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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


I think it would have made more sense

If the R2D2 and C3P0 cameos were directly at the end in the same room as Leia when she reserved the plans from the one rebel soldier. Having them on Yavin 4 makes it a bit more odd because that means the Tantive IV was landed somewhere on that planet to pick them up.
How about Cantina dude randomly appearing on Jedha, escaping its destruction I guess, then going to Tatooine like a day later for some reason?


So not worth it
How about Cantina dude randomly appearing on Jedha, escaping its destruction I guess, then going to Tatooine like a day later for some reason?

Fanservice that is, but there is nothing illogical that he got on a ship and ended up in the spaceport cantina the next day.
So is GatorFace Sanders? The one they sabotage early on and come to regret it later?

Nah, Gatorface is Canadian, so it best it's Ted Cruz. He got destroyed. Because he was a disastuh.

Also, it has a 4.5 imdb rating and is apparently kind of okay-ish, so it's for the best that Rich accidented it. It would be too good for them. :p


Subete no aware
This is probably the most half-assed idea they had. They should have just done 3 alligator movies and gave up on Christmas altogether.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't why, but I found the Rogue One HITB incredible...dumb. I usually enjoy every HITB even if I don't agree with them because I like their reasoning, but there was absolutely nothing to this video.

It was like "eh." So I decided to stop supporting them on Patreon as soon as I get home.


Just started playing Gemini Rue and they use the same royalty free music Half in the Bag uses. Cracked me up,

I once saw a porn video that started with the Wheel of the Worst music and I had to immediately close it. Could not allow that connection to form in my head.


I don't why, but I found the Rogue One HITB incredible...dumb. I usually enjoy every HITB even if I don't agree with them because I like their reasoning, but there was absolutely nothing to this video.

It was like "eh." So I decided to stop supporting them on Patreon as soon as I get home.

If them talking badly about Star Wars upset you that much, than you probably shouldn't click this new video.

Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One


Pretty much a Rogue One review in 7mins. Should have done that with TFA :p

Pretty good too.
Is he really arguing people need explanation and context for fucking Star Wars

Literally everybody knows what the Force is, who Darth Vader is and what the Death Star is

Characters in the Star Wars universe don't even know what the force is.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.

Yep, WITH the context of A New Hope, Luke hadn't heard of it until Ben Kenobi told him about it. You could argue that his Aunt and Uncle hid the truth from him. The Han Solo talk and the Imperial officer who questioned Vader on the Death Star establish a world where the force is mostly forgotten.

If we got a scene where the imperial traitor talked to Donner Yen and asked about the Force on the way to rainy planet we could have gotten that out of the way as well as some character development.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
We get two half-way decent Star Wars movies in 30 years and some of you are ready to go to war.


Help I can't stop rewatching older BOTW episodes

I've been playing Bloodborne and watching BOTW at the same time all day

I always have botw, lps, or other reviews playing in the back ground when I'm playing through grindy parts of rpgs or high score games.

I must've watched everything pre 2016 at least six times by now. Also I think I've listened to their commentary tracks at least a dozen times each.

Best background entertainment while doing other tasks.


I must've watched everything pre 2016 at least six times by now. Also I think I've listened to their commentary tracks at least a dozen times each.

Best background entertainment while doing other tasks.
Old Giant Bombcasts when I'm out and about, BotW when I'm at home and connected to wifi.
That re-edit of the escape scene in ANH really is depressing as hell.

Yet as much as I get the point, I didn't mind Rogue One quite as much as other people appear to. I had a lot more issues with just how bored I was while watching TFA than I did while watching Rogue One. Generic sci-fi plot, sure, but this was always going to be little more than an exercise in fanwank anyway, so I'm not entirely sure we have to care about its lack of independent charm. I can see why people call it a stinker (now), but I was entertained by what it was anyway.
I also think it's cheating to refer to a style of line interaction versus a style of visual interactions (the guy is clearly surprised at Jynn's ability) as if they are not equally valid ways of doing things. It's kind of imposing one style as THE style. Action movies and games often benefit from line style because they're not trying to be serious, but a serious movie would get serious tone problems from it, as Rogue One in the third act actually does get when 'ANH' style get intercut into the style it had before.
Like people have said: "and then a different movie starts at the third act", which is a tell-tale sign of tone disconnect.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I mean I agree or see where they're coming from with a lot of their criticisms, but it sometimes just doesn't bother me as much.

Which is fine.
I mean I agree or see where they're coming from with a lot of their criticisms, but it sometimes just doesn't bother me as much.

Which is fine.
I think sometimes RLM is a little too against subtle character moments.

