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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert

AranhaHunter said:
I'll buy it when I can find it for U$30.

If you have a Gamefly account you can get it for $17.99; I ordered it today from them (used but with case/manual) and after applying my $5 rewards for having the service for a while I only paid $13.99.

Not saying that this applies to you, but just throwing it out there.


SolidusDave said:
I'm curious about that new hardcore difficulty of the GOTY version.

Also, is this the first time PS3-exclusive (free) content of a multiplatform game is coming to the 360? (Solomon’s Folly)
I don't thing Solomons folly was dlc, It was on the disc I think.

Oh my bad it says it's making it way over.
brandonh83 said:
If you have a Gamefly account you can get it for $17.99; I ordered it today from them (used but with case/manual) and after applying my $5 rewards for having the service for a while I only paid $13.99.

Not saying that this applies to you, but just throwing it out there.

I want the GOTY Edition hehe.


level is ridiculously hard and stupid. Must have died five times already.
Edit: Got it at sixth attempt


come in my shame circle
Just finished the game, absolutely fantastic.

I had a slight glimmer of hope when the dead eye kicked in on John's last stand but then that ended real quick. :(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Kave_Man said:
Just finished the game, absolutely fantastic.

I had a slight glimmer of hope when the dead eye kicked in on John's last stand but then that ended real quick. :(

Did you finish it though? Like, finish finish it?


Bought this and have been playing it for the past couple of days. Just met Irish.

Is something wrong with me? I'm not having a good time at all. The controls are amazingly sluggish and convoluted, the framerate is all over the place, quests end with no kind of resolution, and it's buggy as hell. Just had a cutscene with all of its actors turn invisible. Yay.

How did this get such high scores? 95/100 on Metacritic? Really? There's a lot that is objectively wrong with the game, regardless of the high points. Something is rotten with those 100% scores.

Please tell me it gets better. I'm trying to stick with it because it hate it when people give up on games, and I don't want to be one of those people.


ctrayne said:
Bought this and have been playing it for the past couple of days. Just met Irish.

Is something wrong with me? I'm not having a good time at all. The controls are amazingly sluggish and convoluted, the framerate is all over the place, quests end with no kind of resolution, and it's buggy as hell. Just had a cutscene with all of its actors turn invisible. Yay.

How did this get such high scores? 95/100 on Metacritic? Really? There's a lot that is objectively wrong with the game, regardless of the high points. Something is rotten with those 100% scores.

Please tell me it gets better. I'm trying to stick with it because it hate it when people give up on games, and I don't want to be one of those people.

If you've already gotten to irish then you've gotten far enough to make a fair judgement on whether you're going to like the game. Sell it and find something you'll enjoy.


TheMan said:
If you've already gotten to irish then you've gotten far enough to make a fair judgement on whether you're going to like the game. Sell it and find something you'll enjoy.
Too bad. I went back and read some more of the thread and I can't agree with the sentiments in here. It's universally praised and that really surprises me considering how hard this forum can be on more deserving games.

The lassoing/ranching stuff sucked big-time. If that was one of the things people loved, then I know I should probably stop now. :( Way let down. Ah well.


It's not that I don't enjoy the game, per se, or the content or thematic elements. Not arguing taste here. Just that the controls seem sluggish, the UI unwieldy, forced mini-games, shitty framerate, etc. I guess when a game gets almost comically unanimous praise, one expects a certain degree of polish.

I decided to keep trudging ahead though. Just finished Rickett's quests. I'm enjoying it a bit more now. Not trying to troll anyone here. :)

Edit: Keep in mind I enjoy games like Alpha Protocol deeply, so I really was coming into RDR pretty open minded.


I will get the GOTY edition if it has everything ON THE DISK including the free stuff.

If it has any of that download voucher shit I will not buy it.


ctrayne said:
It's not that I don't enjoy the game, per se, or the content or thematic elements. Not arguing taste here. Just that the controls seem sluggish, the UI unwieldy, forced mini-games, shitty framerate, etc. I guess when a game gets almost comically unanimous praise, one expects a certain degree of polish.

I decided to keep trudging ahead though. Just finished Rickett's quests. I'm enjoying it a bit more now. Not trying to troll anyone here. :)

Edit: Keep in mind I enjoy games like Alpha Protocol deeply, so I really was coming into RDR pretty open minded.
Which aspects of the controls do you find sluggish? The aiming? Movement on foot/riding horseback?

I felt like they really nailed the feel of on foot movement and aiming, getting the right balance of control vs feel of weight and inertia introduced in GTAIV.

