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Red Dead Redemption II |OT| Who knew horse testicles had such a crunch?


Based on my seven or so hours I’ve played, the world they’ve created is the best ever. It looks amazing. Some people will truly adore it.

But, controls are muddy and annoying and I’m not convinced the game will be that much fun after 20 or so hours. The reviews are absurd, but they were always going to be.

Put it this way, I’m back playing Witcher Thornbreaker, so make of that what you will.

Yea.. I dont understand the reviews. And there were so many of them that just gave 10/10s but I dont believe neither this game wil be much fun to 'play' when u are past a certain amount of hours due to the controls and other small annoyances. And most of those things are not mentioned in most reviews. They just blindly gave it a 10/10 for my feeling. But lately certain triple a games seem to be getting easy high scores that differ alot from general opinion from gamers


I know this will sound lazy. But we are on page 11, hard to follow the discussion now, I don't trust the critics reviews (especially for this game) and, in this case, I don't trust the user scores on metacritic (which I usually kida do).
Can someone tell me if the game is really as good as we expected it to be? Is it really the second coming of Jesus?
the game is amazing, but maybe not 97MC material

Witcher 3 and BOTW are still the top tier of this generation

however, RDR 2 is a MUST buy, i didn't care for the SP of RDR 1, but i love RDR 2 SP and i hope the MP is at least half as good as RDR 1's


The game is still good. It in no way deserves to beat out God of War for GOTY awards, but I bet it does because its Rockstar and multi-platform.


always chasing the next thrill
i am playing the game but the long ass distances are absolutly fucking boring as hell.
i see nothing. and all i do is put cinematic mode on so i dont have to stare at the screen.

not sure if they intended this.


Spoiler about the first camp mission for Uncle:

I rode with Uncle and the girls to Valentine. While in town I triggered a bounty mission in the sheriff's office which I don't fancy doing right now without my horse. The issue is, I can't find Uncle and the girls, the camp isn't marked on my map and I don't know how to get back there. It's getting dark and I'm scared. What to do now? I rather not steal a horse since it affects the reputation. I can probably walk back if I just now where the camp is. Thanks!
How to Automove To Map Destination

One of my very few gripes with the game is having to hold down a button to continue moving to a waypoint in cinematic mode and hope they patch in the option to allow your horse to just keep moving at its current speed to your destination without having to hold the button down while in cinematic mode. I'd also be good if they gave that option even without having to first enable cinematic mode.

Alright, guess I'm an idiot. I could have sworn I tried a few times to stop holding down X (base PS4 here) while galloping my horse to a waypoint in cutscene mode. Turns out - once you get moving you *can* just release the button and sit back and watch Arthur ride to his destination in that sweet cinematic mode (love the music that plays in the background during that by the way). Guess the trick is to make sure that you have GPS turned on, then in the map specify your destination as a "waypoint" and you should see a red trail leading to it. From there, make sure you are on part of the trail/path/road (i.e. make sure you're on the highlighted path on the map), enter cutscene mode, tap X enough to get the speed you want, hold it down for a few seconds, let go, and then see the magic. Not sure what the button would be on Xbox.

This game is sure magic. Last game that impressed me technically was No Man's Sky (which is still amazing tech to be sure) but RDR2 takes the cake for being the most amazing overall game package I think I've ever experienced. 20+ hours in and I'm still in constant amazement almost every second!
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I did a bounty and the sherrif said to pick up my money off the desk. I didn't see it, but tried hitting Triangle to see if it would give me my money. Nope. Instead, Arthur leaped behind the desk and strangled the sherriff. My game ended saying I failed the mission.

Stuff like that happens often as I'm still getting used to what all the buttons do in different contexts.

The hints can be misleading as well.
Sometimes they state press R2 to pull out a certain gun. He does but I think depending on the gun he also starts shooting.

Oh and I never got a hint at the train heist for how to put the mask on. Had to google how to do that.
I don't know why developers are going the realism route. In real life, shaving is a pain in the ass. Cleaning a gun? Boring. Washing? I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to. So why insert it into a medium that we want to be a fun escape?


