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Refugee rape victim denied abortion and then deported

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JC Sera

#BREAKING Turnbull Gov secretly hire jet to deport #refugee woman here from Nauru for medical care to Solomon Is to prevent court injunction

Yeah fuck the australian government
A pregnant asylum seeker who was transferred to Australia for an abortion after being allegedly raped is in the process of returning to immigration detention on Nauru, the ABC understands.

The 23-year-old Somali woman was brought to Australia this week for treatment after being allegedly raped on Nauru, but is yet to be treated by a doctor regarding her pregnancy.

The department informed her legal team this morning the woman was being moved to the processing section of Sydney's Villawood detention centre, ahead of her expected departure to the Pacific island.

Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre said the woman had been seen by a nurse, but had not yet ruled out having an abortion.

Ms Curr said the woman had been admitted to hospital for dehydration, but was yet to see a counsellor.

"She just needs to talk to somebody," she said.

"I believe the minister is bullying her.

"He's given her four days with access to no medical or no counselling advice ... this is a woman who has been to hell and back."
So Naura is basically a rape and torture camp that the world knows about but doesn't care about because immigrants?

Disgusting doesn't begin to cover this.


To be honest I can't think of a first world country that treats refugees worse than us
From where I'm standing, I'd have to agree.
Seems another Somali woman was raped but the police are claiming it's a false allegation.

Of course someone could be lying about such a thing, but we know for a FACT that it's a real problem and not much has been done about it.

Edit: should probably say I'm responding to the article and not you.


Australian immigration minister this week also said he doesn't want this country to be, and this is a direct quote, "be blackmailed by pregnant women".


Pretty shameful period for us Aussies, so many deplorable situations created by our dickhead ex-PM.

No. It's been created by both major parties who all voted for this model in the wake of the past decade of reporting on boat arrivals.

Labor, Liberal parties are both to blame, current PM included.

Abbott was just responsible for reducing immigration policy to a three word slogan.
Didn't think our treatment of refugees could get any worse but holy fucking shit. They went above and beyond on this one. I don't see how this will go down without intense international condemnation.

Dead Man

Didn't think our treatment of refugees could get any worse but holy fucking shit. They went above and beyond on this one. I don't see how this will go down without intense international condemnation.
Yep. I hope somebody finds the time to slam the government on this shit.


the holder of the trombone
They're going to push as far as they can t they?

I hope there's some serious falling out from this situation.


Police have rejected the claims, and said that the woman could have committed a crime.

Nauruan justice minister David Adeang said the woman may face charges of making a false complaint.
Australian immigration minister this week also said he doesn't want this country to be, and this is a direct quote, "be blackmailed by pregnant women".

That is some irredeemable shit.


The fuck are you putting people in detention centres for anyway?

They came across a number of countries after fleeing such places as Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Iraq, civil-war impacted parts of Sri Lanka, and then they came by boat from Indonesia.

Some people have even been returned to the countries they fled from after the Aus govt allegedly received assurances they would not be mis-treated.

We're even deporting people who've spent their entire lives in the country but who are still citizens of other countries if they commit a crime.

eg a New Zealand born woman, mother of six children, who has lived in Australia almost 40 years, is being deported because of a drug offence.
Australia, what the shit is going on with your government?

We used to have bipartisan support for immigration but then John Howard, behind in the polls used immigration as a scare issue and ever since they've grabbed the redneck vote (especially in Qld and Western Sydney) and won 3 out of 5 elections.


Australia, what the shit is going on with your government?

It's pretty much par for the course. Australia has had a long and storied history of government sanctioned racism and draconian immigrations and asylum policies for non-whites.

It's a great place full of great people they just tend to continually elect utter fucknuggets. Not that that's much different from anywhere else to be fair.


It's pretty much par for the course. Australia has had a long and storied history of government sanctioned racism and draconian immigrations and asylum policies for non-whites.

It's a great place full of great people they just tend to continually elect utter fucknuggets. Not that that's much different from anywhere else to be fair.

Except Australian elections are held on a Saturday with extremely high turnout rates (complusory voting) using a ranked ballot to pick among diverse parties for a Palimentary system of government. "utter fucknuggets" seems to be more representative of what Australians actually are, no?

Thanks Murdoch


Seriously Australia, are you *sure* you cant do any better?
Until people wise up and start voting for a third party no, we can't. Of course even that would require people to actually care instead of taking a "serves her right" attitude towards it.


