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Rep Keith Ellison of Minnesota will hopefully be the new DNC chairperson

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Hillary Democrats looooved DWS when she was a sitting congressman. Called her a prodigy. Said things were great. No one other than the Bernie wing of the party spoke out against her. It was obvious that the dems were falling apart when they had lost all levels of government except the Presidency. The Hillary wing of the party called anyone who criticized her handling of the DNC a sexist who hates women.
This is absurd revisionist history.

No one was praising her, and the entire conversation revolved around how Obama kept her at the DNC rather than replace her because of what a nightmare she'd be in the aftermath.
Hillary Democrats looooved DWS when she was a sitting congressman. Called her a prodigy. Said things were great. No one other than the Bernie wing of the party spoke out against her. It was obvious that the dems were falling apart when they had lost all levels of government except the Presidency. The Hillary wing of the party called anyone who criticized her handling of the DNC a sexist who hates women.

Keith is in a super safe district and doesn't need to campaign that much. He's also going to have a lot of free time on his hands with Democrats completely marginalized in congress.

So let me turn this statement around a bit. The Centrist Democrats thought it would be okay to having a sitting congressperson at the position, and we ended up with one of the worst defeats in history. So let's let the Progressive Democrats do the same thing and see what happens.


Full disclosure: I lived in his district for many years (I live in an adjacent one now) and when he first ran for Congress I worked for an opponent of his in the DFL primary and worked for a 3rd party opponent of his that general election; I voted for him in subsequent elections.

He's not great at organizing or campaigning. He's a (very) smart guy and connects well with younger people and progressives in general, but he's an unenthusiastic campaigner in a very safe district and a lot of local DFLers grumble about him being more of a media presence than a political animal. Maybe that's needed given Trump's success, but I don't think he would bring a lot of deftness to the organization.
Maybe I'm being kind of knee jerk over all of this, but I would think that even if he's not picked, showing interest in someone like him sends the message that we want someone with similar expressed beliefs in that position. It does seem as if there needs to be a hell of a shake up after this election's mess regardless.
No, he has his own House seat to fill and to campaign for.

Maybe thats why Chuck is supporting him? He is a part-timer, but for now someone progressive is probably needed. Right now the progressive wing has very little blood, right? Warren and Sanders are the notable ones. Sanders will be too old and Warren may not want to run in 2020.
Maybe thats why Chuck is supporting him? He is a part-timer, but for now someone progressive is probably needed. Right now the progressive wing has very little blood, right? Warren and Sanders are the notable ones. Sanders will be too old and Warren may not want to run in 2020.

Someone else in either this thread or the other Dean one mentioned it, but I feel like a good compromise would be getting someone full time to be the DNC chair (and I have no problem with that person being part of the progressive wing of the party), and letting Ellison head the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee).
Hillary Democrats looooved DWS when she was a sitting congressman. Called her a prodigy. Said things were great. No one other than the Bernie wing of the party spoke out against her. It was obvious that the dems were falling apart when they had lost all levels of government except the Presidency. The Hillary wing of the party called anyone who criticized her handling of the DNC a sexist who hates women.

Is this what we've come to? Just blatantly lying about shit. This is embarrassing. No, people disliked her as far back as in 2013

And the Clinton campaign wanted to oust her MONTHS before the DNC emails leaks
I hope he is flexible.

We are going to need to run bluedogs in certain areas. He better not have some sort of ten commandments checklist required for every candidate to run.

But seriously anyone would do a better job than has been done since 2010
I hope he is flexible.

We are going to need to run bluedogs in certain areas. He better not have some sort of ten commandments checklist required for every candidate to run.

But seriously anyone would do a better job than has been done since 2010

Was DWS in charge during that time? If so, this is what she should have been removed for.


Junior Member
I hope he is flexible.

We are going to need to run bluedogs in certain areas. He better not have some sort of ten commandments checklist required for every candidate to run.

But seriously anyone would do a better job than has been done since 2010

Agreed. A purity test would be a recipe for disaster. I am also a bit hesitant if he is not going to be a Full-time chair.
Is this what we've come to? Just blatantly lying about shit. This is embarrassing. No, people disliked her as far back as in 2013

And the Clinton campaign wanted to oust her MONTHS before the DNC emails leaks

They disliked her so much they let her destroy the Democratic party.
Guys, Senate I'd important, but making gains in the house and in state legislature will be HUGE.

