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Red Dead Redemption II |OT| Who knew horse testicles had such a crunch?


Make sure buy the chicken coop for the camp so you get DAT CAMP STEW UPGRADE :messenger_tongue:


I also need to prioritize the leather working tools. So much to do in this game that it is distracting. :messenger_kissing_smiling:
Damn it, just got spoiled by searching Youtube. :messenger_loudly_crying: Be careful out there.


Once again you bring up old games with controls you liked that ROCKSTAR DEVELOPED proving my point. They developed the game this way and overall its a better experience (Metacritic seems to agree) except for a few dissenters here on GAF :/. Game hasn't even been out for a week yet the controls are working against you? Proves another point that gamers have become lazy. I remember the time when it took several playthroughs to get used to nuanced game mechanics and Rockstar definitely delivered on this.

Basic controls ≠ nuanced game mechanics.

Why are you still building this enormous strawman? The only point being proved here is that you can't argue the points being made, so instead you set up strawmen to argue against instead. I don't feel like arguing with someone who's going to continue putting words in my mouth, so how about instead you just argue with yourself and then afterwards you can tell me what my stances were? I'm too busy playing the game to worry about you belly aching over my criticism of the controls. Especially because your arguments are rather simple-minded in nature to begin with. The game needs to be out for a week before people can have an opinion on the controls. Say what?
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Gold Member
Still sticking with it, but the controls are doing my head in. So unintuitive. It’s like different parts of the game have been made by different developers.
I can't think of another game better to smoke a bowl and sit down with than this. When you kick back and take it slowly this experience can't be beat.

You've got to change the way you play. You don't need to ride around like a lunatic grabbing 100 deer skins, you take your time, gather intel, track, and kill once or twice for a couple perfect hides and your done. The game let's you savor those few needs and doesn't ask too much of you at any point.
Yeah, that seems kind of lame but so far I've found (usually) that my actions only get reported when it should but there are times when it seems wonky. One of my few gripes about the game is that law enforcement could be tweaked just a bit more but so far I like it better than in GTA games.

One of my very few gripes with the game is having to hold down a button to continue moving to a waypoint in cinematic mode and hope they patch in the option to allow your horse to just keep moving at its current speed to your destination without having to hold the button down while in cinematic mode. I'd also be good if they gave that option even without having to first enable cinematic mode.

Double click x or whatever the gallop button is then hit cinematic mode and it will auto gallop there and you don't need to hold it down. Doesn't work in missions though I don't think.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
The more I play the more I feel like the whole game is running at half speed. Everything takes an age. You want to loot? Takes too long. Pick something up? Takes too long. Make a mistake? Takes too long to correct it...

It’s not even realistic. That’s the thing. It takes like 10 seconds to loot somebody....? How is that good for gameplay?

Also yes, I’m starting to see the issues with HDR. It’s awful, and really spoils such a good looking game. Hopefully they change it because this actually looks much better with it off. It’s too washed out else.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Also back to ui faults, I wish I could remap back to “map” like every other game ever :( and also make “X” on the pause menu quick save (with five latest ones). That kind of shit would help me so much... 99.9% of the time I’m going through the slow as shit menues to save only to be told I can’t... ugh...
wanted system is pretty retarded.... I cut some guy off with my horse and he started shit with me while I try sell furs. he attacks me, first, and I defend myself, and I get Wanted... another time, I came across a random escaped prisoner in the nearby wilderness, so instead of helping the criminal or killing him, I hogtie and decide to take him to lawmen in Valentine..... Crime Witnessed - Kidnapping -__-

another time this jerk attack me so I lasso him and drag him out of town, then hogtie him and take him to the train tracks lol

I carefully loot him and put him on the tracks

as I wait, he undoes the hogtie (wtf arthur) and PULLS OUT A GUN (wtf x 2 ... after I looted him)

and as he backs up about 5-10 feet over the tracks I get a 'game over' YOU LEAD ENEMIES BACK TO CAMP

come the fuck on lol

that said, I had a pretty epic 30 minute hunt of this damn elk that wouldn't die even after 7-8 arrows to the head... 2-3 bullets to the head... where I ended up a solid 3 miles away from my horse lol and I ended up hiking out of this wilderness carrying an elk hide on my shoulder, got attacked by wolves, survived... and cuz I was deep in wolf and bear country, I saw a Driscoll camp so I tried to kill them and steal a horse...

and mid-fight this effing happened lol

I survived all that and put 4 shotgun slugs into a barrel even tho at least one of those had the crosshairs turn red on his elbow but somehow nothing clipped the last guy and he killed me peeking out of cover -_- that was _some_ shit


