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Reminder: Reacher season 2 coming out tomorrow (Dec. 15) on Amazon Prime


I bounced on this show after, I think, episode 3 where they raided that house and killed 15 or so dudes and were quipping about it afterwards.
Then, the cop they are working with is like, "Hey, can you guys not do stuff anymore, please..."
I really enjoyed the first season, but this is too cheesy and dumb for me. Glad others like it. This is the most dad show I have seen in a while.


Gold Member
I bounced on this show after, I think, episode 3 where they raided that house and killed 15 or so dudes and were quipping about it afterwards.
Then, the cop they are working with is like, "Hey, can you guys not do stuff anymore, please..."
I really enjoyed the first season, but this is too cheesy and dumb for me. Glad others like it. This is the most dad show I have seen in a while.
There is definitely something off about this season versus S1 which had equally ridiculous stuff but since it was all rural Georgia you could just kinda shrug it off.

But these guys are smoking folks in major cities, dealing with an existential threat to the US, and their attitude don't match the stakes. There is no real feeling of danger, hell, 2 supposedly trained sniper hitmen types can't hit squat and get smoked by PISTOLS. I think the problem is they killed off half the team before the show even started so you have no attachment to them and the rest seem invulnerable, aside from maybe family guy and he is probably the inside third act traitor anyway. Structurally this season has real problems and the team dynamic isn't working. Reachers command presence is very blunted compared to S1, his character is not a team player and it jars when they try to force him into being one. Hope S3 course corrects.

I've not read more than a book or 2, but to me TV Reacher at least is better off as a low stakes "Renegade" or "A-team" level show of local problems rather than trying to play hardball with international terrorists, massive arms deals, and shit the Feds ought to be more concerned about. Put him in a Road House type plot for a bit, not Jack Ryan/Jack Bauer stuff.


I bounced on this show after, I think, episode 3 where they raided that house and killed 15 or so dudes and were quipping about it afterwards.
Then, the cop they are working with is like, "Hey, can you guys not do stuff anymore, please..."
But these guys are smoking folks in major cities, dealing with an existential threat to the US, and their attitude don't match the stakes. There is no real feeling of danger, hell, 2 supposedly trained sniper hitmen types can't hit squat and get smoked by PISTOLS.

Yeah that's what I'm talking about, there's shit like this every episode and it just gets dumber. The latest episode with the keystone cops chase with three dudes shooting out of a car chasing Good Cop though half of New York was the last straw for me.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The wet concrete did it for me. What a joke.
I originally wrote a rant about that too but deleted it before posting since clearly the show just doesn’t care at all. Zero attention to detail or continuity, made for idiots.

1. Reacher walks through the wet concrete square, leaves footprints on the surface and no residue on his boots.

2. Fight happens, and he dunks a bad guy in the same spot he walked over, but now it’s basically a swimming pool.


I originally wrote a rant about that too but deleted it before posting since clearly the show just doesn’t care at all. Zero attention to detail or continuity, made for idiots.

1. Reacher walks through the wet concrete square, leaves footprints on the surface and no residue on his boots.

2. Fight happens, and he dunks a bad guy in the same spot he walked over, but now it’s basically a swimming pool.
It feels like they are working with less than half the budget of the first season. Then again. How could this be written and produced without realizing the stupidity.


For the concrete scene I'd like to think they had done some concrete mixing in the past and they just poured fresh one. The funny thing for me on that scene is that no actor would touch sand or real concrete in real life, that must have been just pudding with oats.


Gold Member
It feels like they are working with less than half the budget of the first season. Then again. How could this be written and produced without realizing the stupidity.
Even if they did have half the money, they could have easily cut back on half the fights and had Reacher thinking more. There is just no "mystery" to this mystery. Every time they pull out those sheets and brainstorm "11/15, is it a date or a fraction?" I just want to scream and smack them all.


Neighbours from Hell
I love how the mercenary who corners the girl in episode 6 didn't hear or see a massive SUV coming full speed right at him lmao.

