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Reinstalling Windows 11 change my vision of how shit it really is

My question is, was Windows 10 this disastrously bad 2 years after release? I wasn’t paying attention at the time but I don’t believe it was - people were using Windows 10 without too much complaint around this time.
Forced updates were and still are the main problem of this OS, it doesn't even notify you that it started the download process, it just happens. People should have the control over their OS, but not the opposite, I don't want for them to make my life easier by saving me a couple of clicks.


Gold Member
I seriously doubt that, Valve isn't that kind of company. As long as Gabe lives he won't allow Valve to become another soulless instrument of advertisers and shady interests.
Yes I'm also sure Gaben hates money.

You're already being advertised to on Steam based on your interests. They just do a better job than most at making you feel like you're not being advertised to by showing you games that you might actually be interested in. We tend to not care about advertising when the ads we're seeing are things we would genuinely consider buying.

Keep in mind that Valve gets a 30% cut of every dollar you spend. So while external companies may not be able to buy paid ad space on Steam it doesn't mean that Valve isn't advertising games to you to get you to give them money. The more they push games at you the more money they make.


Forced updates were and still are the main problem of this OS, it doesn't even notify you that it started the download process, it just happens. People should have the control over their OS, but not the opposite, I don't want for them to make my life easier by saving me a couple of clicks.
This aspect of W10 made me seriously consider installing the LTSB version of Windows.


Gold Member
There are plenty of lightweight operating systems out there. They're generally built for specific purposes, though. If you have more than one reason why you use a computer then you tend to need more OS features, where is typically where "bullshit" comes from. A headless Ubuntu or CentOS installation is fast and perfect for a web server or database server. You're not going to watch YouTube on it, though. The chances of getting an actually lightweight, no bullshit general purpose operating system are pretty low when you account for everything a general purpose operating system needs to be able to do.

That's why I'm happy that Valve has been investing in SteamOS and Proton they way they are. They're working to make an OS that's focused just on gaming. It's still going to have bloat in it because they are going to want to track you and advertise to you, and it's going to need to support drivers for tons of hardware configurations, but it's a step in the right direction.
I don't think I was clear enough. I am talking about and OS "out of shelf". You buy it, you installed and you are ready to go.
You can change that in this setting
Click your start menu,
Type "File"
Select File Explorer Options if it comes up in the search if not refine your search.
The top option "open file explorer to"
Change that to "this PC"

That will fix your problem in your screenshots.

To clarify why this is, It's because you are in "Home" folder which only shows "favorite" folders and recent folders. The folder you are looking for with drive info is "this PC". Somehow removing OneDrive might have changed that setting. Though this option has been around since Windows 10 and depending on your installation would default to that as well.
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Gold Member
10 has both

Ah, nice, so they eventually actually fixed the HDR support on W10 then? Because when I used W10 before switching to W11 the HDR functionality was atrocious, basically unusable. On W11 the experience is as seamless to me as on a XSX or PS5. So that means there's also AutoHDR on W10 now?

You can change that in this setting
Click your start menu,
Type "File"
Select File Explorer Options if it comes up in the search if not refine your search.
The top option "open file explorer to"
Change that to "this PC"

That will fix your problem in your screenshots.

To clarify why this is, It's because you are in "Home" folder which only shows "favorite" folders and recent folders. The folder you are looking for with drive info is "this PC". Somehow removing OneDrive might have changed that setting. Though this option has been around since Windows 10 and depending on your installation would default to that as well.

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Yes I'm also sure Gaben hates money.

You're already being advertised to on Steam based on your interests. They just do a better job than most at making you feel like you're not being advertised to by showing you games that you might actually be interested in. We tend to not care about advertising when the ads we're seeing are things we would genuinely consider buying.

Keep in mind that Valve gets a 30% cut of every dollar you spend. So while external companies may not be able to buy paid ad space on Steam it doesn't mean that Valve isn't advertising games to you to get you to give them money. The more they push games at you the more money they make.

