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Reinstalling Windows 11 change my vision of how shit it really is

That has nothing to do with Onedrive. Microsoft changed File Explorer in the latest update (added tabbed file explorer windows). You're looking at the "Home" tab, which didn't exist before. It just shows all your pinned and recent stuff. You'll need to click on My PC to see the drive space. That's how it works.
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After a new OS releases, I wait until I need to, be it a major hardware change or just cleaning house and starting fresh. I started having issues with XP which prompted the change to 7, skipped 8 but switched to 10, I had a few issues with 10 towards the end which prompted the switch to 11 and it's been clear sailing since. No ragerts.
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The designers are Mac users

I'm working with videos. I watch them windowed, hovering the cursor on the window resize button. In Windows 11, to which I upgraded last week, this makes a menu pop up. It's killing me. I will look for a way to disable it...
The new right click menu and the icons for copy, paste etc. are absolute turds.
I'm still not sure if combining audio and network on the same taskbar button which only brings up audio is a bug or a feature.


A would have just “Symbolic Linked” to the one drive folder.

But I can see the frustration when something you don’t want to use that’s optional breaks a whole load of crap 🙈


Well i lasted about 2 weeks on 11 and then i reinstalled 10 due to various performance issues on games, bugs, shitty start menu and right click factionality .


Writes a lot, says very little
You are using Windows 11, so...

Fail Empire Strikes Back GIF by Star Wars

But yeah I fully agree with you, never made the update to 11 and I'll stick to 10 as long as I can.

This is the way.

NEVER fucking update to a new Windows

The fuck?

I stay on the old OS until every fucking games says I can't lol When a massive release is like "you need Windows XYZ" that is when I normally make the jump and even then I need a lot of games doing that for me to budge. I generally clone my HDD, mark it as "gaming" and then proceed to a OS upgrade. So if anything goes wrong, I merely switch boots and continue working, art projects etc as I don't need that shit fucking with my money. I love gaming, but I need to eat too folks.

So I never upgrade as soon as its out and I never put all my eggs in 1 HDD so to speak, I merely clone, copy etc and then test the waters on a new OS. Many time to see if programs and games I normally use can work with it without issue.

For those brave enough to jump into Windows 11, does VPNs like Surfshark and Express VPN work correctly on there?


I'm sorry for the mess OP. Unfortunately they are trying to push the premium/paid version of onedrive to every windows 11 user, since they also limited the backup functions of previous windows versions to make you pay an extra fee if you want to keep all your data secure on their servers. As I installed Win 11 I also had an horrible experience with OD, I said to myself "let's try it" and that frigging app starting moving all my files from my laptop and my desktop to the cloud, uploading gigs and gigs of data without even asking for it. As I wanted to stop the process, all the files that were once on my physical drives got deleted and it took me literally hours to go back, I had to re-download everything from one drive, move all the files I had on the desktop to the laptop, restore all folder paths that were in the meantime replaced with those from onedrive, and in the process I have also irremediably lost some files that I cannot find anymore. Luckily nothing of great importance, but it could have also been sensitive data and documents.

So beware, don't touch that shit.

Patrick S.

This is the way.

NEVER fucking update to a new Windows

The fuck?

I stay on the old OS until every fucking games says I can't lol When a massive release is like "you need Windows XYZ" that is when I normally make the jump and even then I need a lot of games doing that for me to budge. I generally clone my HDD, mark it as "gaming" and then proceed to a OS upgrade. So if anything goes wrong, I merely switch boots and continue working, art projects etc as I don't need that shit fucking with my money. I love gaming, but I need to eat too folks.

So I never upgrade as soon as its out and I never put all my eggs in 1 HDD so to speak, I merely clone, copy etc and then test the waters on a new OS. Many time to see if programs and games I normally use can work with it without issue.

For those brave enough to jump into Windows 11, does VPNs like Surfshark and Express VPN work correctly on there?
I use Forticlient VPN for work, and just a few weeks ago I had to uninstall a Windows update because the tunnel had completely stopped working after that update.


*Refreshes biennially
I'm still on the same Windows 10 install from 2018. Since then I've changed my motherboard, RAM and upgraded GPU twice. I never hard to re-install anything. It just works.


I'm probably in the minority but I use Windows 11 and it's great.

Originally I upgraded from Win 10 > 11 and gave me some minor annoyances but after a fresh reinstall it runs without a hitch.

I don't like the start menu however Start11 is fantastic.
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You will have to wait until a good modified version of windows (made by users) with all that shit disabled by default.
Windows 10 always updated my nvidia drivers no matter what i tried to force it to not do it.

I installed a custom windows modified by users and problem solved.
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