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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, I'm more than ready to fast forward to the morning, but I don't think we have any sort of consensus on whether or not to go through with the infiltration plan, or whether to send in Sagishi or Nyx (DeadPhoenix, you still with us?).

What's everyone's vote?))
((Ludwig thinks it's a bit risky, but he's fine with Sagishi/Nyx infiltrating if either wants to do it. He's definitely ready to storm the place if things go sour.))
((Unless something changes, it seems pretty clear Sagishi is going to be the caged equivalent of live bait. Can Galen live with that? Sure, but he will still have a preference toward knowing how the group will be able to come to Sagishi's aid should the need arise.))


((Unless something changes, it seems pretty clear Sagishi is going to be the caged equivalent of live bait. Can Galen live with that? Sure, but he will still have a preference toward knowing how the group will be able to come to Sagishi's aid should the need arise.))

((I'm counting on Keranos watching over him with his out off body ability.))

Mike M

Nick N
The broad strokes--if not the actual details--of a course of action decided, the Endowed finally get on with the business of getting some rest. The ad-hoc shelter has become warm and dry enough for comfort in the time since Peaseblossom revealed herself, and everyone except Ludwig is able to get a full night's rest within between watch shifts. Fortunately the boughs of the tree are thick and interwoven together in an intentional manner to reduce the amount of rain falling to the ground as much as possible. As it turns out, the tree is Peaseblossom's home, and she dislikes getting caught in the rain as much as anyone. It is an impressive feat of botanical engineering for one so slight and fleeting of thought, but it's not inconceivable that she would number beings capable of such things among her friends.

The rain relents sometime during the night, but the sky remains a steely gray the next morning. Peaseblossom zips on ahead of the others as she leads them to "the nasties," darting in a madcap zigzag, but more or less remaining on a general course as she navigates the damp woods. Despite her distracted nature, she seems to know where she's going.

After about an hour's journey, the hobgobins' fortification becomes visible. It's an unsophisticated construction, consisting of little more than cabers of wood made from entire tree trunks stuck in the ground and lashed together. It's a fairly even circle perhaps 100, 125 feet across with ungated entrances at each of the cardinal positions of a compass. Clearly, it is not built with security in mind. Perhaps they believe themselves safe, secreted here deep in the forest.

There's only so much that can be gleaned by circumnavigating the area and stealing glimpses through the gates: There's a tower platform in the center of the compound with a hobgoblin stationed on top. There are cages and the sounds and smells of animals. There are some crates and a wagon, possibly part of a resupply of some sort.

The hobgoblin in the tower seems more preoccupied with monitoring what's happening below than watching for anyone approaching. It would be a difficult task anyway, as the trees run all the way up to the walls of the place. Again, it would indicate that they place a higher premium on secrecy than sound security practices.
During the night, Galen finds himself seated with a pen and paper -the same paper as he had some nights before -and he appends new writing to what he already had:
Ink and Parchment said:
It has been three days since I wrote this message, and, though I had hoped to find a messenger who could deliver it with some haste, there has been none on the roads I have traveled.

I must inform you that I am now involved in the ongoing events in the world; a doom is coming upon us, and I am among some who have been tasked with standing against it. Further, this group's path has been crossed by unexpected foes, most notably a group of gnolls, among which some were possessed of the dark influence of one known as Yeenoghu; they bore a symbol of a red hand.

We have made it through thus far, but I fear there is no guarantee this will continue. Currently, we are looking into these events, and I cannot promise to make it back. Should I fall, I hope this letter can yet reach you, so that you may know of my fate.

With my love,
Galen folds the paper, writing on the outward face
the name of the intended recipient, "Ellesmira," and the name of the settlement in which she lives.

Galen also pulls out a rock of some sort, and he speaks into it, detailing their findings: they have reacquired the trail, finding that their quarry had gone upstream; the trail leads away from the stream, and seems to go somewhat north; and there seems to be a wildlifenapping operation going on that may have some relationship with the attacks.

((That'll be Galen's fun activities for the night. I'm really not expecting to go through the conversation with the sending stone simply because of the time it'll take, so I opted to leave a list of his information. He sees no reason to mention fey of any sort.

Would Galen be able to safely climb a tree to look inside the camp? He wants to take a look, but he would prefer to not be the reason everybody gets caught and killed.

DeadPhoenix, it looks like Nyx has a grand opportunity to shine if she gets to talk with any of these small animals. The party should try to get her an audience with some once this is over.

Just to keep a certain recent trend going, one which I rather enjoy, what would the general locations of this fort and of Peaseblossom's home be on the map?

