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Red Dead Revolver = SOTY


Now Red Dead Revolver could be improved in a few ways. It's not perfect, but still a damn enjoyable game. With that out of the way, let's continue to the important part.

For someone who loves the Wild West genre in movies, Red Dead Revolver is like a beautiful painting. It's a work of art when it comes to atmosphere, like the first cutscene with the wind blowing over a grassy field nearby a small run-down cottage complete with the "vintage movie" filter, or when taking cover behind a wall to reload your big-ass rifle during an exciting gun-fight, or just walking around in Brimstone.

But what really, really sets the mood is the completely awesome soundtrack! I feel spoiled with so much great Western music, all timed well with the game and kicking up the atmosphere like few other soundtracks I've ever heard in a game before.

So I have a few questions...the music, I recall hearing it was composed by Ennio Morricone. So did he actually make new music just for this game, or have the songs been picked from his work on older Western movies?

And another question: are the songs featured in the game ONLY composed by Ennio Morricone? Because when entering Brimstone, I'm convinced I recognize the song played from the Trinity movies ("My name is Trinity" and "All the way Trinity", great movies BTW), and Ennio Morricone didn't compose the music for those movies.

And yes, it stands for Soundtrack Of The Year. :p
Yes, Red Dead Revolver is very enjoyable if you ask me. I can't believe magazines gave this game 5's, and 6's. It gets at least an 8 from me. Not deep, or ground breaking, but...

Fun? Check
Stylish? Check
Good Sound Effects? Check
Good Music? Check
Nice Atmosphere? Check

Worth your time? Definitely. Go check it out.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, i wasn't particularly fond of the gameplay, but the soundtrack and atmosphere were amazing. i'd love to see a sequel with more focus and richer level design.

anyway, the soundtrack was culled from a variety of old spaghetti westerns, and i think only one track was by ennio morricone. there are full credits in the back of the manual.


drohne said:
yeah, i wasn't particularly into the gameplay, but the soundtrack and atmosphere were amazing. i'd love to see a sequel with more focus and richer level design.

anyway, the soundtrack was culled from a variety of old spaghetti westerns, and i think only one track was by ennio morricone. there are full credits in the back of the manual.

Ah, I see now, that makes more sense, with him not making all of the music. Great move to pick the best of the best, so to speak.

And yes, a sequel would be perfect. Wasn't there a user on these boards who took part in the development of this game? 'Tatl-Tatl' or similar? Maybe he knows something about a possible sequel... :)
This game definitely deserves at least an 8 in my book. It was fun and was really thick with atmosphere.I read in an OPM or something like that there was a sequel in the works.


Yeah, I really liked RDR. I made a thread about it shortly after it came out asking why nobody was talking about it. The general consensus seemed to be that the people who played it liked it.

The soundtrack in particular is absolutely amazing. I plan on picking it up when it hits the bargain bin.


Kiriku said:
So I have a few questions...the music, I recall hearing it was composed by Ennio Morricone. So did he actually make new music just for this game, or have the songs been picked from his work on older Western movies?

Get the fuck outta here!!! Are you serious!!!??? I have to get this game now!!!!

Musashi Wins!

I liked this game, didn't love it. It could have used another month or two of polish. It stands out for me for at least being an entertaining game in the western genre. Some moments are simply wonderful and a lot of the most shining points are presentation related (most definitely including music). How, how I wish it was online. Hope it gets an improved sequel.
I still have to pick this up. I rented it a month or so ago and really dug it. But I kinda figure I might as well wait it out a bit 'cause it should be a bit cheaper soon.

way more

For some reason I always assumed Ennio Morricone was dead. What about Battlefield Vietnam, I heard that had a good soundtrack.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Musashi Wins! said:
I liked this game, didn't love it. It could have used another month or two of polish. It stands out for me for at least being an entertaining game in the western genre. Some moments are simply wonderful and a lot of the most shining points are presentation related (most definitely including music). How, how I wish it was online. Hope it gets an improved sequel.

Umm, are there very many games in the "western" genre to begin with? Dead Man's Hand notwithstanding, of course. We all know how well that turned out.




Banstick Emeritus
Musashi Wins! said:
It could have used another month or two of polish.
Yes...but considering it bounced around between publishers, it's fortunate that it made it to market at all. A good game, and it's nice to see R* get rewarded with massive sales as well - hopefully they'll greenlight a sequel.

evil ways

Multiplayer is addictive, I find myself playing it from week to week even though I already finished the game like 3 times. It's even cooler when some of the characters have their own gimmick so to speak, the other day I played a 4 way match using the guy with the coffin on his back and he's slow as hell, but he can put the coffin of the floor and whip out a gatling gun.

I hope there's a sequel.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The best western game is Natsume's "Wild Guns".
Hmm, either that or Gun Smoke. Can't decide.

In any case, I saw RDR being played once, and it looekd yummy. I'll have to get it one day.

White Man

I enjoyed it. I was there on day 1, going against reviews because I love westerns and I've wanted a good western action game for years. I really wasn't very disappointed paying full price. Great music, great atmosphere, and the graphics looked fine to me (for the most part).

Only a couple of the levels are really well put together, though. The control was wonked enough to be frustrating on more than a few occassions, to the point where it caused unwarranted deaths. I really hope we see another western game of slightly better calibur in the near future. I did like the idea of short levels built around single action sequence-style scenes.

Wish I could say that it only needed another month or two of development, but we all know the development hell this game went through.

So, any chance for a sequel? Did it sell enough?

evil ways

The control was wonked enough to be frustrating on more than a few occassions, to the point where it caused unwarranted deaths.

Yeah, the Barfight level specifically comes to mind. It was one of the worst levels I've ever had to go through in a game.
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