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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

portent rolls: 8, 3
The trip to Bellows being uneventful, Thosar busies himself with reading, starcharting, and storytelling to any who wish to listen. His dreams become muddled again, like back in the city where he would often lose focus because of the daily grind. The night before Bellows, however, it returns.

He is seated at the head of a long table. Row upon row of advisors await his request. Warriors, clad in chitinous armor with black blades in hand stand ready to strike his enemies buried beneath burnt sand. A quiet utterance passes his lips. "Begin the attack, take no prisoners."

In an instant, the dozen warriors become a blur of motion. Sand flies into the air and reveals the shining surface below. An explosion of light blinds him, leaving behind a black emptiness where solid ground once stood. The warriors leap in without hesitation, guided by nearly inborn instinct through the dark corridors below the ground.

The squad encounters a demon. Its face is almost human. The mouth is open, eyes wide in an unending scream of pain and terror. The thing makes a guttural roar as it notices them, it's long disjointed limbs holding up a bulbous red mass of a stomach barely concealing partially digested victims.

As it bears down upon them, the warriors scatter in all directions, moving like the wind to surround it. The beast swipes its impossibly sharp claws at a few as they move in to strike in unison. Blood and limbs fly in the melee. In seconds the fight is over. 1 of them is dead, two more injured, but the demon is dead. One of the warriors spreads a hand to its corpse, a fire dances along the body, then the whole erupts into brilliant flame.

As the party approaches the city, Thosar looks on in appreciation for the architecture. "While it may not be the fairest city ever made, it certainly was made to last. Those old construction techniques were truly astounding in their fortitude."

He looks on while Barrow attempts to negotiate passage. When Sagishi raises the point of other ways in, he muses a bit. "I agree, surely there are ways in that could work for us. Let me think..."

(( gonna roll history to see other ways in to the city. history roll for entances: 1D20+1D4+7 = [10]+[3]+7 = 20
((Don't worry about how long your posts took, Nezumi; your work on them is wonderful, and it was well worth the wait.

Any work from DeadPhoenix?
Yeah, we'll just count the days traveled towards the longbow training. We can backdate reactions to Sagishi's story, but let's move things along, shall we?
It would be safe to assume we will need to be sure to make accommodations for practice after the fast-forward, correct?
Mike M said:
The goblin menace is not something to be overlooked or disregarded, but even if they were fielding a full army against Telmur right now, it would still be a smaller concern than the situation with the black tower.

Let us all pray that they are not about to field a full army.
Incidentially, Galen seems to expect them to be building an army of enraged wildlife to unleash upon the world.
Mike M said:
The horses hardly needing his guidance, he spends most of the ride trying to mend the thing, but it proves a difficult task in the jostling wagon.
I don't know if Barrow would accept it, but Thosar has shown himself to be quite adept at mending things like that. Or maybe he could use one of those Guidance things that get passed around like candy.
Mike M said:
Barrow hops down from the wagon and goes to discuss arrangements for the stabling of the horses and storage of the wagon with an attendant he flags down.
Did we leave the Ale Wagon? Ludwig is saved!
Mike M said:
The night is peaceful and uneventful, and Barrow spends most of it staring at the stars and muttering what sounds like prayers as he puffs his pipe and handles his little bag full of glass beads made in the image of the heavenly bodies. Uncharacteristically, he fails to make it to his bed roll before falling asleep for the night, and the morning’s departure is delayed while he attempts to form a search party to locate his pipe in the grass near where he had been sitting the night before. He eventually finds it beneath the satchel he set down when he began his search, and the wagon train moves on again.
Barrow is great.
The trip to Bellows being uneventful, Thosar busies himself with reading, starcharting, and storytelling to any who wish to listen.
Actually, about that, Galen is curious about the sending stone and had every intention of handing it over to Thosar for examination once they were able to ride in the wagon again, so it seems safe to figure he has done so. If I recall, Thosar had an interest in examining it as well, so the trip should be a bit less uneventful for him.

Also, if Galen wanted a message sent, could he ask Thosar to use his owl to do so, or might there be a limit on distance?

Nicely done on Thosar's dream. You have been giving them some really good imagery.

Could I get an Insight check on the closing of the gates?
Yeah, he's got nothing.

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, it's safe to assume that accommodations are made for training each day unless there are unusual circumstances that would prevent it.))

Thosar attempts to recollect anything else he can think of regarding Hammerfall, but Barrow beats him to the punch with his response to Keranos. "If there be another way into Hammerfall besides th'main gates, th'stone giants never got round to tellin' Old King Hector and took it to their graves," the stout dwarf grumbles. Pointing the stem of his pipe at Sagishi, he continues. "This one's got a good point, though. There'll never be a ship so tight that it don't have rats comin' hither and tither all the live long day. It's just a matter of playin' rat catcher and... catchin'... rats... That sounded cleverer in me head 'fore I said it, I admit."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lets out an exasperated sigh. "It's not somethin' we'll solve t'night," he says. "We best come back at this tomorrow with fresh heads on our shoulders t'figure somethin' out. I don't know 'bout the rest of ye, but I'm plannin' on heading to the nearest tavern and having myself a whole chicken to meself. I be tired of apples and cheese!"


Even in light of the ongoing crisis in Telmur, Bellows remains a lively city as the dusk turns to full night and flames encased in glass boxes atop iron poles spaced at regular intervals along the street spring to life. There is a nervous thrill in the air, but all in all the threat that destroyed Telmur Castle feels remote and distant here among relatively normal urban life.

The streets are made of huge interlocking slabs of stone in various colors ranging from dusky red to light brown rather than the cobble found in Remdormo or the city surrounding Telmur castle. The major thoroughfares have a recessed rail on either side, and every few minutes a clanking metal conveyance belching clouds of steam rumbles by in one direction or another. It quickly becomes easy to pick the natives out from the visitors, as the former don’t even look up as these contraptions approach, they only instinctively get out of the way as they pass.

The convenience of these railed transports soon becomes apparent: Bellows is a sprawling city, larger than even Telmur Castle, though the buildings are not so tall and the population is not as dense. The city sits astride the intersection of two rivers, the immediate area of which plays host to the mercantile district. The shores are packed with docks and warehouses, and the streets that run alongside are crowded with stores and the offices of trading companies, though none of them are even half the equal of the Nocbus Trading Company in Landsend.

The part of the city called the Artisans Quarter seems to be the beating heart of Bellows’s culture, boasting the highest concentration of sculpture and other artwork, as well as the more daring and avant garde architecture. The shops here boast goods that may not be of any higher quality than might be found in the mercantile district, but they are certainly more aesthetically pleasing. A good number of these shops also sell various trinkets imbued with interesting, if trivial, magical effects. A few sell weapons and armor with decidedly more useful enchantments. Magic itself seems is an art to be experimented to many of these folk.