More to come later. It may even involve a query on the revised primeval awareness.))
"Well then," says Keranos, more at ease and focused than he was yesterday. He finds a suitable place to sit - a tree stump or a log, maybe. "I'll be right back." He departs his body and moves his consciousness into the camp.

He looks around for three things in particular:

-A good spot for Sagishi to slip in unnoticed
-Animals that are behaving in a way that indicates they have been drugged
-The number and quality of guards present, in case Sagishi runs into trouble and we need to raid the compound to assist him

((Perception: [20] + 5 = 25, critical success))
As the group becomes quiet and the night grows darker, Fhiess' fatigue finally takes hold and he begins to drift to sleep. As he slowly falls asleep, his mind rests on the idea of what the giant wolf might be like.


A young elf child scurries from his home, taking notice of something that appeared near his home one day. Separated by a waist high wooden gate between a spacious fence that marks property, an elf dressed in adventurous clothing and gear with his canine stand on the outer side of the fence, speaking to the child's mother standing on the other side. The child rushes to the fence where the dog is, and cheerfully calls out, "Oh! A puppy! Do you see that puppy, mother?"
Alarmed, the mother turns to try to stop him, "Fhiess, no! That's a wild beast!" But the wolf curiously sniffs and lets the child pet and pat him on the head. The elven man laughs, "Not to worry, there! Wolves are a noble animal, they aren't like those wild hogs they call guard dogs. Still, 'surprised he's taken a liking so quickly." Fhiess' mother, relieved quickly apologizes, "You will have to pardon my son, my husband doesn't let him play with the kobold he keeps captive out of fear it would hurt him, so he gets excited to see any animal."

From there everything else he remembers as an adult fades into dreams that are quickly forgotten once he wakes up.


Fhiess spends most of the morning trying to keep himself dry. He gazes carefully through the trees during the time it takes to prepare some pans to fry breakfast while still the only one awake. This gives him enough time to mentally prepare for the long day ahead and danger the group is about to face.

After the journey brings them to the encampment, Fhiess' nose twitches at the smell of animals, vaguely instilling a memory of a farmer's market. He glances over the compound for a moment. Though he's no Tarkus Rook of military strategy, preventing him from conjuring an idea to infiltrate, he notices the supply wagon and can relate to its use in trade. He points to it and suggests, "They need carts to transfer the cargo. If we can break their wagon and keep other wagons from coming, they won't be able to steal the animals."

Mike M

Nick N
Unencumbered by a physical form and all but undetectable to mundane beings on this plane, Kearnos is able to scout out and explore the camp at his leisure and take a full and total accounting of it's contents and layouts.

In the northwest quarter of the ring is a stack of crates and some barrels being unloaded from a wagon by a pair of bugbears. They tear off the lid of each crate to verify its contents before putting it in the pile, and Keranos is able to see that each is filled with glass vials of brown fluid labeled with a smiling cartoon tuber. Each crate is branded with "Nocbus Trading Company, Landsend."

In the southwest quarter are seven cages. They are relatively crude in their construction, but are apparently strong enough to contain some very formidable creatures, because each one contains a large animal barely afforded enough room to sit down in. Among their number are a constrictor snake of some sort, a giant scorpion, a saber-tooth tiger, a giant boar, an owlbear, a giant eagle, and a giant ape. They are all in various states of agitation, but nothing that would seem out of the ordinary for a captured wild animal stuck in a cage. The eagle in particular does not seem to be coping well with its confinement and spins endlessly in its cage, trying at the spots where the bars are forged together with its hooked beak. Interestingly enough, there are a pair of iron loops on the tops of each cage, like what one might expect for being loaded and unloaded with a block and tackle from a ship, perhaps. There aren't any cages that could contain Sagishi; he'd easily be able to slip through the bars of these ones. It's worth noting that the locks aren't particularly sophisticated. More than enough to keep the animals in, but nothing that would keep even an apprentice locksmith out for more than a moment.

The eastern half of the ring seems to be dedicated to shelter and training of the goblinoids. There are some tents and a firepit, near which a trio of goblins are working to feed and water not only three dire wolves, but three regular wolves as well. A little to the south of them, a pair of hobgoblins are training together near a small archery range and a rack of crude--but doubtlessly effective--weapons and tools.

At the center of the compound is a tower platform, upon which stands a wiry hobgoblin clutching a quarter staff in his grip. As the disembodied eidolon of Keranos floats by, his head snaps in that direction, his piercing golden eyes staring straight through the invisible presence unseeing, but wearing an expression of wary suspicion none-the-less.

