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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

((On the assumption that we can add little bits of action between the time Sagishi gives Peaseblossom the explosives and the time she sets them off, I'm going to include a little something. I shall even put it in spoilers in case it should be completely disregarded.))

It is as if little alarm bells go off inside Galen's head when Sagishi gives Peaseblossom her task; the time for deliberation is ending. Galen pushes himself up off the tree, hand in his pouch fishing for something. He takes a few steps to stand in front of Fhiess, pulling out a tri-fold paper, and holding it out to the painter. "Fhiess," he says, "would you allow me to entrust this letter to you? If I don't make it out of this, I'm counting on you to get it to where it needs to go."

((And, I figure Galen's starting location will be informed to some extent by Ludwig and Nyx, though Galen's preferred location is N,3, allowing him to do a single step in order to have a good view of the chaos within the walls.

Galen's Initiative to save them all:
Roll One: [13]+3 = 16
Advantage: [10]+3=13
Also, he was going to think about bugbears...
Roll One:
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

I think I figured out my Coyotecode woes. Apparently I just have to not keep a tab for it ready, and it'll work. Never mind. It just wants to spite me.))

Mike M

Nick N
((No problem getting off a final action before the fireworks start (yuk yuk), but you may want to unspoiler it so those involved can see it : ) ))

Before heading into action, Galen takes a minute to see if he can remember anything about bugbears that might be important. They're somewhat less intelligent than hobgoblins, but their build is significantly more robust and they are capable of packing a wallop. They are also notoriously self-interested; alliances with other humanoids only last so long as they are fed and paid, or until their life is in danger. Oddly enough, bugbear mercenaries are not unheard of, as some people have discovered that they can actually provide a good value in the brute strength you get for the pay rate. Just trying to find one to proposition can be a risky endeavor on its own, however.
((Okay. I just thought I'd tag it to indicate that it might not be something anyone could act on, just in case. Unspoilering is about to commence in five, four, three, two, o--

Guys! We should totally get a bugbear mercenary paladin of Keranos!))
Guys! We should totally get a bugbear mercenary paladin of Keranos!))
<*adds 'Paladin Bugbear' to list of character ideas*

It'd totally protect a Temple of Bane sitting in Phlan.>

Initiative: 1D20+3 => (9 + 3) = 12
EDIT: Initiative Adventage: 1D20+3 => (2 + 3) = 5

Trained to avoid investigating private matters of customers when entrusted with documents that may detail them, Fhiess smiles confidently as he receives the folded paper, "I'm a part of this fight too, but if you feel that I am best suited to protect it, then your trust is an honor to have." He places the letter in a front pouch of his bag where it should hopefully be kept in good order amidst this chaos.

<I'm not sure I can use another Bardic Inspiration at this time, but I feel as though Fhiess giving his word would be a good opportunity to activate it, so if applicable 1D6 => 5>
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145504]Initiative: 1D20 = [9] = 9
((What the hell, I'll put Ludwig on the other side from Keranos so we have some pincer fun going on while all hell breaks loose with the cages. Map.))
If the plan is to have Ludwig cast Bless on himself, Galen, and Nyx, would it be be safe to assume that Ludwig's position will require all three of them to enter from the south? It seems like that would be the case.
<I didn't notice we were placing ourselves on the map. Hmm, I will most likely need to be where I can buff somebody in active combat and that will most likely be Ludwig. I can cast a Constitution boost on him to help him out since he is such a big target.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Couple quick notes based on further consideration:

Sagishi: Since lowering the DC of the locks will be pretty pointless (They were already easy), instead your critical success will allow you to pick any additional lock as a bonus action if you have the movement left to reach it.

Everyone: You all have advantage on the initiative roll to reflect the momentary state of confusion in the compound.))


((Damn, that leaves only the snake for me to set free... I was thinking about leaving it and the scorpion caged up because I gathered from the earlier conversation that those were the two that Galen could definitely not influence. What does the rest think. Should I just spent a round moving into a better position not opening any cages at all or risk setting something loose that might turn on us.))
((I'd recommend not releasing stuff that might attack us since we're getting into the thick of things. We've got enough on our plate, I think.))


((So, could I technically make a 5 foot step to the north, take a shot at the watchtower goblin an then use my move action to go into hiding on G24? I'd transform only to shoot and then it's back to fox form.))
((So, could I technically make a 5 foot step to the north, take a shot at the watchtower goblin an then use my move action to go into hiding on G24? I'd transform only to shoot and then it's back to fox form.))
((Movement works a little differently in 5e. You can take part of your move, attack, then use the rest of your move to go wherever. If you have multiple attacks, you can even move-attack-move-attack as long as you have the attacks and movement to do so. Also, 5-foot steps no longer exist. Not sure how fast you can move, but G24 seems awfully far...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Noisy beat me to the punch with the info about movement and 5ft steps. Also, transforming is an action, so while in combat you wouldn't be able to transform and attack on the same turn. You could also use a dash action to move up to twice your move speed (40ft as a fox) to position yourself for the next round. The bars of the cages have gaps large enough that you can pass through empty cages as though they are empty spaces while in fox form)).