This is the first time an OP have actually broke my heart and filled me with rage.

Fuck Australia! Why treat people like that you fucking scumbags.
This American Life had an episode about Nauru in 2003 (including the refugee conditions). Hard to believe things still haven't been addressed 12 years later


the new white australia policy


Look at what Australia does to New Zealand citizens. Heaven help someone from an African or Middle Eastern background.

Deportations spiked after a change to the Migration Act late last year. It lowered the threshold for visa revocation from someone with a "substantial criminal record" to anyone who had served a prison term of a year or more.

There are over 600,000 New Zealand citizens, who are Australian residents and many have lived here most of their lives.

They are less likely than average to be jailed but, at any time, there are about 1,000 in the prison system.

While it might be hard to garner much sympathy for people with criminal records, there have been some disturbing deportation cases which have helped to turn public opinion in New Zealand against Australia.

Like Junior Togatuki, who arrived when he was two and who had three siblings who were born here.

He did have a serious criminal record but the 23-year-old was due to be released from Goulburn jail when his visa was revoked.

A month after his sentence expired, he was still being held in isolation in Supermax. That is where he died in September, his wrists slashed with a prison-issue razor blade.

A guy who has lived here from the age of 2, is in prison when he's 23, gets a deportation order and then kills himself.


Australians all let us rejoice, apparently. No-one remembers the second verse of the national anthem: For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share.


i mean let's get this shit straight

they're the elected government. like it or not, they ARE australia. they do these things in our name. they ARE us. it's happening because the political and social will to fight it is insufficient.

at the least write to your local rep about this. it's abhorrent, but blasting outrage on the internet can only get you so far.
You kinda seem more concerned with how people view Australians...

I've been talking with friends and colleagues about this a lot lately, we all don't like it and strongly oppose it, but I feel like grouping 23 million people into one group based on the actions of a vast minority just leads to the kind of thinking that causes injustices like seen in this report.

Saying things like "fuck (enter race/country here)" doesn't promote intelligent discussion.
So Naura is basically a rape and torture camp that the world knows about but doesn't care about because immigrants?

Disgusting doesn't begin to cover this.

The world doesn't know because the government threatens to imprison anyone who speaks out about the deplorable conditions of the Pacific Solution with a two year prison sentence.
The world doesn't know because the government threatens to imprison anyone who speaks out about the deplorable conditions of the Pacific Solution with a two year prison sentence.

Definitely one of the first things that needs addressing. It would be preferable to have the islands and centres investigated by third parties or international representatives frequently, at the minimum.

Edit: and sorry for the outburst before, days and days of talking about this with colleagues has left me drained. Shouldn't have posted like that.


but I feel like grouping 23 million people into one group based on the actions of a vast minority just leads to the kind of thinking that causes injustices like seen in this report.
Almost all of our elected representatives support this, a vast minority didn't elect them to those positions.


A more detailed article. Sounds like the government abducted her.


Australia secretly flies pregnant refugee out of country before hearing

Government uses chartered flight to get Somalian woman, who asked for an abortion after being raped, out of Australia as an injunction application is made

The federal government has secretly flown a pregnant refugee out of Australia to escape a court injunction, chartering a jet to fly her back to Nauru and the detention centre where she was raped.

In an extraordinary effort that appears to be an attempt escape the reach of Australian courts, the government on Friday swiftly moved the 23-year-old Somalian, who is pregnant as a result of being raped on Nauru, from Villawood detention centre in Sydney.

The woman, known under the pseudonym Abyan, was raped by an unknown assailant in July.

In the letter, Newhouse requested he be allowed to speak to his client – as afforded by Australian law and the 1951 Refugees Convention – before she was removed. He was not allowed to speak with her.

Hearing that Abyan was being moved, her lawyers sought an injunction against her removal in the federal court before Justice Jacqueline Gleeson.

But in court, they were told that Abyan was already out of the country, and had been flown by chartered jet to the Solomon Islands capital, Honiara. The government was planning to return her to Nauru on Friday night.

It appears the government chartered a RAAF 737 to make the flight to Nauru.

Newhouse said the government’s strategy in forcibly removing Abyan was aimed “at avoiding due process and any scrutiny”.

“The conduct of the Commonwealth in effectively abducting our client before we could speak to her or bring the matter to the court is astounding. I don’t think there’s been a case like it since the Petrov Affair.”

Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition with with Abyan in Villawood this week. He says he was shocked to discover she had been spirited out of the country.

“This is staggering beyond belief that they would act so deliberately to remove her from the court’s jurisdiction: they have flown her to Honiara to ensure they could be no court decision. Having recognised their mistake in the first place, and brought her to Australia, the government has gone to extraordinary lengths to deny her fundamental rights that would been afforded to any woman in Australia.”

Rintoul said he feared for Abyan’s physical safety on Nauru, and for her mental health.

“At a personal level, Abyan has already suffered enormous mental anguish, over the rape, and over her situation. I have at a personal level, serious fears for her health and her mental health They have placed her back in the most extreme desperate personal circumstances, with no concern for her wellbeing on Nauru.”

On Thursday, the immigration minister, Peter Dutton, said there was a “racket” among refugees and asylum seekers on Nauru seeking to come to Australia for medical care, so they could then demand their asylum claims be processed in Australia.

“The racket that’s been going on here is that people, at the margins, come to Australia from Nauru, the government’s then injuncted, we can’t send them back to Nauru and there are over 200 people in that category.

“Now, as I say, we want to provide support to the Nauruans. We want to provide a safe environment, a humane environment for people, but we aren’t going to be taken for mugs.”

Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre said Abyan was being returned to danger.

“This is extraordinary and it is appalling that she’s going back to a place where she was raped. She is being forced back into the Community, at the same risk she was at before.

“She is now being forced to have a baby that she may not want. In a country where it is not safe, where there is a rapist that knows it is his child. She is not safe.”

Curr said the government, and the immigration department in particular, was “waging war on women”

“They have used force to put this person beyond the reach of Australian courts.”

No one has been charged with Abyan’s assault. She declined to go to police, telling caseworkers she feared her attacker finding out she had lodged a complaint.
Was she denied an abortion or did she herself deny it after being flown here? Report/s suggest the latter. :/

Still doesn't excuse the fact that she has been deported when lawyers and the RAC were trying to intervene.

Would have to wait and hear more before passing any sort of judgement in regards to the abortion, but deporting the woman, almost in secret, that is very, VERY wrong.

She was denied counselling before making the decision to have an abortion--which is standard practice for abortions that occur for Australian citizens and in most civilized places--and then got sent back to Nauru (which has restrictive abortion laws) because she didn't go through with it immediately on the first appointment the government booked. Basically, she's being treated worse than a criminal.
She was denied counselling before making the decision to have an abortion--which is standard practice for abortions that occur for Australian citizens and in most civilized places--and then got sent back to Nauru (which has restrictive abortion laws) because she didn't go through with it immediately on the first appointment the government booked. Basically, she's being treated worse than a criminal.

Yep, they basically threw a tantrum because she didn't authorise the abortion the moment she stepped on Australian soil. So fucked up.

This will have zero ramifications on Australia though. The UN won't do shit. No other government will come out and make a big deal about it. People and groups here will make some noise but will struggle to be heard over all the other people making noise about other shit. Fucking sucks.


I've been talking with friends and colleagues about this a lot lately, we all don't like it and strongly oppose it, but I feel like grouping 23 million people into one group based on the actions of a vast minority just leads to the kind of thinking that causes injustices like seen in this report.

Saying things like "fuck (enter race/country here)" doesn't promote intelligent discussion.

How can you use a term like vast minority to describe the federal government as elected by a country with mandatory voting? I don't get it.

Australia as a country wants and supports what is happening to immigrants attempting to come to this country, the populace voted overwhelmingly in favor of these policies.

It doesn't seem right to be upset at anyone blaming 'Australia' as a whole for what is happening here because it's pretty much accurate. For the record I'm an Australian who did not vote for this government.


How can you use a term like vast minority to describe the federal government as elected by a country with mandatory voting? I don't get it.

Australia as a country wants and supports what is happening to immigrants attempting to come to this country, the populace voted overwhelmingly in favor of these policies.

It doesn't seem right to be upset at anyone blaming 'Australia' as a whole for what is happening here because it's pretty much accurate. For the record I'm an Australian who did not vote for this government.

Exactly. If you voted Labor or Liberal, you voted for this policy.
Only just heard about this. Even with all the shit that's going on, I can't believe they would do this. What reason could they possibly have? Fuck.
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