Remedy Says There Are Still No Plans for a Physical Version of Alan Wake 2; Explains Why American Nightmare Wasn’t Remastered

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Despite THQ expressing interest in doing a physical release of Alan Wake 2, Remedy once again reiterates that there are still no plans as of now, while also explaining why Alan Wake American Nightmare Remastered never happened.

Speaking live at the EGX Theatre, Creative Director of Remedy Entertainment, Sam Lake, took to answering audience questions, with one around a possible update for a physical release and whether we will ever get an American Nightmare remaster.

Who decided to go pure digital only because a lot of people love collecting physical media, collector editions, and steel books. If you even did a digital release, then a couple of months later did a physical release, I would still buy that, hands down. Would we ever possibly ever see American Nightmare Remastered?

Sam Lake:
I’ll start with American Nightmare. Yeah, we did discuss that when we did the remaster, but the reality of it was that the tech base underneath the hood of American Nightmare is already so different from Alan Wake that it would have been separate back then. So, it didn’t make any business sense at the time.

Alan Wake 2, as we talked about, I appreciate your passion, I really do, it is a digital-only game. This is a decision between Remedy’s management and our publisher. I hear you, but there are no other plans as of now.”

UGH. A shame this will only be locked behind a digital release. Fucking hell. Despite THQ saying they'd make a physical version, Remedy saying nope, probably because of the rights with Epic. At least it's coming out though.
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I still have to deep dive into the overall lore of the Remedy Universe thing they are doing. I only played Control, and shit was cash, but it's been a minute and I need to refresh my memory. I love what they are doing and AL2 is 100% the most intriguing game of the year for me. Amazing studio.
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Reminder that Alan Wake wasn't available on Steam for years because of licencing issues. So discs were the best way to play it safely in a legal way. I.e. it couldn't be more ironic (and perplexing) that its sequel is now the game to kick off this new era of AAA digital only releases.
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That’s a pity, I think they will lose money that way because people will wait for a sale now to buy the game instead of buying full price physical copy and it’s understandable. I feel the same way.
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No physical release kills any interest I have in the game. If it reviews well, then I'll wait for a deep sale down the line. But I'm just not a fan of paying full price for digital releases unless it's going to be something I'll be playing heaps, usually reserved for GaaS type stuff like Destiny. And even then, it's a stretch.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
John Travolta Target GIF

AW2 getting a physical release in 2024


Here's why it's digital only and why games like the PS4 RDR remaster had a delayed physical release:

There is one disc replicator plant remaining in all of North America (in Mexico City). This plant has to produce ALL of the Blu-Ray, 4K, and game discs for everyone. As there is a capacity limit with all such places, there's a long list of scheduling to get your product produced there. That's why you see most 4K UHD movie releases basically being limited edition; once they sell out it'll be a year or so until more can be made. Because Alan Wake 2 is releasing during the holiday season and there are games from Sony and other BIGGER publishers coming out, Epic couldn't get the game on the waitlist in time and either had to go digital only or have a delayed physical release sometime in 2024.
Here's why it's digital only and why games like the PS4 RDR remaster had a delayed physical release:

There is one disc replicator plant remaining in all of North America (in Mexico City). This plant has to produce ALL of the Blu-Ray, 4K, and game discs for everyone. As there is a capacity limit with all such places, there's a long list of scheduling to get your product produced there. That's why you see most 4K UHD movie releases basically being limited edition; once they sell out it'll be a year or so until more can be made. Because Alan Wake 2 is releasing during the holiday season and there are games from Sony and other BIGGER publishers coming out, Epic couldn't get the game on the waitlist in time and either had to go digital only or have a delayed physical release sometime in 2024.
Is this actually true?

Assuming it is, I'd prefer they announced a delayed physical run.
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I still have to deep dive into the overall lore of the Remedy Universe thing they are doing. I only played Control, and shit was cash, but it's been a minute and I need to refresh my memory. I love what they are doing and AL2 is 100% the most intriguing game of the year for me. Amazing studio.

I think most of control story was pure nonsense. At least Alan wake was way more clear.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Is this actually true?

Assuming it is, I'd prefer they announced a delayed physical run.
For the US, yes all Discs are finalized in Maxico.
But that's only for distribution in the US regions
But there is Japan, China, Germany and New Zealand which handle other regions.
Most come from Germany & New Zealand to the rest of the world and some of those do go to US shores but the majority for the US are from the Maxico plant because it quicker......
But obviously not🤣
It's a poor excuse.
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Makes me wonder just how costly a physical release is. There's a lot involved between manufacturing, shipping and warehousing. Not to mention even after all those costs, you're selling the games to Wal-Mart and Target for under 50% of the retail cost. Makes the 30% Steam charges seem like a helluva deal.
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Probably gonna wait to see if it gets a PS5 Pro update and play it then. Hopefully they’ll change their tune by that time and release it physically. Probably not though; at least by then it’ll likely be cheaper.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Isn't this being published by Epic?
That is the real reason why there no physical release.
And that decision will have me buy it when it's under 20 quid or free on PS+
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Alan Wake

I’m just glad they were able to do the game, even after all these years.

I’ll be there day 1.

Me too. Definitely. But... there's no reason not to release a physical version of the game. People who want the game on disc will likely be ready to pay extra for it if necessary. I am. And I would've loved a Collector's Edition.

Limited Run then...?

Ryuji Goda

Remedy just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Finnish culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Finland, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the finnish public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase AWII digital or physical, nor will they purchase any of Remedy’s games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Remedy has alienated an entire market with this move.