Little Forgerun is characterized by buildings that trend more toward the Dwarven tradition; Squat, stout, and hearty structures that are rarely more than one story tall, though many have stairways leading down to entrances situated below street level. The signage in this part features Dwarven runes prominently, with Common added almost as an afterthought. Unsurprisingly, there is a notably higher concentration of dwarves, halflings, and gnomes in this part of the city, though those of human and elven descent aren’t exactly rare.

The University District can almost be said to be one and the same with the eponymous university itself. The campus is diffuse and eclectic; it seems that after the rather modest initial construction, expansion of the institution was accomplished by moving into and repurposing pre-existing buildings nearby, leading to a hodgepodge of academia, living quarters, and commercial enterprises. The population skews younger here, and most of the residents are students or employees of the university itself. Businesses in the area are in turn shaped by this fact, and their wares and services tend to be bent toward scholarly topics and supplies.

The City Center may have at one point actually been the geographical center of the city, but now it is clearly only descriptive of its function, as it is located rather easterly in the city atop a small hill. The government complex is the dominant feature; an imposing building that houses the city’s legislative, judicial, and executive branches in separate wings. Much of the rest of the district consists of ancillary support and those businesses and professions that deal directly with governmental entities, such as legal advocates. Here more than anywhere else in the city does the shadow of the black tower standing atop the ruins of Telmur Castle fall; the courtyard of the complex is filled with military pavillion tents, and the grounds positively swarm with Kingsguards bearing the Kingsword emblem on their surcoats. Mounted on the roof flagpole high above the ground, the battered banner bearing the standard of Telmur flutters in the evening breeze. What government managed to escape the cataclysm has set up in exile here in Bellows.

((Okay, since this is our first visit to a big city with gold in hand, here’s the deal for any forthcoming shopping sprees:

Magic weapons and armor are available, as are masterwork versions (recall that I house ruled that these are different things). Masterwork +1 weapons and armor are readily available, +2 will depend on a percentage rolls. You can also have mundane weapons treated with a metal called mythium for 250gp to deal magic damage, like having it silvered.

Here’s what’s available for homebrew magic enhancements in Bellows, which can be added to an item for 500 x n gold where n is the number of enhancements being placed on the item (500 for the first, 1000 for the second, 1500 for the third and so on). Masterwork bonuses and those granted by the magic enhancements are stackable, since the magic ones are either situational or temporary.

I’m going to rule that all other pricing is based on this list. It changes what I originally set masterwork items at, but it balances out overall. The availability of any non-consumable magic items and consumables with a rarity of Uncommon or above (Potion of Diminution is Uncommon because I say so) depends on a percentage check.))
((I might have missed it but I don't see that we ever worked out how to split the loot from the previous battle.

If no one wants to take the Quarterstaff +1, by my calculations we have 2,056 gold to split between the 7 of us, which comes out to 293 for each of us, with 5 Gp And 2 SP left over.

If someone wants the Quarterstaff, that reduces the seven-way split to 222 each, with 2 GP and 2 SP left over.

If we want to keep the mundane arrows then that alters the calculations some.

I don't want the staff, personally.

This is also assuming that we keep the poisoned arrows, the wagon, and the barrels of wine, which don't seem worth selling.

If this was already covered then my bad, yo.

One thing we could think about, btw, is agreeing to pool our loot to buy someone a really awesome weapon or armor. Ludwig seems pretty OP already, so maybe some fancy armor would turn him into an unstoppable killing machine? Just an idea))
((The extra wagon might be worth selling, while the poison arrows would potentially get us a real nice bit of gold. Sagishi could probably find a buyer.

I agree that pooling resources could be of use. Just remember, though, he may be a bit screwed by his size when we go into Forgerun. That place is meant for dwarf size people.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Ludwig has a fairly stiff penalty for buying armor since everything he'd buy would have to be custom made, so keep that in mind if you guys plan on pooling to make him tankier. It'd also take a few days to make.))
((Could I find a couple spells to copy into my book? Also, I looks like we have more gold than calculated by Thlunarian. My total shows 2541.2, which includes selling the extra wagon and weapons found on the hobgoblins. If I can copy the scroll we have, then sell it, that's another 60. Also, we have 8 potions of healing that go for 50go each, do we wish to sell any?

Spell wise, I'm looking for locate object, see invisibility, and invisibility. Maybe sage background would help with that?

A few things stand out to me regarding items: Arctic enhancement for armor, magic damage for mundane weapons, HEALING KITS, and better tiers of armor we already possess.))
((Couod I theoretically enchant my holy symbol to have a numerical bonus? The rules don't seem explicit on this.

I couldn't afford it, and I don't think it would be worth pooling everyone's money, so this is mostly a question for the future))


((I think the only thing that would make sense for Sagishi to buy would be a +1 armor but I'm not sure if that really is necessary and it would eat up pretty much all of my gold. Sagishi would definitely stock up on firework materials though, so I would need some prices for that. I was also wondering if he'd technically be able to make smoke bombs as I could see some use for that in the future.))
((Magic treatment on weapons for Sagishi, Ludwig, and Galen would help with doing damage against critters resistant to weapons. At 750 gold for all 3, that's a solid option for assuring our heavy hitters can do damage.

Aside from getting spells into my spellbook, I'd like to pick up some half-plate armor

Maybe we should get a potion of diminution for Ludwig at 270g. That hours long duration is nice.))
((I forgot about the change in weapon prices that mike did using the new guidelines. That means we actually have 3041.2 gold if we sell the hobgoblin quarterstaff.

That's... 434.4 gold each. A good number, we'd still have to pool for anything extra nice though. The brown flamable liquid from the hobgoblins is another thing to look into. Maybe visit an alchemist?))


((I forgot about the change in weapon prices that mike did using the new guidelines. That means we actually have 3041.2 gold if we sell the hobgoblin quarterstaff.

That's... 434.4 gold each. A good number, we'd still have to pool for anything extra nice though. The brown flamable liquid fro. The hobgoblins is another thing to look into. Maybe visit an alchemist?))

((Does that include the 350 gold we got as price money in Remdormo? And Sagishi could also try to sell the liquid as well.))
((Yeah, the x4 penalty makes upgrading armor rough for now. Ludwig's currently in chain mail, so upgrading to better armor would cost 800g for splint or 6000g for plate, per-enhancements. Probably not in the cards for now. Slapping magic on it may be more feasible though. Since Ludwig's a paladin, the runic enhancement almost, kind of sort of makes it into a bootleg +1 chain mail.

Silvering his sword is probably a good idea. Ludwig will be able to cast magic weapon next level, but that will free up a slot. Getting his weapon enchanted with iconic to try and carve Ron Paul doing it's happening hands into it is tempting, but totally a waste of 500g.

