. Places like Hearts Alive which is supposedly a no-kill shelter has a waiting list that takes a couple of months and I don't have anywhere that long. I need to figure out what to do with these dogs within the next day or two since I cannot feed them.
One being elderly and the other being disabled isn’t great chances of finding them a home or a non-kill shelter. You may need to either come to terms with that, or keep them and use that as your determination to get a job.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Reading this thread just frustrates me. Dude, you’ve had some very sound advice here. I actually feel like everyone has been gentle with you because they understand you’re going through a hard time. I also sympathise with your circumstances, but holy shit, man the fuck up! Kick this bitch out, find a replacement ASAP. Stop being a simp and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop being hopeless. Take control of the situation before it actually does get worse. You have the capacity to remedy the situation.

Find any job, dude clean the streets if you have to. Do whatever it takes to get money in your pocket. Don’t make excuses. Don’t expect people to get you out of this situation. What is your physical and mental disability? Can you walk? Can you use your hands?
I had a major stroke probably due to the stress of my father dying in November 2022. It affected me greatly when he passed as I was close to him and cared for him up until his final days. The last few days were absolutely a nightmare as I had to see him suffer. I still remember waking up at 5:45 a.m. in the morning after hearing my dog barking then walking into his room and seeing him lying emotionless and dead in his bed.

While I was taking care of him, he was still in in-home hospice care but they only came around for 1 hour a day. The rest of the day I took care of him whether it was cooking or cleaning for him.

I'm kind of stuck here too because I have a lot of memories. The place is a little bit fixed up though which helps but the severe depression and loneliness still lingers. One good thing about my roommate is that at least I have a sense of safety and security.

Edit: for what it's worth, my father also had a stroke as a result of my mother's death in 1994.

Unless you're older or you have brothers and sisters, I would not wish this kind of horror to happen to anyone. It's devastating to lose a parent when you have no other family around. I went through literal hell.
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Perhaps you did not read but my mother died of cancer in 1994 and my father died in November of 2022 and I was his caregiver at the time.

Both my parents are dead. I have no brothers or sisters and I am an only child. I also have an uncle that is dying.

And my grandparents are both dead. In fact I've never even met them because they died when I was a very small child.
what about cousins?


Gold Member
Is this a thread about YOUR situation or about your infatuation with this girl? Are you trying trying to vent about this person or are you looking for actual advice? I'm not trying to be a dick, but this quickly went into your feelings about this person. You need to separate those two things and focus on surviving.

If you can sit around on GAF, you can do data entry or some sort of other WFH job in the meantime while you wait for your government assistance.


The more info that comes out the more I'm on the side of toughen up and kick that b to the streets.

40, unemployed, using for gifts and money, has some sort of mental illness excuse (Adhd), a liar, a gossip (this mutual friend), turns trans or something (again in their 40s).

There is literally nothing this person brings to your life.

You clearly horny for the person, rip the bandaid ask for head then kick her out.

Either way you win in that situation. Can't believe we are talking about a person in their 40s.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I have the feeling you are not telling a complete story.
What's the deal with your family? Do you do drugs?
The only drugs I do are prescription medications that I receive from my psychiatrist.

I was doing kratom but I very infrequently do it nowadays.
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Gold Member
I'm laughing way too hard at this. Sorry.
Rereading it, it did sound like I was taking the piss a little lol. But I wasn’t, here in the UK people exploit benefits (the US equivalent might be welfare but I don’t think they’re the same thing), someone can have mild back pain, claim they’re depressed and refuse to work. Sit on their ass living off tax payers money because they can. As opposed to people who are genuinely incapable of working. The only reason I asked so bluntly.

I had a major stroke probably due to the stress of my father dying in November 2022. It affected me greatly when he passed as I was close to him and cared for him up until his final days. The last few days were absolutely a nightmare as I had to see him suffer. I still remember waking up at 5:45 a.m. in the morning after hearing my dog barking then walking into his room and seeing him lying emotionless and dead in his bed.

While I was taking care of him, he was still in in-home hospice care but they only came around for 1 hour a day. The rest of the day I took care of him whether it was cooking or cleaning for him.

I'm kind of stuck here too because I have a lot of memories. The place is a little bit fixed up though which helps but the severe depression and loneliness still lingers. One good thing about my roommate is that at least I have a sense of safety and security.

Edit: for what it's worth, my father also had a stroke as a result of my mother's death in 1994.

Unless you're older or you have brothers and sisters, I would not wish this kind of horror to happen to anyone. It's devastating to lose a parent when you have no other family around. I went through literal hell.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’m also sorry if my post came off a little too harsh, but that is because I don’t think you need a hug right now, you need drive and motivation. You need to find the confidence within yourself that you can and will be happy in the future if you course correct now.

How has the stroke affected you physically? What are the long term effects? Are you still able bodied? Have you looked for alternative work better suited to your physical capacity? Like office/admin work? Call centre work? Any roles that you can fulfil from home? What skills/qualifications do you have? How much is your rent? These are the sort of questions we need answering to be able to throw some ideas your way.

You need to get rid of your room mate. How can you feel safe and secure with her when she is party responsible for your financial difficulties? She isn’t your friend, at least it doesn’t seem that way from your posts, nor is she your lover. You might be holding on to them to fill a void in your life right now, but everything you’ve said in this thread indicates that it is clearly a one-sided relationship, and it is causing you more harm than good. In the most respectful way, get rid of them ASAP. I know I sound insincere but just look at what you’ve said about her yourself:

“When she moved in on February, she was supposed to look for a bartending job but she kept making excuses.”

“Her main excuse is that the buses don't run reliably and it's too hot outside to take them. Yeah.”

“Meanwhile, she's a pretty girl who has friends and some of them in high places so she won't have any issues finding somewhere to stay at least temporarily.”

“What currently pisses me off is that I spent so much money on her. I spent a lot of money on gifts, giving her lots of money for the rent, buying her tools and supplies so she could supposedly fix up my house, what she did to some degree but left a pile of junk in my driveway that she has yet to clean up plus she needs Adderall just to do anything when she gets off of her friend.”

Not only have you been accounting for her rent, but you’ve been spending money excessively on her. Move her on, she won’t struggle as much as you will be if everything you say is true. If your name is on the lease, replace her with someone who can afford to keep up with there side of the rent. This will be half of your immediate problem solved.
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