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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

((I can move Sagishi for you; I have to move Galen as well anyway. Please let me know if I moved him to the wrong square.))

As Galen moves toward the center of the field, he feels the scorpion's grip closing around him. Not now, he thinks, as he works to twist his way out of its grasp. I don't have time for distractions like you.

Having made his escape, he breaks across the field, briefly holding his arm and shouting "Don't let him get away! We need him alive!"

((Updated map. Feel free to cross-reference Galen's movement with the circles; I haven't had time to prepare an 30 foot overlay.

Still #blessed 8/10))

Mike M

Nick N
((Bugbear A gets an AoO as Keranos retreats))
Morningstar attack vs. Keranos: 1d20 + 4 = 17
Damage: 2d8 + 2 = 5

((Dire Wolf B moves to Keranos and attempts to bite again.))
Bite attack vs. Keranos: 1d20 + 5 = 21
Damage: 2d6 + 3 = 13
DC 13 STR check to not be knocked prone if that hits

((Bugbear A also moves to Keranos and takes another swing.))
Morningstar attack vs. Keranos: 1d20 + 4 = 5
Advantage swing if Keranos is knocked prone: 1d20 + 4 = 8
Damage: 2d8 + 2 = 11

((Bugbear B is now awake. He stands from prone and moves toward Keranos to also take a swing, waking Wolf B on the way))
Morningstar attack vs. Keranos: 1d20 + 4 = 9
Advantage swing if Keranos is knocked prone: 1d20 + 4 = 8
Damage: 2d8 + 2 = 7
((You guys had one job!))

((Wolf B spends half his movement to stand up from prone and makes a dash around the tent to also surround Keranos, but has no action left to attack))

((Hobgoblin B targets the wild boar with a poison arrow))
Longbow vs. Giant Boar: 1d20 + 3 = 9

((Devastator casts Fly and moves maximum distance to the north))

((Dire Wolf A says fuck yo’ spike growth and eats the damage to close in on Thosar and attack))
Spike growth damage to Dire Wolf: 6d4 = 20

Bite vs. Thosar: 1d20 + 5 = 18
Damage: 2d6 + 3 = 10
DC 13 STR check to not be knocked prone if that hits
Spike growth damage if knocked prone: 2d4 = 2

((Wild boar gores Hobgoblin B))
Tusk attack vs. Hobgoblin B: 1d20 + 5 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 3 = 8
((Hobgoblin B is dead.))

((Owlbear attempts to escape restraints))
Owlbear STR check: 1d20 + 5 = 7

((Giant ape attempts to escape restraints))
Giant Ape STR check: 1d20 + 6 = 7

((Good god, get it together, you two…))

((Giant eagle takes off))

((Giant scorpion comes after Nyx))
Claw attack 1 vs. Nyx: 1d20 + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 2 = 7
Grappled if hit

Claw attack 2 vs. Nyx: 1d20 + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 2 = 8
Grappled if hit

Tail attack vs. Nyx: 1d20 + 4 = 15
Piercing damage: 1d10 + 2 = 11
Poison damage: 4d10 = 21
DC 12 CON save to halve poison damage

((Giant eagle goes in after giant scorpion))
Beak attack 1 vs. Giant Scorpion: 1d20 + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 3 = 8

Beak attack 2 vs. Giant Scorpion: 1d20 + 5 = 9

Talons attack vs. Giant Scorpion: 1d20 + 5 = 10

((Peaseblossom casts confusion on Giant Scorpion))

((Flavor text and map update forthcoming.))
((Is the lack of quarterstaff not preventing the devastator from casting fly? Normally material components get replaced by using a focus like that which is why I had him chuck it. >.> If he is flying... Welp, I think you're gonna have to shoot him down Galen, sorry.

As for the wolf attack, normally it would barely hit but I'll use a shield spell to keep that damage down.))
Nope, that square is fine, thank you.
No problem.

((Is the lack of quarterstaff not preventing the devastator from casting fly? Normally material components get replaced by using a focus like that which is why I had him chuck it. >.> If he is flying... Welp, I think you're gonna have to shoot him down Galen, sorry.
Yeah, I was going to ask if anyone had any way to stop him, but I cannot advocate any potential use of a counterspell, if it could even be used, from Thosar in this case. If there is no way to stop him from fleeing, say, the use of the Command spell to demand he return -with a dash action or ending his turn, as we have learned -Galen will have no choice but to pincushion him to prevent unnecessary complications. If he could be forced to return, Galen could just shoot that wolf to probable death to get it off Thosar.

