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Rep Keith Ellison of Minnesota will hopefully be the new DNC chairperson

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The chairman needs to be inspirational. The DNC has CEO, Political Director, and Director of Voter Protector/Expansion positions. Those positions can be filled with people who have the organizational skills.
Since when? Who on earth even knew who DWS was outside of political nerds until she became a convenient symbol of opposition to Bernie

Give me inspirational new blood candidates but at the helm? I want someone who knows how to organize

And don't get me wrong, I fucking love Keith Ellison. I lived in his district for five years. He's one of my favorite politicians full stop, and if I though America would go for a Muslim president in a million years I'd be backing him for a 2020 run

But I don't know if he's right for this specific job

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
though I agree there should be new blood in the role, wasn't howard dean's previous tenure pretty good?
It was very good. Which is not particular evidence of some extraordinary talent, a lot of circumstances helped tremendously. But it means that he walks in on day 1 with knowledge of a strategy that worked before, and right now I do not want to "experiment"

Run regional candidates, and support them. Focus on different states that need different messages. Get people out there. These are things I think Dean already knows how to do


It was very good. Which is not particular evidence of some extraordinary talent, a lot of circumstances helped tremendously. But it means that he walks in on day 1 with knowledge of a strategy that worked before, and right now I do not want to "experiment"

Run regional candidates, and support them. Focus on different states that need different messages. Get people out there. These are things I think Dean already knows how to do

This is kinda where I'm at. 2020 is going to be ridiculously important what with redistricting that will happen after that. I'm not sure getting crazy experimental and trying for a hail mary would be a great plan. Someone with knowledge that can hit the ground running is probably the best bet.
Full disclosure: I lived in his district for many years (I live in an adjacent one now) and when he first ran for Congress I worked for an opponent of his in the DFL primary and worked for a 3rd party opponent of his that general election; I voted for him in subsequent elections.

He's not great at organizing or campaigning. He's a (very) smart guy and connects well with younger people and progressives in general, but he's an unenthusiastic campaigner in a very safe district and a lot of local DFLers grumble about him being more of a media presence than a political animal. Maybe that's needed given Trump's success, but I don't think he would bring a lot of deftness to the organization.
Full disclosure: I lived in his district for many years (I live in an adjacent one now) and when he first ran for Congress I worked for an opponent of his in the DFL primary and worked for a 3rd party opponent of his that general election; I voted for him in subsequent elections.

He's not great at organizing or campaigning. He's a (very) smart guy and connects well with younger people and progressives in general, but he's an unenthusiastic campaigner in a very safe district and a lot of local DFLers grumble about him being more of a media presence than a political animal. Maybe that's needed given Trump's success, but I don't think he would bring a lot of deftness to the organization.

This, and him being part time because of his elected position, is what I'm worried about. Both of those things can be mitigated if he/they hire the right people for the positions below him to delegate duties to, but we need someone running the organization that can completely dedicate themselves to this, and can/will get into the nitty gritty of how to run successful campaigns in areas that aren't clearly Democratic leaning.
Guys, Senate I'd important, but making gains in the house and in state legislature will be HUGE.

Don't just look at the Senate map and give up


Unconfirmed Member
If he's got Schumer, Warren, and Sanders backing, it's over.


No no no no no

Please don't merge confidence and hope with arrogance. After this election I don't think I can ever tolerate anyone making concluding statements like this, even in passing, with regard to the democratic party.

Until we get the results we want I think everyone should always hope for the best and expect the god damn worst so that they can always have a fire lit under their ass to work as hard as they need to. As far as I am concerned, there is no winning combination or guarantee with this party, so treat it as such.

I know you mean well, but I just had to get that off of my chest.
Keith is a fantastic choice because he recognized the threat of Trump early on and that not only could he win the Republican primary but if the Democrats didn't go populist against him we'd be in real danger of losing the presidency. Everyone laughed at him. He's already promised to run a 50 state strategy again which is an absolute must. Even though the position is full time, Keith is going to have plenty of time on his hands with the Democratic party being absolutely marginalized in congress now.

Howard Dead did a good job during his tenure. But all throughout the Primary and the GE he was running around promising that Clinton would win a Reagan style landslide against Trump. I don't see how any DNC chair who was that wrong about Trump and the mood and wants of the electorate and do well after the democrats were obliterated Tuesday. It's not about ideology or how progressive they are. I literally don't see how someone can be that wrong about the electorate and do what we need them to do at the DNC.
You can't have people of color, women and especially not a Muslim (who are soon to be considered illegal) as part of the head of your party and expect to win people in the Rust Belt or the South.

Don't we have any fat, white liberals from the midwest or south with charisma?

What the hell is this BS? You can't have ANY of these in a leadership position? Obama was THE head of the party. People in the rust belt voted for him. People in the south voted for him.

The progressives are being led by the likes of Warren and Sanders, who are as white as they come.



