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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

((I think I can actually take care of one enraged animal per turn, Ludwig has an idea. Anyone have attacks that could pick off the lead goblin while it's fleeing?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I thought command forced its target to end its turn automatically?))

((Hm, I don't think it ends his turn by my reading.))

You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn't understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it. You might issue a command other than the ones described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can't follow your command, the spell ends.

((Should we ever run into a situation where Command is used on anyone/anything that has a bonus action available again, I'll house rule it right now that they cannot use it to countermand the command. i.e. the hobgoblin could not have thrown his quarterstaff, used his movement to go up to it and use a bonus action to pick it up.))
((Hm, I don't think it ends his turn by my reading.))

((Should we ever run into a situation where Command is used on anyone/anything that has a bonus action available again, I'll house rule it right now that they cannot use it to countermand the command. i.e. the hobgoblin could not have thrown his quarterstaff, used his movement to go up to it and use a bonus action to pick it up.))
((The standard listed options all involve a double move or directly ending their turn after the prescribed action. I went outside that, though, my bad. Shoulda just had him drop it.))
((Galen has an effective range of 150 feet, so yeah, he could hit. Another option is to have him mount Ludwig so they could give chase, though that would entail leaving everyone else, which, you know, everyone might be running off anyway. Galen had been hoping to be able to run up and wack the guy because, Axel,
he wants him alive for questioning.
If somebody could halt the wolf's movement, that might be easier.

Galen does have cure wounds, which won't do too much, but it may free up an action if Ludwig wanted to give chase. Of course, I think you are planning on using some curing of poisons, which may work better.

To the party:
As I mentioned to Axel above, Galen wants the watchgoblin captured for questioning; as such, an arrow is a bit counterproductive outside of desperation. If anyone has some idea how we could get a melee attack on this guy, that might do the trick, so long as it is specified to be nonlethal. He's also got our wolf. Taking out the remaining goblins would further Axel's plan to keep the animal's non-hostile.

Any ideas?

Galen's greatest concern about this stinging lobster is that it may ruin his concentration on his next shot. He also has a pretty good guess as to the answer to Fhiess question.))
((Ludwig has a move speed of 40 feet, which while faster than most people won't do too much good for gaining on a fleeing dire wolf. He could fling a javelin at the hobgoblin, but that doesn't sound like what you're hoping to do.

Yup, you know what I'm going for. Lay on hands to remove the poison from the giant ape and owlbear. Ludwig's lacking in nonlethal options, so he's probably better off doing that than giving a slight speed boost in chasing a dire wolf that would still be faster than him.
You can specify that any attack that reduces a target to 0 leaves it only unconscious. Also, if you apply standard downed rules, any single shot is unlikely to kill him.
Song of Fire: Galen could attempt to tumble his way out of trouble just like the hobgoblin did. Even without, it will likely be ok with a decent AC and a con save that won't be onerous even if struck. Extra bonus: You could shoot both the hobgoblin and his mount because yay hordebreaker.

Not sure why my web went away... oh well, not like we're gonna need it now.

DeadPhoenix: Does Nyx have Spike Growth available? It'd come in really handy for keeping the hobgoblin leader from escaping. If you have another wild shape left in ya, that'd be good too.

Axel: Did you hit with that opportunity attack on wolf A?

In general, those last 2 goblinoids need a swift death. Otherwise we'll be seeing more crazed animals attacking us. If Keranos or Sagishi wats to take them out, that should help.))
You can specify that any attack that reduces a target to 0 leaves it only unconscious. Also, if you apply standard downed rules, any single shot is unlikely to kill him.
Song of Fire: Galen could attempt to tumble his way out of trouble just like the hobgoblin did. Even without, it will likely be ok with a decent AC and a con save that won't be onerous even if struck. Extra bonus: You could shoot both the hobgoblin and his mount because yay hordebreaker.

Not sure why my web went away... oh well, not like we're gonna need it now.