Don't just look at the Senate map and give up

I'd say the state legislature and governships are MORE important than the Senate. As long as we can defend enough seats in the Senate to prevent a supermajority, the makeup of the Senate doesn't really matter.

But if we can get control of state legislatures and governorships, we can actually be in a great position when 2020 and the census rolls around. I think the map for Dems for Governor looks really good in 2018. We just flipped the Nevada senate and house and the Alaska state house. We have to focus on these kinds of victories in 2018.


First tragedy, then farce.
And so, the DNC becomes the RNC and the Tea Party will fight the socialists.

We're fucked.

Ellison is a fine representative, but we need to re-institute the 50 state strategy and we need someone who will commit to this being a full time job.

I fear the far left on the Democratic party is about to find out how unpopular their opinions are with middle America.


I like how all we get is these stories about everyone hating Debbie in the role for years and yet apparently the party were too cowardly to actually do anything until it completely backfired.


Hillary Democrats looooved DWS when she was a sitting congressman. Called her a prodigy. Said things were great. No one other than the Bernie wing of the party spoke out against her. It was obvious that the dems were falling apart when they had lost all levels of government except the Presidency. The Hillary wing of the party called anyone who criticized her handling of the DNC a sexist who hates women.

Keith is in a super safe district and doesn't need to campaign that much. He's also going to have a lot of free time on his hands with Democrats completely marginalized in congress.

This is an extremely promising development.
You are sorely mistaken...

DWS should have lost her job far before Hillary got the nomination. None of us liked her. We may have defended her at times but it was universally known that she was terrible at her job.


First tragedy, then farce.
You guys all know that this man co-sponsored a bill declaring the sitting Vice President a War Criminal, right?

I get that plays well with the extreme left of the party (and I am absolutely no fan of Dick Cheney), but we will find the Dems becoming an even more extreme liberal urban only party with this sort of direction.


I like how all we get is these stories about everyone hating Debbie in the role for years and yet apparently the party were too cowardly to actually do anything until it completely backfired.
This is because Obama did not make the DNC a priority. He backburned it and all the real effort went into Obama For America.

The reason you didn't hear about this being an issue is because this is all super inside baseball stuff.
You guys all know that this man co-sponsored a bill declaring the sitting Vice President a War Criminal, right?

I get that plays well with the extreme left of the party (and I am absolutely no fan of Dick Cheney), but we will find the Dems becoming an even more extreme liberal urban only party with this sort of direction.



I don't think Ellison or his views are going to energize people like the tea parties 'TAKE BACK OUR AMURICAH' views did.
You guys all know that this man co-sponsored a bill declaring the sitting Vice President a War Criminal, right?

I get that plays well with the extreme left of the party (and I am absolutely no fan of Dick Cheney), but we will find the Dems becoming an even more extreme liberal urban only party with this sort of direction.

I feel like people in here "love" him because Bernie endorsed him, and because populism is in nowadays
The point is can he organize the DNC or not? Nobody really cared what Michael Steele or even Prebius thought in the political landscape. But they were busy organizing the party and dominating local/state races.

So can Ellison do that or not? If he can, sign him up for the competition. He does have to answer for the part time issue, though.


Even better - the Clinton campaign disliked her so much that when DWS left the DNC, they gave her a position on the Clinton campaign.
This was because she's a nightmare and they needed to give her a token position in order to keep her from exploding. Even after being removed she still tried to show up at the convention.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was prepared to go full force against President Obama if he tried to replace her in 2013.

Wasserman Schultz, according to Politico, was going to accuse Obama of being anti-woman and anti-Semitic — apparently to cover all the bases — if he dared consider replacing her as chairwoman.

Schultz was beginning to “line up supporters” to make the suggestion when she “sensed” Obama was considering removing her from the DNC.


First tragedy, then farce.
I have some hope for that, but with a Republicans controlling something like 30-40 of the state legislatures in the country in addition to the House and the Senate, I don't know how he can do something about this outside of California-style ballot measures in the next few years. The best case scenario for fixing gerrymandering right now, IMO, is for Democrats to come back and take the House/Senate in 2020 with the realization that removing gerrymandering period is a better idea for them than doing so in their own favor for the next 10 years.

You understand the state government does distracting right?

There isn't much the federal government can do about it.


I like how all we get is these stories about everyone hating Debbie in the role for years and yet apparently the party were too cowardly to actually do anything until it completely backfired.