Gold Member
Spoiler about the first camp mission for Uncle

Have you been in the saloon yet and triggered that 'mission'? Try that, I have a hunch it might take precedence over that.

So I've just completed a few missions in Valentine. This is without a doubt the greatest visual world by far. Granted I'm still in the opening areas but the lack of LoD pop-in and anti aliasing is phenomenal. Seeing the wildlife bound away into the distance gradually fading, the cluster of trees looking so realistic. Honestly jaw dropping. Playing on the PS4 Pro, can only imagine the extra little detail on the X1X version.

Generally I don't even mind the slower pace. I like just moseying round. I think this is a new benchmark for new RPG's like the Witcher to emulate. The transitions from world to quest and events are brilliant and I'm fully immersed and engaged with the characters

So now the bad parts of the intro's. I don't find it fun trying to find my hat after a skirmish. I'm sure the tutorial said it was marked on the map but it wasn't after the Driscoll shootout. Took me an age to find it. The train heist introduced to some very strange behaviour with the NPC's and the knives. The controls are a clusterfuck, swapping every two seconds (L2 and draw and shoot etc) and the lasso on the move is a nightmare. I don't mind the animations really. I don't like the awkwardness of swapping between cover and the knife was a bit unintuitive - is it melee or R2 etc.

I'm also not a fan of the heavy survival focus, cores and levels. WTF is that? Feel like I'm playing the Surge. In the tutorial area I used all my stamina by holding my bow twice for the deer shots. Had to eat a couple of oatcakes. And here's a tip rockstar if you're game has an open world, then don't have a fail state for taking a different route. Was on the way to horseshoe creek. Took the first left, failed and put back to the checkpoint. Went over the bridge and turned left, then stayed on the road. Failed and recheckpointed. Was annoying when the ride takes five minutes. Let me figure out the way on my own. Especially when playing HUDless.......

Anyway impressive, bit more survival oriented than I thought, very immersive. Pace doesn't bother me but it a game to not actively rush through.


Well that's rockstar.. u can have the worst gameplay and get a 97 metacrtic score.. big difference with user scores though

It really seems like for some people there is too much simulation and not enough “arcade feel” to everything. This game is more of an narrative RPG than anything else. I think that it having more simulation style gameplay is what is so refreshing. Sure, it can be clunky at times, but the more I play it, the more I appreciate it. Things like not being able to just ride full speed through a forest without getting knocked clean off your horse or the gunplay that doesn’t allow you to just mow down everyone...it all feels more authentic and is a nice change of pace.


Have you been in the saloon yet and triggered that 'mission'? Try that, I have a hunch it might take precedence over that.

The thing is, no icons showed up and there wasn't anyone to interact with in the saloon except the bartender and the barber. But I restarted the game and all it seems like it fixed it. Thank you for your help!
make a game to arcadey like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and everyone will want it to be more simulation style. Make it too much of a simulation, like Red Dead Redemption 2, and people are going to complain that he needs to be more arcadey. Bottom line, Gamers love complaining, I'm just glad I'm able to enjoy things for how they were intended. ACO and RDR2 are amongst the best open world games I've ever played.
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Gold Member
i am playing the game but the long ass distances are absolutly fucking boring as hell.
i see nothing. and all i do is put cinematic mode on so i dont have to stare at the screen.

not sure if they intended this.

So far (imo), this seems to be a classic case of an amazing game that isn't especially fun to play.
Based on my seven or so hours I’ve played, the world they’ve created is the best ever. It looks amazing. Some people will truly adore it.

But, controls are muddy and annoying and I’m not convinced the game will be that much fun after 20 or so hours. The reviews are absurd, but they were always going to be.

Put it this way, I’m back playing Witcher Thornbreaker, so make of that what you will.

