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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

((It's on the last map Song posted. I started next to the ape and ended where he's at on there. It was the closest I could get to Keranos with his move speed after unpoisoning the owl bear))
((He has, and, looking the map over again, I believe Noisy Ninj4 is correct: given the difficult terrain before him, Ludwig cannot make it within range of the enemy forces around Keranos on his next turn. It does, however, seem he could provide a well-deserved smiting on the watchgoblin should Galen fail to do the job.

Ludwig has a 40 foot movement speed, correct?))
((Well, that's what Galen gets for cutting his words down to take less talking time. I suppose that puts an end to that idea, since I'm not sure anyone could try to help Galen out with this without using an action on it.

At this point, though, a simple 30 feet this round will allow Galen to reach the watchgoblin on the next round, and getting a ride from Ludwig will likely be just as effective as the eagle, should Ludwig be moving in for a smite.))


((Can't you just tell the eagle to not worry about the scorpion, it's confused and there are the ape and the owlbear to take care of it. Not forgetting the boar.))


((Wouldn't it still be just talking and therefore a free action? Guess it's up to Mike too decide if you can make the exchange or not.))
((Just fyi, the devastator is probably ok even if you shoot him several more times. The guy was casting spells significantly more powerful than I could cast. The dire wolf by Keranos is a threat though. Maybe shoot it and a hobgoblin.

Speaking of spellcasting, I am dry on leveled spells. Cantrips only until I can get a rest.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Dire Wolf B survived Sagishi's assault. Dire Wolf A will probably die if it tries to move out of the radius of spike growth. Hobgoblin Devastator is a bit of a glass cannon and would probably die if he tripped over his own feet at this point.))
((Dire Wolf B survived Sagishi's assault. Dire Wolf A will probably die if it tries to move out of the radius of spike growth. Hobgoblin Devastator is a bit of a glass cannon and would probably die if he tripped over his own feet at this point.))
<So what you're saying is that even Fhiess could kill them?

It just occurred to me that fhiess hasn't killed anything this campaign so far.>
((I don't think you do. That's part of the fun! If the devastator is all messed up, then that makes things a little easier. Once he shows up next to me, Ludwig or Galen can hopefully take him out. I'm not much use in melee without that shortsword...))
So what you're saying is that even Fhiess could kill them?

It just occurred to me that fhiess hasn't killed anything this campaign so far.
It's possible he might, but the question is "would he want to?" It could be a really interesting thing for Fhiess to consider.

A haunted paintbrush should not be trusted.

If the devastator is all messed up, then that makes things a little easier. Once he shows up next to me, Ludwig or Galen can hopefully take him out. I'm not much use in melee without that shortsword...))
I'm actually expecting Ludwig should be able to finish the job, which would leave Galen open to send more arrows Keranos' direction if it's needed. If he survives the two of them, however, Thosar may be able to initiate a grapple in order to keep him from leaving, though he would still incur a couple attacks of opportunity if he were getting away. Galen could also free action drop the sword he is going to be drawing if Thosar could catch it.

At this point, I think the questions I need to ask are if Galen can clarify what he wants this round, if it would take a help action for somebody else to clarify for him, and if Ludwig would like a passenger. Those would all help in determining the remainder of Galen's turn.))

Mike M

Nick N
((You can clarify what you want to the eagle without having to make another check. His response was more "but what about the stingy grabby thing?" than refusal.))
((Okay, I wasn't sure if Galen could explain more yet or not, but as long Galen can...))

"I understand," Galen assures the eagle, "but that'll be taken care of. The creature fleeing through the air now may return with more trouble, and we need to catch him alive."

((Galen firing arrows from atop Ludwig may be put on hold for another time.))
And down the TV-Tropes slope I went. Who needs sleep anyway?
I didn't have time to verify the link on first glance, but if it wasn't a TV Tropes link, I was ready to mention how disappointed I was. Needless to say, that only goes about as far as "I was hoping for a TV Tropes link; now I'm disappointed."
Galen approaches the eagle and climbs on, readying himself to engage the troublesome hobgoblin.