Seriously, what the hell is this game? I can't stop drooling. I played a lot of videogames but I've never been so impressed as now. I just can't believe what I'm seeing/playing. How the hell did they do this? I liked Rockstar Games always but I think GTAV is one of the most overrated games despite being an insanely good game too. But this? I just can't find the words, I seriously feel like a little child who has just explored the wonders of the medium. We've moaned all through the generation that we didn't get any "nextgen" games. Well, here it is, not only nextgen compared to the best games of the PS360 era but straight up feels like a game from PS5. I could talk for pages why I feel like this, but please just do yourself a favor and play it. This is the real GOAT. I will try to stop now (for a while at least), because I suppose I'm starting to irritate some, but I had to post this :)
^yeah... for all the controls annoyances I've had or as dumb as the wanted system can be at times....

the graphics, world, and production are insane... such a leap ahead of other games... I used to think GTA5, GR Wildlands, Witcher 3 were pretty, but this game.... some of the moments in the massive open fields or the snowy mountains haha it's just on a whole 'nother level.

I think I just wanna stay up in the Grizzles and avoid people so I don't get into trouble and just enjoy the solitude of being a hunter haha


Gold Member

...ghost riders in the sky...


I may not have been looking closely enough to notice most likely. I’ve only bought one weapon so far. Is it tied to level or something?
Now, I'm pretty sure it's tied to story progression, which was my original intuition. I've been searching all over the net but it isn't like the information abounds for a game that came out less than a week ago. There are the rare weapons but that is a different beast altogether and I really just wanna buy a fukin carcano or a a semi auto pistol.


Once again you bring up old games with controls you liked that ROCKSTAR DEVELOPED proving my point. They developed the game this way and overall its a better experience (Metacritic seems to agree) except for a few dissenters here on GAF :/. Game hasn't even been out for a week yet the controls are working against you? Proves another point that gamers have become lazy. I remember the time when it took several playthroughs to get used to nuanced game mechanics and Rockstar definitely delivered on this.
DP but the controls are utter garbage, man. It's a great game, AND the controls are incredibly frustrating and lead to a lot of deaths that wouldn't happen they weren't so awful. I skip looting corpses now because it's so disrespectfully time consuming. It takes away from my own and others' enjoyment of the game.

It is a damn fine game but don't excuse basic failings. The controls leave much to be desired.


30 hrs in and only like 20% progress, need to go to work now. Man I just love exploring and discovering the world while savoring the whole journey. I still suck at hunting though, out of 10 kills I could only get like 2 perfect pelts. Lol!


I'm confused, am I (Arthur) suppose to be a hero or a thug, I keep trying to do good and keep my honour meter up, but the story mission makes me do horrible things


Gold Member
30 hrs in and only like 20% progress, need to go to work now. Man I just love exploring and discovering the world while savoring the whole journey. I still suck at hunting though, out of 10 kills I could only get like 2 perfect pelts. Lol!

I was wondering why my pelts weren't perfect as well since I was shooting the animals correctly, then I noticed that when you aim at an animal and click show info it will tell you what level the pelt will be. So make sure the animal is pristine in order to get a perfect pelt.

Also be careful when you are hunting the legendary animals.

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I was wondering why my pelts weren't perfect as well since I was shooting the animals correctly, then I noticed that when you aim at an animal and click show info it will tell you what level the pelt will be. So make sure the animal is pristine in order to get a perfect pelt.

Also be careful when you are hunting the legendary animals.

Thanks bro. I was also wondering why I'm getting a lot of headshots yet I'm only getting good pelts.


Gold Member
I'm confused, am I (Arthur) suppose to be a hero or a thug, I keep trying to do good and keep my honour meter up, but the story mission makes me do horrible things

He's an outlaw. Someone who only thinks for themselves and for the gang. Rob from the rich, the corrupted, fool those in authority, survive, and get away with it. He's living in a world that is trying to put an end to his type of thinking.


So I tried to complete that challenge where you have shoot five flying birds from moving train. Oh boy it didn't go exactly as planned.

First time jumped to train from my horse, I climb on top of the train and wait for birds to show up. Train goes forward quite a bit and then comes a tunnel. I crouch, no problem. Soon I see some birds, manage to shoot two of them, but shooting alerts guards inside of the train. They come after me, I recon maybe I can find more birds soon and shoot some guards to keep myself alive. Lawmen start chasing me, but I found and shot one more bird. Finally they shoot me dead, I decide to give it another go.

So where is my horse? From map I see my saddle is next to that tunnel, I think maybe horse tried to follow me and got mangled by the train in the tunnel. I paid $150 for that horse, ouch.

