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Report: Trump's call to Mexican president was done in humiliating and threatening way

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Neo Member
But...he did stand his ground, right? That's the part I don't really get. He didn't cave into any demands from what I can tell. I mean, he didn't speak strongly, I guess? But still, I feel like I'm missing something.

I think is more related to a general disbelief that our government is able to handle situations like this due corruption and conflicts of interest that have plagued this administration. In other words, is hard to trust a president that has shown its inability to solve anything during his mandate.

Hari Seldon

I don't remember, when did he threatened to bomb Syria?

With Trump at the whitehouse, the US will back to their old ways messing with South and Latin America.

It was after that Thin Red Line business. The Brits voted not too, so Obama went to Congress and Congress said no because poles were overwhelmingly against it.


I can't find the exact pole numbers from the time, but I remember being shocked at how overwhelming they were against it.


get some go again
come on guys trump would never invade mexico...but little green men who all happen to be u.s military would and trump wouldn't do anything about it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Wait what? This is front page news shit right here! A sitting US President threatened Mexico he might invade the country with US Military? You have to go to the 19th century for the last time anything close to that happened between these two allied nations!

Donald J Trump is not fit to be President. He cannot continue being President. What the FUCK!
I remember I mentioned this possibility in one of the previous threads about EPN and people were calling hte discussion ridiculous. Wish I were not right.


But...he did stand his ground, right? That's the part I don't really get. He didn't cave into any demands from what I can tell. I mean, he didn't speak strongly, I guess? But still, I feel like I'm missing something.

As I've said before, Aristegui usually nails the news with solid sources, but the article is written to paint Peña as a coward that will cave to Trump's wishes.

Peña is a very disliked president (and deservedly so). A lot of mexicans have preconceived opinions about him. Being a pussy that will do everything that the us tell him is one of the most popular.

In summary, any action that's not Peña telling Trump to fuck off will be seen by a lot of people as a sign of weakness.


Fuck invading Iraq for the oil we forget, our President wants to pull all the coke out of Mexico!

Jesus Christ, I want off this country. Somebody please stop this ride.

DUH! He was big in the 80's and is STUCK in the 80's :p. So ofcourse he wants to get the Coke out of Mexico. Cheney was addicted to Oil, so invade Iraq. Trump is Cocaine person, so Columbia is next :p.

Funky Papa

Fuck it. We have to start militarising asap.
Funny you mention it. Not so long ago I was checking information about the Mexican military and I was utterly shocked by how the Mexican military has no tanks nor fighter jets. Then again, it has little to fear from Guatemala and Belize is far from being Latveria, so it stands for reason that kind of hardware would be kind of wasted on the country.

come on guys trump would never invade mexico...but men dressed in red, white and blue who all happen to be u.s military would and trump wouldn't do anything about it.
What would be the American equivalent of Putin's little green men anyway?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The government would implode before that. It's not happening. Trump is an narcissist idiot, but he's beholden to the powers that be.

But if the reports are true, that could very well be the biggest, most grotesque breach of diplomacy ever committed by the POTUS.
I mean it's not like Polk's invasion of Mexico was justified back when it happened the first time around, but I do agree a hypothetical Trump intervention would take the crown.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Funny you mention it. Not so long ago I was checking information about the Mexican military and I was utterly shocked by how the Mexican military has no tanks nor fighter jets. Then again, it has little to fear from Guatemala and Belize is far from being Latveria, so it stands for reason that kind of hardware would be kind of wasted on the country.
We've long assumed we had the United States behind our backs, considering how much we contribute to their economy.
Why "Fuck Peña Nieto?" I don't see anything in this situation that makes Nieto look bad unless you actually expected Mexico to pay for Trumps bullshit wall.

If anything, I think Nieto has handled Trump in the same way everyone should which is to give him zero respect, he deserves none.
That's what I haven't been able to understand either. Weird sentiment.


Seems fake, Aristegui will publish anything that makes Peña look bad.

Hell no one is taking this seriously in Mexico (Except Carmen and her friends) and no one should.
"He even complained of the bad role the [Mexican] army is playing in the fight against narco trafficking,"

And yet GOP and Trump literally said they are willing to do business with the Narcos to build the wall. I guess people in similar jobs like oppressing people, do tend to work better together.

Christ, what a fucking disgusting situation. I went to the food bank today and there were a lot of people discussing the Trump Muslim Ban, I entered the fray when one of them talked about her friend who goes to UNC being detained because she took a trip to one of the seven countries that have been included in the ban. She is currently being detained in a prison cell. In America.

Trump "even suggested to [Peña Nieto] that if they are incapable of combatting [narco trafficking] he may have to send troops to assume this task," she said.