Gunplay likewise felt really satisfying to me, whether it be taking down animals or shooting the hats off of bandits.


Yeah, RDR handled beautifully for me. Especially riding horseback. So good. Gunplay felt great as well. Much better than GTA IV (and I'm one of the crazies who enjoyed the combat in GTA IV).


Scapegoat said:
Which aspects of the controls do you find sluggish? The aiming? Movement on foot/riding horseback?

I felt like they really nailed the feel of on foot movement and aiming, getting the right balance of control vs feel of weight and inertia introduced in GTAIV.

Gunplay likewise felt really satisfying to me, whether it be taking down animals or shooting the hats off of bandits.
Well, I usually play PC games, so the aiming feels weird and fiddly to me anyway, but no more than any other Xbox game. That's just me adjusting to dual sticks. The movement is what's bothering me. I guess they were going for a more realistic approach, but there seems to be a delay between pressing the stick forward and actual movement. Turning feels slow and awkward, and everything feels like it has too much weight to it.

It's kind of like having a PC game with heavy mouse acceleration. Everything feels like a drag and what happens in my head doesn't translate to what happens on the screen very well. It's the polar opposite of Vanquish, which is very pure, direct and clean in it's control. I would consider Vanquish to be the gold standard on consoles when it comes to just letting the player do what they want. Adding realism at the expense of control feels like a bad tradeoff - if I want realism and swagger, I will watch a Western movie.

Besides that, as I mentioned, the framerate is all over the place, even during cutscenes, and I kind of have to wonder why. Aging hardware? And the user interface is a mess. The map is one of the most used items in the game, and it should be Select/Back like every other game, not in a menu. Camping to fast travel makes no sense logically (as opposed to a stagecoach), and you have to go through a menu to get to it. Then you have a tiny button prompt in the corner of the screen to select your destination. Why not allow it from the map, like Fallout 3? It's also utterly and totally free, so why would anyone even use the stagecoaches? Why even put them in the game if you can teleport for free with your campfire? There's lots of UI/logic oddities like that all over the game that make me scratch my head.

I guess I'm doomed to be the odd one out on this. I really want to like it, but I'm not. More power to everyone who does, though.

Dead Man

I rate RDR as one of the best games I have ever played, and I hate the on foot controls, terribly sluggish and unresponsive. Miles better that GTAIV for sure, but I still find it way too easy to bash into either side of a doorway and not actually go through.

In fact, I agree with most of your complaints and I still found that I enjoyed the shit out of the game. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Dead Man said:
I rate RDR as one of the best games I have ever played, and I hate the on foot controls, terribly sluggish and unresponsive. Miles better that GTAIV for sure, but I still find it way too easy to bash into either side of a doorway and not actually go through.

In fact, I agree with most of your complaints and I still found that I enjoyed the shit out of the game. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
That actually gives me motivation to finish it. I felt like nobody was acknowledging the issues it has over the "GOTY OMG" cries from the press. Loving a flawed game I can understand. But to suggest RDR is perfection in every way is flat out wrong. Another reason to avoid Metacritic, I guess.


I would take stagecoaches to see the world. I loved that you could chill out & soak up the ambience for the whole ride. That little touch was sorely missing in LA Noire.

I got 100% on PS3 but I might pick up the GOTY for 360 if all the content is on the disc.

Dead Man

ctrayne said:
That actually gives me motivation to finish it. I felt like nobody was acknowledging the issues it has over the "GOTY OMG" cries from the press. Loving a flawed game I can understand. But to suggest RDR is perfection in every way is flat out wrong. Another reason to avoid Metacritic, I guess.
If you can motivate yourself, I would say try it, if not then don't worry too much about it, there are lots of acclaimed games I don't get much enjoyment from.



Just finished it. What a ride. What a game.

I'm a huge fan of GTA, get pretty angry when people dismisses it like mainstream, overestimated trash. It's alwats a great story with great characters and writing, in a living world full of things to discover on your own. It's all about living the life of your alter ego.

RDR is no less, I'd say it's much more. It's a beautiful world, one of the best world I've experienced through videogames, and a great story of any classic theme (revenge, redemption, betrayal,it has it all really) you can imagine. It spans 30+ hours of great entertainment and I don't get how people can get bored with missions, I was always so excited, even in the Mexico section (I read someone thinks that it was too long but I found it perfect, with the most interesting background story among the three parts).

Now, about the ending.
Pretty sad I must say, but wonderful. There I was complaining about the pacing in the last ranch missions, but then I realized they server their purpose. There's only one slight problem for me, and it's that I'll have to reach 100% (thank god I'm pretty close, 90-ish%) I'll have to use John's son. He's... FUGLY FFS! :( And has a crappy voice too. And that moustache, hell.

