((If DP doesn't want in on the pool, I'll put in the last part. Ludwig is getting that armor one way or another.))
((Well that's all I needed to hear then, Misadventures in Bellows 2.0 here we go!))
With the party having worked out financial matters, a grateful Ludwig sets off to find a place capable of making armor for him. Remembering the mishap from getting his sword treated, he reluctantly heads to the bank to convert his medals to gold, so as to avoid getting rejected over trying to pay with multiple currencies.
At the bank, a gnome is working the currency conversion counter, using his professional knowledge to handle the customers in front of the J'raffa. "Hmm, this diamond has a good shine to it. With the three rubies? Let's see... 10,642.6 gold. Next. "Now this is a lot of mythril. On a good day, this could probably go for half a million gold. I can give you 150 for it right now. Next." "Oh, a huge slab of platinum? Fuck it, 7.2 million gold. Next."
Ludwig eventually reaches the front of the line, noting the customers in front of him showing a spectrum of emotions as they leave. He pours his mix of metals onto the counter and asks "So how much will this get me?" The gnome puts on spectacles, places some of the chunks on a scale while twirling others, and spends about a minute tapping on the counter. "Let's see, an assortment like this? Some goods, some duds, this will net you, pppppppppppppppppp... 254 gold." Ludwig looks dejected for a moment, and says "Well, I did use a portion of it to buy that shrinking potion, so I guess that's fair." He takes the gold, and on the way out, he swears he can hear guards accosting the gnome about sneaking back there and masquerading as an employee. Not thinking much of it, the J'raffa continues on his way.
Ludwig visits several blacksmiths and armor crafters, all of whom balk at making a set of splint armor for something J'raffa sized. One blacksmith eventually points Ludwig in the direction of a specialist tucked away near the docks of the mercantile district that primarily does armor for beasts of war. Ludwig's getting tired of having to use services intended for livestock and other beasts, but someone that makes armor for horses, elephants, and more exotic creatures is probably his best bet.
Ludwig trudges through the mercantile district, past an array of prosperous looking shops, towards a large warehouse-looking building in a rundown part of the district near one of the docks. He opens the sliding door, and to his delight, is able to walk in to the high-roofed building. Looking around, he sees assorted smithing tools, cranes, benches, stairs, and what he assumes are working quarters for the specialist further back in the re-purposed warehouse. What he does not see, however, is any blacksmith or armorer.
"Is anyone here?" Ludwig calls out. He's promptly answered by a rough female voice coming from the back of the warehouse. "Yeah yeah, I'm in. What do ya need done? A war elephant? Armor for a dire wolf? I'm doing a special on horse armor: 250 gold for the first set." "Actually, I'm looking to get a set of splint armor made for myself." Ludwig replies. About ten seconds pass before the woman in the back roars "Is your head not on straight? I deal with mounts and beasts! You're some bumbfuck adventurer looking to get armor made? You're in the general area of a major dwarven city, just throw a rock and you'll find a blacksmith. Shit!" Trying to at least get a price out of her, he says "I already spoke to a bunch of other blacksmiths though, and they told me to come here. They made it sound like you're the only person in Bellows who can get this done for me."
The sound of a table getting flipped echoes through the warehouse as the armorer stomps her way to the front. She unleashes a tirade as she gets closer to the main room. "Has the spire made everyone retarded? What part of 'I do armor for beasts' is so hard to get? Let me fucking spell it out for you so you can go back and tell the shit-brained metal-lickers that sent you here. I D-O- A-R-M-O-R F-O-R B-E-A-S-T-S you..." At this point, the armorer rounds the corner and sees Ludwig standing around. She's a fairly tall, muscularly built half-orc with red hair in what looks like a cross between a blacksmith and a mechanic's garb, her face typically of an irritable expression. That is out the window as she stares up at the J'raffa with her mouth agape, eyes twinkling with the wonder of a kid dropped into a toy store. "You, you magnificent fucking creature."