Yeah, other than that, I need to thumb through the DMG and figure out what a lot of magic items and consumables actually do. For now, it makes the most sense to pick up a potion of diminution so he can actually get around caves and smaller parts of the city. Assuming the percentage roll is favorable, of course :p. Post on Ludwig doing stuff in the city will be coming a little later.))
((Magic weapon also requires concentration, so not needing it is a big up. Just keep using bless. :)
To nab the half plate, looks like I'd need a little more than an equal share out of the pot, especially if I can add a couple extra spells into my spellbook. This does depend on how much we can get out of some of the poison arrows, though.

I'd love to add runic to that half plate to make an even AC 20, but that's asking too much, methinks.))
EDIT: <Actually, the hobgoblin in the picture looked really weird, I might retract it until I might improve it later>

Fhiess becomes overjoyed as the wagon rolls into Bellows. The nostalgia of a significant part of his life studying at the university and the distinct works of architecture that are placed overwhelm him with a sense of familiarity.

"I should take the strange substances we found to the university, perhaps there is somebody that can study the mixture for what it's made of," he suggests, "as well as look for historical information on the history of the land before Telmur as well."

<Do I want an artist's weapon or an artisan's armor? On one hand, the latter would have a variety of uses, but the former would let us play Goldeneye 007 on Paintball mode without having to complete Dam on Secret Agent difficulty in a short amount of time.>

Mike M

Nick N
Spell wise, I'm looking for locate object, see invisibility, and invisibility. Maybe sage background would help with that?

((All three are available))

((Couod I theoretically enchant my holy symbol to have a numerical bonus? The rules don't seem explicit on this.

((Not a numerical bonus under these house rules, no, but you could apply other enchantments. I hadn't really considered the possibility of doing it to a holy symbol, so it'd be a case by case basis of what you'd want to give it. i.e. you could give it a Preacher's enchantment to increase the range of Channel Divinity, but something like Phantom wouldn't make a lot of sense (unless your weapon is doing double duty as a holy symbol)))

((I think the only thing that would make sense for Sagishi to buy would be a +1 armor but I'm not sure if that really is necessary and it would eat up pretty much all of my gold. Sagishi would definitely stock up on firework materials though, so I would need some prices for that. I was also wondering if he'd technically be able to make smoke bombs as I could see some use for that in the future.))

((Smoke bombs would be a reasonable application of the ability to make fireworks, so I'll allow it. As for cost of raw materials, we'll go with 5gp per explosive))
((Awesome. Divination Savant helps here to keep the cost down. Scribing in See Invisible, Absorb Elements, and Locate Object is 150g total. How about Enlarge/Reduce person? That one may be more important...))
((Yep, that's available too. Stupid percentage dice, giving you everything you want...))

((Great Percentile dice. The best percentile dice. <3
While the dice are hot, how about a couple rituals. Unseen Servant and Detect Magic ought to be handy.
So far I'm up to 350 gold scribing Invisibility, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Locate Object, and Enlarge/Reduce.))
((Will go ahead and get Ludwig's weapon silvered. Still mulling over whether to make his armor runic. Any word on the availability of potions of diminution?))

With Barrow handling the wagons, Ludwig is free from his burden and sets off to shop as the others do the same. Too big for the railed transports, the J'raffa makes his way towards the mercantile district to take of priority number one: converting all of those gold coins on him into chunks of precious metals.

After a bit of walking and an abundance of stares from natives and visitors alike, Ludwig finds a bank that handles conversions. Ludwig sticks his neck through the front door and tries to get a teller's attention. He gets as far as "Excuse me," before the line of customers start freaking out over a large, unknown creature jutting into the facility. Fortunately, it is not a place full of drunk patrons, and another murder snake incident is averted. After a minute or two of insisting that he's just another customer and a short standoff with bank security, order is restored and Ludwig gets in line. He silently curses not yet having access to shrinking magic in this land built for ants.

Once Ludwig makes his way to the front, he gets his bag of gold out and starts going through the procedure to have it converted. The bank teller remarks that the metal boom must be slowing down right now, as Ludwig receives several rather heavy chunks for his 434 or so gold. As the teller counts out the chunks of adamantine and mythril, she says "Would you like to diversify your collection with some mythium today?" "Mythiwhatnow?" Ludwig asked confusedly. "Mythium! It's a wonderful metal that when properly coated over a weapon, makes it as if it's magical. Adventurers can't get enough of it." She continues on with her pitch, but Ludwig's already distracted, trying to figure out where the nearest weapon smith is to get his Invisible Hand treated. "Yeah sure, replace some of the mythril with it. I need to be going."

Ludwig leaves the bank with his bag of metals having a bit more weight to it. This is going to end up heavy if we keep having good luck like this. I'll have to store some of this the usual way, by going back home and digging holes in my yard to hide the stashes of... shit. It has just dawned on the intrepid paladin that he has nowhere to dump his growing mound of metal. Banks are fine to trade at, but they're too heavily regulated to safely store his metal at. As for hiding it, the endowed are always on the move, so it would have to be somewhere they would return to, and the risk of someone finding it is kind of high. He's going to just have to carry that weight for the time being.

The road eventually branches towards either the Artisans Quarter or Little Forgerun. It takes only a cursory look to know that he would hardly be able to walk in Little Forgerun, so Ludwig sets off to find a weapon smith in the Artisans Quarter. It isn't long before he spots a shop called The Art of Steel. Its logo consists of a brush painting along an anvil, and more importantly, the window states that it does magical enhancements.

Ludwig sticks his neck into the shop, and to his pleasant surprise, does not alarm the shop's owner, a dour, bored looking halfling. "Welcome to the Art of Steel, where we make your steel into a work of art. What do you want?" The halfling half says, half sighs. "Well, I was looking to get my greatsword treated with mythium, but, uh, you ok?" Ludwig asks."

"Oh, I'm just fucking lovely," spits the shop owner. "I only spent four years going to art school and literally killing my parents with disappointment only to find out that an art degree's not worth the paint on the scroll. So after half a decade of failed art presentations and three years as a hobo, I don't have a choice but to go back to university for a degree in theoretical arcana with an emphasis in metallurgy." Ludwig's mouth is agape, as the J'raffa is utterly unable to stop the shop owner's tirade. "Arcane metallurgy is utterly soul crushing work, but I figure 'hey, this just pays the bills, I'll be able to chase my dreams eventually.' That was thirty years ago. Dreams are dead, the gods are dead, hand me your fucking sword. It's a simple process to coat it, so it runs 250 gold for weapons of all sizes. Chop chop, do you want it done or not?"