Controls can be tricky at first, I complained too before the 10th-15th hour. Then I understood that it's exactly the same as GTA. You have to master them, and at the end of the game you'll end up doing a lot of things you didn't think possible at the beginning. I thought they could benefit from a simplification but I was wrong, I don't want to ride my horse and shoot bandits with automode (like assassin's creed for example, where many actions are totally automated, it's kinda sad sometimes).

Anyway, I think I'll buy Undead Nightmare in a few months or maybe the GOTY version if I can find it for cheap (I don't play MP, tried it but it's not for me). Too bad this won't probably ever come out on PC, I would have bought it once gain to play it at 1080p and with higher settings :(


On my next playthrough I'm just going to stop playing before the final main mission.

Just live in limbo, herding horses and such forever and ever.

Also, I just finished reading Lonesome Dove and I have to say there is obviously a TON of inspiration in RDR from Lonesome Dove. I would even argue that there's more influence from LD than spagetti westerns.

Highly recommended book if you're desperate for more of this kind of atmosphere.


bengraven said:
On my next playthrough I'm just going to stop playing before the final main mission.

Just live in limbo, herding horses and such forever and ever.

Also, I just finished reading Lonesome Dove and I have to say there is obviously a TON of inspiration in RDR from Lonesome Dove. I would even argue that there's more influence from LD than spagetti westerns.

Highly recommended book if you're desperate for more of this kind of atmosphere.
Ooh, really? Thanks for the tip.

I love the western genre, but it comes mostly from films for me. Never read any western books. I've heard Blood Meridian is essential as well.


No PC announcement, but I did bump the thread. I beat this game last year, but I really had to rush through the main story, just had way too much going on, life wise.

I'm going back through now to replay this, and replay it in all its glory. Taking in the sights, hunting, collecting, side missions, everything. This game is so much better playing it this way.

Just the random events I saw last night:

1. A guy was taking a piss on a rock, and out of nowhere, a wolf attacked him, and killed him.

2. A guy was being drug through Armadillo by a gang, and then the deputies that were on a few missions w/ the sheriff chased them out of town

3. I was down in Rio Bravo, collecting some flowers, and I saw a man and a woman standing by their stagecoach. Next thing, I hear a gunshot, and see the man had killed his wife. So, I put him out of his misery since he put her out of hers.

Just the random NPC events in this game are a blast to see. Amazing game!

Hey You

I'll just post RDR related Answers from todays Q&A if someone doesn't want to read the whole thing:

“Amazing news, I'm buying L.A. Noire [for PC] day one! But why no plans for Red Dead Redemption? I would buy that too… and I have a looot of friends who would do the same!” - Andysk8
“Has Rockstar abandoned the PC platform???” - Simbala

We hope that with the announcement that L.A. Noire is coming to PC this fall, and the knowledge that our next big game Max Payne 3 will have a PC release (plus that we’ve released both Grand Theft Auto IV and the Episodes from Liberty City for PC), we can finally put to rest any misconceptions that we’ve ‘abandoned the PC platform’. We do know that, yes, there is just one title absent from our PC release plans – that game of course being Red Dead Redemption, and of course we’re well aware that some fans have been asking for it. All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform) – we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100% of the time for all platforms. To PC gamers, we hope that between the Grand Theft Auto titles, and the forthcoming L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, you’ll have plenty of great Rockstar action to enjoy.

“Are you guys releasing a Red Dead Redemption GOTY strategy guide?” - bigkingbud

Yes, one is in the works via Brady Games. Look for it to come out around the release of the GOTY edition itself next week.

“Are you guys releasing a Red Dead Redemption GOTY strategy guide?” - bigkingbud

Yes, one is in the works via Brady Games. Look for it to come out around the release of the GOTY edition itself next week.

“What the hell R*!?!? No Herbert Moon [in the free Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack DLC] !?!... I waited this long saying ‘oh well R* tries, and since it’s free, I guess it’s worth the wait’ but is this REALLY the best you can come up with? This DLC is disappointing. And why only people from [the game’s single player] campaign? u couldn’t have added at least ONE cowboy from a movie or something? This is an atrocity, this is one person who definitely isn’t playing RDR again.” - 10927254

We do have to say that it seems a little bit extreme anyone referring to our completely FREE multiplayer map locations and character update pack as an atrocity. We hope that most Red Dead fans can enjoy and appreciate the Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack for exactly what we said it would be ages ago - new map locations and characters from the single-player campaign as a token of appreciation to our multiplayer fans – and it’s free! We are truly sorry if the modes you like or the characters you like were not included – and sorry to have upset anyone, but not sure what we can do differently other than pick characters we think people like and maps we think could be fun.