Pretty sure DWS was ready to burn everything to the ground if they pushed her out. She had leverage and she used it. She wasn't just accepting that she was getting pushed out.
This was because she's a nightmare and they needed to give her a token position in order to keep her from exploding. Even after being removed she still tried to show up at the convention.


Who got her the position in the first place? Obama and Clinton pushed for her to become head of the DNC.

Everyone is talking about how they don't want purity tests. But we need to stop the Hillary camp's impurity tests and stop only running candidates that are approved by Wallstreet and big business. You can't be a party of the people when you're allied with super millionaires who are directly opposed to the rights and prosperity of the 99%.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
And so, the DNC becomes the RNC and the Tea Party will fight the socialists.

We're fucked.

Ellison is a fine representative, but we need to re-institute the 50 state strategy and we need someone who will commit to this being a full time job.

I fear the far left on the Democratic party is about to find out how unpopular their opinions are with middle America.

Yep, were going back to the 70s and 80s. Super far left congress with loud barks and no teeth.

Dean at least got shit done downballot. Is the opposition because he's currently a lobbyist?

Probably because he didn't support Bernie.


I don't know much about Ellison, but whomever is the next chair will ultimately face even more pressure than Hillary did this year. We're already guaranteed two years of unified GOP government and a 5-4 conservative Supreme Court. If the party continues to fuck itself in congressional and state/local races, then we're going to be looking at a full years of a totally Republican Washington and a 7-2 SCOTUS. That, plus another round of redistricting after the 2020 census will ensure Dems are locked out of Congress and progressive goals knocked down by the court for decades. To say nothing of being further obliterated in governorships and state legislatures.

2018 and 2020 can be great waves for Democrats, or they can kill the party for decades. So, don't fuck it up.

Enough of Dean, he's part of the problem
Dean is the most successful DNC chair of the last 20+ years and is responsible for the Dem waves of '06 and '08.


Enough of Dean, he's part of the problem

How is he part of the problem? He was impartial during his time as DNC chair. The Democrats were in the same exact position we were in in 2005, and that guy turned it around.

Maybe he shouldn't be chair, but he clearly has some wisdom that we need. We can't discard resources arbitrarily. We don't have that luxury.
Yep, were going back to the 70s and 80s. Super far left congress with loud barks and no teeth.

You guys mock them, but the left can learn a lot from how the tea party ran and took control of the party. There is real advantage to being loud, visible, demanding and aggressive all the time. I know that lefties are generally real nice people who want to get along with everyone and don't want to play dirty. But you don't win that way. You win by fighting harder than the other guy.
You guys all know that this man co-sponsored a bill declaring the sitting Vice President a War Criminal, right?

I get that plays well with the extreme left of the party (and I am absolutely no fan of Dick Cheney), but we will find the Dems becoming an even more extreme liberal urban only party with this sort of direction.

And I think that most political pundits agree that Bernie Sanders, the far left extreme liberal, would not have lost Wisconsin, Michigan and Penn.

We royally fucked up a few days. We have President Trump. The "extreme" left of the party is not going to abandon minorities like PoliGaf suggests. Let's try a mix of Bernie ideals, populism and rural outreach.


Pretty sure DWS was ready to burn everything to the ground if they pushed her out. She had leverage and she used it. She wasn't just accepting that she was getting pushed out.

Which is why it's a disaster that she was ever put in the role to begin with. It only happened as a favor to Hillary from Obama anyway.

Debbie has been a disaster for the party and I still don't get why so many on GAF even wanted her to keep her congress seat. The sooner she's out of the party completely the better.
Which is why it's a disaster that she was ever put in the role to begin with. It only happened as a favor to Hillary from Obama anyway.

Debbie has been a disaster for the party and I still don't get why so many on GAF even wanted her to keep her congress seat. The sooner she's out of the party completely the better.
Yeah. The rallying around DWS and against Canova flies in the face that Hillary's camp didn't like her.
And I think that most political pundits agree that Bernie Sanders, the far left extreme liberal, would not have lost Wisconsin, Michigan and Penn.

We royally fucked up a few days. We have President Trump. The "extreme" left of the party is not going to abandon minorities like PoliGaf suggests. Let's try a mix of Bernie ideals, populism and rural outreach.
Nobody is talking about abandoning minorities. What people are saying is that in certain regions, minority/social issues are not nearly as important as economic ones. Therefore stop wasting your time talking about it as a central campaign issue and explain how you'll get them back to work.

Did we forget the 2016 election already?

Doesn't mean it isn't a campaign issue, just a more targeted one.
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