((10 feet to approach the eagle, 15 to mount. That leaves his action, for which I am leaning toward a couple arrows to those who surround Keranos, but am open to readying a melee strike on the watchgoblin if people prefer. If I go for having Galen send the arrows to Keranos' aid, could he ready an action to do so once the eagle is halfway to Thosar and still use Horde Breaker? I do like the visual of somebody firing a couple arrows from the back of a flying giant eagle...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Okay, so where everything stands at the moment:
  • Dire wolf A is essentially trapped in the spike growth radius. It's extremely unlikely he can escape it without dying.
  • Hobgoblin Devastator is compelled to use all his movement to come towards Thosar on his next turn, and he's way down on HP.
  • Bugbear B is now dead.
  • Dire wolf B is now dead.
  • Bugbear A and wolf A are still standing
  • Giant scorpion is confused
  • Owlbear is no longer crazed, but is currently grappled. Free nature check for everyone: Owlbears are dangerous and aggressive even when not hopped up on hobgoblin hate juice. Something to think about.
  • Giant Ape is grappling the owlbear
  • Giant boar is just kind of there.
  • Convenient murder snake patsy Constrictor snake and saber-toothed tiger are still locked up. The tiger is secretly judging you for setting the owlbear free instead of him, on account that he is a cat and is judgmental of everyone at all times. Don't take it personally.

Think that covers it))


[*]Owlbear is no longer crazed, but is currently grappled. Free nature check for everyone: Owlbears are dangerous and aggressive even when not hopped up on hobgoblin hate juice. Something to think about.

((Bu... but they look so damnable cute...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Bugbear and wolf rolled like chumps on their attack rolls, and everyone else is dead or otherwise incapacitated, so combat is over.))

Keranos, surrounded by foes, unleashes another wave of destructive energy that buffets his attackers, causing one of the bugbears to stagger back. The dire wolf yelps in pain as Sagishi fires a crossbow bolt into its ribs. An arrow from the eagle-mounted Galen puts it down for good, and a second fells one of the bugbears.

The remaining bugbear looks about and realizes that he is the only remaining member of the force once stationed here at this outpost. His sense of self preservation overpowers whatever loyalty he may have possessed, and he turns tail to flee, the remaining wolf close on his heels. The boar, still bearing a healthy grudge against his captors, is having none of this and promptly runs the goblinoid down, tossing the brute into the air like a rag doll and trampling over the body for good measure as the wolf flees into the woods.

Still under the effects of Peaseblossom's confusion spell, the giant scorpion wanders off and makes a threatening display against a barrel. The giant ape releases the owlbear with a shove that pushes the monstrosity to the ground several strides away. He rears up on his hind legs and makes a threat display of his own, bearing his elongated canines while pounding his chest, daring the owlbear to attack. The owlbear reluctantly backs away with a hooting sort of roar, unwilling to takes its eyes off of the more powerful creature until he is well and truly beyond the ape's reach and bounds off into the woods to the south.

Compelled by Thosar's magical command once more, the magic-using hobgoblin reverses his trajectory in midair, coming to the ground before Thosar. His eyes are wild with panic, looking between the Endowed, his fallen compatriots, and his badly-wounded wolf who stands whining in the middle of Nyx's magical brambles, unable to escape without serious harm.

The wounded hobgoblin clutches the arm bearing Galen's arrow and pants. "I... I surrender."
Keranos bears a smug grin as he watches his enemies crumble in real time. Once things are suitably calm, he marches to the outer edge of the spiky area just outside the east exit and says to the hobgoblin, "Tell us everything you know about your masters and their facilities - including the location to which you've been shipping these animals -, and we will give you a quick and merciful death."
Once the action has calmed and everything is put into order with restraining prisoners and gathering up loot, Thosar stands next to Keranos. While the godling has made a threat, Thosar takes a more diplomatic tack.

"Come now, let's not be rash. The gentleman's surrendered in good faith and I have more questions than that to ask him. Why the sudden change in strategy, forming alliances with gnolls, and why attack otherwise uninvolved travellers when they have larger threat looming?"

He strokes his chin with the hobgoblin before the party.