Alternatively, Sagishi could kill the wolf to free up Galen. I was going to say that Galen was about ready to just kill this guy if he couldn't otherwise be stopped, and, well, it may be time to see Icarus fall.

As for the wolf attack, normally it would hit but I'll use a shield spell to keep that damage down.))
And for that, Galen is most relieved.))
Strength check: [8] - 1 = 7

((I am now surrounded by four guys and prone. HELP

Actually hang on, I'm going to cast another Thunder Wave and maybe take some guys out))
((Standing from prone doesn't provoke attacks, so at least you have that going for you. Hopefully the warthog can help you out soonlike.
Since Peaseblossom has cast Confusion on the scorpion, it can't take any reactions so anyone can run past or away from it safely. Also, since her entangle dissipated after switching concentration to the new spell, the ape can act normally. Maybe run over to help Keranos as well. That owlbear is still cranky though.))
When he is forced to the ground by a wild dire wolf and surrounded by hostile creatures, Keranos finally snaps out of his blood feud with Talos to address the situation in front of him.

Maneuvering to one knee to properly focus his energies ((purely fluff; I am still prone)), Keranos summons the full force of a raging hurricane to push his foes away from him.

((Cast Thunderwave using a Level 2 spell slot, centered on me to hit all surrounding enemies. Note: I am still not really clear about how the area of effect for Thunderwave works, so let me know if I'm doing it wrong.

Damage: [3 + 4 + 8] = 15. DC 13 Constitution save; if they pass, half damage. If they fail, full damage and they are pushed back 10 feet.

I am going to wait to see how the spell plays out before I decide whether to stand up.

Edit: I am now being told that I can stand up without being attacked. If that's true then I'll stand up first))

Mike M

Nick N
Correctly assessing that the giant ape poses the largest danger between it and the owlbear, the four-legged uses his divine power to purge the goblinoid’s tainted substance from the simian’s system. The ape blinks rapidly and looks about in confusion, but the fire of animal fury has gone out of his eyes, and he poses no further threat at the moment. The same can not be said for the owlbear, who rages against its restraint in a desperate bid to sink beak and claw into anything nearby. Fhiess, seeking to channel the creature’s animosity in directions other than his teammates, conjures the illusion of a plump little bunny to hop about in front of the owlbear to hold the monstrosity’s attention.

On the far side of compound, Keranos continues his tantrum. Shouting to the sky, he weathers the tooth and claw of the wolf and easily evades the blow of the half-sedate bugbear. He responds with another wave of thunderous might that knocks the dire wolf back far enough for it to stumble over the sleeping bugbear, waking the slumbering brute in the process. Keranos attempts to put some distance between himself and the growing number of opponents and moves toward the tents and firepit, prompting the bugbear standing next to him to take a swing at him.

Meanwhile, Galen attempts to put some distance between himself and the giant scorpion, but the arthropod manages to grab him in its claw just before he can put himself outside its reach. It puts the pressure on him, but ultimately proves to not be strong enough to overpower the ranger, who slips from its grasp and staggers away to safety, though momentarily too of balance to take aim at anything.

Sagishi unlocks the cage containing the giant eagle and clambers up on top. With balancing with each foot on a separate bar, he takes draws a bead with his crossbow on the goblin lying on the ground beyond the rubble of the tower. Just as the hapless little grunt starts to stand to his feet, a crossbow bolt opens his jugular and he falls back to the ground, turning the soil beneath his corpse into red mud.

Thinking quickly, Nyx causes the ground around the commanding hobgoblin and his mount to sprout wicked-looking thorns and spines, effectively keeping them put unless they feel they can risk being torn to ribbons by a misplaced step that sends them sprawling into the dangerous undergrowth. Sensing an opportunity, Thosar steps through time and space to appear before the duo and unleashes a wave of arcane power in the hopes of driving them backwards into the waiting spikes. The wolf digs its claws into the earth, and while they’re buffeted with extreme forces, they remain put.

The wounded hobgoblin’s eyes are aflame with hatred as he sneers at Thosar’s taunting. “Laugh all you like, filthy reh vaq 'ej!” he spits on the ground between them. “The Hand of Maglubiyet is ascendant, and the day draws near where he will strike low you and all your wretched kind!” He hurls himself from his mount, but instead of lunging toward Thosar, he countermands the laws of physics and instead sails out over the trees, away from the high elf as fast as his arcane powers can manage.