"Well... uh..." Ludwig fumbles around as he unsheathes the blade substantially larger than the halfling and places it down, taking up the entirety of the front counter. The shop owner buries his face in his hands before saying "Fine. Fine, I guess I deserve this. 250 gold is 250 gold." Ludwig reaches into his metals satchel and pulls out appropriately sized chunks of adamantine, mythril, and a dash of mythium. "Ok, that ought to cover it," the J'raffa says. The shopkeeper looks down at them for a moment before looking up at Ludwig and saying "Are you kidding me?" "What?" Ludwig replies. "That's 250 gold worth of precious metals, and a much more stable form than shitty fiat currency." The shopkeeper's face starts to turn red. "I can deal with being reminded of my failures every day, I can deal with having to treat this giant slab of a sword you slapped on my counter, but I will not, WILL NOT, be paid in fucking rocks and argue macroeconomics with some kind of talking animal who also wasted his time at college! You want your weapon coated? Come back with gold, end of discussion!"

Unable to convince the halfling to change his mind and his feelings slightly hurt despite never having gone to college, Ludwig dejectedly makes his way back to the bank to convert some of the metal back into gold. On arrival, he explains the situation, and begins to hand back one of the adamantine chunks. The bank teller says "Great timing! Someone's having a run on our metal reserves and paying out the nose! We can't get it fast enough! You'll get back five times the gold for all your metals what you just paid!" "Whoa whoa whoa!" Exclaims Ludwig. "I only want to convert back 250g worth. Trading back all of it for unstable fiat gold? What do I look like, and idiot?"

The bank teller balks, but rather than pursue the matter, leaves the one chunk of adamantine on the counter, fetches her First Bellows Bank Metal Mincer™, and cuts the chunk in half, handing it back to Ludwig along with 250 gold. His bag not much lighter for the gold redeemed, Ludwig makes his way back to The Art of Steel, and hands over the bag of gold. After counting it, the halfling says "Fine, your greatsword will be ready in an hour, come back then." After time has lapsed and Ludwig has reclaimed his sword, he is ready to continue looking around, seeking out a place that handles armor enhancements or sells shrinking potions.
Magic treatment on weapons for Sagishi, Ludwig, and Galen would help with doing damage against critters resistant to weapons. At 750 gold for all 3, that's a solid option for assuring our heavy hitters can do damage.
That does sound like it may be a worthy investment, but it is also worth asking, while I assume a magical enchantment on a sling or a bow would impart it's effects to any object thrown forth from it, would mythium enhancement be treated the same, or would that be per piece of ammunition?

I was also wondering if he'd technically be able to make smoke bombs as I could see some use for that in the future.
That is a very good idea, and Galen would see use for those as well. He is, for some reason, too mundane to use the smoke cloud spell.

Silvering his sword is probably a good idea. Ludwig will be able to cast magic weapon next level, but that will free up a slot.
Magic weapon also requires concentration, so not needing it is a big up. Just keep using bless. :)
Alternatively, for a whole 250 more, Ludwig can have a Silvered Shapeshifting Great Sword, though he would be stuck holding mercury in his mouth, which, aside from the price, may be the only real downside.

Than again, what would happen if we got Ludwig an even more oversized great sword with the Hanging and Imaginary properties? Would Hanging allow him to use it efficiently?

To nab the half plate, looks like I'd need a little more than an equal share out of the pot, especially if I can add a couple extra spells into my spellbook
Yeah, if need be, Galen may be willing to help out with that. The only question is if the money would have a better immediate use. Like killing mages instead of keeping them alive.

These are entirely different mages, of course, but it does call into question how good the Mage Killer's enchantment can be expected to be.

Do I want an artist's weapon or an artisan's armor? On one hand, the latter would have a variety of uses, but the former would let us play Goldeneye 007 on Paintball mode without having to complete Dam on Secret Agent difficulty in a short amount of time.
Clearly the answer is to make every ranged weapon an Artist's weapon.

I forgot about the change in weapon prices that mike did using the new guidelines. That means we actually have 3041.2 gold if we sell the hobgoblin quarterstaff.
Since you've done the math, just to make sure everyone's on the same page with where all the money would come from, would you happen to have an itemized list? If not, I could try to prepare one, but it would likely take a good deal longer; tomorrow's almost certain to be far too busy for comfort.

On the note of the staff, two options I haven't seen addressed are holding on to it in hopes of a buyer who will, as they say, "buy it at a high price," or having Fhiess and Sagishi shop around for a good buyer to talk into a more grand price. Galen won't be entirely thrilled with selling Glurg, though, as the wrong people could use it to disastrous -and possibly epic and comical- effect.

With the house rule of not needing to keep track of mundane ammunition, there really is no reason not to sell the plain arrows received from the goblins, though it does seem a bit weird to do so.

And, Noisy Ninj4, since it seems likely this was missed in my traditional oversized post, I'll quote it so you can take it into consideration:
Actually, about [the trip being uneventful], Galen is curious about the sending stone and had every intention of handing it over to Thosar for examination once they were able to ride in the wagon again, so it seems safe to figure he has done so. If I recall, Thosar had an interest in examining it as well, so the trip should be a bit less uneventful for him.

Also, if Galen wanted a message sent, could he ask Thosar to use his owl to do so, or might there be a limit on distance?

Just an odd thought, but it seems possible now to create Adamantine wooden barriers.

Can we make Sagishi an Imaginary Cloak to turn him into everybody's imaginary friend? The grin on my face says it's not possible.

Pre-post Edit:

Oh, hey, a Ludwig Adventure Tale! I wonder what he's up to n--
"I only spent four years going to art school and literally killing my parents with disappointment only to find out that an art degree's not worth the paint on the scroll."
Oh. Poor Fhiess...
((Awesomeness as usual, don't bother with runic armor unless you use cantrips though. Getting splint mail in your case would be a better bet.

Mike: While the dice are hot, how about a couple rituals. Unseen Servant and Detect Magic ought to be handy.

Song of Fire: Thanks for the reminder regarding the trinket. Thosar will use an identify ritual on it during the trip. As for using his familiar to send a message, I don't think there is any particular maximum distance they can be separate. He might get an inquisitive look, though.

Putting the itemized list together bumped our total higher since I forgot about the gnoll fight.
•3,000 Copper (30g)
•1,200 Silver (120g)
•50 Gold
•5 lapis lazuli worth 10 gp each
•jade figurine worth 25gp
•silver small bracelet worth 25gp
Subtotal: gnolls 300g
•Quarterstaff +1 (1000gp, 2sp)
•3 two-person tents (2gp each)=6
•3 scimitars (25gp each)=75
•3 shortbows (25gp each)=75
•5 longswords (15gp each)=75
•2 longbows (50gp, keeping one for sagishi)=50
•100 mundane arrows (100gp total)
•50 poisoned arrows (???)
• wagon(35gp)
•Food, wine, and spices (100gp)
•2 barrels of ale (5gp each, keeping for resident alcoholic)
•Gems and coins totaling another 1,125gp
Hobgoblins subtotal: 2638.2

+350 GP from MOM
+60 GP from selling scroll of absorb elements.
Total: 3348.2gp
Shares: 478.3, 1 silver left to tip the bus boy

Selling up to 8 potions of healing could net us 50-400gp. The liquid and poison arrows remain tbd.