((We could put that dire wolf into a cage after knocking it out. >.>))
Fhiess stumbles backward once the animals begin to show hostility toward each other, not willing to test incurring the rage of either one of the massive creatures. Looking past them, he calls out to Sagishi, "Be careful with the big cat! I don't think it appreciates that we let the other ones out first!"

He turns his gaze at a peculiar sight, a humbled hobgoblin strangely showing submission towards the group. After Keranos threatens the hobgoblin, Fhiess speaks up, "Wait! We should keep him around! Remember what happened last time when a hobgoblin had fled?" He doesn't exactly say what had happened knowing it may startle the hobgoblin, but he hopes that it reminds the others of a particular unanswered question.

When the opportunity arises, he gets to ask a question that has been bothering him for some time, "I've been curious.. we've been called 'fa rah jeh' or something along those lines several times now. What does it mean?"

((We could put that dire wolf into a cage after knocking it out. >.>))
<We'll finally have a corporate team mascot>


When the dust of the battle finally settles Sagishi leaves the interrogation of the hobgoblin to the members of the group that seem more suited for the task.
When Fhiess mentions the dire tiger he nods in agreement. "Maybe Galen or Nyx can convince it that we didn't mean any offense and that we'll let it go as soon as we leave this place."

He then strolls towards the row of tents and starts searching them for any further clues that might help answering the many questions they have.

Perception: 1D20+2 = [8]+2 = 10

But unsure what he might even be looking for he has a hard time deciding what might be if use and what not.

((Maybe someone with better perception can accompany Sagishi on this search...))
"Indeed, your godliness," Galen says, his words directed at Keranos, "the others speak reasonably: there is no need yet to jump to threats of further death." He turns to the hobgoblin, adding "We will require you to surrender any object or possessions that you may hold, and your wolf will need to be placed securely within one of your cages." His next words are pointed, and his fingers run along an arrow's fletching: "There will be no manner of foolishness or trickery from you."

With a glance to Fhiess, Galen states "'Oppressor,' for which I am most curious indeed."

((Insight on the watchgoblin:
This guy is likely threatened enough by Thosar, Galen, and Keranos, and currently seems compliant, but if Galen needs to roll for the movement of his fingers at his arrows, feel free to let me know.

The wolf is definately getting caged, and the owlbear is likely to show up later. The scorpion still needs to be dwelt with, and the ape can stay; he's cool. The boar killed our mercenary bugbear paladin of Keranos, but not before Galen pincushioned the other...

Should I assume Galen is still on the eagle?

Nezumi, I'm sure Galen would be willing to help look for things. In fact, when the plan was to hit this guy with a sword, the party would have been able to do that before worrying about the terms of surrender. Thosar may be able to use Investigate as well.))
Ludwig looks at how Keranos and the others are speaking to the hobgoblin, and thinks he recognizes what's going on. It looks like a classic case of good guard, bad guard. Most of the group is playing good, and as the J'raffa is still a bit angry from that ice attack, he doesn't think he can outdo Keranos.

Going middle of the road, he looks at the hobgoblin incredulously. "Oppressors? Do we look like agents of the state to you? We may be putting a stop to this fucked up operation here, but we're hardly using it as a pretext to extort everyone with taxes."

((To contribute to the investigating, Ludwig will sweep the camp with detect evil.))

Mike M

Nick N
The hobgoblin sneers with a mouthful of bloody teeth at Keranos. “Are you as new to warfare as you are to shaving your chin, human pup? Information is compartmentalized, I know little beyond my charge. We managed this outpost and delivered the animals to a designated location, a small rise not far distant from here. I’ve no idea where they go after that.”

At Thosar and Fhiess’s inquiries, the hobgoblin heaves a great bloody glob of spittle at the elven men’s boots. “Your ignorance of your sins does not absolve you of them!” he shouts. “The time of upheaval is almost upon us, it is written in the stars! The Hand of Maglubiyet has raised the standard of the Red Host, and together we will wipe this land of every trace of your existence!”

