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Reggie has taken Halo's name! (Camp Hyrule chat)

king zell

He's chating with some people at Camp Hyrule

this is one quote I got from IGN boards :

It's not simply a "go into a room and shoot everything in sight" type of game... which is what Halo is to me.


Um, he's right. Halo is pretty much a "shoot everything in site" kinda game

he didn't say that it wasn't fun though

king zell

Transcript for Live Forum: 'The Amphitheater', Fri Aug 20 13:55:39 GMT-06:00 2004, User: MIKEYW
JUSDBERUBE: Hello Mr. Reggie Fils-Aime. I have a question about the Nintendo DS. Will it be able to play GameBoy and GB Color games? Also what screen will the backward compatable games be displayed on? Also need a sidekick? Thanks. ~ #1 Reggie Fan and King Nintendo Fanboy JusDBerube
NOA_ANDY: Oops. Please disregard that one for now ...
NOA_ANDY: Slippery keyboards ...
NOA_ANDY: Four mintues to show time.
NOA_ANDY: *opens the Amphitheater curtains.
NOA_ANDY: And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! It's my pleasure to introduce to you Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing. Welcome to Camp Hyrule, Reggie!
NOA_REGGIE: hey there!
NOA_TAYLOR: Hi Reggie!
NOA_ANDY: Before we get going, could you please explain to our campers what it means to be the EVP of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo?
NOA_REGGIE: Well, first its one of the coolest jobs around
NOA_REGGIE: I get to set the direction for all the activity that the players see in the marketplace
NOA_REGGIE: and to have first crack at all the games!
-MAGIC-: Hi! I was wondering what is your favorite feature on the Nintendo DS and what feature you think will be most popular with people who buy the DS. Thanks!
NOA_REGGIE: My favorite feature is the touch screen
NOA_REGGIE: that's because of all the great new games and gameplay that is being done
NINTENDOFANBOYX: To Reggie: How does Nintendo plan on advertising the DS? Will Nintendo go for a more underground or mainstream approach?
NOA_REGGIE: We'll do a bit of both
NOA_REGGIE: we are doing some very interesting things right now with SP and GameCube
NOA_REGGIE: we'll contiune to push the envelop with DS, but to also do very underground, far out things as well
NOA_REGGIE: I can't share all the detail right now ... trust me it will be innovative!
MUKUSIX: How does Nintendo plan to seperate the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy Advance line from one another? It seems like the DS is far superior being able to play AGB games. How are they going to be marketed differently to make it clear to the consumer that Nintendo DS and AGB are differnent platforms or as you like to say, differnt pillars.
NOA_REGGIE: On GameBoy, that product right now is mass ... meaning we've sold 22 Million Advance and SP units
NOA_REGGIE: the people that don't have GameBoy Advance are younger players, and late adopters
NOA_REGGIE: so, we'll push that part of the market for GameBoy ... keeping it cool and approachable for the mass, mainstream audience
NOA_REGGIE: For DS, it will be more targeted
NOA_REGGIE: Going after the early adopter ... and an older consumer
NOA_REGGIE: That's because the gameplay is more complex ... leading to more complex games
NOA_REGGIE: So the consumer here will be older, willing to pay more for the latest technology, and wanting games that are a bit more advanced
MUSTARDOFYOURDOOM: Reggie, what convinced you to work for nintendo?
NOA_REGGIE: I'm a big Nintendo fan from way back starting from SNES.
NOA_REGGIE: So for me, helping to grow this company was a very exciting opportunity.
NOA_REGGIE: And, I thought given my experiences in other young businesses, I could bring lots of fresh thinking and new ideas to Nintendo.
GAMECUBEVIC: Do you think that Halo 2 will over-shadow Metroid Prime 2?
NOA_REGGIE: As a gamer, I enjoy playing a wide variety of games, and it's clear that no two games are the same. So, Metroid Prime2 will be very different from Halo2.
NOA_REGGIE: Metroid Prime2, at its heart, is a great Samus game where unlocking the puzzles and thinking about the adventure is an important part of the experience.
NOA_REGGIE: It's not simply a "go into a room and shoot everything in sight" type of game... which is what Halo is to me.