Thosar scarcely has time to react to this new development before the hobgoblin’s abandoned mount is upon him. Heedless of the pain of the thorny growth tearing into its hide and flesh, the huge wolf flies at Thosar in its attempt to clamp its jaws around his exposed throat.

Keranos finds himself quickly surrounded by bugbears and wolves. His luck gives out on him, however, as the beastly dire wolf finally manages to find purchase with his teeth and drive Keranos to the ground. The bugbears fail to capitalize on their advantage, however, as even with the advantage of attacking a felled opponent, they fail to land a follow up blow.

The lone remaining hobgoblin attempts to fire one of his poison tipped arrows at the giant boar, but with his injuries and blood loss he lacks the strength to adequately draw his bow with enough strength to penetrate the boar’s thick hide. Despite the lack of injury, the boar will brook no further insult from his captors and promptly drives a ivory tusk into the hobgoblin’s gut, felling the creature for good.

Back at the southern entrance, the savage owlbear and restored giant ape struggle against their bonds, but Peaseblossom’s entangling vegetation seems especially potent for having been summoned forth by a creature of the forest. Despite their raw physical strength, neither animal is able to free themselves. The owlbear in particular is near mad with frustration as it eyes the illusionary bunny hopping about tantalizingly just out of reach.

The entangled creatures pose no threat to the giant eagle, but one would not know that with the way it explodes forth from its captivity, surrounding Nyx in a screeching flurry of feathers and talons as it beats its wings and takes to the sky above. The commotion attracts the attention of the giant scorpion, who immediately attempts to seize the small forest gnome in its claws and skewer with its venomous tail.

With a soaring cry, the giant eagle dives out of the sky and attempts to maim the scorpion, but finds that its beak and claws largely scrape off the chitinous exoskeleton with no effect, though it does manage to score one of its armor plates enough that clear fluid starts seeping from the wounds.

Before the scorpion can respond to this new assault, Peaseblossom buzzes forward, trailing a dusting of glowing sparkles around its head. Its claws droop slowly and its tail quivers as it turns in a hesitant circle. It seems unsure of where to go or what to do.

Now it won’t know what to do,
” the pixie says as she futilely attempts to pull on its claw to lead it away from everyone else. “
I’m not sure it ever knew what to do to begin with…

With her concentration broken, the vines wrapped around the limbs of the giant ape and the owlbear slip back into the earth. The owlbear immediately leaps upon the illusionary rabbit and is momentarily confused to find that it has no substance. The ape, recognizing the danger, immediately tackles the monstrosity from behind. He manages to get both of his lanky arms around the owlbear’s forelegs and takes it to the ground, giving a howling grunt as they struggle.

((Updated map))

((Begin Round 4))

Mike M

Nick N
When he is forced to the ground by a wild dire wolf and surrounded by hostile creatures, Keranos finally snaps out of his blood feud with Talos to address the situation in front of him.

Maneuvering to one knee to properly focus his energies ((purely fluff; I am still prone)), Keranos summons the full force of a raging hurricane to push his foes away from him.

((Cast Thunderwave using a Level 2 spell slot, centered on me to hit all surrounding enemies. Note: I am still not really clear about how the area of effect for Thunderwave works, so let me know if I'm doing it wrong.

Damage: [3 + 4 + 8] = 15. DC 13 Constitution save; if they pass, half damage. If they fail, full damage and they are pushed back 10 feet.

I am going to wait to see how the spell plays out before I decide whether to stand up.

Edit: I am now being told that I can stand up without being attacked. If that's true then I'll stand up first))

((Thunderwave produces a 3x3x3 cube of effect in front of you, since cube spells' point of origins is one of its faces rather than the center of the shape.))
((Ok, then instead I will cast Shatter centered on myself and exclude myself from getting hit. Since it's also 3d8 I figure I can just keep the same damage roll, but let me know if you want me to reroll it. I'll keep the flavor the same))

Mike M

Nick N
((Nah, no need to reroll then if it's the same damage

EDIT: Bugbear B failed his save, everyone else succeeded. They're still all over you.))
"Coward!" Thosar shouts after the hobgoblin, now aloft near the treetops. He is almost unable to spit out the word before the wolf's teeth near his sword arm. The gaping maw approaches within inches before he calls out "Ablat!", dropping his sword as a wall of force erupts between the wizard's outstretched hand and his attacker's teeth.

