The EU needs to start building an army like yesterday. NATO gave the US too much power worldwide.
So he actually threatened to invade mexico?
How many wars will he start?
"even suggested to [Peña Nieto] that if they are incapable of combatting [narco trafficking] he may have to send troops to assume this task,"
Yes. If US will add Canada among the countries they will invade, we are on our own. No one will bother helping us if US decided to invade our country. This is pretty much will apply to Mexico too.So Germany, France, everyone in the United Nations, Canada, Japan... they'd just sit back and let America invade another nation without provocation?
I feel like even the rest of the world has a tipping point, and America's "mighty" goes to our heads far too quickly (and our track-record isn't exactly spotless since WWII).
I mean, other than Trump's "I'll nuke anyone who opposes me" policy...
I'm gonna need Mexican-GAF to tell me if Aristegui is the real deal, because I just checked the original source and the whole conversation sounds insane.
You could perhaps try Mexico? I mean, helping to make the nation safe(r) would likely stop illegal immigration, the drug trafficking and whatever else, pretty significantly. But I'm probably crazy.
Every day I feel more and more like Kif Kroker.
Ya thats not gonna happen.
The rest of the world absolutely can step in and stop him, especially if Trump gets involved in too many confrontations and ends up spreading the military too thin
I'm gonna need Mexican-GAF to tell me if Aristegui is the real deal, because I just checked the original source and the whole conversation sounds insane.
Trump could literally hit the DEFCON button and cause the world to destroy itself and right up to the moment the nuclear fire melted their flesh and disintegrated their bones, his supporters would still applaud his tough decision-making skills. There's nothing he can do at this point that the American population would unanimously disapprove of.I hope he does. That's how the President lost his job in Clear and Present Danger.
yeah, this is why it was ringing true for me. This is just how NPDs speak, spiteful put downs and all.what it's like interacting with somebody with narcissistic personality disorder.
So Germany, France, everyone in the United Nations, Canada, Japan... they'd just sit back and let America invade another nation without provocation?
I feel like even the rest of the world has a tipping point, and America's "mighty" goes to our heads far too quickly (and our track-record isn't exactly spotless since WWII).
I mean, other than Trump's "I'll nuke anyone who opposes me" policy...
This guy can't stop threatening everyone with violence huh? Every day he just saber rattles and yells at everyone.
The US leadership is starting to look like North Korea's, except with working missiles.
Yeah, I read as much. Apparently the article was penned by a certain Dolia Estevez and I see it's getting a lot of coverage across a number of Mexican sites. This doesn't look good at all.
It is bewildering.
"I don't need the Mexicans, I don't need Mexico," Trump reportedly told the Mexican president. "We are going to build the wall and you all are going to pay for it, like it or not."
"Look, Hombre, you are going to... I mean, I won the election. Like, REALLY big won. I beat Jeb, so you got to talk to me now. Ok? And, by the way, we're building a wall. You guys are going to pay for it. Ok? No more games. I like Cuervo Gold, but I'm not going to drink that anymore. You know why? Because it should have been made HERE, in the USA. All you Jose's are ruining the US economy. We're bringing it back and we're kickin' you's guys out. CNN can't save you. People don't buy that fake news crap. Bannon told me everything. Everything. There's no more NAFTA. No more immigration. So, now. Time to pay up. If you don't, I'm taxing the SHIT out of your Guacamole. By the way, this phone call was collect. We're not paying for this crap anymore either."
I'm sitting here in Canada wishing we had bought more military equipment...
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
And yet the UKs despicable government will still brush this all under the carpet in the name of a good trade deal.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
And yet the UKs despicable government will still brush this all under the carpet in the name of a good trade deal.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
Which they won't get because their economy is massively inferior to that of the US, also they will be way too busy negotiating with the EU to even have enough negotiators to sign a deal within trump presidency (lets assume he just gets 4 years).
Hm, how many times have i heard that in the past months.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
I don't think he understand what the word "negotiation" means.
Guys he's not gonna enact a Muslim ban.
Guys he's not gonna repeal Obamacare.
Guys he's not gonna let Bannon run the country.
Guys he's not going to invade Mexico. Jesus.
Fuck Peña Nieto. What a pusillanimous president we have. And what a president you have guys
Note: Fucked up title, mod can add the word "way"?
Guys he's not going to ban Muslims. Allah.
The question I'm asking myself at this point is... will Americans stop him first, or will the rest of the world have to step in and stop him?
I'm gonna need Mexican-GAF to tell me if Aristegui is the real deal, because I just checked the original source and the whole conversation sounds insane.