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Recommended requirements for LOTR Battle for Middle Earth?

Not upgraded my PC for an eon (P3 1 Ghz, 512 RAM, GeForce2MX) :(

Don't think I can miss out on Battle for Middle Earth tho, but haven't seen any requirements for it...

I'm guessing that they will be comparable with Half-Life 2 etc?

Any pointers?
You may want to update your PC with:

1.) A new motherboard/processor compbination that can handle a 2.8 GHz P4 or a 2800+ Athlon 64 depending on if you're an Intel or AMD person.

2.) A new video card, preferably a Radeon 9800 Pro w/ 128 MB onboard memory.

3.) Atleast 512MB (probably 1 gig) of RAM.

But if you don't want to buy all this stuff at once, I recommend upgrading the grafx card first. A GeForce 2 MX doesn't sound like it can cut it anymore. :(
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