The wolf's attack stymied at the last instant, he eyes the fleeing hobgoblin. With nearly all his arcane reserves drained, he casts a penultimate spell to keep mage within firing distance for Galen. "Approach!"
Fhiess finally rushes to Ludwig's aid to mitigate some of the wounds he had been inflicted at the front of the battle's duration. He informs the J'Raffa Paladin of what he's seen thus far, "I don't know how long my illusion will keep the Owlbear distracted, and I don't think that scorpion sees us as allies!"

Cure Wounds: 1D8+3 => (4 + 3) = 7


<If anybody knows Goblin, can they tell Fhiess later what their catch phrase means?>
His wounds a little less deepened, Ludwig says "Thanks! I can take care of the owlbear right now. Time to get on that." The J'raffa trots over to the restrained owlbear, and focusing once more on his divine energy reserves, purges its rage poison. With that done, he looks up to the battlefield as a whole for the first time in a little while to figure out where to go next and pales at the carnage. "Now, where am I needed- uhhh..."

In between the scorpion at battle with several people in animals, the goblin and dire wolf making an escape, and the small army forming around Keranos, Ludwig isn't entire sure where to go. Making a snap decision, he decides to start making his way towards Keranos.

((Using some movement to get in range of the owlbear, using lay on hands to cure the poison in it, and using the rest of Ludwig's move speed to get closer to Keranos. Updated map.))
Galen should mount the giant eagle to really go after the HoM goblin. It's 50% ranger, 50% eagle, 100% awesome.
Interestingly enough, that is the general idea that crossed my mind when I saw that it was still around. I also immediately wanted to have Galen circle the field pelting things with arrows from the sky when I saw there was a giant eagle, but that's beyond the point.

Just don't ask it to take you to Mordor.
But the Ring must be destroyed!

Really though, I'm not entirely sure the best way to mount the eagle and ask it to help Galen preform a
takedown of the watchgoblin. If it's INT stat is higher than that of the ape, there is a chance it could understand Common, as the ape might as well, but it could be safer to just use Primeval Awareness to convey Galen's intentions; if it is willing, it should only be some of Galen's movement to get on, so that would still work. If Galen could save the action he would use on Primeval awareness, though, he could throw a couple helpful arrows Keranos' direction, and Sagishi could take down Thosar's assailant. Does anyone have any thoughts, and should Galen make a knowledge check on the eagle?

With nearly all his arcane reserves drained, he casts a penultimate spell to keep mage within firing distance for Galen. "Approach!"
I'm assuming you're asking for it to come all the way to your location, but you didn't actually make that clear; I assume just a note of what you want would work, as you didn't explain that you meant the quarterstaff when Thosar said "Throw" otherwise. I just thought I should point out the current ambiguous nature of your command.

If anybody knows Goblin, can they tell Fhiess later what their catch phrase means?
Someone should; I'm sure lots of the party members would like to know.

Oh boy. I do hope the party justifies the usage of this gif decently often.))
I'm assuming you're asking for it to come all the way to your location, but you didn't actually make that clear; I assume just a note of what you want would work, as you didn't explain that you meant the quarterstaff when Thosar said "Throw" otherwise. I just thought I should point out the current ambiguous nature of your command.))
((Command as the spell only allows a one word statement. The spell has some standard options but you can technically use anything the GM will allow. In this case, I'm using the standard "Approach" option, which forces the target to move toward me in the most direct route possible and end its turn once it gets within 5 feet of me.))
A knowledge check would probably be fruitful, yeah.
Yeah, no. The die says 1.

Command as the spell only allows a one word statement. The spell has some standard options but you can technically use anything the GM will allow. In this case, I'm using the standard "Approach" option, which forces the target to move toward me in the most direct route possible and end its turn once it gets within 5 feet of me.
Okay. I should probably have looked at the spell before mentioning that; I kind of figured the word approach itself was a bit ambiguous.

And now to puzzle out what Galen shall be doing...))
((Fuck, I got nothing.))

Escape attempt: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21

((Well, at least that worked out. Doesn't looks like i can disengage since i already used an action so, I guess I take my chances with an attack... This suddenly sounds like a terrible idea. Anyone got any ideas? That things tail alone could kill me at full hp, and running away would likely put me at risk of just getting grappled again(if i dont just get tailed). No actions so that kinda limits my options. Normally I'd use a move action to tumble out of the way, but I don't think that is a thing i can do(with a move action at least).))
((Haven't taken a move or bonus action yet. Here goes. Misty step to 17 ab, then move to 15w.))
Thosar, not wanting to face the dire wolf more than necessary, steps through the ether again to appear behind it. Noticing the battle around, he sees the eagle by Galen. Thinking it could be of help in catching the hobgoblin, he tries to remember if that can understand speech.
((nature: 1D20+5 = [15]+5 = 20

Noticing Keranos in trouble, he moves toward the frey there.