But I still enjoy the show because I've never once taken this show seriously. It's something for fun and to also make fun of.


I would prefer if they all wear vests and get shot all the time, to the current "bad guys cannot shot anyone" even when they are sitting duck in front of them. Also very unrealistic, they are all supposed to be elite, even the bad guys.


There are many dumb scenes this season, the writing definitely took a turn for the worse. Why allow the kid to keep hiding inside the car that's being shot at? Is it bulletproof?


Tears in the rain
What the fuck happened to this show. It was a cool little "Badass guy fucks people up in the boondocks" show with tons of kickass bits. It was the eighties action movie show.

And now...What the fucking hell?


Holy shit at the direction in this episode, absolutely horrendous, I just couldn't stop laughing at the bus scene where the huge fucking dude was appearing out of nowhere in a goddamn bus and taking them out. They knew he was extremely dangerous but not only they didn't stick together but then kept going into the "trap" one by one. It was like a goddamn comedy sketch

I bet the amazon studio mongoloids realized the show is popular and took it over to "improve" it, that's why both writing and direction is so fucking atrocious this season. The Hollywood imbeciles just can't help themselves from ruining anything good, it's so fucking frustrating
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One superman is enough (Reacher). We don't need everyone on his team also being supermen.

When that chick was a card counter I zoned out completely.


I watched the rest of the episode since I was getting too bored to finish it in one sitting. The cop decided to commit suicide by henchman by getting out of his cover and letting the henchmen murder him, but there was a good reason for it since as we all know walking and shooting while getting shot at is far more accurate than just sitting still under cover and shooting. That way he also left the girl unprotected who would have in fact died if Reacher's car hadn't magically arrived just at the right time. Asylum-tier writing and direction

The sixth episode is by far the worst one, finishing this disaster of a season seems like a chore now


The first season worked well because it was basically The Littlest Hobo starring a slab of meat. This team up ensemble shit doesn’t suit the character at all.

It could have worked decently as a final season where they go all out if it was competently made. They could have introduced the characters one by one in the previous seasons as guest stars helping Reacher, even the murdered ones which would have a bigger emotional impact for the viewer too. But no, they decided to go full on Terminal List which doesn't suit where the character is right now or the tone of the show currently at all. They're so stupid


They are saving everything for the last episode where they will probably fight on an helicopter and Reacher will throw terminator, as foreshadowed. Also they don't learn from their mistakes, 80 year old men cannot beat young people, fights on tv/film look really bad, worse than fights between tiny women and men.


Gold Member
That's the problem with The Hulk as Reacher. He has almost no on screen equal so it's hard to generate much tension in a fight scene. Any notion that Robert Patrick could go Mano y Mano with him is ludicrous.

But that's not what I need from Reacher. I WANT him to just crush guys in front of him in graphic ways, much like a Steven Segal film it's not a "will he win or won't he" thrill here, it's a "how bad will he make them pay!" vibe they should be going for. That first bit with the carjacking is about all of that we got this season.
In the books, most of the 'competitive' fights are between Reacher and 5 or so opponents at once. And even those aren't very competitive, and he just elbows everyone in the head. So, more like the prison fight in season 1. Because Reacher is very well trained in addition to being enormous. And also, there's usually only one of those per book--if that, some books really don't have any real hand-to-hand fights. And Bad Luck and Trouble doesn't, not a serious, prolonged one like that prison scene. That's a huge part of my criticism of this season, they are adding all of these violent encounters just for the sake of adding them and that, on top of that, make no sense in context. So you have snipers at funerals and buildings blowing up in NYC, and the cops just sort of shrug. I read these books very quickly, but so far as I can recall, the only things they've done that are in the book (aside from the general setup for the plot and the question about Swan) are the construction site thing (and even then, I think it was just one hired goon) and the raid on the company office. There is some shooting toward the end of the book, though.