This doesn't take into account shared costs. Does the party wish to collectively purchase healing kits and warm weather gear for the road ahead?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Will go ahead and get Ludwig's weapon silvered. Still mulling over whether to make his armor runic. Any word on the availability of potions of diminution?))

((Available. That one I'll just give you since you're going to Dwarf town : P))

Mike: While the dice are hot, how about a couple rituals. Unseen Servant and Detect Magic ought to be handy.

((Detect magic is available, but Unseen Servant is where your luck ran out. However, since it's only a first level spell, I'll say that between your sage background and the university library, you can find a copy in the university archives with a DC 15 Arcana check.))

Song of Fire: Thanks for the reminder regarding the trinket. Thosar will use an identify ritual on it during the trip. As for using his familiar to send a message, I don't think there is any particular maximum distance they can be separate. He might get an inquisitive look, though.

((Nothing unusual about the sending stone. Text from the DMG for those without:))
DMG pg 199 said:
Sending stones come in pairs, with each smooth stone carved to match the other so the pairing is easily recognized. While you touch one stone, you can use an action to cast the sending spell from it. The target is the bearer of the other stone. If no creature bears the other stone, you know that fact as soon as you use the stone and don't cast the spell.

Once sending is cast through the stones, they can't be used again until the next dawn. If one of the stones in a pair is destroyed, the other one becomes nonmagical.

((With the other stone in the hands of the rangers, the one you've got is actually pretty limited in what you can do with it.))
That does sound like it may be a worthy investment, but it is also worth asking, while I assume a magical enchantment on a sling or a bow would impart it's effects to any object thrown forth from it, would mythium enhancement be treated the same, or would that be per piece of ammunition?

((Has to be ammunition. 250gp gets you 10 shots.))

Than again, what would happen if we got Ludwig an even more oversized great sword with the Hanging and Imaginary properties? Would Hanging allow him to use it efficiently?

((Going to say no and make up some mumbled explanation about how it still has mass and inertia and stuff))

On the note of the staff, two options I haven't seen addressed are holding on to it in hopes of a buyer who will, as they say, "buy it at a high price," or having Fhiess and Sagishi shop around for a good buyer to talk into a more grand price. Galen won't be entirely thrilled with selling Glurg, though, as the wrong people could use it to disastrous -and possibly epic and comical- effect.

((Most stuff will just sell for list price to make my life easier, but I will come out and say that if you want to offload the Glurg or the poisoned arrows, the price definitely varies depending on who you talk to and where you are.))
((Servant get! Looking for a servant: 1D20+1D4+7 = [15]+[2]+7 = 24

That puts me up to 425 gold scribing Invisibility, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements, Locate Object, detect magic, Unseen Servant, and Enlarge/Reduce Person. Guess that precludes grabbing armor for now, but it's a nice bit of spell expansion.))

While the others look for more martial improvements after cashing in their goods, Thosar sets off immediately for the university section of the city. Admiring the construction and advanced infrastructure around the city, he takes his time on foot moving toward the district. Upon arriving, he smells the incense and oil burning from the scattered dormitories.

The district's libraries are sprawling and students abound. As he searches archives and confers with the residents on theory and technique, gathering further materials for research, he picks up a few spells here and there. Each added is a page or two to the book. One in particular is tough to find. Having tired of menial labor, he needs... A servant. Something easily summoned but that won't give any back talk.

Having run out of luck around the ancillary libraries, he moves on to the central archive. Fortunately, his card from Telmur is honored here and he is allowed into the deep stacks. By chance, someone had left a time out on a study desk that had just the spell he needed. "Professor's Perfect Adjunct"... Yes, yes that will do, despite the eye roll worthy and on the nose description.

He copies the spell and practices several times to get it just right. The first attempt ended with books strewn haywire around the floor. Eventually, though, they are all returned to their rightful place by an invisible, compliant force. Nodding in approval, the mage leaves the library a little cleaner.

His work finished, the day has entirely sped by so he returns to join his companions.

((Has to be ammunition. 250gp gets you 10 shots.))
((Is there a way to make a bow magical so it will fire effectively magic arrows? Tacking on a magic effect or getting a +1 version I'd hope. Keep in mind that the current pricing for +1 weapons includes the fact that they will do magic damage.))
Alternatively, for a whole 250 more, Ludwig can have a Silvered Shapeshifting Great Sword, though he would be stuck holding mercury in his mouth, which, aside from the price, may be the only real downside.

Than again, what would happen if we got Ludwig an even more oversized great sword with the Hanging and Imaginary properties? Would Hanging allow him to use it efficiently?
((Given that Ludwig's not immune to poison, that would be a preeeety big downside XD. The other stuff sounds cool, but it already got vetoed, so oh well.))
((Awesomeness as usual, don't bother with runic armor unless you use cantrips though. Getting splint mail in your case would be a better bet.
This doesn't take into account shared costs. Does the party wish to collectively purchase healing kits and warm weather gear for the road ahead?))
((Thanks! Yeah, splint will be the better get for sure. Only catch is that Ludwig's size means it will run 800 gold for a set of splint armor. Ludwig's down to 534 gold and some change after getting his weapon silvered, and with that and potions of diminution costing 270g a pop, he'd be chewing up a lot of the party's resources there. And yeah, regardless of how that works out, getting more healing kits and gear for the weather is a good idea.
((Thanks! Yeah, splint will be the better get for sure. Only catch is that Ludwig's size means it will run 800 gold for a set of splint armor. Ludwig's down to 534 gold and some change after getting his weapon silvered, and with that and potions of diminution costing 270g a pop, he'd be chewing up a lot of the party's resources there. And yeah, regardless of how that works out, getting more healing kits and gear for the weather is a good idea.
((Even at 800 gold, splint mail is still a better deal than runic for paladins. Fair-Weather isn't a bad deal, but I'd recommend saving on it until we have a bit more funds since you can't really transfer it to better suits...))
It had been such a long time since Fhiess had stepped on bricked roads, a far cry of contrast from even Remdorno's well flattened and padded streets. Bellows is a center of academics and arts, it is there the grandeur and promise of creative expression had drawn Fhiess to a new path, a choice separate from the ones had father dictated for so long.

Any sense of urgency is lost. He is supposed to go to the university to learn more about their goals and Telmur's history, but nostalgia takes charge of his senses. His steps take him closer and closer to the direction of the statues where the museums would be. Fhiess can see that more sculptures, both stone and bronzed, had been added over time, adding to the celebration of figures frozen in moments depicting famous moments in Telmur's history and of the world: famous battles of conquest, a line of statues of the Kings and each of their successors expressing each of their defining moments of their ruling era, and various saints honored for their battles against great evil. Bellows is a city that acknowledges how much of the nation was built on a foundation of war and rule.