If Gabe's sole purpose was money he would have capitulated to Microsoft and advertisers years ago, there's a reason he kept his company private and it's not money. And being "advertised" on steam is just being shown games you might like based on your interests, this has nothing to do with real advertising or malicious telemetry and tracking like Microsoft and Google use.


Gold Member
I work as a IT and is a nightmare since Microsoft start to litelary beta test their own users.

Since Windows 8 I never feel using a premium operation system.


Gold Member
My question is, was Windows 10 this disastrously bad 2 years after release? I wasn’t paying attention at the time but I don’t believe it was - people were using Windows 10 without too much complaint around this time.

The resistance against W10 was actually worse than for W11. W8 got the most flak, and not surprising as it went all in on Swiss graphic design in Metro, and one of the reasons why W10 was more welcomed. It's usually the muscle memory changes that gets most resistance in my experience. I remember how lost I felt when MS introduced the "Ribbon menu" system. It was the worst feeling ever, but for a general user it's still an easier way of navigating deep menu options. W11's problem is often a classic damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. I mean, the context menu is a good example of that; People have been complaining about the sometimes endlessly long and congested menu, and when they change it, people are complaining about that too (me too btw, f.ex. having to do an additional click to get to the 7-zip menu is not optimal...).

I only give a shit about user stories because I'm a UiX professional (psychology, and what changes people f.ex. resist, is important in my work), but at home my priority in an OS is that my computer starts my apps and games and don't bother me for anything else. I think f.ex. it's hilarious (and interesting) that people are upset about Apple changing the settings menus in Ventura.

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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
11 is just a 10 patch with some changes like "task bar in the middle" to make it look less like it. People suddenly love 10 and think it's of the "good" batch? Wasn't that the universally hated OS with issues like, after every (forced for the first time) update random shit just plain didn't work any more?

I've gone back and forth online MS account/offline account usage without the issues described here and never used OneDrive though it does still have a non functional icon on the left of the explorer view with the tree list of folders (just gets an error message when I accidentally click/drag things).

I just installed 11 while bored just to check it out, bypassing the official requirements even, intending to eventually go back to 10, but I've had no reason to do that, almost all complaints I may have are the same or worse in 10. I'm even very OCD with the location of things but adjusted very quickly.
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Gold Member
People suddenly love 10 and think it's of the "good" batch? Wasn't that the universally hated OS
Yeah, it's funny isn't it. It wasn't universally hated, but it was for sure hated by "tinker users" and much more so than W11.

I agree with everything this guy say. Linux pro for fifteen years here btw, and another decade as an Apple fanboy with macOS. I'm a fan of no one's OS. I used to be a huge tinker, having control over EVERY single process and spending more time configuring than anything else. But these days I'm only a fan of "it just works", "start this game", "start Figma"... I used to resist everything that happened in the background without me knowing, but these days I kinda appreciate it.
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I use MacOS for anything non-gaming related. Window (11 :( ) is on a separate machine which only turns on for games and nothing else. I'm actually considering wiping it and turning into a SteamOS box. Every game I currently play works perfectly on proton, mainly worried about the occasional new release not having support.


I think Windows 11 doesn't seem to be universally hated because most people who would be vocal about it are simply staying with 10. Windows 10 was more or less a forced upgrade, as the not-so-old alternative (Windows 8) was even worse.

In my case, I frequently use many open windows for editors and explorers with the same icon, so I can't work proficiently without taskbar labels. Windows 11 has removed that feature (and they've doubled down on their decision to do so), so I simply can't use Windows 11 at all. Once Windows 10 starts missing the features I need for my games or other software, I'll switch to Linux + consoles, or to Linux only.


Disable onedrive.
After doing that, win11 for me has been better than win10 by a long shot.

Onedrive moves half your offline shit online and you can't access it if your local isp goes down for maintenance.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Forced updates were and still are the main problem of this OS, it doesn't even notify you that it started the download process, it just happens. People should have the control over their OS, but not the opposite, I don't want for them to make my life easier by saving me a couple of clicks.
You can disable windows updates anytime you want.