A tiny fox could doubtlessly enter unobserved, but staying that way might be another matter. There's a lot of open ground and not much cover, and there're fully six snarling wolves and dire wolves who could potentially detect his scent if he draws too near. Sagishi could potentially enter from the north and be able to dart either east or west to put himself behind the tents or the supplies respectively, but moving much beyond that is risky. If he entered from the west or the south, he would conceivably be able to avoid attention by moving among the caged animals, though there's no telling how they'd react to his presence. Coming in from the east would be suicidal, as that would almost certainly put him in plain view of the wolves, the goblins, and the hobgoblins with them being as close to that side of the compound as they are.

((Dat critical perception check. Basically, Keranos know knows everything there is to know about this map.

Speaking of maps, re: SoF's question, you guys are in the hex immediately to the southwest of the one that had the tree))
((Okay, now this is quite exciting, and I cannot wait for the group to get this information from Keranos. I still have to wonder though, should Galen be able to climb up a tree and get a good vantage point without attracting attention? He's still going to want to be able to see all this, and preferably from outside the walls, even if he's essentially on top of them.

As a heads up, I already know the general course of action he will suggest:

Galen will propose that Nyx should approach the animals in a small, inconspicuous form and let them know that she -a shapeshifter -and her allies would like to aid the creatures in their plight, but that the group will require their cooperation. In general, they will have to remain in their cages as Sagishi unlocks them until Nyx's friends attack these nasties, at which point they are free to escape, though any help they could provide would be most appreciated. He also will have a couple targeted questions, which I will get to at that time. If Nyx is unable to do this -for instance, she said she could talk with small animals, but said nothing about large ones- this plan will not work.

Though I just described it, I still intend to write out Galen proposing this; I'm warning you ahead of time in hopes that it will smooth out this time of planning for the group. I'm sure we can come up with something worthy of the party's chosen name!

Should Galen's proposal not be workable, I'm going need to ask a very odd question: "Mike, how would you rule this works?"
You have an innate ability to communicate with beasts, and they recognize you as a kindred spirit. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas to a beast as an action, and can read its basic mood and intent. You learn its emotional state, whether it is affected by magic of any sort, its short-term needs (such as food or safety), and actions you can take (if any) to persuade it to not attack.

Also of note, what would you say should count as a "beast" in the context of this ability? Should I assume this relates only to the specific "Beast" type?

During Keranos' time of scouting, it seems safe to assume Galen makes his more common use of Primeval Awareness, and focuses on the presence of his favorite of favored enemies in the area. It seems possible he may have a full minute with which to do this.

Regarding the group's map location, would Peaseblossom's home have been around the border of the two hexes?))


((Hm, I still kind of like the idea of trying to sneak in and freeing the animals if only for distraction. But other than that I don't think there is much to be gained from sneaking in other than Sagishi and Nyx being able to launch a surprise attack from behind.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Lol, is there even anything left to be gained from Nyx and Sagishi spying in the inside?))
((For spying, honestly probably not. I kind of fudged Keranos's range for his mental projection state, but a critical success is a critical success. Besides, sounds like you guys are already seeing the obviously alternate option : P ))

((Okay, now this is quite exciting, and I cannot wait for the group to get this information from Keranos. I still have to wonder though, should Galen be able to climb up a tree and get a good vantage point without attracting attention? He's still going to want to be able to see all this, and preferably from outside the walls, even if he's essentially on top of them.


Should Galen's proposal not be workable, I'm going need to ask a very odd question: "Mike, how would you rule this works?"

Also of note, what would you say should count as a "beast" in the context of this ability? Should I assume this relates only to the specific "Beast" type?

During Keranos' time of scouting, it seems safe to assume Galen makes his more common use of Primeval Awareness, and focuses on the presence of his favorite of favored enemies in the area. It seems possible he may have a full minute with which to do this.

Regarding the group's map location, would Peaseblossom's home have been around the border of the two hexes?))

((Climbing a tree would be a stealth check, and you'd have to do one immediately adjacent to the wall for you to be able to see much. The animals almost certainly wouldn't be able to see or hear you well enough to make effective use of Primeval Awareness to communicate with them while in the tree. Using your ability to determine the location of the hobgoblins doesn't reveal anything more detailed than what Keranos discovers, though you have the benefit of knowing about their relative positions within the walls before he tells you.

On a related note, I'd rule that Primeval Awareness does indeed only apply to creatures of the Beast category, but I'm going to limit it at my discretion. The giant scorpion, for instance, can't be influenced like that because scorpions arguably don't even have brains as we think of them. Birds and mammals are pretty much always going to be game, arthropods and fish are pretty much always going to be a no-go, and amphibians and reptiles are on a case-by-case basis. The constrictor snake, in this instance, will probably get what you want it to do, but there's no guarantee that it will do it. A dinosaur would be more compliant.