Keith would be my optimal choice and would show a new bright future for the DNC. I'm OK with Dean too, as long as we get mid 2000s Dean who had fire in his belly. Current Dean is too 'eh' for me. But part of me thinks that Dean might recapture that spirit now that we're faced with this Republican fuckery that is going to make the Bush years look like the halcyon days.


Unconfirmed Member
This is kinda where I'm at. 2020 is going to be ridiculously important what with redistricting that will happen after that. I'm not sure getting crazy experimental and trying for a hail mary would be a great plan. Someone with knowledge that can hit the ground running is probably the best bet.

Then maybe Ellison can head the DNC and Dean can provide advice?

I already signed my name for Ellison but now I'm kinda regretting it because of the experience someone mentioned Dean has which we should use in hitting the ground running.



Full disclosure: I lived in his district for many years (I live in an adjacent one now) and when he first ran for Congress I worked for an opponent of his in the DFL primary and worked for a 3rd party opponent of his that general election; I voted for him in subsequent elections.

He's not great at organizing or campaigning. He's a (very) smart guy and connects well with younger people and progressives in general, but he's an unenthusiastic campaigner in a very safe district and a lot of local DFLers grumble about him being more of a media presence than a political animal. Maybe that's needed given Trump's success, but I don't think he would bring a lot of deftness to the organization.

Yeah this is the stuff I want to be hearing. Most of what I am getting from people is "X guy likes him." Well yeah, Ellison supported Bernie so Bernie is reciprocating in kind. That doesnt mean he is the best qualified.

Democrats need to not fuck key things like this up and Ellison seems to be getting traction primarily because of having good rapport with people the Democrats are looking to right now, not necessarily because he is the most qualified or most likely to have the best success. Which sounds eerily like what got Democrats into the mess in the first place.

Get the process and structure right, then the best candidate will emerge. Democrats seem to be taking some of the wrong lessons right now.


Unconfirmed Member

No no no no no

Please don't merge confidence and hope with arrogance. After this election I don't think I can ever tolerate anyone making concluding statements like this, even in passing, with regard to the democratic party.

Until we get the results we want I think everyone should always hope for the best and expect the god damn worst so that they can always have a fire lit under their ass to work as hard as they need to. As far as I am concerned, there is no winning combination or guarantee with this party, so treat it as such.

I know you mean well, but I just had to get that off of my chest.

I'm not sure what the god damn worst is in this situation. Dean and O'Malley are fine progressives that would do a good job leading the DNC too.

At least save the panicking until someone from the clinton camp enters the ring.

My pick would be Al Franken but he's just too real.

Nah, save Al Franken for a presidential run.


Over 250,000 people already signed the petition according to an email I've received.

People are ready for a change within the democratic party.
2018 is a loss for Democratic senate pickups. Dean Heller is maybe the only vulnerable Republican incumbent--even with retirements, almost any open R seat would go R. And there are probably 5 Ds that are more likely than not to lose.

The target for 2018 should be state houses, senates, attorney general, secretary of state, lieutenant governor, and governor positions.

Agreed on the bolded. We need to start winning back at state and local levels. There is some progress being made on the gerrymandering front and my hope is with Obama's post-election group focusing on that we can yield even greater returns there.


What the hell is this BS? You can't have ANY of these in a leadership position? Obama was THE head of the party. People in the rust belt voted for him. People in the south voted for him.

The progressives are being led by the likes of Warren and Sanders, who are as white as they come.

Did you see our nations reaction to Obama? The response to a black president who did nothing but conduct himself with class and be the ultimate professional was the tea party.

I did not believe this until Tuesday but a lot of us were living in a different country with a different reality then a lot of Americans. Those Americans never accepted Obama and I think part of the backlash for the past 6 years is because a black man made it to the White House while a lot of white, rural families have not progressed in the past 40 years. If you live in the bubble that me and you live in that thought would have never crossed your mind but I think that is reality for a huge section of this country.

I wish I was wrong on this but I don't think I am.
Did you see our nations reaction to Obama? The response to a black president who did nothing but conduct himself with class and be the ultimate professional was the tea party.

I did not believe this until Tuesday but a lot of us were living in a different country with a different reality then a lot of Americans. Those Americans never accepted Obama and I think part of the backlash for the past 6 years is because a black man made it to the White House while a lot of white, rural families have not progressed in the past 40 years. If you live in the bubble that me and you live in that thought would have never crossed your mind but I think that is reality for a huge section of this country.

I wish I was wrong on this but I don't think I am.

I saw the Republican response. But so what? It's all anecdotal evidence. Obama has a 56% approval rating for damns sake. I don't care what your gut feelings tell you.
Agreed on the bolded. We need to start winning back at state and local levels. There is some progress being made on the gerrymandering front and my hope is with Obama's post-election group focusing on that we can yield even greater returns there.