There's only been one 1 on 1 fight in the books where Reacher was in serious jeopardy, and that was against someone larger than him who was also crazy and on a whole lot of steroids. And that was several books in, and it almost felt like the author saying, "You want a real physical threat? Here's a 7 foot tall steroid user." I liked the scene, but it comes across almost as satire.


I've been watching season 1, it's ok, a bit far fetched but wasn't bad, but after the comments on here i don't think i'll bother with season 2 lol.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I feel like I'm the only one here who really likes season 2
Nah I love it too. It’s dumb fun, not as good as season 1 in some ways but that was also dumb fun to me and nothing more.

I look forward to every episode and the dumb stuff is part of the fun. The team is fine to me, the actors have decent chemistry. Some here are legit triggered he’s teaming with 2 women.


In the books, most of the 'competitive' fights are between Reacher and 5 or so opponents at once. And even those aren't very competitive, and he just elbows everyone in the head. So, more like the prison fight in season 1. Because Reacher is very well trained in addition to being enormous. And also, there's usually only one of those per book--if that, some books really don't have any real hand-to-hand fights. And Bad Luck and Trouble doesn't, not a serious, prolonged one like that prison scene. That's a huge part of my criticism of this season, they are adding all of these violent encounters just for the sake of adding them and that, on top of that, make no sense in context. So you have snipers at funerals and buildings blowing up in NYC, and the cops just sort of shrug. I read these books very quickly, but so far as I can recall, the only things they've done that are in the book (aside from the general setup for the plot and the question about Swan) are the construction site thing (and even then, I think it was just one hired goon) and the raid on the company office. There is some shooting toward the end of the book, though.

There's only been one 1 on 1 fight in the books where Reacher was in serious jeopardy, and that was against someone larger than him who was also crazy and on a whole lot of steroids. And that was several books in, and it almost felt like the author saying, "You want a real physical threat? Here's a 7 foot tall steroid user." I liked the scene, but it comes across almost as satire.

Speaking of steroids, Alan Ritchson looks like he aged 10 years between the two seasons, the steroid abuse really fucked him up and imo it was completely unnecessary both because he looked great in season one anyway and because he couldn't save this disaster of a season no matter what he did


Gold Member
Man are folks turning on this show? Interesting I haven't even watched s1 yet
I'm still onboard, but the things I liked about S1 (a nice tight cast, great interpersonal interactions, a villain that was to scale with one guy fighting his organization, a nice bit of T&A) are lacking in this season, it is 'reaching' (huh huh) too far IMHO. This plot should have been an endcap movie or something after a few seasons building up the other special investigators in small parts, like a previous poster said.


Nah I love it too. It’s dumb fun, not as good as season 1 in some ways but that was also dumb fun to me and nothing more.

I look forward to every episode and the dumb stuff is part of the fun. The team is fine to me, the actors have decent chemistry. Some here are legit triggered he’s teaming with 2 women.
You were banned for this comment??


Gold Member
Oh man, ep6 WAS bad.

Just imagine if the writers cared and had the Dixon chick playing the meathead cop instead. Reacher and her clash, but find mutual attraction and work together to solve this case. They bump uglies a few times, she has the same revelation about her boss. Then he has to send her off with the rando daughter and she
gets killed
and THAT serves as rage motivation for Reacher instead of these faceless "Special Investigators" they keep talking up but we never really get to know or care about. Hell, I still can't muster any level of GAF about this Swan guy and if he is good or bad. Yeah, him schmoozing another local cop is a retread of S1 but IT WORKS in the context of a male power fantasy which is all Reacher is.

I was also personally offended that he can just grab clothes that fit off the rack of a gas station :p

And we won't even get into the scene when LTC baldie says some guy has "Waited TWENTY YEARS for this promotion to Colonel!" Hate to break it to yah guys, if it takes 20 years to make O-6 you are already doing it wrong :p They REALLY REALLY need a proper military advisor for that stuff. Between the non-reg undershirts, the lack of shaving, and weird "deferential to your rank but not really" way they talk, JFC just dial up ANY of the vets struggling to work in Hollywood and get them to write those scenes.