That action scene they were criticizing in Rogue One I felt had a funny character moment when she was beating up the storm troopers and the guy was ammusingly impressed with how badass she was without actually saying anything. I didn't think it needed any cliche lines like "hey girl, you're gonna get yourself killed!", [she kicks ass], "see I told you you could do it!" [laugh track].

In general though I do agree with them that a lot of the action scenes in Rogue One are too much just pure action and lacking in character moments subtle or not, but I thought that here was enough "character" to the characters for the movie to at least check that box in the triangle they talked about. They were just more dour characters than the fun gung-ho ones in the original trilogy, which was appropriate for what this movie was about.
TFA would also be a pretty mediocre movie if you removed all Star Wars context from it, though.

It suffers even worse because it doesn't have as many explosions.
Does anyone know if there's a Rich Evans "AT-STs" gif floating around? I'd love one

Here you go.



TFA would also be a pretty mediocre movie if you removed all Star Wars context from it, though.

It suffers even worse because it doesn't have as many explosions.

The only real bummer about Force Awakens for me was the lack of aliens. There's some, but not to the level of the others apart from the Maz Kanata scene.


I should re-watch Force Awakens soon cause I definitely remember enjoying it at the cinema, but I was with a new-ish GF back then who was also a massive Star Wars fan which might have affected my enjoyment too. Curious to see if I like it after finding Rogue One incredibly boring.

I must've watched everything pre 2016 at least six times by now. Also I think I've listened to their commentary tracks at least a dozen times each.

Best background entertainment while doing other tasks.

Yep. Would be fun if you could see detailed viewing stats on Youtube, I dunno stuff like how many times you've watched a particular video, I wouldn't be surprised if they kept track of all that after all.

I'm pretty sure I've watched the Star Wars Holiday Special episode like 10 times already. Somehow always end up watching it at least once when I'm hungover.

Great stuff for rpg grinding, though I did end up dying a couple of dumb deaths while farming vials in BB cause I was paying more attention to the video lol. Now I've got a surplus of like 200 vials.


Finally watched Rogue One (and the HitB, and Plinkett's comments). I enjoyed R1 while I was watching it, but it had some obvious problems and in hindsight I don't think it was very good.

I think the movie has a fanservice problem. It's like, the whole movie is fundamentally fanservice (nothing wrong with that), but then they added another layer of fanservice on top of that, and some of it was cringeworthy, and that has some people questioning things like X-Wings in the movie. X-Wings aren't wrong in this movie, but it's the
"You'll be dead" guy
that broke the camel's back, which ruined things for everyone else that was riding that camel. If the movie had shown more restraint, they'd have more room to expand the franchise and/or give more development to the characters. I don't believe Rich's theory that the Star Wars universe is inherently small and that there's not much you can do in it.

Speaking of characters, WTF is up with
Forest Whitaker? No wait, back that up a bit. WTF is wrong with the protagonist's mom? Dad's running from the Empire, and he's forward thinking enough to set up a hidden safe room so his wife and kid can hide and get picked up later by Forest. Mom says "fuck the plan" and tells the kid (who doesn't follow orders and hide) to run off and hide alone that way mommy can go get herself killed in a fight she has absolutely no chance of winning. Idiot. Anyways, Forest adopts the now-orphaned kid (thanks mom), and fights the Empire, and dumps the kid when the heat gets too intense. Then dad sends Forest a message about how they can finally win, and Forest should be expecting something like this, but rather than simply watching the message to confirm it's authenticity he tortures the messenger? And then the message is so boring and sappy that it makes him want to kill himself. That's not dramatic, it's nonsense.

I thought the
blind stick monk and funny robot were cool/funny, but they sometimes seemed out of place in the movie. Like they were cut-and-pasted in from a cooler, funnier, better movie. Also, I thought the movie did a terrible job in explaining a distinction between the monk and a Jedi. I guess the monk didn't lift any rocks, is that the difference? He can sense things but he can't toss Force Lightning (I'm not entirely convinced he doesn't have Force-enhanced strength/speed/reflexes) so that makes him not a Jedi? Or is it because he doesn't have a brown robe? Sorry galaxy, this guy is no good, Luke is your last hope because Luke knows where Obi Wan keeps his old clothes.

I really got the sense from
Tarkin's reveal that the filmmakers were really proud of the uncanny valley cartoon corpse they raised from the dead, but it was fucking awful. He was torpedoing every second he was on the screen, pulling people out of the movie and costing the time it took for people to get settled back in. Just a terrible idea and they were proud of it. Leia too. And their Darth Vader audio fuckup really made it seem like James Earl Jones is on death's door.

Also, I think the movie should have ended
on a sour note. The heroes should have done their best and died without ever knowing if their efforts did anyone a lick of good. They're unsung heroes. Their payoff comes in the form of A New Hope. That's the kind of bleak movie they were making, and they should have had the spine to go through with it all the way.
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