Mike M

Nick N
In spite of all the chaos exploding around him, Thosar keeps a level enough head to remember that giant eagles only speak their own bestial language, but understand Common and Auruan. It may have trouble communicating to you, but you should have no problem communicating to it.

Also, they are absolutely not fish.
Funny. Galen rolled a 19 on his escape attempt, too.

The elf shouts toward the ranger.
"Galen, ask the eagle to fly you after that hobgoblin, I suspect it will oblige!"
Well, that one will actually be helpful. I was actually about to say that Galen can't do anything with a probably not a fish, so he was almost certainly going to need to burn a Dash action.))

Galen turns to the creature that is likely not some form of land-dwelling feathered fish with a... erm... sharp looking... ah, squid have beaks, it's a beak ((Galen will need a knowledge roll on that sometime, as well as his bonus improved by three)), seeing the slight damage it has done to the scorpion's armor. "Thank you, friend," he says. "Please, would you bear me on your back to capture your fleeing captor?"

((Will I need a persuasion roll for this?
Insight for a response:
Out of curiosity, does Galen know what the non-giant variety of eagle is?

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, roll a persuasion check, unless you've got some skill I'm overlooking that can compel an animal to act regardless of intelligence))
((No special skill or ability; I was just checking in case, for some reason, it was obviously willing to oblige Galen in this request. Persuasion nets a lowly
, by the way.

If this works, what does everyone think: Horde Breaker on the horde around Keranos, shoot Thosar's dire wolf, or ready a sword strike against the watchgoblin?

A Persuasion check wouldn't use Galen's action, right? I actually looked through the ability section last week to see about intimidate and didn't find anything.))


((Sagishi can go and help Keranos, so my vote would be for Galen to go after the Devastator as the eagle would probably be the only one fast enough to catch up with him.))
(( Don't worry about my wolf, it's kinda screwed standing in the spike growth. I don't think you'll get close enough to the devastator to melee it, so hordebreaker is your best bet otherwise.))
I don't think you'll get close enough to the devastator to melee it, so hordebreaker is your best bet otherwise.
Actually, if the devastator is trying to end it's turn within five feet of Thosar, and the eagle is flying toward the devastator, they would theoretically meet in the middle, and a readied sword swing could have its trigger condition met. This would mean that the ready action might allow for the strike to hit on the eagle's turn. Of course, Galen would be able to make another action before the watchgoblin could, so thinning the horde around Keranos would not necessarily entail allowing this guy to get away.

But yeah, on second thought, the wolf is in difficult terrain anyway and would have issues getting to Thosar.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Watchgoblin failed his Wisdom save vs. Thosar's Command, BTW, so you can count on him coming back in that direction.))


((I think I go ahead and take my action, since shooting enemies around Keranos is probably the best thing I can do anyway (sneak attack, yay). Gonna shoot the dire wolf since I figure it might be the biggest thread.))

From his perched position in the cage Sagishi watches as Keranos gets surrounded by enemies. He loads up another bold and then darts across the camp until he is close enough to fire a shot at the monstrous wolf.

((Using dash as a bonus action to move to 12M, going diagonally twice in the beginning to stay out of reach of the scorpion. On mobile so if anybody would be so kind as to move him.))

Attack on Direwolf: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21

Damage: 1D8+4+2D6 = [3]+4+[5, 2] = 14
((It seems Noisy Ninj4 and Axel are in competition for great responses to the ongoing events.

And Nezumi, with Peaseblossom's Confusion upon the scorpion, it appears Sagishi can just run on past. Would you prefer to have him run straight north?))


((Oh right, well it doesn't really matter anyway 12M is as good a place as any and Sagishi doesn't want to get too close to any enemies anyway.))
((Oh god yes please kill that thing. It can knock me prone which is my biggest worry about the upcoming turn. Without having to worry about that, I should be fine.

Then again, the normal wolf might also be able to knock me prone but at least it probably won't hit as hard))
((Thanks for moving me. I don't think ludwig can move fast enough to get to the wolf and attack, but he could move into a position to do some serious damage to the hobgoblin.))
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