Seems like modern writers are like bad dungeon masters, they only have the idea of the big fight with the evil boss, and then they have to resort to railroading the characters and huge plot holes to get there...

Now the ending managed to get rid of all help in seconds (bad DM take, you overpower your characters and then rob them of their power), and we will probably start with Reacher hostage, torture, escape, killings and I'm still 100% sure, the big helicopter fight at the end.

Also, episodes are always exactly the same, probably they wrap it by having a big fight on a building that is on fire (or with missiles exploding in the background).
Last episode felt very rough, where we were getting the rough draft of all the dialogue or the first take of each scene and everything needed multiple passes of revision to bring it up to snuff. And I've seen Jason Statham movies with fewer plot holes.

I will say that I liked the very last shot, though.


Neighbours from Hell
I thought the finale was awful. Even for a show that is obviously cheesy like Reacher my god some scenes in that episode were 90s action b movie level cheesy. It felt like a major step down from season 1 to me in every regard. The action will always be way over the top and cringe, but the plot was much more intricate and interesting in season 1. Everything in season 2 felt so disconnected and unimportant.
I decided to look into the writing credits, and there was only one new writer on board for only two episodes, Penny Cox.

Series Writing Credits
Lee Child ... (based on 'Bad Luck and Trouble' and his character, Jack Reacher by) (8 episodes, 2023-2024)
Lee Child ... (based on 'Killing Floor' and his character, Jack Reacher by) (7 episodes, 2022)
Lee Child ... (based on 'Killing Floor' and character Jack Reacher by) (1 episode, 2022)
Cait Duffy ... (staff writer) (8 episodes, 2022)
Cait Duffy ... (story editor) (8 episodes, 2023-2024)
Cait Duffy ... (written for television by) (3 episodes, 2022-2024)
Nick Santora ... (developed by) (16 episodes, 2022-2024)
Nick Santora ... (written for television by) (3 episodes, 2022-2023)
Michael J. Gutierrez ... (staff writer) (8 episodes, 2023-2024)
Michael J. Gutierrez ... (written for television by) (1 episode, 2024)
Lillian L Wang ... (staff writer) (8 episodes, 2023-2024)
Lillian L Wang ... (written for television by) (1 episode, 2024)
Scott Sullivan ... (written for television by) (6 episodes, 2022-2024)
Aadrita Mukerji ... (written for television by) (2 episodes, 2022)
Aadrita Mukerji ... (producer) (1 episode, 2022)
Penny Cox ... (written for television by) (2 episodes, 2023-2024)

Literally everyone else here are the same writers from season 1. So I'm starting to wonder if the main issue here is that 'Bad Luck and Trouble' was simply a badly written book and they followed it too closely instead of taking some more liberties. I read some reviews of the book and it seems like the writing in the book itself also ran into issues after the first 1/3 and a common opinion is that it's one of the lesser quality Reacher books in the series with repetitive dialogue and middling action.


Last 2 episodes maybe weren't too ambitious, but they were just entertaining to watch. Bad guys have cheesy speeches during dramatic moments, bad guys think they've won, bad guys die in satisfying ways.

I'm still planning to watch season 3, but it needs to start (and remain) more like season 1.


Well, there was some satisfaction seeing the bad guys get what was coming. And more important, the ending shows the way to a more appropriate Reacher story in the next season. But yeah overall S2 was a major misfire.
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The first season isn't great so if the 2nd season is even worse I won't be back.

I hate how it revolves around ppl making comments about how massive/scary reacher is. Calling hom a gorilla etc. He looks like a slim gq model compared to the powerlifters/bodybuilders I hung with in the early 2000s, and many of those dudes were 6'3 or taller and natural.

If he's on steroids that's just silly. 1 year in the gym at that height and a good base shd be easily achievable with those trainers and nutrition.

Haven't seen season 2 but I hear he's much bigger.
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