I agree with everything you say

but I also find it funny that after mentioning the bad controls, you go back to the witcher (the worst aspect of that game)


Gold Member
you go back to the witcher (the worst aspect of that game)

It's the new Gwent game :) It's point and click.

Agree that the controls in Witcher were poor, but saved (for me) by keyboard and mouse.

I honestly don't want to sound to down on it - for some, RDR 2 will be incredible. I just can't tolerate the controls. I don't have that much time to game, and I need to enjoy the moment to moment gameplay. That's why BoTW was such a joy, even though it, obviously, doesn't provide a world like RDR2.
The game sucks and reviewers are pussies for rating it so high just cos it’s Rockstar. It’s got trying too hard written all over it. The formula should have just been pretty much the same as the last game.

Oh well roll on Crackdown 3, I will get some use out of this Xbox if it kills me.
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So if you set a waypoint and then go into cinematic and walk you can put the controller down and it will go there. It’s amazing.
Finally figured this out today and it’s a game changer!! Literally my only major complaint and it was already in there! Fucking Rockstar!!

This game is exactly what I wanted it to be.

Also, dynamic HUD and turning off the radar coupled with the companion app on an iPad is so good!!

YEEEHAW!!! 🤠🤘🤘🤘
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I was a little bitter last night. It's fun, and skinning an animal does have its... charms, ironically.

How do you unlock new guns to buy? Just do missions?


Ran into this Klan meeting in the woods. Tossed a stick of dynamite right in the center re4 style and blew them all away and my health went up two levels

I was a little bitter last night. It's fun, and skinning an animal does have its... charms, ironically.

How do you unlock new guns to buy? Just do missions?

I believe most are available from the beginning once you have access to a gunsmith. Heck the catalog on his counter for all the things you can buy. It’s pretty ridiculous! You just have to have the money for them.
This is the best open world this gen.
The controls feel very good and fluid given the man weighs 200lb. I appreciate the sense of weight to movement. And the lack of fast travel and need to eat and rest add to the immersion.

Xaero Gravity

The hints can be misleading as well.
Sometimes they state press R2 to pull out a certain gun. He does but I think depending on the gun he also starts shooting.

Oh and I never got a hint at the train heist for how to put the mask on. Had to google how to do that.
They teach you how to do that in the tutorial area right before the train arrives.


There’s something so amazing about this game. You feel so small and in real danger compared to say GTA, where you know you're going to die all the time and can kill without reason easily. The world in GTA and other open world games just moves on and forgets it, this feels like the opposite, even with paying off bounties.

Everything so small has to be done, you can’t rush, and everything feels so alive. I hate how slow it all feels but I think that’s why it’s so impactful.

I think of how GTA would feel if it got ported into this world, and if they could make the player feel so unsafe and insecure as they have here, it would make a GTA game feel utterly epic.
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Gold Member
At first I didn't like the controls but tuned them and now they feel pretty good, better than any other Rockstar game. Make sure you turn down the deadzone as it makes a huge difference.

Also be wary of looking in people's windows, sometimes you might see something you or they regret.
The game is great but I'm finding myself increasingly annoyed by last gen (i.e. GTAV) open-world limitations, like enemies/bodies disappearing when you travel a short distance away. I was playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey last week and that game keeps track of everything for what seemed like forever - bodies, enemies patrolling, wildlife... you name it. Based on the previews I read, I was expecting to venture into RDR2's world and look back at how primitive AC:O was in comparison, but it's actually been the other way around so far.
Also, it's probably a sign of my age more than anything but I'm finding the "realistic" animations to be drawn-out and unnecessary.

Still, it's addictive as hell and I want to jump right back in as soon as my controller is finished recharging.


I'm further in, after the bar scene in Valentine. I'm seriously utterly amazed by this game, I just can't believe they were able to do this on PS4. And besides being a technical marvel, I LOVE everything about it. I just get so immersed like I only was in my childhood. I can't comprehend that there is anyone who is not amazed by it. I can understand that it's maybe slow for some people to enjoy but even they can't deny that this is something else...