Trailing off for a second, she snaps back upright and claps her hands together. "Ok, I take that all back, I am exactly the person to make a suit of armor for you. Name's Gorami Goramira. That looks like chain mail you've got on now, looking to jump up to splint? Maybe plate?" "I think splint will do for now," Ludwig says. "Though if things keep going as they are, I'll probably be back here later to get plate armor made." Still visibly excited at making J'raffa shaped armor, Gorami says "Great! Due to your size, it will be a bit extra in materials. If you can give me that chain mail of yours to help with measurements and later re-purpose, I think we can do it for 600 gold. And as a heads up, armor like this ain't built in a day, you're looking at a few before it's good to go." Ludwig reaches into satchel to remove the pooled gold from the party. "This ought to cover it, think you can get started today?" Gorami gives a cursory glance at the gold to make sure it's in the ballpark of 600, then looks up to the paladin and says "Damn straight I can."
serious smithing music for serious smithing]
Gorami brings out a ladder, measuring tape, a protractor, and assorted other tools mundane and magical that Ludwig doesn't recognize. She scampers around, measuring Ludwig's neck, torso, and legs using both the tape and some kind of laser spell. She holds the protractor up to the J'raffa's flank, writing down numbers while moving it around. After a few minutes, she hurls the ladder across the room, smiles, and gives Ludwig a thumbs up.
After the measurements are down, Gorami takes a bunch of odd, almost squishy balls and sticks them all over Ludwig's body. She then goes to some kind of scrying globe and tells him to walk around the main room. She stares intently at the globe as he does so, and then tells him to twirl, run, trot, and jump around. After a few minutes of this, the eccentric smith nods, telling Ludwig that he can remove the balls now as she's got everything she needs.
Well after Ludwig has left, Gorami is fashioning splint armor and putting them on wooden stilts fashioned to match the height and thickness of Ludwig's legs. Once on, she takes a battleaxe to them. The stilts promptly break, causing her to throw her hands up in frustration and go back to the drawing board.
Later in the process, Gorami has a full J'raffa sized suit made, and is ready to test its functionality. Whipping out a weapon she devised as "for fun" project, a crossbow that fires bolts like a full-auto rifle, she lays into the splint armor. By the time the clip is empty, it's utterly perforated; this suit is a wash.
Cussing up a storm, she wonders where she went wrong. Sure, a J'raffa's different in size and shape from other animals, but not utterly so. She's pretty sure the neck's not throwing things off too much, it's just something about building armor for a more sapient user as opposed to a mount that's throwing her. She looks at the measurements again. The legs are fine. The neck checks out, but had to be thinned to fit the slots for reigns. The torso is reasonably thick and allows for movement while still leaving a proper indentation for the saddle. The helmet, "Waaaaiiiiit. Oh god fucking damnit you fucking dumbass, he's not a mount! That's why this shit keeps failing, you can scrap all these mount modifications you stupid cunt! Always with your force of habit!" Her epiphany continues on loudly for another five minutes, causing a family passing by her warehouse to cover their child's ears and hasten their walk.
More time passes, with Gorami continuing to consult the scryed footage of Ludwig walking as she builds a more proper suit. This one passes the greataxe and auto crossbow test, eliciting a "Eureka!"
Ludwig is eventually called back to Gorami's warehouse. The half-orc eagerly greets him and motions to an exquisite looking suit of J'raffa shaped splint armor suspended by one of several giant cranes. "I've made a lot of good shit in my time, but I've really outdone myself with this one. All the protection and oomph of splint, fit exactly to your body. Now, let's load you up and get it on you, shall we?" "Uh, that's actually fine. I'm plenty capable of putting on my own armor. If you want to see it on me, you can just bring it down and I'll don it." Gorami manages to do the impossible and convincingly pout as a half-orc. "But this is my favorite paaaart! Can't you just have it lowered on all fancy once? Pleeeaaase?"
Ludwig sighs and relents. "Sure, what's the harm?" Practically squeeing, Gorami attaches a harness to Ludwig, runs over to a control panel, and slowly, dramatically has him raised into the air. A few more levers turn him vertical oriented as the splint is slowly lowered down. He's rotated in order to get the pieces on, and when the process is finished, the cranes shoot out a cloud of smoke. As the smoke clears a fully armored Ludwig touches back onto the ground. Gorimi wipes away a tear and says "It's perfect."
Clearly not thrilled about being lifted into the air and suited up like some kind of mechanical project, Ludwig says "Well, the armor seems good, but let's never do that again." Gorimi waves her hand dismissively and says "Yeah yeah, if you decide you want plate armor down the line, hit me up. It'll be a godsdamned pleasure making another suit like that." Ludwig sets off to return to the party, as enough time has been spent waiting for this to be completed.
As Ludwig leaves, a man walks in escorting a horse wearing torn up fragments walks in. "I had a bad run-in with some beasts on the road here, I'm going to need a second set of horse armor." Without missing a beat, Gorimi says "You know the deal, every set after the first one runs 500 gold."