“R* does the Solomon’s Folly hideout with the challenges also come with the [originally] PS3-exclusive Walton’s Gang outfit for Xbox [360] in GOTY? Thanks btw for the great game!” - dynam1ght

Yes, the Solomon’s Folly hideout for single-player will be available in the Red Dead Redemption GOTY release for Xbox 360, and it will include the unlockable Walton’s Gang Outfit. To clarify though, there were not challenges (other than the outfit) associated with Solomon’s Folly.

“Will there be more paid for DLC like Undead Nightmare free roam or other DLC that greatly expands the game? Thanks.” - 14478170

Apart from the free fan appreciation Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack mentioned above, there are no plans right now for any other Red Dead Redemption DLC. The team at Rockstar San Diego are otherwise busy working on other projects …

“@RockstarGames is there a reason Xbox LIVE gets the majority of the [Red Dead Redemption] Triple XP Events?” - received via Twitter

Actually every time we turn on Red Dead Redemption Triple XP, we make sure it’s active for both consoles – never just one. Stay tuned on Twitter and Facebook for the word on when the next round of Triple XP action will be.


Hey You said:
I'll just post RDR related Answers from todays Q&A if someone doesn't want to read the whole thing:
LOL @ fourth question.

First answer really doesn't say much though, they're just acknowledging the fact that yeah, no RDR for pc and yeah, fans have been bugging them. Other than that, in my opinion if the release of the GOTY edition was not an occasion to release a PC version of RDR, there never will be one :(

Let's just hope for a sequel.


Finally beaten this myself, even got 100%. Didn't like it much. The random events and the atmosphere are the stars of the game, but everything else, specially the story and characters felt completely out of place to me. Most of the characters were straight up GTA goofyness, which didn't fit the redemption theme one bit. The Mexico part of the game particularily felt like bad filler.

Horse riding around's a blast, though. Worth it just for that.


Almost every time this thread gets bumped after a few days or weeks I feel compelled to go back and re-live the pre-launch awesomeness that happened here. Amazing build-up for an amazing game.

Angry Fork

Maybe RDR was made in such a way that a PC version was never planned and in order to port it would be too much work or something. Still surprising that LA Noire is getting the treatment though which was probably more of a technical nightmare than RDR.
I finished it a week ago. Endgame spoilers ahoy !

At first I really didn't like it, just like GTAIV (but I really liked Gay Tony, and I just finished AssCreed Brotherhood, so the mecanics of the game seemed a little clumsy and stiff at first).
But the game really grew on me : the landscape of USA's far west and Mexico is beautiful, the sidequest were interesting to do, the protagonist is really likeable and you really care about the Marston's family. The characters are also interesting, the game mechanics are really interesting once you unlock the Dead Sight and the locking, and the gunfights were intense. The limited technology in the game permitted to do some really good gameplay sequences.

I didn't like that the game needed some time to really take off, certain missions were a little boring, that a bounty of $5 on my head for having stepped on a dog made everyone shoot at me, Mexico could have been more exploited and I can't see the cards the guy at the other hand is holding when playing black jack !

Overall, a good experience, I'd recommend it, even to people who didn't like Red Dead Revolver and/or GTAIV. But be sure to try it before.

And about endgame...
Seriously, FUCK controllable heplessness. It's way too cruel :( It should be forbidden.
And the ending is really sad...
Red Dead Redemption unlikely to hit PC

"We do know that, yes, there is just one title absent from our PC release plans - that game of course being Red Dead Redemption, and of course we're well aware that some fans have been asking for it. All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform) - we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100% of the time for all platforms.

"To PC gamers, we hope that between the Grand Theft Auto titles, and the forthcoming L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, you'll have plenty of great Rockstar action to enjoy."

Damn shame always wanted to see what PC modders could do to this games freeroam. =(


The team at Rockstar San Diego are otherwise busy working on other projects …


Never know with Rockstar, though. That could just mean helping out on Max Payne 3.


Anyway yesterday I read the last newspaper available in the game.
Nearly cried. Landon Ricketts dead, the Irish dead, John Marston only mentioned once as a member of a bloody gang while the press acclaims Edgar Ross, war breaks in Europe... it's the beautiful and really sad feeling of a world on the brink of collapse, and damn I love this kind of closure in my games.
This game is a masterpiece and in my top3 games of this generation (probably second place after demon's souls).