Remedy, publicly apologize or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I should double dip on this on pc and on ps5, so GAF gets even more mad about digital and epic purchases by me.

K' Dash

UGH. A shame this will only be locked behind a digital release. Fucking hell. At least it's coming out though.
For those of us who follow Remedy we know that the fact this game exists at all it’s a fucking miracle, I’ll take take whatever distribution system they decide, lol.

I’m sure the game will get a limited physical release down the line for us hardcore Remedy fans.


Alan Wake 2 is very tempting to me but no physical so no buy. I have to take a stand. It’s the only way my voice can be heard,
Balder's Gate 3 is an example of an AAA digital only distributed game that sold millions. Your stand will be in vain.
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I'm down day 1.

Makes me wonder though how many people will dip out or adapt due to the big digital only push going on. I think despite the vocal pushback it is mainly a minority complaint as I never hear anything about it outside of online forums. Granted I'm down for better rights but with many games being buggy, needing online updates, releasing unfinished, etc, along with most being just licenses now, and the big eco-friendly push from the elites to nearly stop all shipments unless they are electric only(hahahaha) in the future I just don't see this course changing.

I do think there will be a limited run later though. Funny enough, most online sales I've seen lately for newer releases(on PS5/XS anyway) have been pretty weak compared to deals of the past.


Perpetually Tired
I'm down day 1.

Makes me wonder though how many people will dip out or adapt due to the big digital only push going on. I think despite the vocal pushback it is mainly a minority complaint as I never hear anything about it outside of online forums. Granted I'm down for better rights but with many games being buggy, needing online updates, releasing unfinished, etc, along with most being just licenses now, and the big eco-friendly push from the elites to nearly stop all shipments unless they are electric only(hahahaha) in the future I just don't see this course changing.

I do think there will be a limited run later though. Funny enough, most online sales I've seen lately for newer releases(on PS5/XS anyway) have been pretty weak compared to deals of the past.

The vast majority of games are playable with no issues, day one, on disk. Very, very few are "licenses" or require updates/online connection.


The vast majority of games are playable with no issues, day one, on disk. Very, very few are "licenses" or require updates/online connection.
True but it is a growing trend that is surprising that publishers think they can get away with. I see quite a few complaints across the Xbox store from people wanting an offline option but most don't seem to happen. I personally don't trust some publishers whereas in prior generations it was never an issue.


Can’t Git Gud
My hype is all down.
Aw is one of my fav games… or rather was.

I’ve finished it many times on 60 and pc. Now few years have passed and I am playing remaster on ps5.
Dualsense is great, graphics too… but the game is really not.

I mean it’s ok but it’s dragging and you are just running, watching a cutscene and shooting 2 dudes.
The worst of it is controls and camera. It’s so floaty and the camera constantly changes shoulder. It’s so annoying.
But I loved that game and now it’s just ok. That’s a 2nd time this year I refresh older title only to ruin it for myself. Lost planet 1 suffered same fate :p

Combine that with how bad qb was and how really bad and repetitive control was and I couldn’t be less excited. I still think AW is better than qb and control.

Edit; and he is constantly tired. You can’t sprint for 5 seconds. How. I loved that game so much…

Edit2: I still can’t believe how mid the game is and I finished it like 5 times back then. It’s not bad. Just worse than I remember. American nightmare wasn’t great either but I finished it only two times…
Anyway - their excuses are shit. We all know they are just epic and tencent owned studio and that’s it. They are pushing for epic sells.
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My hype is all down.
Aw is one of my fav games… or rather was.

I’ve finished it many times on 60 and pc. Now few years have passed and I am playing remaster on ps5.
Dualsense is great, graphics too… but the game is really not.

I mean it’s ok but it’s dragging and you are just running, watching a cutscene and shooting 2 dudes.
The worst of it is controls and camera. It’s so floaty and the camera constantly changes shoulder. It’s so annoying.
But I loved that game and now it’s just ok. That’s a 2nd time this year I refresh older title only to ruin it for myself. Lost planet 1 suffered same fate :p

Combine that with how bad qb was and how really bad and repetitive control was and I couldn’t be less excited. I still think AW is better than qb and control.

Edit; and he is constantly tired. You can’t sprint for 5 seconds. How. I loved that game so much…

Edit2: I still can’t believe how mid the game is and I finished it like 5 times back then. It’s not bad. Just worse than I remember. American nightmare wasn’t great either but I finished it only two times…
Anyway - their excuses are shit. We all know they are just epic and tencent owned studio and that’s it. They are pushing for epic sells.
I still think it's great and finished it multiple times as well on 360, need to finish my PS5 session which I find a very good remaster. Went pc recently because fighting physical is a losing battle and pointless with all the patches and download prompts on the disc and don't want to get locked in a console eco system. Sad to let go of physical but don't have much room left for storage anyway. But I will never ever ever pay full price for digital so Alan Wake 2 has to wait till a least half price.


Can’t Git Gud
I still think it's great and finished it multiple times as well on 360, need to finish my PS5 session which I find a very good remaster. Went pc recently because fighting physical is a losing battle and pointless with all the patches and download prompts on the disc and don't want to get locked in a console eco system. Sad to let go of physical but don't have much room left for storage anyway. But I will never ever ever pay full price for digital so Alan Wake 2 has to wait till a least half price.
I also find it to be a good remaster... just the game aged poorly for me personally. It's still ok.
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