NOA_REGGIE: So even though Metroid Prime2 has a great multiplayer element, which is brand new to the Metroid franchise, at its heart it will still be a very different game from our competition.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, the way we are marketing Metroid Prime2 is to make sure that it stands out from all of the other gaming clutter, and to make it hugely successful in the marketplace.
NINTENDOMATT63: Mr. Reggie Fils-Aime were you always a great speaker? Cause I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that every time you speak it is just pure genius. Also how do you study the product you advertise?
NOA_REGGIE: I think the reason I have such passion for Nintendo and this industry is because I've been playing lots of games for the last 15-20 years.
NOA_REGGIE: What you hear when I speak is this passion... and I'm glad it comes out sounding "pure genius."
NOA_REGGIE: The folks I work with would just tell you I'm an every day guy... that's just having loads of fun.
NOA_REGGIE: ...my kids would say that too.
FROBRO3000: Hi Reggie. I've seen the new commercials, which advertise 3rd party games. Will we see large ad campaigns for RE4, the biggest 3rd part game to ever hit the GC?
NOA_REGGIE: We are working with Capcom right now on the advertising and marketing direction for RE4. We both have huge expectations for this game.
NOA_REGGIE: The new GameCube spots on air right now featuring Metroid Prime2, RE4, Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, are an example of how we want to make sure our advertising and marketing speaks to the core gamer.
NOA_REGGIE: I hope all of you like these new spots.
WINGS19: Reggie, Nintendo has been one of the most popular companies of the past twenty years or so. Since you've been there, what has been the most rewarding aspect of your job?
NOA_REGGIE: I have to say, it's doing stuff like this and speaking at E3.
NOA_REGGIE: I love talking with and getting feedback from our consumer... hearing about the things we do and hearing about the things we can do better.
NOA_REGGIE: That's how I learn every day.
NOA_REGGIE: The other rewarding part of my job is seeing the improving sales on GameCube and Game Boy which lets me know we are being successful in the marketplace.
MARIO_MAN13: When can we expect some Nintendo DS kiosks? Or maybe even just some special playtests?
NOA_REGGIE: We're working really hard to finalize the software for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: As soon as we complete that work, we'll begin communicating the titles and all of the other launch information for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: We hope to get playable demos and interactives in front of consumers before too long.
BURNING-STAR: Reggie do you think that Pikmin 2 will be a great hit?
NOA_REGGIE: We think Pikmin2 will be one of the huge titles of the holiday season. We just finished the new advertising for Pikmin2...
NOA_REGGIE: The advertising is really funny and captures the spirit of this very unique game.
NOA_REGGIE: The advertising will start in about a week. And I'm sure all of you will love it as much as I do.
HARKLAN: Which genre do you think will be the most popular in 2005? (RPGs, Fighting, Shooters, etc)
NOA_REGGIE: For us, I think we will do well in RPGs, Shooters, and unique puzzle games...
NOA_REGGIE: because these genres can really be shown off on Nintendo DS.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, genres like Sports and Racing games, can have a real unique game play on DS too.
NOA_REGGIE: So, I guess the genres that will do the best are the ones that will have games on Nintendo DS...
NOA_REGGIE: because DS will be the game to have this holiday season and all through 2005.
PRINCESSZELDA789: Hey Reggie! I was just wondering what you think of the new GCN Zelda that's coming out next year.

NOA_REGGIE: The new GCN Zelda will undoubtedly be the biggest console game of 2005.
NOA_REGGIE: That's because it will leverage everything that makes Zelda unique...
NOA_REGGIE: plus have the more mature Link and new fighting abilities to appeal to even the most jaded hard-core gamer.
NOA_REGGIE: So, based on everything I've seen, the game will be just HUGE.
MISTERHERO: What do you mean when you said you want a Mario more relevent to today's teens? How and why should he be changed?
NOA_REGGIE: I think that today's teens are looking for unique games and unique game play...
NOA_REGGIE: just like I was 15 years ago.