While I'm on the subject, these animal stat blocks are some bullshit. The giant scorpion is more intelligent than the snake? The eagle is more intelligent than the ape? GTFO of here...

And yes, Peaseblossom's tree was near the border, just on the south side of the stream you drew in there.))
After performing some extensive reconnaissance, Keranos's eyes snap back open. He clears his throat and rattles off the finer details about the camp's layout and contents.

"In conclusion," he says, "Sagishi could easily slip into the camp, but staying there unnoticed is quite another matter. They seem to be interested in a certain sort of forest creature, and a fox would not number among them."

He scratches his chin. "I had originally hoped that Sagishi or Nyx could hitch a ride to wherever these animals are being carted off to, as I am sure that location is far more secure than this one. However, given their apparently selective criteria for picking and choosing animals, that may not work."

He stands up and puts both hands behind his back, pacing back and forth pensively. "We ought to be able to take the camp without much difficulty, especially if we release the captive animals before launching our assault. But I wonder - would our efforts be better spent lying in wait, for a shipment of animals to be sent out, so that we could follow it and see where they are being taken?"

((Is there some kind of skill roll we can make to determine whether we know anything about the Nocbus Trading Company or Landsend? Is there a Bard ability for general knowledge checks?))
<I have a jack of all trades skill but I think I have full proficiency anyway

History roll:
1D20+3 => (20 + 3) = 23>

Fhiess perks up, clearly surprised by the mention, "Nocbus and Landsend!? We make arrangements with them all of the time!"

<If somehow history doesn't apply or that wouldn't be how Fhiess knows them then we can pretend Fhiess didn't say that

EDIT: Actually, that was a "crit" for an Int, even if Fhiess didn't get any bonuses or had to use a half-proficiency he should know about it, right?>

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, a 20 where you beat the DC or there's no fixed DC associated with the check is an automatic success. Even if you mathematically can't beat the DC, if you roll a 20 I roll a percentile dice to see if you squeeze out a success regardless.))

Fhiess immediately recalls the name of the Nocbus Trading Company, as their brand was a common sight in his place of employment. They operate out of Landsend, The only deep water port on the southern expanse of Telmur means that it has a natural stranglehold on the flow of goods between Telmur and its trading partners. It is the fulcrum upon which the trade of Telmur operates, and consequently a keystone component of the kingdom's economy.

Nocbus itself is a supplier for a wide variety of raw materials that would find purpose in artistic pursuits: Exotic woods, spices, and pigments are but a small subset of their larger business. It would be safe to say that there is quite literally nothing in Telmur that arrives from without that they don't have some stake in. In Fhiess's personal experience, they were the importers of the raw natural plant fibers that canvas is produced from and the only source for the pigments to make some particularly vibrant shades of paint that could not be duplicated elsewhere.

Codex updates:
((20s all up in this scene. Whoa.))

Portent rolls; 1d20 = 2, 1d20= 12
He is standing upon one broken tower among many, the city around him a long dead corpse of the grand empire it was a part of. The hot wind whips past his face steadily, stinging with sand and glass.

Nothing lives here, but it has visitors from the sky. Angels of black and steel fly about the spires, locked in combat. Trails of starlight follow their path. They hurl bolts of lightning and arrows of fire, every miss devastates the landscape. One is struck, a falling star breaking into a thousand pieces as it tumbles. Another pair have great blades in hand, glowing dimly in the twilight. They pass at each other to strike until one misses its mark, the other taking advantage. Its body is bifurcated and explodes as the other flies on. Eventually, only three remain and move into a v formation, moving swiftly through the firmament before disappearing suddenly.

Moments later, great pyramids appear in the sky. They loose small lights to the ground, each expanding into a blinding inferno until the entire city is engulfed.

Thosar's rest is uneasy but adequate. When the party breaks camp, he is quiet and thoughtful but doesn't add much until Keranos is finished with his reconnoiter. Along the way, he marks trees with a mix of chalk and sap to make a path.
Fhiess recalls what he knows, "Hogan's Exports mainly designs crafts, paintings, and instruments, but the materials used to make the works of art.. they are manufactured by the Nocbus trading company." He looks to Ludwig, realizing that what he is about to say could be of interest to him, "The Nocbus Trading Company has a troublesome monopoly on natural resources in Telmur because of the bottle-necked trade at the southern edge; it is a fact Hogan has often complained about and a reality that affects our work. We often have to dismantle junk or old unfinished works for their materials to maintain our budget."