As he exits the main street to the district, the blurred line between historic knowledge and its artistic application becomes more rigidly personal and expressive. He enters a street filled with colorful banners, pictures, vases, abstracted constructions, jewelry glowing with the light of magic. Many here sell crafts and artworks, and offer performances for a donation, stalls selling decorative snacks and even nearby restaurants where cooks practice their cooking, all of these often to help curb the costs of their studies. Fhiess did not have to do this, and admittedly the artists on these streets are more extravagant and clever in their artistic innovations even if it is not the best living.

The elf had always enjoyed finding something to eat in the Artisan's quarter. There was always something new, the restaurants always had something exquisite sometimes even from far cultures. Dining here is such a trade of knowledge, there had been many an evening where Fhiess would witness proud cooks discovering new recipes after tasting a new dish. However, now is not the time for a dinner; perhaps he will invite the whole party for a meal, but for now he seeks a stall to try a new snack.

He finds a particular stall advertising a cup of soup made of meat and spices imported from Baglahm. As he walks near, he sees a young elven woman passing a metal tin with steam rising from the open top to a customer. Fhiess is quick to take interest, he has a chance to try out what kind of food would be made in Baglahm, the home of J'Raffas.

The girl gives a sweet smile, "Here you go, sweetie! The spices are indeed from Baglahm! As is the meat. Please tell me if you like it!" Fhiess nods, and takes a scoopful of the thick soup with some of the meat, including a flimsy pepper skin hanging from the spoon. He chews the meat, which has a strange texture to it, but it is quickly overpowered by the taste of the spice combination. He gives a polite smile, "It is delicious! And does have a unique flavor compared to many things I've tried before." He takes the tin and continues on his way, enjoying the meal while heading to the artist's museum.

Meanwhile, the girl sells another tin to a new customer. Said customer asks, "Mm, what kind of meat did you use? Not like anything I've tasted before." The girl happily says, "Authentic J'Raffa meat, of course!"

Once having eaten his lunch, and placed the tin and wooden spoon into his bag to discard later, he finally makes it to the art museum. He walks inside its entrance to find himself into a grand spacious opening. The building is designed like a pristine mansion. The attendant behind the desk greets the traveller, "Ah, Fhiess Lovebliss! It has been awhile since I had last seen you." It is one of the students he studied at school with. "Oh, Rudolph! You are the new curator of the museum?" The man is quick to correct, "Assistant curator, I do not own the museum but I do help give tours and explain the finer details." Fhiess nods, "I see, the old curator must have hired you. Purely so that he can focus on management?" A nod is given in reply, "Yes, that is right. Anyhow, what brings you here?" Fhiess smiles, "I was stopping by and I figured I would see old haunts. In particular, I wanted to see the paintings that Nolzur had made again.

Mike M

Nick N
((Is there a way to make a bow magical so it will fire effectively magic arrows? Tacking on a magic effect or getting a +1 version I'd hope. Keep in mind that the current pricing for +1 weapons includes the fact that they will do magic damage.))

((Fuck, you got me there. Fortunately, this is addressed in the errata for the PHB which clarifies that any ammunition that comes from a magic weapon counts as magic damage. So yeah, a magic bow turns all attacks magic, a mundane bow needs magic arrows to deal magic damage.

And since those prices reflect that they do magical damage, I'll say they include the mythium treatment, and that you can knock 250 off the price to get it without if you are so inclined.))

"Authentic J'Raffa meat, of course!"

((Thanks Mike, sounds good. Guess Sagishi and Galen will need to spend a little more for their bows, but they get some neat extras.

Nice touch with the jraffa meat soup, btw. I was expecting a spit take though.))
As for using his familiar to send a message, I don't think there is any particular maximum distance they can be separate. He might get an inquisitive look, though.


•3 two-person tents (2gp each)=6
•2 longbows (50gp, keeping one for sagishi)=50
• wagon(35gp)
+60 GP from selling scroll of absorb elements.

Selling up to 8 potions of healing could net us 50-400gp. The liquid and poison arrows remain tbd.

This doesn't take into account shared costs. Does the party wish to collectively purchase healing kits and warm weather gear for the road ahead?))
When it comes to the items to sell, would the party want to be getting rid of the tents at this time? If warmth may be an issue, they would be able to help keep the wind off... well, everyone but Ludwig...

And, just to check, but Thosar was planning on copying the scroll of Absorb Elements to sell, correct? The wagon, yeah, that's just a bit much to lug around at this time, as long as we don't need the extra wheels. As far as bows are concerned, Galen may be more prone to pass his on to Sagishi if he were getting a new one, which would likely only be a story thing and change nothing as far as selling stuff actually goes. If we sell any potions, it may be best to keep at least four, though those are something that could be of great use. Galen is open to either the party getting supplies like healing kits, or doing it individually.

Galen is willing to accept inquisitive looks. He's been keeping an updated letter with no way to send it, though arriving at Bellows does give him the means to do such. If Thosar is willing to help get it to its intended recipient in this manner, and it would not be too burdensome, that does mean Galen can send it out sooner. Galen doesn't really seem to think there is more to explain though. He would have to update the letter...

Fair-Weather isn't a bad deal, but I'd recommend saving on it until we have a bit more funds since you can't really transfer it to better suits...))
On that note, I was considering the logistics of equipment with the Arctic enhancement, and it may be worth considering special gear if we go that route, rather than our general-use armor, as the price per enhancement increases, and we can always sell a few Arctic cloaks. That may, of course, be a bit prohibitively expensive.

Hey, look! Fhiess is off on an adven-
The girl happily says, "Authentic J'Raffa meat, of course!"
Poor Ludwig!

But Fhiess just accepts it unfazed.

So yeah, a magic bow turns all attacks magic, a mundane bow needs magic arrows to deal magic damage.

So this would mean any magic enhancement would work, or would it need to be a +1?

Thanks Mike, sounds good. Guess Sagishi and Galen will need to spend a little more for their bows, but they get some neat extras.
As the resident expert of all things magic, would Thosar have any suggestions?

Oh! Sagishi could have a heavy crossbow for defending the camp! Eventually. Maybe.

Given that Ludwig's not immune to poison, that would be a preeeety big downside XD.
Well, I just decided a Quicksilver property would mean it was made of mercury, so it miiight not kill him. But I'm sure eating a Roman god can't be that bad.

Incidentally, that actually seems kind of fitting...
((Yes. Thosar intends to scribe the spell from the scroll into his spellbook. He can sell it afterward.

Sending Kesa out to deliver a message isn't a big deal, but she's no homing pigeon. It may be more reliable sending via a means that lies in Bellows if you need it sent over a significant distance.

As for weapon properties, Thosar would recommend (in order):
Mage Killer
Ghost Tipped (only melee)
Keranos had always assumed he had a disdain for cities and civilizations. They had a tendency to remove their citizens too far from the simple pleasures of the natural world, softened them, and made them cowardly and more easily oppressed.