NOA_REGGIE: When SuperMario first came out, it was a WOW for gamers of that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: When Mario64 came out, it was a WOW for that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: We need, and will create, a Mario game that WOWs this generation.
JC29: Is there a release date for the Nintendo Revolution? Thanks in advance!

credit to mikewgs @ IGN boards


Tenguman said:
Um, he's right. Halo is pretty much a "shoot everything in site" kinda game

he didn't say that it wasn't fun though

Yeah, I don't think it was intended to be an insult, but without any context, it's easily misinterpreted.


NOA_REGGIE: When SuperMario first came out, it was a WOW for gamers of that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: When Mario64 came out, it was a WOW for that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: We need, and will create, a Mario game that WOWs this generation.


king zell

NOA_REGGIE: We are hoping to share lots of information on Revolution during E3 2005.
NOA_REGGIE: But, we believe that we have lots of opportunity still on GameCube.
NOA_REGGIE: So for us, the big question is how we manage growing our GameCube business with launching new technology and new game play with Revolution.
NOA_REGGIE: We are committed to launch Revolution at the same time our key competitor moves to the next console cycle.
NOA_REGGIE: And Revolution will truly bring new, "never been done before" aspects to the industry.
NOA_REGGIE: Stay tuned!
BOUNCERBOY15: How do you feel about Nintendo's position on the market?
NOA_REGGIE: That's a tough question...
NOA_REGGIE: On one hand, I am pleased that we are growing market share and that the business overall is very healthy.
NOA_REGGIE: Game Boy Advance represents almost 18% of the total market and it has much more room to grow.
NOA_REGGIE: The new Metroid bundle is selling very strongly and of course, everyone is waiting for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: But, I am not satisfied being number 2 in the total industry.
NOA_REGGIE: And I'm not satisfied with our position in the console segment.

looooool also this :

If you wern't involved in the gaiming industry, what might you be doing instead?
Reggie: Scuba diving in Hawaii, which is what I hope to be doing after a successful launch of the Nintendo DS!
ANUBIS: Hello. Did you think that when you came out and spoke at the E3 press conference that you would get so much press? Things like all the fan sites and publicity.
NOA_REGGIE: Never in a million years did I think the fan sites and websites would happen the way it did after E3.
NOA_REGGIE: To me, Nintendo had great games and great information to share during this E3.
NOA_REGGIE: I was lucky enough to be the one delivering all this great news.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, I guess my energy and passion for Nintendo came out... and the gamers really sparked to that.
NOA_ANDY: OK, let's wrap it up with one final question ...
TORCH665: Mr. Fils-Aime, you've been quoted as saying, "9 have tried and 9 have failed". How can you be so sure that the DS won't fail?
NOA_REGGIE: First, the "9 have tried, 9 have failed" comment is reality.
NOA_REGGIE: I actually owned an old Game Gear and saw how weak that product was both because of battery life and the lack of great games.
NOA_REGGIE: I spent time at the Nokia booth during E3 and for myself saw the problems that they are experiencing right now...
NOA_REGGIE: no great games, small screen, a hybrid product that doesn't do much very well.
NOA_REGGIE: I've been lucky enough to see a lot of detail on DS.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, as a consumer, I think I know what gamers want.
NOA_REGGIE: So my confidence for DS is based on having great games from us and our third-party developers.


works for Gamestop (lol)
MUKUSIX: How does Nintendo plan to seperate the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy Advance line from one another? It seems like the DS is far superior being able to play AGB games. How are they going to be marketed differently to make it clear to the consumer that Nintendo DS and AGB are differnent platforms or as you like to say, differnt pillars.