He grows worried, "Then it would be possible that whoever is making the concoction making the gnolls and hobgoblins go mad are purchasing the ingredients from Nocbus. That would also mean that the paint I saw on the hobgoblin's skin could have also come from them."
"It would make sense, given that Nocbus has a good chunk of the exotic materials trade. Someone is getting rich selling to hobgoblins." He ponders Keranos' idea. "It would help to get a better idea by following a caravan, that's true. Wouldn't that be work better done by the rangers, though? This is a sizeable lead, as things go."
"It would make sense, given that Nocbus has a good chunk of the exotic materials trade. Someone is getting rich selling to hobgoblins." He ponders Keranos' idea. "It would help to get a better idea by following a caravan, that's true. Wouldn't that be work better done by the rangers, though? This is a sizeable lead, as things go."

"Yes, but if we barge into the camp and break the whole thing up, there will be no more caravans to follow. So if we don't wait for one in favor of allowing the rangers to do so, we may as well just leave. And I am of the impatient sort and would rather not."
When he mentions getting rich, Fhiess opts to clarify, "The kingdom is dependent on the goods that The Nocbus provides, I dare say that they are a deep rooted part of the Kingdom's economic system at this point and are already vastly prosperous- I only hope that they are only distributing the materials out of ill realization of what they are being used for."

Once the subject of disrupting the caravans comes up once more, he suggests, "Instead of following the caravan, why not ensure it can never leave? What if we found a way to trap the wagon into their camp, as well as prevent visitors from entering, we could help put a dent in their plans as well as observe who are looking to collect the animals."
Due to a combination of undersized shelter and a pixie that seemingly never wants to stop playing with him, Ludwig gets less sleep than the rest of the endowed. He drags himself up in the morning and lumbers along with the group as they scout out the place. Not having much to contribute until Fheiss talks business, Ludwig spends the prior time listening to their ideas.

"A monopoly, you say? And on natural metals? Damn, what a business. I can't fault them for that unless it was a government awarded monopoly. Beating a location like that is hard, but maybe with the help of teleporting magic and exotic locations , you guys could cut them out! But yeah, if they have their arms spread that wide, it stands to reason they're gaining from this potion and paint madness, knowingly or not."

On following them longer, he seems divided. "Hrm, true, if this isn't their main operation and we can follow them to it, that could do more damage than just whining them out here. But what if they're just taking these animals to sell to other groups, loading them on a ship or something? Won't be much benefit to waiting then. Truth be told, I think we've been detoured from the big task long enough, but if most of you want to see if they head out and follow them, I won't argue over that." He seems a bit relieved as Fheiss speaks of more immediate action.
Once the subject of disrupting the caravans comes up once more, he suggests, "Instead of following the caravan, why not ensure it can never leave? What if we found a way to trap the wagon into their camp, as well as prevent visitors from entering, we could help put a dent in their plans as well as observe who are looking to collect the animals."

"If I were a betting man, I would guess that this is but one of many similar camps, whose primary function is to capture animals to be brought back to a central location. Following a caravan would allow us to find that central location and potentially cut the head off the snake. Disrupting this single caravan would be like chopping off a snake's limb. And a snake can get by just fine without any limbs."

He leans against a tree and crosses his arms. "My vote is to wait, but I will follow the consensus of the group. I only want to make sure that the consequences of whatever action we take are fully considered before we make a final decision."
"If there are caravans, wouldn't they leave a sizeable trail? We could just follow that and inform the rangers of the location of this outpost. Further, if this force is organized, they would need some sort of system to keep track of everything. We might be able to steal plans or orders if they have any. It's likely ciphered but I could probably figure it out."

He folds a leaf as he speaks further. "Not much to be gained from storming in, I agree."
Climbing a tree would be a stealth check, and you'd have to do one immediately adjacent to the wall for you to be able to see much. The animals almost certainly wouldn't be able to see or hear you well enough to make effective use of Primeval Awareness to communicate with them while in the tree.
Okay. Depending on the course of action the group takes, Galen may end up climbing. On a related note, if he did do that, do the trees appear as though he could easily stand in them, or would he need to keep a hold on the tree if he wished to stay up? As far as Primeval Awareness goes, I would not have expected it to work from the trees unless Galen were, say, a monkey. If we were to go that route, Galen would have to sneak in with Sagishi. Shouldn't be too bad, though,
Galen is proficient in stealth, and I have kind of been a bit excited about the possibility that he and Sagishi might go on a stealth mission together.