Or so he had believed. Lately, to his considerable shock, he found himself increasingly relieved every time he stepped into a city.

Perhaps it had been the flood of scared refugees fleeing from what remained of the capital city. Perhaps it had been the Kingsword, spread dangerously thin by an influx of those same refugees. Perhaps still, it could have been the foul machinations of hobgoblins allowed to run amok in the wilderness. Whatever the reason, Keranos was coming to realize that maybe cities weren't so bad after all.

These thoughts and more were coursing through his head as he gave his usual impassioned sermon in the approximately named center of Bellows. "....And so I say to you, brothers and sisters, the will of Keranos, god of storms, towers over all! He will not yield in the---"

"Your pathetic god will be crushed, along with the rest of the oneiri pantheon."

Keranos, stunned but invigorated by the challenge, turns to see the source of the voice. He finds a man in well made black robes and a tall black hat with a familiar design. He is flanked by a man and a woman, each dressed in similar robes but lacking a hat.

"Who dares question the God of Storms?" Keranos demands. His voice booms like thunder, amplified by magic.

The other man sneers. "Your parlor tricks will not impress or threaten us. The One True God, come on high from the Great Tower, will annihilate your gods, and then the world, and rebuild it in his own image."

Wind whips through the square, and suddenly the paltry audience that Keranos had been addressing begins to swell. "Some might say those are brave words, in the face of Keranos, Lord of Storms. But not I. I would call them.... foolish."

Keranos's eyes flare bright purple, and a boot of lightning strikes the ground next to the trio, making them jump. A particularly strong gust of wind surges forward, knocking the tower-shaped hat off of the leader, revealing a balding head of scraggly grey hair. The man's face turns beet red, and he turns to chase the runaway hat. His cronies follow without a word.

There is a smattering of applause and a few cheers, and then the crowd mostly disperses.


Four city-folk approach Keranos - a family, from the look of it: Two middle aged men and their two adult children.

"Thank you," says the daughter, whose eyes still look a bit raw from a recent cry. "When that tower appeared, we lost..." She stops abruptly, her emotions getting the better of her.

Her brother steps up. "Those people have been preaching their filth in the square for a few days now, and the city watch won't lift a finger to stop them. It's good to finally see someone put them in their place."

"So," says one of the fathers, "Tell us more about this Keranos. Can he knock that damned tower down? Because if so, then consider us his followers."

The God of Storms smiles.
Sending Kesa out to deliver a message isn't a big deal, but she's no homing pigeon. It may be more reliable sending via a means that lies in Bellows if you need it sent over a significant distance.
I have looked at the map and estimate about two and a half days on good terrain by wagon, which is a bit farther than I had been thinking it was. It actually may be slightly farther away from that last fight than Bellows is. If that sounds like it could cause any issues with Kesa, Galen will easily take Thosar's advice and wait the extra time to get to Bellows.

How much would it cost to have a letter delivered from Bellows to some random town to the south?

As for weapon properties, Thosar would recommend (in order):
Mage Killer
Ghost Tipped (only melee)
Mage Killer seems to be a rather good option, especially seeing as the party wizard backs it up.

seems a bit superfluous for Galen at this time; he doesn't need a glowing bow, though radiant damage is always nice.

Blind does have some cool uses, but it's not quite something Galen is looking at having on his bow. Everyone eventually needs to get Blind headbands, though.

Ghost-Tipped, sadly, does not play well with Galen's base-ranged build.

Quicksilver is rather nice, though it specifies melee weapons, thereby falling into the same issue as Ghost-Tipped, and is a bit too overtly magical for Galen to be carrying at this time. It does, however, not have to go in Galen's mouth.

Braided is cool, and could be used on a quarterstaff; unfortunately, it would be some rather costly rope.

((Sorry, lost track of the discussion a bit, so what bow (or crossbow) should I get, or am I just modifying it?))
Looks like we can just get our projectile-slingers enchanted instead of getting 20 pieces of ammunition for the same price. I may not be the best person to be getting advice from, but here's a quick list of possibilities for Sagishi:

Deceptive, so he can kill people with fried chicken legs.

Eager, so his weapon is ready at all times.

Imaginary, because you cannot confiscate that which does not exist.

Mage Killer's, because mages are not to be trusted.

Phantom, for only the best of assassinations.

and Artist's, because I already said all ranged weapon combatants need to have it. Works well with Phantom.

So, Mike, it's been a while, but I asked about rope a while back. Should it be assumed possible to get stronger rope in Bellows? If so, how easy is it to cut, and could you restrain, say, a Bulette with it, or hoist Ludwig up to the top of a cliff?

As always, I need to know these things because reasons.

Galen's picky with his rope...
((Sorry, lost track of the discussion a bit, so what bow (or crossbow) should I get, or am I just modifying it?))
((Song makes a good write up, but for Sagishi in particular, Magnetized may be something to consider.
It's powerful but risky. Advantage on attacks vs enemies in metal armor would allow for sneak attack hits in almost every situation against humanoids. The downside is that metal weapons hit more often against you. As ranged type, though, it's not so bad.))
((Yeah, ghost tipped looks real tempting to me because it would give Ludwig a melee range of 15 feet, but I'm still not sure if pooling for armor is happening and he needs to get at least one shrinking potion, so holding off for now.))
[...] but for Sagishi in particular, Magnetized may be something to consider.
It's powerful but risky. Advantage on attacks vs enemies in metal armor would allow for sneak attack hits in almost every situation against humanoids. The downside is that metal weapons hit more often against you. As ranged type, though, it's not so bad.
Actually, Sagishi would be the best to have that one; it is best he remains where he won't be the target of great big oversized Hanging giant swords anyway, so the downside is more null than it would be otherwise. I've kind of ignored it on the grounds of liking having hit points.

The question, though, is if arrows, with their tiny metal tips, count as a metal weapon for the purpose of this enchantment.

Yeah, ghost tipped looks real tempting to me because it would give Ludwig a melee range of 15 feet, but I'm still not sure if pooling for armor is happening and he needs to get at least one shrinking potion, so holding off for now.
One issue with Ghost-Tipped is that it does rely on a crit roll to take effect, so it may not be as useful as one may hope. On the other hand, I think Ludwig's reach was ruled to be a property of his weapon being at the end of his long neck, in which case, he may actually get up to a reach of twenty.

Not that I encourage these things...))
One issue with Ghost-Tipped is that it does rely on a crit roll to take effect, so it may not be as useful as one may hope. On the other hand, I think Ludwig's reach was ruled to be a property of his weapon being at the end of his long neck, in which case, he may actually get up to a reach of twenty.