Why do people feel like they need to feel special and say "AGB"?
Here's the full transcript.

Transcript for Live Forum: 'The Amphitheater', Fri Aug 20 15:55:28 EDT 2004, User: ONILINK666
JUSDBERUBE: Hello Mr. Reggie Fils-Aime. I have a question about the Nintendo DS. Will it be able to play GameBoy and GB Color games? Also what screen will the backward compatable games be displayed on? Also need a sidekick? Thanks. ~ #1 Reggie Fan and King Nintendo Fanboy JusDBerube
NOA_ANDY: Oops. Please disregard that one for now ...
NOA_ANDY: Slippery keyboards ... :)
NOA_ANDY: Four mintues to show time.
NOA_ANDY: *opens the Amphitheater curtains.
NOA_ANDY: And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! It's my pleasure to introduce to you Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing. Welcome to Camp Hyrule, Reggie!
NOA_REGGIE: hey there!
NOA_TAYLOR: Hi Reggie!
NOA_ANDY: Before we get going, could you please explain to our campers what it means to be the EVP of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo?
NOA_REGGIE: Well, first its one of the coolest jobs around
NOA_REGGIE: I get to set the direction for all the activity that the players see in the marketplace
NOA_REGGIE: and to have first crack at all the games!
-MAGIC-: Hi! I was wondering what is your favorite feature on the Nintendo DS and what feature you think will be most popular with people who buy the DS. Thanks!
NOA_REGGIE: My favorite feature is the touch screen
NOA_REGGIE: that's because of all the great new games and gameplay that is being done
NINTENDOFANBOYX: To Reggie: How does Nintendo plan on advertising the DS? Will Nintendo go for a more underground or mainstream approach?
NOA_REGGIE: We'll do a bit of both
NOA_REGGIE: we are doing some very interesting things right now with SP and GameCube
NOA_REGGIE: we'll contiune to push the envelop with DS, but to also do very underground, far out things as well
NOA_REGGIE: I can't share all the detail right now ... trust me it will be innovative!
MUKUSIX: How does Nintendo plan to seperate the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy Advance line from one another? It seems like the DS is far superior being able to play AGB games. How are they going to be marketed differently to make it clear to the consumer that Nintendo DS and AGB are differnent platforms or as you like to say, differnt pillars.
NOA_REGGIE: On GameBoy, that product right now is mass ... meaning we've sold 22 Million Advance and SP units
NOA_REGGIE: the people that don't have GameBoy Advance are younger players, and late adopters
NOA_REGGIE: so, we'll push that part of the market for GameBoy ... keeping it cool and approachable for the mass, mainstream audience
NOA_REGGIE: For DS, it will be more targeted
NOA_REGGIE: Going after the early adopter ... and an older consumer
NOA_REGGIE: That's because the gameplay is more complex ... leading to more complex games
NOA_REGGIE: So the consumer here will be older, willing to pay more for the latest technology, and wanting games that are a bit more advanced
MUSTARDOFYOURDOOM: Reggie, what convinced you to work for nintendo?
NOA_REGGIE: I'm a big Nintendo fan from way back starting from SNES.
NOA_REGGIE: So for me, helping to grow this company was a very exciting opportunity.
NOA_REGGIE: And, I thought given my experiences in other young businesses, I could bring lots of fresh thinking and new ideas to Nintendo.
GAMECUBEVIC: Do you think that Halo 2 will over-shadow Metroid Prime 2?
NOA_REGGIE: As a gamer, I enjoy playing a wide variety of games, and it's clear that no two games are the same. So, Metroid Prime2 will be very different from Halo2.
NOA_REGGIE: Metroid Prime2, at its heart, is a great Samus game where unlocking the puzzles and thinking about the adventure is an important part of the experience.
NOA_REGGIE: It's not simply a "go into a room and shoot everything in sight" type of game... which is what Halo is to me.
NOA_REGGIE: So even though Metroid Prime2 has a great multiplayer element, which is brand new to the Metroid franchise, at its heart it will still be a very different game from our competition.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, the way we are marketing Metroid Prime2 is to make sure that it stands out from all of the other gaming clutter, and to make it hugely successful in the marketplace.