DeadPhoenix: Does Nyx have Spike Growth available? It'd come in really handy for keeping the hobgoblin leader from escaping. ))

((yes i do, and he is just out side of my moonbeam movement range anyways, so fuck that spell))

Nyx releases the moonbeam spell and casts spike growth in front of the devastator and his little dog too.

((That ought to help, on to trying to deal with the animals!))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145801]Attack of Opportunity on Wolf A: 1D20 + 1D4 + 5 = [18]+[3]+5 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145802]Damage: 3D6 + 3 = [1, 6, 1]+3 = 11
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145803]Great Weapon reroll: 2D6 = [2, 4] = 6
((15 damage total on Wolf A))
As one of the wolves scampers by Ludwig, he takes a heavy swipe at it, aiming to send its corpse flying through the air. He scans for more targets, only to see goblins shooting poison arrows at the freed animals. He almost takes an arrow himself, but his armor helps him avoid the fate of the other beasts.

Ludwig sheathes his sword and shouts "They're trying to turn them against us! Don't kill the enraged ones, I can help them!" The paladin hauls ass across the battlefield over to where the giant ape is held by tendrils. One of his front hooves glows as he holds it out to the giant ape's body and says "The power of Big Pharma compels you!"

((Using 5 hp from Ludwig's lay on hands pool to neutralize the poison in the giant ape. Updated map.))
I knew the giant scorpion would try to kill us all!
Not all of us, not yet. Just Galen.

You can specify that any attack that reduces a target to 0 leaves it only unconscious. Also, if you apply standard downed rules, any single shot is unlikely to kill him.

I'm not so sure this is the case, as what I found on this subject states "When an attacker reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack, the attacker can knock the creature out. The attacker can make this choice the instant the damage is dealt." This seems to indicate that an arrow to the face cannot do the job. If Galen could pull that off, though, he would let those arrows fly. It would also allow him to no longer have to worry about Hunter's Mark.

Song of Fire: Galen could attempt to tumble his way out of trouble just like the hobgoblin did. Even without, it will likely be ok with a decent AC and a con save that won't be onerous even if struck.
My initial thought regarding tumbling was that it's not something Galen has as an option, but your mention had me looking at the houserules provided first thing in the thread, and there it is. Of course, I don't have the DMG available to me, so I can't verify for sure how it works in 5e.

I did have another thought, though. Mike, what would the ruling be on
Galen climbing on top of the scorpion and attempting to direct its movements?
How would that work, and would it be able to attack him if he succeeded at the first part?

Extra bonus: You could shoot both the hobgoblin and his mount because yay hordebreaker.
Maybe so. At least as long as Galen retains his bonus action.

I'm actually not too concerned about the scorpion aside from the chance it hits and Galen fails his concentration. The creature itself is not too important to these considerations so much as the fact that Hunter's Mark on that particular target could end up being quite useful.

Are you sure that's the location you want your spike growth to be in? It may be possible there is just enough room for the dire wolf to move around it.

To the party:
One possibility I can see is if Keranos or Fhiess are somehow able to make the watchgoblin and dire wolf come back; Galen and Sagishi could likely take care of the remaining goblins. We could also try to have the eagle grab someone and take pursuit, but it may just move to escape. Or Sagishi could ride it to victory.

Aside from Hunter's Mark, Galen has absolutely no problem at all running away from scorpions.))

Mike M

Nick N
((For those without access to the DMG, Tumble reads as follows:

A creature can try to tumble through a hostile creature's space, ducking and weaving past the opponent. As an action or a bonus action, the tumbler makes a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the hostile creature's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the tumbler wins the contest, it can move through the hostile creature's space once this turn.

I can provide text for any other actions if people have questions about them. Such as Climb Onto a Bigger Creature!

If one creature wants to jump onto another creature, it can do so by grappling. A Small or Medium creature has little chance of making a successful grapple against a Huge or Gargantuan creature, however, unless magic has granted the grappler supernatural might.

