In the books, most of the 'competitive' fights are between Reacher and 5 or so opponents at once. And even those aren't very competitive, and he just elbows everyone in the head. So, more like the prison fight in season 1. Because Reacher is very well trained in addition to being enormous. And also, there's usually only one of those per book--if that, some books really don't have any real hand-to-hand fights. And Bad Luck and Trouble doesn't, not a serious, prolonged one like that prison scene. That's a huge part of my criticism of this season, they are adding all of these violent encounters just for the sake of adding them and that, on top of that, make no sense in context. So you have snipers at funerals and buildings blowing up in NYC, and the cops just sort of shrug. I read these books very quickly, but so far as I can recall, the only things they've done that are in the book (aside from the general setup for the plot and the question about Swan) are the construction site thing (and even then, I think it was just one hired goon) and the raid on the company office. There is some shooting toward the end of the book, though.
There's only been one 1 on 1 fight in the books where Reacher was in serious jeopardy, and that was against someone larger than him who was also crazy and on a whole lot of steroids. And that was several books in, and it almost felt like the author saying, "You want a real physical threat? Here's a 7 foot tall steroid user." I liked the scene, but it comes across almost as satire.