((Movement works a little differently in 5e. You can take part of your move, attack, then use the rest of your move to go wherever. If you have multiple attacks, you can even move-attack-move-attack as long as you have the attacks and movement to do so. Also, 5-foot steps no longer exist. Not sure how fast you can move, but G24 seems awfully far...))

((I might have miscounted. But I do have 40 ft. movement in fox form and I can make a dash as a bonus action. Good to know about the 5 foot step though.

Edit: Guess I'll just drop attacking then and position myself so that I can free two of the animals next turn.

Edit2: Or would that mean I can technically free the owlbear. Dash through Cunning Action to get there, Change as normal action and than open the lock due to the critical success? I think that should even leave me with enough movement to step out of the open door with my normal movement... Hell I think I technically could free the Ape then as well. ))
<I believe they changed attack of opportunity rules as well. No more threatened square rules, just whether or not you leave their reach (which I believe was how it was in AD&D). You can move without provoking if you disengage instead of doing another action, though.

I'm still waiting for Ludwig to tell me if positioning Fhiess beside him and casting a +Constitution spell for him is the right idea, otherwise I might go with Keranos as backup>
((I might have miscounted. But I do have 40 ft. movement in fox form and I can make a dash as a bonus action. Good to know about the 5 foot step though.

Edit: Guess I'll just drop attacking then and position myself so that I can free two of the animals next turn.

Edit2: Or would that mean I can technically free the owlbear. Dash through Cunning Action to get there, Change as normal action and than open the lock due to the critical success? I think that should even leave me with enough movement to step out of the open door with my normal movement... Hell I think I technically could free the Ape then as well. ))
((Forgot about cunning action, that makes more sense. Keep in mind that using that is a bonus action, which would preclude you from also lockpicking as a bonus action at the same time, though you could presumably use a normal action for it.

Also, depending on Sagishi's rogue archetype, he can already lockpick as a bonus action thanks to fast hands. >_>))
((Forgot about the advantage on initiative, second roll came out negligibly better))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145555]Initiative Advantage: 1D20 = [10] = 10

Mike M

Nick N
((If you use your bonus action to dash, you won't have one available to pick the lock after taking an action to transform. If you want to release an animal on this turn, I think you're limited to just the snake. If you take the dash and transform, you can get in position to release two animals on the next turn.))


((Ah, OK, so only one bonus action per turn. I won't risk freeing the snake. So only movement for me.))

Apparently being freed so suddenly must have confused the boar as it is still standing before the cage unnoticed.

Since this isn't exactly the effect he had hoped for Sagishi eyes the other cages. He does not have a good feeling about the snake and the scorpion so he decides that he will turn his attention the other animals instead.
He quickly zig-zags through the little menagerie finally coming to a stop before the cage with the owlbear. He returns to his human form again and crouches before the iron bars of the cage, searching in his pockets for his tools. Marveling at the most curious creature inside.

"Hey there, fellow," he whispers under his breath. "Just a moment and you'll be free just as your friend over there."

Sagishi throws a glance at the boar, hoping that the creature wouldn't confuse him with one of its captors.

((Positioning Sagishi at 26K. This way I can free the owlbear and either the eagle or the ape next round. Leaning towards the eagle though manly because Mike made it sound so miserable in his earlier post, lol.
Updated Map. ))
I was thinking about leaving it and the scorpion caged up because I gathered from the earlier conversation that those were the two that Galen could definitely not influence.
Well, actually, about that...
The constrictor snake, in this instance, will probably get what you want it to do, but there's no guarantee that it will do it. A dinosaur would be more compliant.
As for this:
What does the rest think. Should I just spent a round moving into a better position not opening any cages at all or risk setting something loose that might turn on us.
I could go either way on that; after all, you could always open a couple more later should you need, though more immediate targets for the enemy would help keep everyone alive. The snake? That would actually be a useful grappler if it were inclined to go along with our schemes, though there is no guarantee it will do so (The mention of the Beasts seeing the Ranger as a kindred spirit would likely help with that to some extent, though).
I think I technically could free the Ape then as well.
The ape, I think, is likely to side with the party. It very well should understand what is going on. But these are wise words from our resident ninja:
((I'd recommend not releasing stuff that might attack us since we're getting into the thick of things. We've got enough on our plate, I think.))

Also, I think we may be able to assume the answer to this is no; it cannot be done?
I'm not sure I can use another Bardic Inspiration at this time, but I feel as though Fhiess giving his word would be a good opportunity to activate it, so if applicable 1D6 => 5
If it were allowable, though, that would be a Bardic Inspiration on Fhiess himself, right? That would be cool.

Most importantly:
((I can only think of so many ways to reward a critical lock pick!))
Sagishi clearly scared all the locks into submission; with tiny cries of terror, they all pop open, allowing the doors to swing freely. Chaos ensues.

Looks like everyone is storming in from the south, and Keranos can grudge duel everything he so desires.

Oh! And people are making actions. Party time?

Galen is now on the map: May Keranos have pity on our souls.

