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Report: Israeli forces stole 3 million dollars from Palestinians during recent raids

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Rapid Response Threadmaker

During the course of Israel’s three-week campaign of mass arrests in the West Bank, ostensibly to search for the killers of three settlers, the Israeli military and police conducted an average of 18 raids per day into Palestinian homes, charities and businesses, stealing cash and property worth an estimated $3 million, documents a new report from the Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights.

“If Israeli forces were really focused on finding the youth and their captors, why was so much personal property confiscated, usually without any type of receipt or written record to hold them accountable?” asks Ihsan Adel, a legal officer at the Euro-Mid “In an area as impoverished as the West Bank, that amount of stolen cash and property is crippling to individuals’ability to stay in business or support their families.”

The Euro-Mid investigation documented a theft of $370,000 in cash during the 387 incursions it examined, as well as $2.5 million worth of property, including cars, computers, mobile phones and jewelry. The money and property were seized from homes, universities, health clinics, media companies and currency exchanges. Euro-Mid believes, however, that its estimates are on the low end, since families and institutions have not been able to itemize all of their missing items and many thefts have not yet been reported.

The Israeli seizure of money and property belonging to Palestinian civilians and civic organizations is a violation of articles 27 and 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibit pillage and reprisal against civilians and their belongings.

“Governments and human rights organizations around the world must immediately call for an independent investigation of this pillage,” says Ihsan Adel. “The international community also must join with us in demanding that the Israeli government provide Palestinians with an official means for filing claims for return of their belongings or adequate reimbursement without delay.”

The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights is a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization dedicated to exposing human rights violations and defending human rights. The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights headquarter is based in Geneva, Switzerland, with regional offices in the Middle-East.



This is just getting depressing. Not even aggravating, just so tired. The US is deluded as fuck and European countries are the biggest cowards I've ever seen for abstaining the UN vote.

Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them. Absolutely vile.


The money is obviously better off in the hands of Israel than in Palestine where Hamas could access it.

this is the defense that will be used


force push the doodoo rock
Is Euro-Mid known to be an unreliable source? I could only find one site that directly criticized some of their earlier findings, although the article in question seems to now have been removed.

Reading their report it seems a bit sketch.

Not to deny any of it happened, it just seems light on reliable sources. It seems logical for an invading army with counterterrorism aims to be securing documents\computers\cell phones that they believe to possibly hold information that would help them in their goals.
The defense force just started, lets discredit the investigation because some of its members are from the Middle East.

Besides, this happens in every war, money, jewelry and electronics are always stolen/destroyed.
Israel...God Dammit



at last, for christ's sake
A quick google search does not bring up any criticism of them. Currygan, can you enlighten us? What is wrong with the organization?

Nothing official, just that its COTB is Palestinian Ramy Abdu and its pow can or can not be biased. Im not wearing Israel's jacket, but a bit of scepticism wouldnt hurt imho

El Topo

A quick google search does not bring up any criticism of them. Currygan, can you enlighten us? What is wrong with the organization?

A quick google search doesn't really seem to bring up much in general. They seem very young (as an organization, at best four or five years old), don't seem to get mentioned (at all) by Western news (or respectable news in general), their website is very sparse with information regarding the organization (no list of members, little contact data, at least at first glance) and they seem very fond of colorful headlines.

Their report for this also doesn't really inspire confidence. Frankly I would say we should really wait with judgement in this particular case until more-respected human rights organizations come forward, hopefully with a report that's not (with all due respect) garbage. That is not to say I want to call this all a lie, but the entire context of this is just not trustworthy enough to me.


This is seriously some new levels of sinister. It's also amazing that these soldiers don't realize or don't care that they are making the situation worse.
Is Euro-mid a reliable source? I honestly dont need any more reason to hate the Israeli Government at this point but it would be great if this report was from a trusted source.
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