Mike M said:
On a related note, I'd rule that Primeval Awareness does indeed only apply to creatures of the Beast category, but I'm going to limit it at my discretion. The giant scorpion, for instance, can't be influenced like that because scorpions arguably don't even have brains as we think of them. Birds and mammals are pretty much always going to be game, arthropods and fish are pretty much always going to be a no-go, and amphibians and reptiles are on a case-by-case basis. The constrictor snake, in this instance, will probably get what you want it to do, but there's no guarantee that it will do it. A dinosaur would be more compliant.
I honestly didn't think the scorpion would work anyway, but I did confirm my suspicions that the owlbear is not, in fact, of the Beast type. The only major surprise in this is that amphibians might work; I hadn't even considered them.

Also, Mike:
I just wanted to list out Galen's languages for you at some point to ensure you knew what they were. They are Common, Elven, Goblin, and Sylvan. Now, since the goblinoids are becoming so much more prominent than I had been expecting, would you prefer if I replaced Goblin with something else? It really only beat Dwarvish because Galen already had Elven and could expect a dwarf to be likely enough to know common. I had also considered Orc.

While Keranos investigates the camp, Galen does some investigating of his own, complete with near-silent utterings and a hand placed against a tree. His findings, of course, are quickly rendered moot by the self-proclaimed god in their company.

Galen leans against a tree and ponders Keranos' report as the others discuss their preferred courses of action, and he reaches his hand into the pouch at his side, fingering an object within. His head is bowed, his brow furrowed in thought.

He quickly raises his head, looking at the pixie in their midst. [syl]
[/syl] he asks the fey, [syl]
do you know from which direction or directions they bring in the animals, and in which direction they leave when they take them away?

((Guys, Ludwig could fly on a giant eagle. Who wouldn't want to see that?

Also, Galen will cooperate with whichever direction the group takes, and he is actually rather relieved the party will not have to storm a well-defended fortification in order to save Sagishi. Whichever way everyone decides to go, he will certainly try to help make it work, though there may be something related to his pouch that gives a bit more direction. What is it, you may ask? For those who wish to know,
it is the sending stone.

Speaking of these things, Mike, could we know how Galen's contact with the rangers went?

I'm going to give Coyotecode a little longer to return to life before I make any rolls. We'll see how that goes.

Also, here's my take on our information regarding locations. It has some chance of being somewhat accurate. Maybe.
Revenge of the Map said:

Mike M

Nick N
((The trees aren't large enough to stand on the branches without holding on to something near the top (where you would have to be to see over the wall), no. In regards to the spoilered question, I don't see any reason why you should need to change it. Might even just make things easier on me to have someone in the party who can do that.))

As Galen makes use of the sending stones to report on their progress to the rangers, the responses he get are ones of cordial thanks for the information, but there's no word of sending help or reinforcements to deal with this issue. Reading between the lines, Galen can probably surmise that hobgoblins in the woods capturing animals probably does not rate particularly highly on the list of priorities given the crisis the kingdom is undergoing at the moment. How unfortunate that history is littered with instances of threats going challenged until they became to great to combat effectively without tremendous loss of life and that the powers that be seem intent to never learn from these failings.

Peaseblossom buzzes a circuit around Galen's head as she answers his question. "
They come from all kinds of directions when they come in,
" she says, "
but when they leave, they only go out that way.
." She points to the northern gate near the wagon and supplies.
((Okay. That'll stay, than.))

Galen gives the pixie a smile. [syl]
"Thanks. I shall relay this information to the others."

"If we wish to follow their wagon trails to wherever it is they bring the animals," he addresses the group, "at least we know where to start; they head out in a northerly direction, as though they may intend to leave the forest, though there may also be some that come in that way. If we could find the tracks, we wouldn't even need to wait for them send a wagon out that we could follow."

((Just to point this out, Galen is just making sure the group can have information; he is not officially advocating a course of action.))
Fhiess is taken aback somewhat when his idea is shot down, not having considered the possibility of a larger web of camps, but he decides not to abandon his idea completely, "Then what if we find the point where we understand their main delivery exit where all of the camp deliveries converge, then cut them off there? Even the Nocbus Trade would be hindered severely if they're not able to sell their produce should their one port become inaccessible, I'm sure the same would be true for the hobgoblins as well."