NINTENDOMATT63: Mr. Reggie Fils-Aime were you always a great speaker? Cause I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that every time you speak it is just pure genius. Also how do you study the product you advertise?
NOA_REGGIE: I think the reason I have such passion for Nintendo and this industry is because I've been playing lots of games for the last 15-20 years.
NOA_REGGIE: What you hear when I speak is this passion... and I'm glad it comes out sounding "pure genius."
NOA_REGGIE: The folks I work with would just tell you I'm an every day guy... that's just having loads of fun.
NOA_REGGIE: ...my kids would say that too.
FROBRO3000: Hi Reggie. I've seen the new commercials, which advertise 3rd party games. Will we see large ad campaigns for RE4, the biggest 3rd part game to ever hit the GC?
NOA_REGGIE: We are working with Capcom right now on the advertising and marketing direction for RE4. We both have huge expectations for this game.
NOA_REGGIE: The new GameCube spots on air right now featuring Metroid Prime2, RE4, Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, are an example of how we want to make sure our advertising and marketing speaks to the core gamer.
NOA_REGGIE: I hope all of you like these new spots.
WINGS19: Reggie, Nintendo has been one of the most popular companies of the past twenty years or so. Since you've been there, what has been the most rewarding aspect of your job?
NOA_REGGIE: I have to say, it's doing stuff like this and speaking at E3.
NOA_REGGIE: I love talking with and getting feedback from our consumer... hearing about the things we do and hearing about the things we can do better.
NOA_REGGIE: That's how I learn every day.
NOA_REGGIE: The other rewarding part of my job is seeing the improving sales on GameCube and Game Boy which lets me know we are being successful in the marketplace.
MARIO_MAN13: When can we expect some Nintendo DS kiosks? Or maybe even just some special playtests?
NOA_REGGIE: We're working really hard to finalize the software for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: As soon as we complete that work, we'll begin communicating the titles and all of the other launch information for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: We hope to get playable demos and interactives in front of consumers before too long.
BURNING-STAR: Reggie do you think that Pikmin 2 will be a great hit?
NOA_REGGIE: We think Pikmin2 will be one of the huge titles of the holiday season. We just finished the new advertising for Pikmin2...
NOA_REGGIE: The advertising is really funny and captures the spirit of this very unique game.
NOA_REGGIE: The advertising will start in about a week. And I'm sure all of you will love it as much as I do.
HARKLAN: Which genre do you think will be the most popular in 2005? (RPGs, Fighting, Shooters, etc)
NOA_REGGIE: For us, I think we will do well in RPGs, Shooters, and unique puzzle games...
NOA_REGGIE: because these genres can really be shown off on Nintendo DS.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, genres like Sports and Racing games, can have a real unique game play on DS too.
NOA_REGGIE: So, I guess the genres that will do the best are the ones that will have games on Nintendo DS...
NOA_REGGIE: because DS will be the game to have this holiday season and all through 2005.
PRINCESSZELDA789: Hey Reggie! I was just wondering what you think of the new GCN Zelda that's coming out next year.
NOA_REGGIE: The new GCN Zelda will undoubtedly be the biggest console game of 2005.
NOA_REGGIE: That's because it will leverage everything that makes Zelda unique...
NOA_REGGIE: plus have the more mature Link and new fighting abilities to appeal to even the most jaded hard-core gamer.
NOA_REGGIE: So, based on everything I've seen, the game will be just HUGE.
MISTERHERO: What do you mean when you said you want a Mario more relevent to today's teens? How and why should he be changed?
NOA_REGGIE: I think that today's teens are looking for unique games and unique game play...