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Game is so far ahead of any other open world game, it’s just blowing my mind on every level.


Amazing game. I've done maybe 25 story missions so far.
Rest of the time spent doing exploration, side missions and a lot of hunting.

The controls take a while to get used to though, but you get into eventually.
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make a game to arcadey like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and everyone will want it to be more simulation style. Make it too much of a simulation, like Red Dead Redemption 2, and people are going to complain that he needs to be more arcadey. Bottom line, Gamers love complaining, I'm just glad I'm able to enjoy things for how they were intended. ACO and RDR2 are amongst the best open world games I've ever played.

People call out these "contradictions" a lot. You guys realize the Internet is full of many different people who look for different things?

I know its strange, but NeoGAF commenter A and NeoGAF commenter B are two different people.
People call out these "contradictions" a lot. You guys realize the Internet is full of many different people who look for different things?

I know its strange, but NeoGAF commenter A and NeoGAF commenter B are two different people.
ⓣ𝐇𝔞Ŧ'𝔰 Ŵᕼ卂丅 ⓨⓞ𝕌 T𝔥ί𝓷Ҝ


I feel like the complainers are similar to the people who complain about Dark Souls. It's too hard, not enough hand holding etc. If you don't like this game go back to more shallow games. I'm glad that FromSoftware doesn't cater to people who want an easy mode and I'm glad this game doesn't cater to impatient gamers. Sorry if you were burned because you bought a digital copy, maybe who should have waited for the reviews and impressions. I know people can state their opinions I'm just stating my opinion of their opinion. :)

How do you go from people talking about bad controls, to assuming the game is just too challenging for them? Talk about a strawman.

The controls here are really bad. Not just in how poorly they respond, but simply the design of the control system in general. I love the game, but it's shocking how poorly it controls for a Rockstar game. RDR had questionable controls, but it was nowhere near as bad as this.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I'm just here to say TWO HOURS TO INSTALL on PS4. 2 hours.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Ran into this Klan meeting in the woods. Tossed a stick of dynamite right in the center re4 style and blew them all away and my health went up two levels

This is why I bought Wolfenstein II, and if it hadn't been such a great game I would have been bitter that it was a lie.

But I will be more than happy to murdalize klansmen in Red Dead.


I don't know why developers are going the realism route. In real life, shaving is a pain in the ass. Cleaning a gun? Boring. Washing? I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to. So why insert it into a medium that we want to be a fun escape?
This game, much like Kingdom Come, isn't about ordinary fun escape. It is about teleporting you into a time period you cannot experience in real life anymore. All these "boring" things enhance the feeling of immersion.


I believe most are available from the beginning once you have access to a gunsmith. Heck the catalog on his counter for all the things you can buy. It’s pretty ridiculous! You just have to have the money for them.
Most of them are locked for me, can't get anything better than a Springfield
This game, much like Kingdom Come, isn't about ordinary fun escape. It is about teleporting you into a time period you cannot experience in real life anymore. All these "boring" things enhance the feeling of immersion.
I liked Kingdom Come (despite sucking at the combat). I didn't really like 'playing' this.

Also, it's like they shoehorned all of the 'survival' shit into it.


This game, much like Kingdom Come, isn't about ordinary fun escape. It is about teleporting you into a time period you cannot experience in real life anymore. All these "boring" things enhance the feeling of immersion.

It's quite the experience being in a world where I'm expected to bathe daily.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
The game reminds of the Witcher 3, it's of horse riding interrupted by some missions.

Serious, everything is a long horse ride, everything. I ride back and forth. Is there any fast travel besides the stage coach?

For a 97/100 game I hope it gets better. I like fun games and despite their sub-90 scores, Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dawn and AC: Origins were much more enjoyable to play. Rockstar are wizards with story telling and world construction, but they tend to forget the fun factor.
For such a big detailed world it sure lacks a sense of discovery. Going off the beaten path should lead me to caves, secret hideouts, or hidden treasures. But in Red Dead its just nothing.
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