So next time I hitch my horse, catch up stopped train in Valentine, it's night time. I wait some time, train doesn't start moving. I got some attention from local lawmen, but escape before it escalates, I'm still doing this challenge. When they stop looking, I decide it's time to put this train moving, I move up to front and start accelerating the train. It doesn't take long that I'm wanted again. Train doesn't keep moving if I'm not accelerating, so I alternate between accelerating and looking for birds. It's still night so birds are resting. Train continues to area next to Valentine, I'm still being chased, but train seems to be faster than their horses. Finally I notice pack of resting birds next to tracks, I shoot them to get them flying and then bam bam, challenge complete. I jump from the train, try to escape but lawmen gun me down.

So all in all I completed the challenge, I have now $150 + $50 in bounties and I lost $150 horse. No idea how I'm going to pay my bounties.


Okay, I will sound very hyperbolic, but...
I've been a videogame fan since the 90's and this is nothing like I've ever played/seen. I can't find the words to describe it, I feel like a child again for whom videogames were such a mysterious wonder. This is on a whole another level than anything else made before, it even makes Naughty Dog run for its money. I can't believe what Rockstar Games have developed. I feel like I'm playing a game from the future, nextgen material. If this is possible now on these consoles (I'm playing on a base PS4) then I can't imagine what the future holds for us. Graphics, animations, sounds, music, characters, pacing, story, dialogs, shooting mechanics, interactions with the world and the characters, cinematography, everything is just insane. Seriously, if you like videogames then you just have to play (!) this, because this one is for the history books.
I may sound like someone from the marketing team who wants to sell it, but these are really my feelings/thoughts about this game.

P.s.: I don't even like westerns.
This. I am usually highly critical in pointing out flaws with games (and I can find a few here and there in this one) but THIS GAME takes open world to the next level. Usually these games have me rushing from quest to quest to advance the story: in this game I am ONLY just in the beginning of chapter 2, right after the intro! I spent the whole weekend (around 25-30h) doing nothing but exploration, hunting, camp dues, random activities I encounter (maybe 3 story quests to unlock stuff).
This is insane. Usually I die of boredom
shortly into open world exploration cause in most games it‘s just a nice backdrop with scripted stuff, if you‘re lucky. This game lives and breathes and it‘s a mind boggling achievement. Makes me very exited for the next GTA, hope they keep some of the RPG aspects.

Can‘t wait for Red Dead Online. That‘s one thing I am very excited about playing this game: soon being able to explore it with my friends.


I hate hunting in this game and don't really want to do any. Is this going to be a huge deal as the game/story progresses in terms of character progression?


lol fucking flew when I went max speed on the horse and slammed into a carriage.

Then I went to have a bar fight with a dude and took his awesome raccoon hat. It's amazing.


I happened to nudge a drunk with my horse. He fell into the water tank where the horses drink(dont know what they’re called).
He drowned and I didn’t get any attention. I laughed but felt sorry at the same time.


I love the game, been playing a lot this weekend. It is starting to capture the magic of the first game.
But I have lots of nits which are more fun to talk about...

1. I wish they could let you choose a Realism or Game mode. I don't want to worry about eating, sleeping, bathing, feeding my horse, patting my horse, etc.
I may have to play more but it gets confusing. I see icons turn red and I don't know what they are.
I lose Dead Eye and it doesn't seem to come back unless I craft something.

2. Give me the magic horse option like the first game, please. I want to be able to whistle anywhere and get my horse back. If people want it more realistic, make that an option.

3. Please take away the ability to punch my horse. It is nonsensical. Twice now I am trying to navigate the multiple context menus of my horse and I punch them.

4. This is the first Rockstar game that I am not feeling the main character. He seems like an NPC character to me. The acting is ok I just don't feel like I am living this dude's life.
He is no John Marston.

5. Back to the realism thing, let me fast travel. Give me the campfire fast travel perk like the first game. Why the step back?
30 hrs in and only like 20% progress, need to go to work now. Man I just love exploring and discovering the world while savoring the whole journey. I still suck at hunting though, out of 10 kills I could only get like 2 perfect pelts. Lol!
Just because you got a perfect kill doesn't mean you get a perfect pelt. The animal has to have a decent one in the first place.
I recall seeing it. The way Rockstar displays help messages isn't always the best. The black box and tiny text is easy to miss.
I didn't see anything regarding melee buttons, either (that's not to say it definitely doesn't tell you). I actually asked in this thread a bunch of pages back, after getting my head punched in while having no idea how to block.
Can anyone else confirm that punching right before an opponent's punch lands results in a counter? I haven't been in that many brawls but it seems pretty consistent to me.
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5. Back to the realism thing, let me fast travel. Give me the campfire fast travel perk like the first game. Why the step back?
That feature is in the game but you need to advance the story and buy upgrades.