I have some hope for that, but with a Republicans controlling something like 30-40 of the state legislatures in the country in addition to the House and the Senate, I don't know how he can do something about this outside of California-style ballot measures in the next few years. The best case scenario for fixing gerrymandering right now, IMO, is for Democrats to come back and take the House/Senate in 2020 with the realization that removing gerrymandering period is a better idea for them than doing so in their own favor for the next 10 years.


I saw the Republican response. But so what? It's all anecdotal evidence. Obama has a 56% approval rating for damns sake. I don't care what your gut feelings tell you.
The places she lost Obama is not popular at all. Even Hillary won the pop election.

Romney won most of the same areas. Trump won by larger margins.

Maybe I am overreacting but like I said I don't have much confidence in this country at the moment.


Im all in. I'm afraid people will give him a hard time for being Muslim though.

Who cares? We can have Dean on standby if shit hits the fan. The RNC had a (then closeted) gay Jew and a black Muppet as theirs, and their lily white base barely flinched.


I'm behind him provided he pushes for a grassroots ground up strategy. We need to win locally to stay relevant.
In less than 24 hours, more than 250,000 people signed a petition agreeing with me that Keith Ellison should be the next Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

That sounds to me like people want a political revolution at the DNC and that they want the Democratic Party to move in a very different direction. They want a Democratic Party to stand up to the greed of Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry and corporate America, and represent the working people of our country and all those fighting for economic, social, racial and environmental justice.

Now more than ever, that is the Democratic Party we need. That is the kind of Democratic Party Keith will lead.

We like big goals. I think we will send an incredibly strong message to the Democratic Party if we can get more than 500,000 signatures supporting Keith Ellison to be the next Chair of the DNC when he formally announces his candidacy on Monday.

You've already added your name to say you support Keith. Thank you for building this incredible momentum so far. Can you please take the next step and ask your friends and family to also support Keith? Click here to share our petition.

You can read more about why I think Keith should be DNC Chair in my email from yesterday, which is included below.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Email I got from sanders Campaign. I like it but I hope it would talk more about fighting back against absolute republican majority we have right now and not just the Bernie platform.


I signed, with reservations of the part-time issue.

I agree on the part time issue, but everyone should remember that effective political organizations start from the ground up. We all need to get even more active on our own locally right now. Effective DNC leadership is crucial, but it can't be the only thing.

Everyone needs to start researching local candidates for 2018 state races that are:
- Inspiring
- Capable
- Able to win locally.


Remember this map and look at all of the opportunity to take back statehouses. Hopefully, we will get strong, effective leadership at the top of the DNC, but regardless, we need to start mobilizing now.


Many liked Ellison in another thread, one you participated in. This is separate from those who would be fine with Howard Dean, as shown in this very thread.

GAF is not a hive mind.
My comment wasn't to suggest hive mind, but rather highlight another another thread I participated in revolving around Howard Dean where the majority of posters expressed wanting to put Dean in the spot. That thread was my reference.


I think the most shocking is that Schumer, an old guard establishment type, doesn't have his head up his ass and acknowledge shit needs to change. New blood is needed.
I don't like Ellison for the job if he's doing it part-time. The DNC needs to be rebuilt and that's a full-time job

Hillary Democrats looooved DWS when she was a sitting congressman. Called her a prodigy. Said things were great. No one other than the Bernie wing of the party spoke out against her. It was obvious that the dems were falling apart when they had lost all levels of government except the Presidency. The Hillary wing of the party called anyone who criticized her handling of the DNC a sexist who hates women.

Keith is in a super safe district and doesn't need to campaign that much. He's also going to have a lot of free time on his hands with Democrats completely marginalized in congress.

I think the most shocking is that Schumer, an old guard establishment type, doesn't have his head up his ass and acknowledge shit needs to change. New blood is needed.

This is an extremely promising development.


2018 is a loss for Democratic senate pickups. Dean Heller is maybe the only vulnerable Republican incumbent--even with retirements, almost any open R seat would go R. And there are probably 5 Ds that are more likely than not to lose.

The target for 2018 should be state houses, senates, attorney general, secretary of state, lieutenant governor, and governor positions.

The states are *hugely* important since they can redraw districts that were redrawn and gerrymandered to hell when Republicans took over state houses in 2010 midterms. We need to play a long game here, and focus.


Email I got from sanders Campaign. I like it but I hope it would talk more about fighting back against absolute republican majority we have right now and not just the Bernie platform.

My second biggest negative against Ellison is my fear that he could become a Sanders crony. Cronyism of any form on any level would lose the American people even more than they've lost already. It's would lose Democrats more territory that they've lost already.

The playing field shouldn't be set for the next heir apparent. Look at how much that strategy has netted the DNC so far.

The states are *hugely* important since they can redraw districts that were redrawn and gerrymandered to hell when Republicans took over state houses in 2010 midterms. We need to play a long game here, and focus.

It's not a long game, as those seats are being voting on next November.

We are right in the thick of battle.
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