But given that you didn't know that, maybe you should stick to the automatic updates...

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Disable onedrive.
After doing that, win11 for me has been better than win10 by a long shot.

Onedrive moves half your offline shit online and you can't access it if your local isp goes down for maintenance.

OneDrive has a setting to keep all files offline... You just don't know what you're doing


The problem with Linux is that when you have a problem troubleshooting can become complicated and I don't want to test my luck with wine too much. Having said that the more annoying and more intrusive Windows becomes the more motivation I have to ignore these problems, in the end it won't be Linux that will convince me to switch but Microsoft. I suspect it'll happen when these fucks force us to switch to Windows 11, I'm already at my limit with Windows 10 and the telemetry bullshit I constantly have to block.

And btw for anyone that isn't aware, the "complicated" part of Linux troubleshooting is just copy pasting lines of code after googling a problem. So it's not that compicated but sometimes it's kind of frustrating.
Play around with Zorin OS if have a spare HDD or in a VM.


No interest in upgrading, I’m not a fan of change that’s not needed.

I thought Windows 10 was supposed to be the last Windows?


I'm on Windows 11 for almost 1 year

Works great for me... I prefer W11 than W10

Microsoft never learns, it always screws up after a relatively good windows version, always.

Windows 98 good
Windows ME bad
Windows XP good
Windows Vista bad
Windows 7 good
Windows 8 bad
Windows 10 good
Windows 11 .......

You forgot Windows 8.1, good ?

Windows 10 is bad... people like it bc this is the only OS to run DX12 games... or the fact that Microsoft is pushing you to switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Otherwise, this for me the worse Windows (yes, worse than 8 and 8.1 for me).

Of course, th'ye missing some QoL for Windows 11... but pls... just install Windows 10 1507 to see how fking hell is it..

With Windows 11, I've never encourted a blue screen or other bullshit error for no reason... that not the case with W10. W11 have just one year...

And stop forcing installing Windows 11 when you Motherboard or CPU doesn't support Windows 11 (officiel drivers of your peripheral for W11)
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I’ve only just started using it but so far it works well enough for me, and OneDrive recently saved me a couple years on a hobby Unity game when I had a hdd crash and no serious backup routines.
Proper management of the desktop on multiple monitors. This is especially important when using a laptop with external displays.

Win10 ... once a display is disconnected, folders, icons etc on the desktop are moved to the functional display. When you reconnect the external/other display, those folder/icons are not moved back.

Win11 ... restores the positions when a display is reconnected. Maybe a small thing to most, but for me it's a big improvement.
That is 100% wrong, every day in my work i use two monitors and sometimes i disconnect the monitor for whatever reason and when i reconnect it all my icons are at the same place. I don't even know where are some icons on my laptop because i know where are they on the second screen.


Gold Member
I’ve only just started using it but so far it works well enough for me, and OneDrive recently saved me a couple years on a hobby Unity game when I had a hdd crash and no serious backup routines.
OneDrive is a great service. I work across multiple devices and all of my stuff is just there where I need it to be. It has saved me many times. When I get a new laptop I'm up and running in minutes.


Gold Member
I guess I'll just reinstall Windows 10 if I have issues. The Windows 11 upgrade I did last week has largely been a non-event. I do enjoy HDR actually working.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
What is the correlation between not knowing about disabling automatic updates and having them on?

If they bother you, but you don't know enough to turn them off, your level of knowledge of maintaining an operating system is low, it suggests you're far better off keeping the automatic updates on.

Automatic updates keep OSes secure something people who don't understand security are the most vulnerable to.

Honestly, it isn't even a discussion here.

Just hilarious to see people criticizing Windows 11 as if they were professionals but don't know how to manage the most surface-level complaints.

I haven't seen a single complaint in here that couldn't be resolved within 2 minutes.
Yeah but Google represents everything I hate about Microsoft and more so there's no way in hell I'm even entertaining the idea of ever using ChromeOS.
Can't argue with that other than the fact that you need to have competition with money and marketing to go against Microsoft and if it's less of a monopoly it'll be better for the market in general. Ubuntu or any no name or open company/organization can't make it, which is why Apple, a shit company has the best mass-ready desktop *nix OS available.

