The first game was a very good time I did literally everything there was to do in it and its DLC. I had a marvelous time. Certainly not the best game I ever played, but it had a well-done gritty atmosphere and unlike so many people at the time I actually liked Aiden and his story. I enjoyed Eugene as well. I got the Gold Edition of the sequel expecting a similar game but better. I absolutely hated it. I was never able to finish it because it was so boring and uninspired. San Francisco felt so much worse to play in than Chicago, I hated my character's personality, and I just didn't feel any connection to what was happening. Even the gameplay felt like a downgrade to me. My dislike of the game was significant enough that it never even crossed my mind to give Legion a go, and I doubt I ever will.
Watch_Dogs is dead. It had potential, but Ubisoft did what it does best. Made increasingly lazy and uninspired sequels and hoped the IP name was enough to make it sell gangbusters.