NOA_REGGIE: just like I was 15 years ago.
NOA_REGGIE: When SuperMario first came out, it was a WOW for gamers of that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: When Mario64 came out, it was a WOW for that generation.
NOA_REGGIE: We need, and will create, a Mario game that WOWs this generation.
JC29: Is there a release date for the Nintendo Revolution? Thanks in advance!
NOA_REGGIE: We are hoping to share lots of information on Revolution during E3 2005.
NOA_REGGIE: But, we believe that we have lots of opportunity still on GameCube.
NOA_REGGIE: So for us, the big question is how we manage growing our GameCube business with launching new technology and new game play with Revolution.
NOA_REGGIE: We are committed to launch Revolution at the same time our key competitor moves to the next console cycle.
NOA_REGGIE: And Revolution will truly bring new, "never been done before" aspects to the industry.
NOA_REGGIE: Stay tuned!
BOUNCERBOY15: How do you feel about Nintendo's position on the market?
NOA_REGGIE: That's a tough question...
NOA_REGGIE: On one hand, I am pleased that we are growing market share and that the business overall is very healthy.
NOA_REGGIE: Game Boy Advance represents almost 18% of the total market and it has much more room to grow.
NOA_REGGIE: The new Metroid bundle is selling very strongly and of course, everyone is waiting for DS.
NOA_REGGIE: But, I am not satisfied being number 2 in the total industry.
NOA_REGGIE: And I'm not satisfied with our position in the console segment.
NOA_REGGIE: So, we have a few tricks up our sleeve to drive share, both now and when we launch DS.
NOA_REGGIE: My committment to all the Nintendo fans is to grow the business with great games and great new game play.
NOA_REGGIE: This is the innovation that Nintendo has always been known for, and why I'm so passionate about making the gamer say "Wow!"
AGENT079: If you weren't involved the gaming indusrty, what might you be doing instead?
NOA_REGGIE: Scuba diving in Hawaii, which is what I hope to be doing after the successful launch of the Nintendo DS!
ANUBIS: Hello. Did you think that when you came out and spoke at the E3 press conference that you would get so much press? Things like all the fan sites and publicity.
NOA_REGGIE: Never in a million years did I think the fan sites and websites would happen the way it did after E3.
NOA_REGGIE: To me, Nintendo had great games and great information to share during this E3.
NOA_REGGIE: I was lucky enough to be the one delivering all this great news.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, I guess my energy and passion for Nintendo came out... and the gamers really sparked to that.
NOA_ANDY: OK, let's wrap it up with one final question ...
TORCH665: Mr. Fils-Aime, you've been quoted as saying, "9 have tried and 9 have failed". How can you be so sure that the DS won't fail?
NOA_REGGIE: First, the "9 have tried, 9 have failed" comment is reality.
NOA_REGGIE: I actually owned an old Game Gear and saw how weak that product was both because of battery life and the lack of great games.
NOA_REGGIE: I spent time at the Nokia booth during E3 and for myself saw the problems that they are experiencing right now...
NOA_REGGIE: no great games, small screen, a hybrid product that doesn't do much very well.
NOA_REGGIE: I've been lucky enough to see a lot of detail on DS.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, as a consumer, I think I know what gamers want.
NOA_REGGIE: So my confidence for DS is based on having great games from us and our third-party developers.
NOA_REGGIE: With over 120 games in development, with titles like Madden and Rayman, I know we'll have great games.
NOA_REGGIE: Plus, with 2 screens, touchscreen, wireless, voice recognition I know that we will bring new game play to consumers as well.
NOA_ANDY: Well that was awesome, Reggie. On behalf of everyone at Camp Hyrule, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to stop by the Amphitheater. It's been great.
NOA_REGGIE: I've had a lot of fun. Thanks for the opportunity to share some information on DS and all of our other great projects.
NOA_ANDY: See ya later!
NOA_ANDY: *closes the curtain.