As an alternative, a suitably large opponent can be treated as terrain for the purpose of jumping onto its back or clinging to a limb. After making any ability checks necessary to get into position and onto the larger creature, the smaller creature uses its action to make
a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If it wins the contest, the smaller creature successfully moves into the target creature's space and clings to its body. While in the target's space, the smaller creature moves with the target and has advantage on attack rolls against it.

The smaller creature can move around within the larger creature's space, treating the space as difficult terrain. The larger creature's ability to attack the smaller creature depends on the smaller creature's location, and is left to your discretion. The larger creature can dislodge the smaller creature as an action- knocking it off, scraping it against a wall,
or grabbing and throwing it- by making a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the smaller creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The smaller creature chooses which ability to use.

So riding the scorpion is a possibility, and doing so would put you safely out of reach of its pincers and stinger. Directing its movements would be nearly impossible with what's available. Maybe if you had a whole lot of time and patience and worked up some sort of bridle, but not today. This would be done with the grapple rules rather than treating it as terrain.

Also, Song of Fire is right in that the option to choose to do a non-lethal takedown specifically mentions melee attacks, which makes total sense. You can pull a punch/swing of a weapon, but you can't really do that with an arrow or crossbow bolt.

The dire wolf can always go into the woods to get around the spike growth, but it is difficult terrain and he wouldn't be moving very fast.))
((Sorry folks, Keranos is throwing a temper tantrum right now and is not available to participate in higher-level strategizing :) Also I am pretty sure that the ringleader is out of range of all my spells anyway))

"I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING!" the godling continues ranting at the clouds, deflecting the blows from his nearby assailants instinctually and without realizing it. "PRETENDER! SHOW YOURSELF!"

Lightning crackles, and a whoosh of wind explodes out from him - intended as a demonstration of his power, but also conveniently serving to repel the surrounding attackers.

((Casting Thunderwave to try and push back the Wolf and the Bugbear. DC 13 Constitution save; if they fail, they take full damage and are pushed back 10 feet.

Damage: 2d8 = [8, 2] = 10 damage full, 5 damage half

((If the Dire Wolf gets pushed back, I will move to square T6; if he makes his save then I'll stay where I am))
((Good for Keranos; let Galen have his grudge duel.

And thanks for providing those, Mike. I take it that means tumbling out of the scorpion's reach is not an option.

Anyway, as I'm sure this is very important to the rest of the party, as it is important to Galen, I have a terrible plan to suggest, which shall clearly end in everybody's untimely demise.

To the party:
Galen can make it to X,17 on a Dash action; if anyone has a way to help him not get hit by an angry scorpion, that would be great, but as long as he doesn't end up grappled in the Attack of Opportunity, it's not too important; the archers may be more important to worry about. Should anyone be able to slow the wolf and rider down further, say, by springing up a wall of branches and thorns from the spike growth, that would help, as Galen may be able to catch these guys. This does leave a scorpion unattended.

Mike M

Nick N
((Bugbear A passes his save and stays put. Dire wolf takes full damage and gets pushed back 10 ft, waking up Bugbear B. Moving to T6 will prompt an AoO from the bugbear, if you're still making that move.))
<Did Ludwig successfully neutralize the poison of the ape, meaning that Fhiess can safely come to heal Ludwig?

EDIT: Wait, probably not possible, looking at the map it looks like Ludwig is still in the middle and I would still have to get past the Owlbear>
<Did Ludwig successfully neutralize the poison of the ape, meaning that Fhiess can safely come to heal Ludwig?

EDIT: Wait, probably not possible, looking at the map it looks like Ludwig is still in the middle and I would still have to get past the Owlbear>
((Somehow he got displaced, he's next to the ape so the question stands.

Thosar is moving to Z18, uses misty step to place himself 10 feet in front of the fleeing dire wolf, the hits the mounted hobgoblin/wolf with thunderwave. ((dc 13 con for half damage and no pushback))
Thunderwave damage: 2D8 = [5, 5] = 10

Song of fire: You may want to wait to take your action since sagishi could shoot the scorpion. He'll get a sneak attack if you do. Once he does, a single move will get you into firing position on the wolf/goblin.