Thosar wracks his brain, but has no idea what the raving captive is talking about. As far back as he has ever read in history book, hobgoblins have always been depicted as a brutish, hate-filled race. Though, now that he thinks of it, the most uncharitable portrayals did always come from elven sources, and there’re practically no records from before the rise of the Hauntaur Empire. But high elves have always taken it as a point of pride that their people have an unblemished history of peace and tolerance, so what is this madman going on about?

The mention of the time of upheaval strikes a chord somewhere deep in your mind. Didn’t your research into the order of the heavens and the periods of unrest indicate that such a sea change might be at hand?

An audit of the hobgoblin camp yields the following loot:
  • Quarterstaff +1 (500gp, 2sp)
  • 3 two-person tents (2gp each)
  • 3 scimitars (25gp each)
  • 3 shortbows (25gp each)
  • 5 longswords (15gp each)
  • 2 longbows (50gp each)
  • 100 mundane arrows (100gp total)
  • 50 poisoned arrows (see notes)
  • Their wagon, but notably no horses to pull it (35gp)
  • Food, wine, and spices (100gp)
  • 2 forty-two gallon barrels of ale (5gp each)
  • Gems and coins totaling another 1,125gp
The armor the goblinoids were wearing aren’t worth anything anymore, and the grotesque morning stars seemingly made from the skulls of the bugbears’ victims are unsellable. Likewise, the poisoned arrows seem unlikely to sell to any reputable dealer, though there is undoubtedly a market for them if one is willing to look and has no qualms with dealing with the unsavory sort who might find use for a frenzy-inducing poison. The iron isn’t worth the trouble of hauling the cages anywhere to sell them for scrap. The wine and spices are fairly exotic, and may have been included in the shipment of bottles from Landsend. There are ten crates of bottled brown liquid labeled with the cartoonish smiling turnip; there’s a strong fermented smell to the fluid, and it’s likely highly flammable.

It’s worth noting that the quality of their armaments is notably improved over your previous encounter. They’re either stealing them from somewhere in bulk, or they’ve got a foundry somewhere. The quarterstaff wielded by the devastator is or particularly fine quality, made of an especially hard wood carved with what are presumably goblin characters. It resonates with the echos of spells focused through it, but aside from potentially serving as a replacement to material components, it has no other enchantment. Nothing pings Ludwig's attempts to detect evil, either.
Fhiess remains as ignorant as the hobgoblin claims. Being a hybrid elf-human raised in a primarily human culture had always kept him out of the loop when it came to high elf matters, and his scholarly studies remained incomplete before becoming an artist. Regardless, he becomes shaken at the motive given, "All of you wanted to.. wanted to kill me more than others because I'm an elf, even when I am the weakest among us?"

<Fhiess' alignment probably doesn't agree, but making random things crazed to start a convenient chaos might be useful.

Also, what was the total gold we got last time that we agreed to pool? I never remembered to jot it down somewhere>

Mike M

Nick N
Fhiess remains as ignorant as the hobgoblin claims. Being a hybrid elf-human raised in a primarily human culture had always kept him out of the loop when it came to high elf matters, and his scholarly studies remained incomplete before becoming an artist. Regardless, he becomes shaken at the motive given, "All of you wanted to.. wanted to kill me more than others because I'm an elf, even when I am the weakest among us?"

<Fhiess' alignment probably doesn't agree, but making random things crazed to start a convenient chaos might be useful.

Also, what was the total gold we got last time that we agreed to pool? I never remembered to jot it down somewhere>

((Last battle was the Gnolls, which had 300gp worth of loot.))
Keranos would like to make this wretched creature suffer appropriately for its disrespect, but as the rest of the Endowed seem reluctant to even let the thing die, he deems it more prudent to simply snuff it out.

((Is a spell-based coup de Grace allowed? If so, I'm going to use Eldrich Blast and take advantage of its movement to drag the hobgoblin across the spike growth))

Mike M

Nick N
((Honestly, Eldritch Blast would kill him outright anyway.

Coup de grace doesn't explicitly exist in the 5e rules; You have advantage and automatic critical if an unconscious or paralyzed enemy is within 5 feet of you, and advantage on enemies who are only restrained. In both cases I would limit it to physical attacks.

In this case, I'd allow it without a roll since we're out of combat anyway.))
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