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm really only going to worry about action economy in combat, so Fhiess's Bardic Inspiration is a go since it happened before the fight actually started in earnest.

Incidentally, turn order is you > bad guys > animals if that has any bearing on your planned moves))
If it were allowable, though, that would be a Bardic Inspiration on Fhiess himself, right? That would be cool.
<the intention is to give the bonus to Galen, I don't think I can give Bardic Inspiration to myself

http://beta.ditzie.com/85200/5848636bc485d - Fhiess is now on the map as well. He will cast Enhance Ability with the sub-effect Bear's Endurance to give Ludwig 2D6 => (5 +2) = 7 temporary hit points>

Fhiess reaches over to touch Ludwig's leg, whispering a slight chant, "May the Bear grant vast endurance, so that you may fight along rocks and giants!"
((That bless is well protected thanks to advantage.))
Thosar takes the initiative and sneaks under Ludwigs legs and to the right. Wand in hand, he begins to chant and cast his spell. "Araneum cassiculus!" Strands of sticky, thready web begin to form in front of him before leaping forward past the nearby dire wolf. A thick mat of webs forms around and under the goblins and hobgoblins on the east side of the camp.
((Layering a web spell T-W/15-18 under those 4 guys. Reflex save 13 or better to avoid being restrained when something starts its turn in it or enters it. Strength check (not a save) to escape if they are stuck. Also the stuff is difficult terrain and lightly obscures.

http://beta.ditzie.com/85200/58487894a5915 ))
the intention is to give the bonus to Galen, I don't think I can give Bardic Inspiration to myself
But Fhiess getting it was so much more fun...

Anyway, Galen's move will wait until at least Ludwig has acted; there's not too much he can do otherwise. I should also probably ask, how tall is this tower, and does it provide any manner of cover for any who may be inside?

Also, we should definitely cage a dire wolf. Maybe.))

Mike M

Nick N
((The tower is 30 feet tall and really isn't much more than a platform atop some scaffolding with a ladder. If someone were to stand within the legs, attacks on them from outside would be at disadvantage (and vice versa), but it's not enough to qualify for cover bonuses to AC. Someone on top would be at advantage for ranged attacks and any ranged attacks against them would be at disadvantage.)).
As mayhem begins to break loose and the group moves in, Ludwig focuses inward for a moment. As he shouts out a blessing, a shimmer of light washes over himself, Nyx, and Galen. "Into battle we go! May the free market smile upon us, and may rational self-interest see us through this melee!" The J'raffa then draws his sword and runs in, ready to further harry the hobgoblins as caged animals pour out.

((Bless casted on Ludwig, Nyx, and Galen. Updated Map.))
((I believe we had the option to precast stuff prior to charging, if you want to get into the action Axel. That dire wolf looks especially in need of a smiting.))
((Oh? Man, I have not been on a row at all recently, just missing all kinds of stuff. If that's the case, I'll edit in an attack soon. Would there be advantage on that too?))
Galen responds to the elf's acceptance of the letter with a "Thank you, Fhiess," and rushes off to the wall, standing in wait by the opening, bow ready, fingers brushing against the fletchings on his arrows.

The explosives go off with a bang, and the group springs into motion. As Ludwig imparts the blessings of the free market upon them, Galen bursts forward toward the cages, letting fly a pair of arrows toward the mass of hobgoblins within the bounds of Thosar's spell.

((Galen Keene to O,26, firing at the hobgoblins in U,15 and U,16.

Sadly, I am a bit rushed, and will have to roll in a couple hours, but there's Galen's actions for the round.))
Not stopping with just charging in, Ludwig takes a swing at the nearest dire wolf. Unfortunately, his aim is a bit off, leading to what is most likely an ineffective attack.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145599]Attack: 1D20 + 1D4 + 5 = [4]+[4]+5 = 13
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145600]Damage: 3D6 + 2D8 + 3 = [1, 6, 6]+[7, 3]+3 = 26
((Updated map for attack attempt.))
((And the arrows roll.

To make sure I've got everything right, my rolls are based on the following:

Attack:1d20, dexterity, proficiency, archery style, and Bless(1d4).
Damage: longbow(1d8), dexterity, and proficiency (and favored enemy bonus on humanoids)

Goblin B
Attack roll: [2]+3+2+2+[1]=10
Advantage: [3]+3+2+2+[1]=11

Damage (unlikely):[7]+3+2+2=14

Hobgoblin A
Attack roll: [15]+3+2+2+[3]=25
Advantage: [20]+3+2+2+[1]=28

Damage: [6,3]+3+2+2=16

It seems one of those arrows may have rolled. The other, though, clearly flew.

#blessed 10/10))

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, Hobgoblin A was only two weeks away from retirement. And now he'll never get to see his daughter's face when she sees the car he bought her for her 16th birthday.

Map updated.))
((It's okay; Fhiess is carrying the letter we'll send to express our deepest condolences. Besides, everyone knows only royalty can afford to purchase cars these days. The tax on those things is too high.

Kittenmaster, Noisy Ninj4, Axel, DeadPhoenix, Nezumi:
I vote we throw that dire wolf in one of the cages for later.
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