Thosar scowls as the lead hobgoblin throws the quarterstaff to free the scorpion and moves like the wind to escape on wolfback. He rushes toward the open entry as the plants almost imperceptibly begin to sharpen around it, Thosar closes his eyes and slips through the ether for a split second. He reappears before the wolf 10 feet away. Addressing the hobgoblin in an imperious tone, he smirks again. "Already tucking tail to run, nost-n'taurn? Typical."
Impeller Tonare!" He shouts, a blast of pure force striking the goblin and wolf before his outstretched hand. Should the pair resist the backward blast, he draws his short sword and enters a fighting stance.

Mike M

Nick N
((Thosar started in X24 and has a move speed of 30ft, correct? From W18, you'd only be able to hit Goblin C with Thunderwave, since it only affects a 15ft cube in front of you (and cube spells' point of origin is the center of one of the faces of the cube). To hit both, you'd need to be standing in U18.

Also, Misty Step only teleports you up to 30 feet, so if you're standing in W18, the furthest you'd be able to travel is the AC column.

Lemme know if there's any sort of augmentation effects you have going on that I'm overlooking here.))
((Nope, just me mixing web spell range for misty step's range and not reading the fine print on pbaoe attacks. Gonna make a couple adjustments.))
((Edit finished. Still using thunderwave, just on the dire wolf/devastator instead.

If Fheiss uses his action to rush past the owlbear towards Ludwig, it'd get him closer to where he can heal Ludwig next turn well as give Sagishi an opening to move, free the eagle, and shoot at something. Being restrained, the owlbear is a lot less of a threat with respect to swiping at you as you pass by.))

Mike M

Nick N
<Ah, I see. Also, did the wolf that Ludwig used an AoO on die?>
((Yeah, he's dog meat. Yuk yuk yuk.))

((Dire wolf and rider both made their saves, but it occurs to me that Thunderwave (or anything with knockback, like Keranos's eldritch blasts)x Spiked Growth can have some naaaaaasty synergy potential.))
<I feel kind of bad, that wolf died while being absolutely horrified.

I am thinking of making a silent image, and putting it into the entanglement as a distraction to keep the Owlbear from having a reason to try to escape just yet. If it touches the image it would know it's an image, but the entanglement could possibly act as a barrier to touch?>
Song of fire: You may want to wait to take your action since sagishi could shoot the scorpion. He'll get a sneak attack if you do. Once he does, a single move will get you into firing position on the wolf/goblin.

Yeah, Galen's kind of resigned himself to seeing what everyone else is doing before he moves. And the Dash action is not actually meant to get him into firing range. He can, in theory, make the shot from
600 feet.

Mike, the following could change the watchgoblin's course of action, so read at his peril:
Galen has had the epiphany that he has a certain advantage to taking this guy alive; you see, Galen does not care about difficult terrain, and he therefore has a greater move speed than this wolf does at this time. He needs simply to run up to them and break the horde. Nonlethally. If they manage to outrun him, he can easily shoot them both.

You are giving advice because everybody loves Fhiess. Search your feelings, Mike; you know this to be true.))
Fhiess watches, breath heavy as his panic freezes him momentarily. But he blinks, noticing a shift in the chaos once more as the others take back control over the field before his eyes.

He gulps and gets eager the best he can, "I'll be there! But first..."

He does his best to keep some distance from the still hostile owlbear, and says, "Hopefully my friend here will keep him busy for a few seconds! May thine eyes see dreams!" He casts an illusory rabbit to reside within the thicket the owlbear is still restrained by, as a prize if it decides to stay in the entanglement trying to catch it.

