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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


rewatching that top 10 facts you didn't know about vader

EmPal Surgical Reconstruction Centre is still one of the funniest fucking things I've ever heard in my life
I know the term 'fan service' has been thrown around pretty loosely whenever someone wants a quick and easy way to criticise something but I really feel like the term has lost any meaning it might've had now. Recognising a thing does not make something fan service. Using a number of iconic characters, locations or themes does not make something fan service. Idiots clapping because they recognise a thing does not make something fan service.

You should. Gremlins 2 is awesome and completely insane. Top tier sequel.

They aren't annoyed that Asians are in the film. They're annoyed at the obvious reason Disney chose popular Chinese actors to play those roles.

I wouldn't say they were annoyed, either. It's something they noticed, and the reason they noticed is that it's pretty transparent. There was no suggestion of 'this makes me angry/I'm angry they did this'.
I wouldn't say they were annoyed, either. It's something they noticed, and the reason they noticed is that it's pretty transparent. There was no suggestion of 'this makes me angry/I'm angry they did this'.
Yeah. I used the word annoyed for lack of a better word but it was more of an observation they made.


I wouldn't say they were annoyed, either. It's something they noticed, and the reason they noticed is that it's pretty transparent. There was no suggestion of 'this makes me angry/I'm angry they did this'.

Like that's the only reason to cast Asians in a big movie at all


Otherwise why else would Asians be in a movie lol lol lol


Welp, this along with a bunch of whiskey when I get home kicks off my holiday. Awesome.




Like that's the only reason to cast Asians in a big movie at all


Otherwise why else would Asians be in a movie lol lol lol

Hollywood has become such a place that any positive move for Asians is going to be looked at with cynical suspicion.

The other day I was watching Iron Man 3 on TV, and at the end of the movie when Tony went to the hospital to get the shards removed from his heart, I noticed there was Chinese writing on the doors. And then he celebrated his recovery with a date with Pepper in what appeared to be Shanghai.

So I get that Tony is loaded and that if he was going to undergo heart surgery he would absolutely go to the world's leading heart surgeon, anywhere in the world, no matter how outlandish that might seem to us regular folk, and he would totally go anywhere in the world on a date with Pepper, but I had to ask myself... is the real reason Marvel/Disney is saying that China has the best doctors because Marvel/Disney is sucking China's dick? Are they saying Shanghai is a beautiful and romantic city because they really, really want that Chinese jizz in their face?

And as it turns out, yes, yes Disney/Marvel was. And China found it to be an unpleasant blowjob to boot. Disney apparently needs to work on their technique. It becomes impossible to see Asians in Star Wars as anything other than Disney's latest blowjob.


From the Trivia section of Repligatior's IMDB page:

Keith Kjornes wrote the script in four days. When the actor who was chosen to play the part of Dr. Oliver failed to show for the first day of shooting, Kjornes stepped in to play the part. The whole film was shot in 5 days on 35mm film at the Remington York Studio in Irving, Texas.

He probably murdered the real actor so he'd have to step in.


Rich blaming Jack for abstaining even though he voted for the Johnson Family Christmas Dinner. Classic Trump voter move.
Rich blaming Jack for abstaining even though he voted for the Johnson Family Christmas Dinner. Classic Trump voter move.

Better yet, Rich is the "lesser of two evils" non-voter going by the sunday stream they had before the election, whereas Jack is the politically informed clown (and Mike and Jay probably voted Hillary too, considering their views and immediately proceeding to record a Gremlins commentary with "president Clamp" as a running joke).
Unfortunately, if you make a guess on their average incomes, that's probably a typical voter diffusion as well.
Their comments about pandering and nostalgia are surprisingly off base when you factor in that this movie basically takes place while the opening crawl of Episode 4 is fucking rolling. Of course there's going to be the same ships and characters. It makes fucking sense.

And now ask yourself why the studios decided on that exact setting for this movie.
And now ask yourself why the studios decided on that exact setting for this movie.
It boils down to this

It's simple enough. Yes, it makes sense but why did they make this movie vs a movie set in a time line extremely fucking far away or back.

Because of pandering and nostalgia. Why have the fucking aluminum Eagle in episode 7?
I don't mind pandering or fan service. But [R1 spoilers]
R2, 3PO and Leia were downright offensive. Even Tarkin could've been handled much better


So not worth it
I don't mind pandering or fan service. But [R1 spoilers]
R2, 3PO and Leia were downright offensive. Even Tarkin could've been handled much better

It makes perfect sense to show R2 and C3PO, since they're on the ship in Episode 4, you're just not gonna show them in this? Why not? It's neither offensive, nor overly fan service, it was a fun cameo, done. Leia was fine, she was on the ship, too and if you're gonna end the movie on a non-depressing note, it's fine to do it with Leia receiving the plans a ton of people just died for, it's fine. Now would I have been fine with new actors instead of CGI? Sure, valid point. But that's about it. Nothing about including any of these people can remotely be called offensive and can be heavily debated on being fan service or pandering, since they all tie in to the connection Rogue One has with Episode IV.
It makes perfect sense to show R2 and C3PO, since they're on the ship in Episode 4, you're just not gonna show them in this? Why not? It's neither offensive, nor overly fan service, it was a fun cameo, done. Leia was fine, she was on the ship, too and if you're gonna end the movie on a non-depressing note, it's fine to do it with Leia receiving the plans a ton of people just died for, it's fine. Now would I have been fine with new actors instead of CGI? Sure, valid point. But that's about it. Nothing about including any of these people can remotely be called offensive and can be heavily debated on being fan service or pandering, since they all tie in to the connection Rogue One has with Episode IV.
I'm not saying that X-Wings and AT-ATs were stupid in the movie. That made perfect sense. But R2 and 3PO were simply there to remind you about it being Star Wars. It wasn't subtle, well done, fun or clever. They had no purpose and did not need to be in the movie at all. And there's no excuse for turning Leia into a puppet wax monster. A simple shot of her back, then saying the lines, would've been sufficient. Hell, they could ended it by showing her recording the hologram for Ben. A scene with her smiling in the camera surely doesn't negate the tone of the rest of the movie. Hell, not even ten minutes before that, we had Vader slaughtering crew members and cutting them in half. I really don't see how her CGI face smiling is supposed to levitate that.

But hey, now that Fisher is on the verge of dying and the tech will get better in the coming years, I'm sure it won't be a problem in the next movies. Can't wait for young Luke.
It makes perfect sense to show R2 and C3PO, since they're on the ship in Episode 4, you're just not gonna show them in this? Why not? It's neither offensive, nor overly fan service, it was a fun cameo, done. Leia was fine, she was on the ship, too and if you're gonna end the movie on a non-depressing note, it's fine to do it with Leia receiving the plans a ton of people just died for, it's fine. Now would I have been fine with new actors instead of CGI? Sure, valid point. But that's about it. Nothing about including any of these people can remotely be called offensive and can be heavily debated on being fan service or pandering, since they all tie in to the connection Rogue One has with Episode IV.

I think it would have made more sense

If the R2D2 and C3P0 cameos were directly at the end in the same room as Leia when she reserved the plans from the one rebel soldier. Having them on Yavin 4 makes it a bit more odd because that means the Tantive IV was landed somewhere on that planet to pick them up.


I think it would have made more sense

If the R2D2 and C3P0 cameos were directly at the end in the same room as Leia when she reserved the plans from the one rebel soldier. Having them on Yavin 4 makes it a bit more odd because that means the Tantive IV was landed somewhere on that planet to pick them up.

That bothered me too.
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