Microsoft may be bleeding money, but it's pretty comical to me that Halo 2 will outsell Nintendo's entire holiday lineup combined.


BURNING-STAR: Reggie do you think that Pikmin 2 will be a great hit?
NOA_REGGIE: We think Pikmin2 will be one of the huge titles of the holiday season. We just finished the new advertising for Pikmin2...



Methinks he only played on Easy and Normal. Anything else and that 'run into a room and shoot everything' will quickly land you back at the last save point.
The question I'd like to have seen anwsered is when the fuck are Nintendo going to reveal the whole shebang with regards to the DS. We're what, 3 months from launch, and we essentially know squat about the actual launch lineup.


NOA_REGGIE: We are committed to launch Revolution at the same time our key competitor moves to the next console cycle.
NOA_REGGIE: And Revolution will truly bring new, "never been done before" aspects to the industry.
NOA_REGGIE: Stay tuned!

OMG :)

NOA_REGGIE: The new GCN Zelda will undoubtedly be the biggest console game of 2005.
NOA_REGGIE: That's because it will leverage everything that makes Zelda unique...
NOA_REGGIE: plus have the more mature Link and new fighting abilities to appeal to even the most jaded hard-core gamer.
NOA_REGGIE: So, based on everything I've seen, the game will be just HUGE.

OMG again :D
REGGIE! said:
MUKUSIX: How does Nintendo plan to seperate the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy Advance line from one another? It seems like the DS is far superior being able to play AGB games. How are they going to be marketed differently to make it clear to the consumer that Nintendo DS and AGB are differnent platforms or as you like to say, differnt pillars.
NOA_REGGIE: On GameBoy, that product right now is mass ... meaning we've sold 22 Million Advance and SP units
NOA_REGGIE: the people that don't have GameBoy Advance are younger players, and late adopters
NOA_REGGIE: so, we'll push that part of the market for GameBoy ... keeping it cool and approachable for the mass, mainstream audience
NOA_REGGIE: For DS, it will be more targeted
NOA_REGGIE: Going after the early adopter ... and an older consumer
NOA_REGGIE: That's because the gameplay is more complex ... leading to more complex games
NOA_REGGIE: So the consumer here will be older, willing to pay more for the latest technology, and wanting games that are a bit more advanced

Isn't this the exact opposite of what Nintendo has been saying since the DS was announced? Isn't the point to appeal to casual/non-gamers and people who think the interface for modern consoles/portables is too complicated? Touch here, go there, etc? Seems awfully contradictory...

Methinks Reggie should worry more about media-buying and less about trying to please the fans.


Tag of Excellence
I can't beleive anyone is going into an uproar with what he said in regards to Halo, truly pathetic.

I was part of that chatroom and stayed for the whole thing. NOTHING WAS NEW NOTHING WAS SUBSTANTIAL. It was entertaining however and he seemed very positive (naturally, he's a spokesperson).


metsallica said:
Isn't this the exact opposite of what Nintendo has been saying since the DS was announced? Isn't the point to appeal to casual/non-gamers and people who think the interface for modern consoles/portables is too complicated? Touch here, go there, etc? Seems awfully contradictory...

Not only that, but it's making it sound like they're going after the same market Sony's going after with the PSP. Woops.


Looking at those questions (many of which are redundant, in that they've been asked so many times before now), I have a bad feeling that all the "What color underwear does Mario wear to bed?" questions got in the way of the more legitimate ones. :(


Sucks at viral marketing
metsallica said:
Isn't this the exact opposite of what Nintendo has been saying since the DS was announced? Isn't the point to appeal to casual/non-gamers and people who think the interface for modern consoles/portables is too complicated? Touch here, go there, etc? Seems awfully contradictory...
You're forgetting the context of the statment. Reggie was asked what seperates DS from the GBA. Those other statements from Nintendo were about the gaming market in general. It's not a contradiction.

The DS can't help but to have more complex games, when compared to the GBA. The DS has more features, more buttons, and (most importantly) will move from 2D into 3D. The features of the DS can still be used to simplify those games.
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