< http://beta.ditzie.com/85200/584c781b622d1 >
((Well, I have what may be an odd question. You see, I somehow ended up on a trail of reading that started with the question of what CAW stands for -it's Combat as War, in case anyone is wondering, and I don't even remember where I saw it -and it led me to the assertion that modern DnD no longer takes diagonal movement under special consideration. This intrigued me, so I set out to see if it was correct, and I found no mention of it anywhere.

As such, I have to ask, is this information correct and diagonal movement takes up the same amount of movement as any other?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Went with 13 since--not counting the space in the middle where the character would be, but counting the purple perimeter squares--that's a radius of 6 squares in each of the cardinal directions, which would be 30ft.

I don't think the 5ft/10ft alternating diagonal movement scheme actually yields a circle.))
((I can see an argument for either way of handling movement. By placing a circle on the grid, you can actually get a rather nice, even distance, even if the number of squares may not add up, however, you must both be able to see where the circle lines up on the map, and it isn't exactly useful if your character cannot go in a nearly straight line.

Lets take a look at what Galen may be able to do with a dash action:

In this case, Galen could, using a dash action, come just a few squares away from petting either remaining dire wolf. This is great, because, in this illustration, Galen absolutely loves petting dire wolves with their silky soft coats and the gentle purring sound they make when they receive such attention. The problem is that there is an owlbear nearby. Now, Galen was never allowed to pet an owlbear, so he wants to stop by and pat it on the head. If he does this, he clearly has used up some amount of extra movement, and can no longer reach the edges of the circle. This can, of course, be fixed by using one circle, say, for 15 feet of movement, to reach the owlbear, and another to head toward Galen's chosen dire wolf. And why am I analyzing this so much?

Just to make sure nobody will start throwing fireballs at Galen should he proceed with his chosen action:
are there any objections to Galen forgoing the lethal use of arrows to use a dash action -and hopefully not getting insta-grappled by the scorpion -to get as close to the watchgoblin as he can after Sagishi's move? Just figured I should check.


((I'm really not sure what best to do other than shooting the scorpion with sneak attack and also maybe free the eagle. I guess I could also dash and shoot at some of the enemies surrounding Keranos, even though he seems to handle it just fine. Opinions?))
((I'm really not sure what best to do other than shooting the scorpion with sneak attack and also maybe free the eagle. I guess I could also dash and shoot at some of the enemies surrounding Keranos, even though he seems to handle it just fine. Opinions?))

((Out of character, I wouldn't mind the help. I am probably going to be boxed in very soon, and my abilities are much more suited to ranged attacks. Up close, I am limited to Thunderwave, and I think I can only cast that one or two more times.

On the other hand, these guys will have to roll at least 13's or 14's on the dice to hit me, so I am fairly durable and can tank the guys if there are more pressing problems. So help if you can afford to, but if someone else has more urgent needs then go to them first))
((If Keranos is fine for now, I'll mention that the goblin next to the rubble is hurt but more of a danger because of the cranky poison arrows he and the hobgoblin are shooting. One arrow should be enough, considering the earlier damage from shatter on him. Ludwig can cure the poison, but he can't keep up against both.))
((Shooting the goblin does sound like a good idea, if you want to forgo the scorpion and Keranos' dancing troup. I think it's likely the goblins are built more dexterously while the hobgoblins are stronger and sturdier, so between the two of them, the goblin is more dangerous in this case, even if he won't have the same range as his friend.

I cannot really suggest a reason for Sagishi to shoot the scorpion beyond the possible desire for gaining a sneak attack or the sight of it trying to hit Galen three times and grab him; it seems unlikely it would help Galen's immediate predicament anyway, as the two I can see possibly having a chance at taking it down in a single round are Ludwig and Keranos, as they seem most likely to reach the required damage output. And no, I do not know how much damage is needed for that anyway.

If Galen gets away from the scorpion, people may need to concern themselves a bit with its loss of the easy prey that had been right in front of it.

For Galen's potential move, I suppose I should just assume the use of the circles?))