Not that I encourage these things...))
((Ah, right. I forgot about that part, as I am prone to do. Reading comprehension, how does it work? That potential 20 ft range though...))
((Regarding a pool for Ludwig's armor, I see 1675 gold being spent by the party as a whole so far. That leaves 1,673 remaining, so buying him splint mail would give a remainder of 873. That's assuming ludwig spends no currency himself to offest the cost of armor.

Nicely done on Thosar's dream. You have been giving them some really good imagery
Thanks, I've been trying to keep them interesting, even if they have absolutely nothing to do with the game's plot. Mike may begin to notice some familiar things in Thosar's dreams soon...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Ghost-tipped will only give a 5 ft increase in the case of Ludwig. It isn't worded the best, but it didn't take into account the possibility that someone would play as a fucking giraffe : P

Re: rope, we'll say it's available in diameters of 1 to 4 inches, the 4 inches being the really heavy duty stuff tying shipping vessels to the docks. 1 inch is baseline, each additional inch adds 1gp, 10lbs, 2hp, and 2 DC to the strength check necessary to break the rope. Cutting it wouldn't be a problem, you guys are lousy with swords and knives and stuff.

Re: the spoilered question,
sending a letter would be 2cp per mile, and each hex is 6 miles. I didn't have a place picked out for the village outside the fact that it's at least a day's travel south of Bellows and a day's travel north of Remdormo, which if I remember correctly gave like a 3 hex stretch that it could be in.
Regarding a pool for Ludwig's armor, I see 1675 gold being spent by the party as a whole so far. That leaves 1,673 remaining, so buying him splint mail would give a remainder of 873. That's assuming ludwig spends no currency himself to offest the cost of armor.
It would be good to see what everyone else is planning on doing, but the free market does dictate that armor is a very good thing for Ludwig to have. Maybe the party could go on a quest to murder some giant ice crabs and make Ludwig some plate armor from their rigid carapaces.

We should also keep winter gear in our considerations.

Ghost-tipped will only give a 5 ft increase in the case of Ludwig.
That's sad, but I suppose it's the price one pays for awesome.

Re: rope, we'll say it's available in diameters of 1 to 4 inches, the 4 inches being the really heavy duty stuff tying shipping vessels to the docks. 1 inch is baseline, each additional inch adds 1gp, 10lbs, 2hp, and 2 DC to the strength check necessary to break the rope.
Galen is quite interested, but can we hoist Ludwig up cliffs with this? And I suppose it comes in one length?

Cutting it wouldn't be a problem, you guys are lousy with swords and knives and stuff.
This is supposed to be a good thing, right?

Re: the spoilered question,
sending a letter would be 2cp per mile, and each hex is 6 miles. I didn't have a place picked out for the village outside the fact that it's at least a day's travel south of Bellows and a day's travel north of Remdormo, which if I remember correctly gave like a 3 hex stretch that it could be in.
I'll say maybe five hexes south of the little farming community. It could also be a hex or two to the east if we wanted to throw it a bit off the path.
((Galen is quite interested, but can we hoist Ludwig up cliffs with this? And I suppose it comes in one length?]))
((If you want a rope for hauling Ludwig, you could consider the braided and indestructible weapon modifications. It should provide an indestructible rope, which means it would have an infinite tensile strength!))

Mike M

Nick N
((If you want a rope for hauling Ludwig, you could consider the braided and indestructible weapon modifications. It should provide an indestructible rope, which means it would have an infinite tensile strength!))


((It'd be pricey, but that would work as advertised. Rope is available in any increment of 50ft, and if hoisting Ludwig is your criteria, I'm no engineer but I think you could accomplish that with most any sort of rope, though it would depend on how much you've got and whether or not you've got pulleys and block and tackles etc.))

((Phoenix, any shopping before we move things along?))


((I'm waiting for a ruling whether or not magnetic effects projectiles used against Sagishi before I make my decision.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm waiting for a ruling whether or not magnetic effects projectiles used against Sagishi before I make my decision.))
((Metal arrowheads and stuff like someone shooting a ball bearing with a sling would have advantage, yes. Anything propelled by gun powder would be going too fast to be affected.

And we're just going to say all metal weapons and armor are applicable to the Magnetic property and not bicker over whether non-ferous metal would be affected or not. It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit. : P))
If you want a rope for hauling Ludwig, you could consider the braided and indestructible weapon modifications. It should provide an indestructible rope, which means it would have an infinite tensile strength!
It'd be pricey, but that would work as advertised. Rope is available in any increment of 50ft, and if hoisting Ludwig is your criteria, I'm no engineer but I think you could accomplish that with most any sort of rope, though it would depend on how much you've got and whether or not you've got pulleys and block and tackles etc.
It would be great to have a pair of enchanted quarterstaffs to do that, but, as that would run at a price of 1,500 for the enchantments on either staff, it is, sadly, not the most feasible option at the moment. This in mind, Galen's desired rope would need to be capable of hoisting a large quadruped mammal up or down without running such a large price; he is willing to accept the need for perhaps two lengths of rope to pull off such a feat.

Galen may be picking up a few extra mundane, totally not suspicious to the DM supplies, such as rope, clothing, healing kits, and Hanging tower shields that can be thrust forward by a giraffe's mighty blow and impale the unfortunate with the random spikes on the front something totally innocuous.

For purchases so far -and correct me if I'm wrong- but we've got an assortment of spells for Thosar, two enchanted bows, a silvered giant sword, and maybe a Potion of Diminuation. Are Keranos and Fhiess not planning on any big important displays of the group's minimal wealth?

As far as Enlarge/Reduce is concerned, I suppose we cannot just reduce Ludwig in size, throw some armor on him, and expect it become real Ludwig-sized armor once the spell wears off, can we? But, if he were to be enlarged, would the reach of his neck and the size of his sword increase his melee range at all?

Also, I am quite interested in the outcome of our resident consumer of giraffe flesh's visit to the museum; is anything going to come of that?))
<I'm not sure it was clear in my writing but Fhiess didn't realize what he was eating, lol. The food stand lady only told someone else what the meat was after Fhiess was out of hearing range. As far as he knows, as long as it's not raw owlbear meat he should be fine.>

Are Keranos and Fhiess not planning on any big important displays of the group's minimal wealth?
<I admittedly haven't been shopping around for anything useful for Fhiess but since he's more dependent on spells than fighting, I figure he should be fine.>

Also, I am quite interested in the outcome of our resident consumer of giraffe flesh's visit to the museum; is anything going to come of that?))
<Oh, I was intending to let the DM take the reign (of fear) on that one, especially since Fhiess is taking a haunted paintbrush in that has a liking for Nolzur paintings. If you want me to continue it solo, I can just have a self-reflecting moment and have Fhiess go to the university next. For some reason I thought Mike M was asking if anything was going to come from it. Oops.

EDIT: I got a database error posting this message but the message still went through. Did that break this thread somehow because I can't see new posts now.>
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