Remedy Wants To Be European Naughty Dog, Says Alan Wake 2 Director


AW2, the perfect game for anyone who has never worked in an office or tried cleaning their room. Why was 50% of that game clicking and dragging photos? Why was another 45% of it listening to nonsensical rambling from shadowy figures? Spooky old ladies make for epic boss fights... fuck outta here.
Thanks for the warning, Remedy.

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Remedy should make fun games then with interesting characters and story and gameplay. Variety would be nice too.

Honestly other than max pain 1 and control i didnt like most of their output.

Wonder what happened to starbreeze. They were more in line with naughty dog than remedy. Riddick , the darkness etc all great games


I really wish the industry would stop sucking Naughty Dogs d***.

Yes they made some great games in the past, but their last game was far from perfect and they've shown nothing in the last 4 years that proves they are truly top tier under Druckmann's lead.

Let Intergalactic be the true litmus test for this studio during the Druckmann era.


Gold Member
I'm just more interested how they're going to ham fist in some DEI nonsense into the Max Payne remaster, honestly

Going to be a hoot.


They need to work on their gameplay. They started off nice with Max Payne 1 and 2, and its been downhill ever since. People hype up AW2 but the gameplay itself is mediocre at best.


Gold Member
Don’t be like naughty dog, they take absolutely forever with massive teams and insane amounts of money to finish making games.

Just keep making interesting stuff in the wake/control universe on agreeable timelines and commendable budgetary control.


Alan Wake has that same poodle haircut and beard look that Neil Druckman has going on, and that's about all they share in common.

Otherwise, not even close. Presentation wise, status wise, consistency wise, Naughty Dog has them beat.


Together with Obsidian, Remedy they are both my favourites developers. I buy their games every time and gonna be honest I liked all of their games.


No. Please. No.

Naughty Dog is not the company to try to emulate. Let Remedy be Remedy.


Can’t Git Gud
AW2 was okish.. but both it and control control terribly on gamepad. They should start with at least copying ND way of using the controller in game.
Their acceleration and dead zones are awful


Gold Journalism


Flashless at the Golden Globes
lol naughty dog wasn’t just cutscenes and walking segments. They worked their asses off creating incredible setpieces no dev has managed to match since. They went out of their way to give players control in segments that used to be on rails back in the day.

Alan wake 2 has none of that and while control and quantum break had great combat, they were trash in the setpiece department and simply didn’t capture my interest with their storytelling and characters.


The graphics are haven't aged well, but try playing this game sometime.

Just a few bucks on Steam and runs on toasters easily.

Max Payne 2 in 4k at 240fps with max AA looks soo damn sharp and smooth that it honestly pushes past what it lacks rendering wise pretty quickly.
They are struggling to find an identity.

Lame, I already associate them with Max Payne and Control.

Explains why Alan Wake 2 is the way it is and I have no interest in playing it. (Less emphasis on combat, which I found to be great in their games)


Remedy is on a very dangerous path. Naughty Dog has Sony to cover them in case of an underperfoming title or straight up bomb. Remedy doesn't have that luxury and creating another "bold" project like Alan Wake 2 can cost them a lot, like having to downsize and shut down some projects.

Max Payne 1 & 2 Remakes should be a straightforward project (if they don't go crazy), but their future will depend largely on how Control 2 will be received.


They are better than ND. At least their games are better. I don't remember a single ND game that sucked me into its world the way Control did. They also know how to have fun with weird stuff.


Absolutely Cozy
Naughty Dog has god tier gameplay. More than Alan wake or even Max payne. That's not a slight on Remedy either. Remedy are cool.

More like bore tier gameplay. Playing Uncharted 4 I realized that it would have been more challenging and fun to buy one of these toys instead of continuing with the endless climbing and fake falls:

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What a strange thing to say, they get poor sales of their games and instead of making the company seem enticing or exciting they are just aiming to copy others.
I was going to say a VERY big rant, but I will be more brief and calm xD . Max Payne is one of my favourite games, I was blown away at its time, and I thought the cover TPS gen was a step backwards for the genre in a lot of ways to me.

Next. I don't hate Naughty Dog action games, I liked tLoU (more 1 than 2), but I don't think any franchise or company has really improved imitating them: not Tomb Raider (the 2013 wasn't even a shadow of its former self), not God of War (and I played the original for the first time years after the requel), not Silent Hill, etc. And the tone and style of tLoU is good for tLoU, but it makes other franchises blander. And active companies like Capcom are better example making action and survival horror games.

And for the last...after my bad taste with Quantum Break I was pleaseantly surprised with Control, I even thought "Remedy is 100% Remedy again, and just like that they made better combat than 95% of the genre, this is the way". I haven't even mentioned about homogeneization hurting more than making good to the industry.

So, with all of can imagine what I think about Remedy having this goal. How I feel. This and...well...when a delicious reborn of TPS by indie and small studios, like the good FPS, survival horror, CRPGs, adventure games, metroidvania and others?
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I liked Quantum Break, Control and Alan Wake 2 but there’s just something missing from all three which stops them from being amazing.

On the bright side, at least there’s no Druckman at Remedy.


Don’t be like naughty dog, they take absolutely forever with massive teams and insane amounts of money to finish making games.


True, plus there probably wouldn't be enough outsource studios left after Naughty Dog start using them all so their in-house talent can claim all the credit.
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