((Ok, then shooting the goblin it is. I can imagine that a bolt might do little damage against the scorpion's armour anyway. And since the owlbear is restrained Sagishi can just move past him with provoking AoO right. And the rubble from the tower is not high enough to obscure the line of sight, right? Will make my post later today, when I can use a proper computer.))

Mike M

Nick N
((The owlbear can't take an AoO, correct. The rubble doesn't completely obscure the goblin, but he is still prone and has half cover from the wreckage as long as he's on the ground. So he's currently +2 on AC and ranged attacks are at disadvantage.))
((Looks like Galen's time of entertaining the scorpion may be up. Let's do this!))

Galen hears the clatter of the scorpion's advance, but his eyes remain trained on the escaping hobgoblin, watching where it is he has chosen to go. Click. Click. Click. Click.

Nyx and Thosar move to prevent this foe's escape, and Galen turns toward the approaching armored form, now nearly upon him. As the scorpion attacks, he weaves around its claws and stinging tail, but he does not have time to deal with this threat. Not now. Galen has bigger things to worry about.

He dashes away from the scorpion, his eyes set on the far end of the field.

((Dash action to X,17 or Y,17, whichever is the farthest Galen can reach; should he be grappled, it will be as he exits O,21. No map update on this one.

Galen wishes he could stealth out of the scorpion's sight for just the moment required to get away, but what can we do?

#blessed 8/10))

Mike M

Nick N
((Scorpion takes an opportunity attack as Galen tries to run away from it))
Claw Attack vs. Galen: 1d20 + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 2 = 4
((If that hits, Galen is grappled and needs to make a DC 12 escape check (Athletics or Acrobatics), which will use his action for the turn. My reading of the rules would be that he would still have whatever movement was left to him, which I think would be 20ft.

Being grappled doesn't seem to do much besides reduce your movement to 0. It doesn't seem to penalize or prevent you from attacking, nor does the grappler get an advantage for having grappled. I think a Rogue would be able to just sneak attack a grappled victim all day every day, but I doubt Sagishi is going to stab you in the back.))
((Being grappled doesn't seem to do much besides reduce your movement to 0. It doesn't seem to penalize or prevent you from attacking, nor does the grappler get an advantage for having grappled. I think a Rogue would be able to just sneak attack a grappled victim all day every day, but I doubt Sagishi is going to stab you in the back.))
((Since Galen is adjacent to the scorpion, sneak attack would apply to either of them advantage or no.))
((Well, that went quite a bit worse than I had hoped. Worse meaning that Galen really needed that extra 30 feet, as well as maybe another square, but that wasn't happening.

Escape check with the understanding that Bless is not applicable:
[19]+3=22 using Acrobatics. Also, I was figuring M,22 to O,21 would have been five feet, but if you are applying a circle of five feet in each cardinal direction and nothing else, I can see how it would be ten. Extra edit: I made a mistake: Galen started in N,22.

Mike M

Nick N
((Nah, you can have 25 feet still. I was figuring that you would have taken five feet to leave the threatened range and provoke the attack, but really the only way the rules make sense would be if the AoO happens before you actually spend the movement to leave the threatened space. So five foot step diagonal, scorpion goes all pinchy pinchy when you try and move beyond that.))
((And I realized I forgot to make a constitution saving throw to maintain concentration. Actually, I just remembered Galen had concentration on Hunter's Mark to even maintain. Here it is:

I was ready to make a comment on that, but Bless can't really help Galen here either. Yes, I realize that
he only had to beat a ten.


Sagishi frowns in confusion when the situation before him turns into pure chaos. He looks around frantically as he tries to decide what to do.
He finally decides that the bowmans are the ones that should be taken care of. He steps towards the eagle's cage and almost absentmindedly opens the door.

Thieves' Tools1D20+8 = [4]+8 = 12

After that he climbs onto the cage and takes aim at the goblin.

Attack with Crossbow:1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20

Damage: 1D8+4 = [5]+4 = 9

((Again on mobile so I can't update the map but due to "second story work" he should have no trouble climbing onto the eagle's cage.))
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