Also google is more open source friendly which is cool because you can have forks.

But I understand and sympathize with your point, I don't exactly love google either and a lot of the same problems apply.

But they're still bound to be better than microsoft and help linux if their OS gains further userbase.
That is 100% wrong, every day in my work i use two monitors and sometimes i disconnect the monitor for whatever reason and when i reconnect it all my icons are at the same place. I don't even know where are some icons on my laptop because i know where are they on the second screen.
May be wrong, but not 100 % wrong, coz this was an issue with Win10 on my laptop before I blew it away for Win11.
Just hilarious to see people criticizing Windows 11 as if they were professionals but don't know how to manage the most surface-level complaints.

I haven't seen a single complaint in here that couldn't be resolved within 2 minutes.
Wrong. As it takes a little more than 2 minutes to install Windows 10 and it won't be a good long term solution once they actually decide to drop it.

You can't solve my complaints in 2 minutes. I use the start menu on top, small buttons, no cortana, no teams or one drive. I don't use bitlocker, have no microsoft account linked (I want my accounts to be local) and I use automatic local backup on more locations than Windows 11 allows, because they want OneDrive to be used instead.

It's shite. Of course I could use it if I had to, it's as stable as Windows 10 too, the issue is that none of the changes are an improvement, quite the opposite.
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If they bother you, but you don't know enough to turn them off, your level of knowledge of maintaining an operating system is low, it suggests you're far better off keeping the automatic updates on.

Automatic updates keep OSes secure something people who don't understand security are the most vulnerable to.

Honestly, it isn't even a discussion here.

Just hilarious to see people criticizing Windows 11 as if they were professionals but don't know how to manage the most surface-level complaints.

I haven't seen a single complaint in here that couldn't be resolved within 2 minutes.
No, I do know how to turn off automatic updates, I just wanted you to say what you just said.
Microsoft never learns, it always screws up after a relatively good windows version, always.

Windows 98 good
Windows ME bad
Windows XP good
Windows Vista bad
Windows 7 good
Windows 8 bad
Windows 10 good
Windows 11 .......
I know that answer, Windows 11.......sucks.
So i stick to Windows 10 as long as i can....but i never game on PC so what the f*ck do i know😳
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The problem with Linux is that when you have a problem troubleshooting can become complicated and I don't want to test my luck with wine too much. Having said that the more annoying and more intrusive Windows becomes the more motivation I have to ignore these problems, in the end it won't be Linux that will convince me to switch but Microsoft. I suspect it'll happen when these fucks force us to switch to Windows 11, I'm already at my limit with Windows 10 and the telemetry bullshit I constantly have to block.

And btw for anyone that isn't aware, the "complicated" part of Linux troubleshooting is just copy pasting lines of code after googling a problem. So it's not that compicated but sometimes it's kind of frustrating.

but you're carrying around an android or ios phone that steals much more data than telemetry

yea ok bud. how about making a legit argument
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I was using Windows 10, which wasn't too bad. I decided to give Linux a try a few months ago. Haven't been back since.

Which distro did you go for?

I use MacOS for anything non-gaming related. Window (11 :( ) is on a separate machine which only turns on for games and nothing else. I'm actually considering wiping it and turning into a SteamOS box. Every game I currently play works perfectly on proton, mainly worried about the occasional new release not having support.

Oooh, that sounds like me. I just switched to macOS for my daily driver system and am patiently waiting for Valve to release their SteamOS-for-any-PC build then I shall put it on my potato gaming PC instead of WIndows. I wish they'd hurry up.


but you're carrying around an android or ios phone that steals much more data than telemetry

yea ok bud. how about making a legit argument

First of all, I use custom firmware and even if I didn't I'd have it rooted to block most traffic and remove most of Google's spyware crap and even if I didn't I'd still want a safe main OS. The fact that you're so defensive about fucking Microsoft just because the competition is equally terrible is telling.
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