So we are gonna invade the middle east and Mexico.

neat. Holy fucking shit, I can totally believe Trump threatening the president of Mexico with invasion.
And there it is, in none too unsubtle words.


Funny you mention it. Not so long ago I was checking information about the Mexican military and I was utterly shocked by how the Mexican military has no tanks nor fighter jets. Then again, it has little to fear from Guatemala and Belize is far from being Latveria, so it stands for reason that kind of hardware would be kind of wasted on the country.

What would be the American equivalent of Putin's little green men anyway?

DEVGRU units massacring cartels or outright arming the local population along the northern border.


Funny you mention it. Not so long ago I was checking information about the Mexican military and I was utterly shocked by how the Mexican military has no tanks nor fighter jets. Then again, it has little to fear from Guatemala and Belize is far from being Latveria, so it stands for reason that kind of hardware would be kind of wasted on the country.

What would be the American equivalent of Putin's little green men anyway?

Plenty of militas that would kill for that opportunity, no pun intended. Just give them some "surplus" equipment, promise to bring the big guns when the fighting gets a bit hot and they'd be crossing the Rio Grande tomorrow. I don't think even Putin had it that easy.

Probably. Which is why he has being doing naming deals lately rather than actual deals.

Yeah, it's dawned on me in the last few days that Trump is probably used to being a dictator, because that's how he ran his business. He's at the point where he should realise that international politics doesn't work that way - but it really doesn't look like he has.


Shit yeah!

I know you were kidding

People have no clue. They are going to miss undocumented workers when they are gone. When farms, these smaller companies have to start paying employees competitive wages, and business go bankrupt and prices sky rocket, they are going to be wondering just what the fuck they did.

There isn't a White guy I know that will pick lettuce in the Arizona heat for even $20 an hour, let alone $10.


The average American probably thinks it's a great idea to invade Mexico. They've never met any Mexicans, but they're sure that they are as bad as Trump says they are.

Fuck these goddamned idiots and their fake assed President.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd really like more confirmation before believing this happened.


It's what Donald Trump does to everybody. If you don't agree with him, he goes nuclear and wants to start a war. God it must have be rough for his wife, but now the man has the most powerful nation in the history of the world behind him. The man is looking to start a war with any country that gets in his way so he can get the economy growing.


I mean... I can see him doing it but I need more evidence and sources of this because this shit is really serious.


Neo Member
Because sending troops to combat drug cartels has made wonders /s-
But I assume Trump and his inner circle believes so.

EDIT. I'm also awaiting further confirmation. Not that I don't trust Aristegui or Estevez, but this information is quite delicate if true.
Wait what? This is front page news shit right here! A sitting US President threatened Mexico he might invade the country with US Military? You have to go to the 19th century for the last time anything close to that happened between these two allied nations!

Donald J Trump is not fit to be President. He cannot continue being President. What the FUCK!

20th century, Mexican revolution

Was utterly humiliating for the united States. Utter failure of a campaign
Why "Fuck Peña Nieto?" I don't see anything in this situation that makes Nieto look bad unless you actually expected Mexico to pay for Trumps bullshit wall.

If anything, I think Nieto has handled Trump in the same way everyone should which is to give him zero respect, he deserves none.

Seems like Nieto was overwhelmed by Trump and looked weak, he even babbled and keep insisting in a constructive relationship between both countries.

Maybe he didn't expected such aggresiveness, but still seems like he kinda pissed his pants.


It's what Donald Trump does to everybody. If you don't agree with him, he goes nuclear and wants to start a war. God it must have be rough for his wife, but now the man has the most powerful nation in the history of the world behind him. The man is looking to start a war with any country that gets in his way so he can get the economy growing.

If he thinks his "I'm not satisfied with one particular detail of this work so I'm not going to pay for it" style is going to play on the world stage... wow.


If this is real and I would be in Peña Nieto's shoes I would start infiltrating special forces to the US... you know, just in case the monster needs to be beheaded.
Seems like Nieto was overwhelmed by Trump and looked weak, he even babbled and keep insisting in a constructive relationship between both countries.

Maybe he didn't expected such aggresiveness, but still seems like he kinda pissed his pants.

can you blame him. the only superpower in the world is threatening to invade you


Trump "even suggested to [Peña Nieto] that if they are incapable of combatting [narco trafficking] he may have to send troops to assume this task," she said.

"To the victors go the spoils"


Remember that this is still a rumor. Aristegui is trustful but Dolia didn't sound that much to me in that conversation.

It seems like Trump pulled a tantrum. This may be a reason why the conversation was held secret.
I do not know why some people are having such a hard time believing this. Its not out of character for Trump at all. I guess some people have already forgotten Trump pulled this same stunt with the city of Chicago a couple of weeks ago.
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