Why would we want better asteroid detection? I would prefer to know it five minutes beforehand instead of 6 months. It is not like we can stop it.
Why would we want better asteroid detection? I would prefer to know it five minutes beforehand instead of 6 months. It is not like we can stop it.
Why would we want better asteroid detection? I would prefer to know it five minutes beforehand instead of 6 months. It is not like we can stop it.
Looks like we have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska blast of 1909.
Awesome reference.
Not getting it.
Fuck. Now i remember the film. Hated it.
Get it off my head!
Yes, i hated it. If it was meant to be comedy, it sucked. If it was meant to be drama, it sucked. There was nothing in it i liked.
Deflecting an asteroid is relatively easy, IF WE KNOW IT IS COMING!
Just strap some suitably powerful engines on them early enough and it is done.
BTW; why do we always suggest deflecting an approaching asteroid, why not try to capture one? They're already coming close and if they're suitable (iron-nickel asteroid or whatever the good type for mining is), we get two useful things done with one mission...
how could a space rock end civilization? surely God would stop the rock, or else there would be no point for Jesus to return. right?
Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to stop an asteroid's momentum. Just give me a space suit and a baseball glove.
Really, people are whining about not enough budget for Asteroid Defense?
Fuck the OT, this thread is now about "how the fuck you gonna hate Ghostbusters!?"
I'll start: How the FUCK you gonna hate Ghostbusters!?
Really, people are whining about not enough budget for Asteroid Defense?
The world needs to get together and seriously work on defense against space rocks. We could easily get fucked up like the dinosaurs.
It's kinda scary to think we're at the mercy of whatever the universe wants to throw at us.Hopefully, the really dangerous one that will hit Earth is very far away and by that time, we will have anti-asteroid nukes.
The world needs to get together and seriously work on defense against space rocks. We could easily get fucked up like the dinosaurs.
You don't even remember the ghostbusters theme??? DEFENSE FORCE ASSEMBLE
Easily. A shitty movie is a shitty movie.
The characters were flat and boring. The effects were horrible (a bunch of older movies have way better effects). The plot sucked. The idea was ridiculous. The music... well, can't remember anything about it, i'll assume i didn't like it.
Yeah, can we stick to asteroid defense? I'll gladly let one hit on Earth if it means i don't have to see Ghostbusters references and other related stuff.
This story really does send a shiver down your spine. The aftermath of such a strike would be horrible.
Not even certain how you could stop something that big. The act of trying to land on an asteroid would likely get a ship destroyed wouldn't it? Couldn't we take this giant window and start sending warheads to it in space to try to push its orbit far enough out that it never comes back to Earth? I wonder if its incredibly dark nature makes it so that targeting it for such things would prove too difficult. Its a problem that'll need fixing. We're not prepared to deal with this yet, but maybe given our time table we could get something setup that works.
I glossed over the part where you need to figure out what and how to change the asteroid's course.
However, it is mostly physics, and you don't actually need to change the course much.
Nuclear bombs are the classic method but they may break up the asteroid, unless the pieces are extremly small, it may be worse than having one big impact.
Installing some sort rockets is possible but getting the required fuel and reaction mass to the asteroid is not easy.
Mass driver would be a better, easier option, probably.
Or we could build a giant death laser and vaporize the asteroids surface, the gases forming where the laser hits would push it away (the laser's own pressure is too weak to notice really).
That rock was noticed 3 days before it went past us. If its course had been slightly different... Yeah, the events are rare but the problem with them is that if one does hit Earth, it is kinda big deal. Better to be safe than sorry.
Not even certain how you could stop something that big. The act of trying to land on an asteroid would likely get a ship destroyed wouldn't it? Couldn't we take this giant window and start sending warheads to it in space to try to push its orbit far enough out that it never comes back to Earth? I wonder if its incredibly dark nature makes it so that targeting it for such things would prove too difficult. Its a problem that'll need fixing. We're not prepared to deal with this yet, but maybe given our time table we could get something setup that works.
Yeah, well, climate change is actually a bigger deal (since asteroids are rare... probably. Hopefully.) but we can't agree on that as noted earlier...
Trying to implement a policy for asteroid deflecting, agree on funding etc... going to work real nice.
Seriously, we just need to make space exploration and colonization and commercialization more important, as a side effect we can develop methods to move asteroids and detecting them easily.
It's okay. I been training for this my whole life.
I looked into it the last time we talked about an asteroid. I don't think it was this one though. I wasn't too worried about us getting hit by anything after reading all of the different proposed ideas to fight possible impactors off. It'd be nice if they put more money into staging some sort of defense system that way we don't have to start from ground zero when we find out we are going to be hit.
I was commenting more towards your idea of capturing it. I don't know if we would want that. I guess we could slow it down using the same methods we use to deflect it. But then it would be in our orbit and might mess with shit on Earth. Maybe we could use space tug boats and bring it down to earth?
I am in school for space studies but I haven't really taken any of the classes yet. My dream is to save the world from one of these asteroids. Although, I'll probably end up just being an IT guy for life.
While I normally would agree with you that colonization and and exploration are more important, I can't take your suggestions seriously because you hated Ghostbusters.
... So your main issue with human extinction is that it would be embarrassing? "Boy, would my face be red. I'd feel like a real goof if everyone and everything I care about ceased to exist!"Honestly this is something not worth worrying about. is it more embarassing to die by killing ourselve or by an asteroid we have nothing to do with.
If it is any consolidation, i do not like the majority movies i see.
Knowing humanity, we will wait until there are two weeks left before we do anything about it.The good news is that we have at least seven centuries to figure out how to fight that particular space rock.
Yeah, just 3%. We need a telescope network on Earth's orbit that look for asteroids specifically.
Prevents aliens on sneaking up on us too.
750 years?
I bet it's actually 057 years.
Why would we want better asteroid detection? I would prefer to know it five minutes beforehand instead of 6 months. It is not like we can stop it.
Yes, i hated it. If it was meant to be comedy, it sucked. If it was meant to be drama, it sucked. There was nothing in it i liked.