I didn't see anything regarding melee buttons, either (that's not to say it definitely doesn't tell you). I actually asked in this thread a bunch of pages back, after getting my head punched in while having no idea how to block.
They most definitely tell you about grabbing in the bar fight tutorial quest. The only thing they fail to tell you is that pressing square and moving L3 into a direction lets you dodge attacks. They only tell you that holding square allows you to block punches.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Another time I killed a bandit who was robbing a wagon and once again became wanted.
I had this exact same thing happen to me. The guy had pretty obviously murdered the people on the wagon, I'm just passing by and the motherfucker pulls a gun on me, so I Dead Eye him and shoot him in the heart. Joe Schmoe on a horse decides I'm in the wrong and now I've got an $85 bounty. I hadn't even made $85 by that point in the game yet.

Also back to ui faults, I wish I could remap back to “map” like every other game ever :( and also make “X” on the pause menu quick save (with five latest ones). That kind of shit would help me so much... 99.9% of the time I’m going through the slow as shit menues to save only to be told I can’t... ugh...
I keep hitting the Sony Giant Whateverthefuck button to open the map aaand...
Camera adjust. Dammit.
Why do I have to pause and then go into the map? It should be one touch.

that said, I had a pretty epic 30 minute hunt of this damn elk that wouldn't die even after 7-8 arrows to the head... 2-3 bullets to the head... where I ended up a solid 3 miles away from my horse lol and I ended up hiking out of this wilderness carrying an elk hide on my shoulder, got attacked by wolves, survived... and cuz I was deep in wolf and bear country, I saw a Driscoll camp so I tried to kill them and steal a horse...

and mid-fight this effing happened lol

Don't bring a bear to gunfight, got it.
honestly I thought the horse balls would be bigger.

that said I'm loving this game so far. still very early in, but god damn!

sure there are some antiquated controls or design decisions that don't work quite as well as expected, but you adapt and the rest of the game just sucks you in!

still havent witnessed dynamic poo yet. ill see it one day!

edit: oh i see - the balls are small because its cold out. HAH!

edit2: How important is looting? I get the feeling, that since it's not so much a loot-based game, you really only need to loot if you're low on consumables/cash
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Gold Member
Saw this on another forum...

“Wow. Another neat little thing. If you're away from camp for too long Dutch will send someone out to search for you. Was just riding to a destination and Charles from the camp comes riding up behind me saying I'm a hard man to find. Asked when I'm coming back to camp and I said soon."

So many little things in this game that just immerses you.

I happened to nudge a drunk with my horse. He fell into the water tank where the horses drink(dont know what they’re called).
He drowned and I didn’t get any attention. I laughed but felt sorry at the same time.

Oh man, lol.

P.S. it is a trough.
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I keep hitting the Sony Giant Whateverthefuck button to open the map aaand...
Camera adjust. Dammit.
Why do I have to pause and then go into the map? It should be one touch.
Hold down the Options button. Why this isn't explained in-game is anyone's guess.


Upgrading all the satchels is a 20 hour challenge in itself lol. Exactly what I wanted from this game, something to really take time over. Im at the JM missions in Chapter 2 but dont want this experience to end so I just keep putting off doing the missions and pottering about with QoL stuff.


Elden Member
I love the game, been playing a lot this weekend. It is starting to capture the magic of the first game.
But I have lots of nits which are more fun to talk about...

1. I wish they could let you choose a Realism or Game mode. I don't want to worry about eating, sleeping, bathing, feeding my horse, patting my horse, etc.
I may have to play more but it gets confusing. I see icons turn red and I don't know what they are.
I lose Dead Eye and it doesn't seem to come back unless I craft something.

2. Give me the magic horse option like the first game, please. I want to be able to whistle anywhere and get my horse back. If people want it more realistic, make that an option.

3. Please take away the ability to punch my horse. It is nonsensical. Twice now I am trying to navigate the multiple context menus of my horse and I punch them.

4. This is the first Rockstar game that I am not feeling the main character. He seems like an NPC character to me. The acting is ok I just don't feel like I am living this dude's life.
He is no John Marston.

5. Back to the realism thing, let me fast travel. Give me the campfire fast travel perk like the first game. Why the step back?

I disagree with all of the above, except for 1, if people want to play this game that way than let them I guess, but I'm glad no resources were wasted trying to make it that way during development. A post release patch is fine though, so longa s they address the HDR and Surround Sound issues first.


I'm confused, am I (Arthur) suppose to be a hero or a thug, I keep trying to do good and keep my honour meter up, but the story mission makes me do horrible things

In most games if I play a "bad guy" it seems to contradict the overall narrative of the game and protagonist.

In RDR2, playing a "good guy", seems to be the same thing. According to the main story quests, I really don't value human life if it doesn't affect me or my small circle of friends.

I'm still going to try and max out my good karma, because the platinum trophy isnt possible otherwise. Luckily, no amount of murdering innocents can't be undone by catching enough fish and letting them go. #Realism
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