Sagishi isn't sure whether or not he should be relieved or disappointment that there isn't an immediate need to spy in the camp after Keranos gives his detailed explanation of the layout.
He then listens to the discussion and chimes in. "I don't know, there is no way of telling when the next caravan will be leaving. But if Galen is right than we might just be able to follow the trails, I'm pretty sure that they'll stay clear of the normal roads so following shouldn't be to hard. Which means we can still take out this camp here and then follow the trail. Maybe we should move around to the northern side and check if we can find it before we decide?"
He nods in agreement to Thosar's suggestion. "Yes, I think that no matter how we decide to follow the trail, there still is much to be gained from taking out this camp here. Whether it is before or after a caravan leaves. Even if we don't find any additional information we still rid the world of just a little bit evil."
He thinks a little more looking over to the camp. "From what Keranos has gathered I fear that it might be somewhat risky even for me to just sneak in and rummage through the tents, but," his mouths widens in a huge grin and he twirls a key ring that holds various tiny tools around his finger, "I could totally cause a little mayhem and give us a little advantage."
"A wild distraction or two would make for an excellent opening. If Sagishi can open the cages, Galen and him could use the chaos to quickly dispatch the guard watch above. Nyx and Ludwig can storm the eastern gate at that point with Keranos, Fheiss, and myself as support." He muses a moment. [sylv] "
Peaseblossom, would you like to help us rid the forest of the nasties?"
((Nice call, Noisy Ninj4. It is probably very important to get Peaseblossom's input here.

Also, Mike:
Given the rangers' efforts to keep travelers safe from goblin attacks, would any traveling party with the means to do so be expected to fight an armed group of goblins should they come across it? This topic, as far as the kingdom of Telmur is concerned, has taken my interest.

"That is a fair suggestion, Fhiess," Galen tells the elven artist, "and it is possible we could look into it should we come across such a location. However, even if we were to take such action, it is possible they could simply relocate, though it would cost them time and resources.

"As far as an assault on this camp before we move on is concerned," Galen continues, addressing the rest of the group -those who can speak Common, at least -"that is something that may provide those of us with the capability for keener senses an opportunity to look into whatever scent the wagons may carry, though it may have been washed away by the rain. Of course, this is a heavy matter, and we should think about it carefully. If we do go through with it, though, we will need to think it through; this is not something we can simply charge into."

He sighs. "Is anyone here capable of magically silencing an area?" The question is open for all, and Galen adds another: "Keranos, if we were able to bring down the hobgoblin in the tower, do you think he would be likely to fall?"

Galen has taken on a slightly troubled demeanor, but he remains open to the party's options.

((Maybe I should be concerned about this, but I'm rather enjoying the fact that Galen has been leaning against a tree for this whole conversation.

Also, it is tactically sound for Galen to stand out in the open pelting this watchgoblin with pointy objects.))
"If the hobgoblin loses its balance, it is conceivable that he could fall from his perch. I suppose it will depend on just how surprised he is by such an attack."

"Very well," he says after listening to some discussion. "Let's set about conquering this vile menagerie, and then afterward decide how to deal with the trail toward wherever these animals are to be brought. I am partial to Sagishi's plan myself." He cracks his knuckles. "Shall we get this show on the road?"

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom claps her hands enthusiastically when Thosar asks if she would like to take part in ridding the forest of the hobgoblin scourge. "
I could hide all their left boots and tie the straps together!
" she offers. "
Or make all their lanterns go out when they want them, and on when they don't!

Clearly, malicious intent does not come naturally to the small pixie, but she's at least eager and willing to put her innate abilities to use.

Also, Mike:
Given the rangers' efforts to keep travelers safe from goblin attacks, would any traveling party with the means to do so be expected to fight an armed group of goblins should they come across it? This topic, as far as the kingdom of Telmur is concerned, has taken my interest.

((Historically the threat from goblinoids has been low, as they have been prone to infighting and are usually too poorly equipped and trained to prove much threat to anything but a completely unarmed traveling party, and most would not even hold a second thought about driving them off. This increase in tactical sophistication and cooperation appears to be a recent event measured in weeks or months, and the first encounter reported to the Kingsgate rangers is the first that the powers that be would have heard about it. Knowledge of the new threat they pose lately almost certainly has not been widely disseminated.))


((Are we good to go then?

I'm thinking if maybe Sagishi can give Peaseblossom a couple of his firecrackers that she could light at a lantern as a distraction so that it is even safer for him to do his own distraction or is that to complicated for her. She would just have to dangle the fuse into a flame and then drop it.

Other than that, do I have to make a new stealth check for every time I change back and forth between forms to open the locks and a thieves' tool check for every single lock I pick, or do I make one each for the entire sequence?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Are we good to go then?

I'm thinking if maybe Sagishi can give Peaseblossom a couple of his firecrackers that she could light at a lantern as a distraction so that it is even safer for him to do his own distraction or is that to complicated for her. She would just have to dangle the fuse into a flame and then drop it.