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Fjordson said:

Never know with Rockstar, though. That could just mean helping out on Max Payne 3.

They always have one GTA title in the pipe don't worry, they're talking about GTAV and we all know it. Problem is it's most likely coming to current gen consoles as one last big hurra to close out this gen with :p

Dead Man

Corky said:
They always have one GTA title in the pipe don't worry, they're talking about GTAV and we all know it. Problem is it's most likely coming to current gen consoles as one last big hurra to close out this gen with :p
That's North, not SD though. I have much more faith in the SD team after the last few releases from each.


Corky said:
They always have one GTA title in the pipe don't worry, they're talking about GTAV and we all know it. Problem is it's most likely coming to current gen consoles as one last big hurra to close out this gen with :p
True. That'd be make me blissfully happy as well, though (anything Rockstar does at this point)

Dead Man said:
That's North, not SD though.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing something for GTA V. Or even Agent. Seems like there's always multiple teams pitching in on R* titles these days, rather than single teams working on their own isolated projects.


Question from someone who's never played RDR but is thinking about picking it up:

What version should I get? I only have a PS3.

No real desire for multiplayer, and zombies aren't really my thing. I do want to have the full main-game experience, though, and for the most cost-effective price.

Do I buy the original game on eBay? GOTY? Original disc then DLC on the PSN?
Original release off eBay is what makes most sense for you. Shame you don't care for the zombie stuff, Undead Nightmare was one of the best add-ons for any game I've played this gen.


Dunan said:
Question from someone who's never played RDR but is thinking about picking it up:

What version should I get? I only have a PS3.

No real desire for multiplayer, and zombies aren't really my thing. I do want to have the full main-game experience, though, and for the most cost-effective price.

Do I buy the original game on eBay? GOTY? Original disc then DLC on the PSN?
You don't really need any DLC if you don't care about multiplayer (outfits, weapons, missions) or zombies (Undead Nightmare episode).
The rest of the DLC is a bunch of random challenges and most of those are free. So find yourself a cheap original.

Or you could wait a week for the GOTY edition, which comes out next week. October 11 in the US, October 14 in Europe.
Cheaper than a new game ($49.99/€39.99) and contains everything:


Dead Man

Fjordson said:
True. That'd be make me blissfully happy as well, though (anything Rockstar does at this point)

I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing something for GTA V. Or even Agent. Seems like there's always multiple teams pitching in on R* titles these days, rather than single teams working on their own isolated projects.
Yeah, true enough. I hope it's SD rubbing off on North and not the other way around :)

Dunan said:
Question from someone who's never played RDR but is thinking about picking it up:

What version should I get? I only have a PS3.

No real desire for multiplayer, and zombies aren't really my thing. I do want to have the full main-game experience, though, and for the most cost-effective price.

Do I buy the original game on eBay? GOTY? Original disc then DLC on the PSN?
I would say original game as cheap as you can find it. Zombies is cool, but if you don't have an interest in it, or multi player, there is not much point to the GOTY edition.


No RDR on PC really really bothers mre more than any port in the past. Maybe someday if a "special edition" comes out on next gen consoles we'll get a port, ala Bully, but it's unlikely.

Rockstar thinks we should be satisfied with what we get on PC. Fuck them. It's a testiment to how fantastic this game is that we want it on the most powerful system out there. Hell, I don't even want mods; I just want to ride into the sunset with higher resolutions.


You know what, after all no big deal (damage control mode: ON!).
I'll emulate this in 5 years at most on PC. Rockstar better save its energy for GTA: Las Venturas or whatever next instalment they're planning, though.

Dunan said:
Question from someone who's never played RDR but is thinking about picking it up:

What version should I get? I only have a PS3.

No real desire for multiplayer, and zombies aren't really my thing. I do want to have the full main-game experience, though, and for the most cost-effective price.

Do I buy the original game on eBay? GOTY? Original disc then DLC on the PSN?

I'm gonna get the GOTY edition when I can find it for less than U$30, but if you don't care about any of the extra stuff, you might as well get the regular edition, I saw it for U$30 at my target this week.


The multiplayer was honestly the best part of the game. Hell, hunting in free roam with a posse of friends - or even with strangers - to level up was more than enough to kill 30+ hours if you wanted to check everything off. The game modes were pretty good too.

The only downside to the competitive stuff online (much like GTA) was that you couldn't filter auto aim on or off. Everyone is just dumped into the same games with one another and it's kind of a cluster fuck because auto aim is super lame.
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