Other than that, do I have to make a new stealth check for every time I change back and forth between forms to open the locks and a thieves' tool check for every single lock I pick, or do I make one each for the entire sequence?))

((Peaseblossom is smart enough that she'd be able to execute any plan you might ask of her. There'd be a stealth check for every time you move from one cage to the next, and a check for each lock. But depending on which animals you start with, being sneaky might become moot real quick.))


As the plan for their next move seems to come together Sagishi starts rummaging through his apparently bottomless pockets. After a few moments he pulls forth two strings of small, tied together paper tubes. Silvan:
Peaseblossom, how would you like to scare the Nasties with a little thunder?
He hands the firecrackers to the pixie and explains how she only has to hold the stringy end into a flame until it sizzles and then either drop or throw it in the direction of the nasties.

With nothing more to discuss he makes of into the camp, staying away from the cages until Peaseblossom starts her distraction.

As soon as the firecrackers go off he darts to the first cage. His first instinct is to free the eagle first, only because it looks the most miserable of the lot, but the chance that it might just fly away and do nothing but attract the attention of their opponents is too high so he moves towards the cage containing the giant boar instead.

Stealth: 1D20+8 = [10]+8 = 18

He changes to his normal form and swiftly pulls out the key ring with his tools. Not ten seconds pass before the simple lock clambers to the floor and the door swings open.

Thieves' Tools: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28

Sagishi doesn't linger around to test the gratitude of the captured animal and quickly returns to his fox form and dashes into hiding to observe how the situation will unfold.

Stealth: 1D20+8 = [8]+8 = 16

((Well I think it is save to say Sagishi picked the shit out of this lock, lol. Watch me fudge all my attack rolls, once the fighting starts...

Gonna stop at this point to see what happens before freeing another animal.))
((We're on highway 20, heading to victory.
Axel, would you cast Bless this time? I have another spell I think I'll be concentrating on.))

Thosar takes his position behind Ludwig and Nyx, ready to bolster and hinder as needed.
((Nat 20s all over the place. Yeah, I can cast bless this time around, that'll cover me, Galen, and Nyx. Those seem like the three who'll be making the most direct attack rolls, but I'm open to amending who gets #blessed))
Before Sagishi departs to execute his plan, Fhiess imparts words of wisdom, "If you're going to go then at least keep what Hogan had always said to heart: 'Taking risks isn't foolish, if taking risks is done right.'"

Bardic Inspiration: 1D6 => (2) = 2

< rolled a nat 33 out of 100 aww yeah>

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom seems all too pleased to put Sagishi&#8217;s fireworks to work for the plan. She grasps the instructions easily enough and is delighted to learn of what the shape-changing entertainer hopes they will accomplish. A string of paper-wrapped explosives dangling from each hand, she circles up into the air, vanishing from sight just before she crests the top of the wall.

In his vulpine form, Sagishi crouches just out of sight, haunches tensed as he waits for the explosive confusion to begin. Having some idea of what to look for, he&#8217;s the only one to notice when the two strings of firecrackers fall to the ground--seemingly from thin air--between the goblins working with the trio of direwolves.

The familiar crackling bursts of tiny explosions are a familiar sound to Sagishi&#8217;s ears, but to the goblinoids and wolves, the cacophony of percussion foments only panic as the wolves scatter through the camp with howling yelps, trampling their handlers. The three direwolves and two of the normal wolves regain their composure after a few paces and turn to face the source of the noise with their hackles raised, but the third wolf takes off into the forest without a second look back.

The two bugbears move away from the wagon to attempt to restrain the nearest dire wolf, while the two hobgoblin warriors move to attend their smaller counterparts. The wiry one atop the tower stows his quarterstaff through a loop of leather on his back and slides down the ladder to the ground to investigate.

The distraction is more than sufficient to conceal Sagishi&#8217;s movements as he dashes forward on padded paws to the cage containing the giant boar. Reverting to human form once more, he attacks the lock with his tools and finds that it is of even simpler construction than he had imagined. Presuming that all the other locks are of this same construction, subsequent attempts should go even faster. ((DC on subsequent locks is lower, if it actually comes to that)).

Pulling the boar cage door aside, Sagishi returns to his smaller, furred form and takes up a hidden position to see his and Peaseblossom&#8217;s efforts unfold. The boar steps out of the cage, pawing the earth and sniffing the air tentatively, grunting as his gaze moves from the wolves to the possible points of exit.

So far, no one&#8217;s noticed his liberation.

((Map. Feel free to drop yourselves in at the entrance you want to use. You can split up to come from multiple angles if you want.

Also, probably time to roll initiative. This is going to be... interesting.))
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