Its not if Trump is letting himself be black mailed over it.The piss thing is funny but in the cold light of day is on par with David Cameron fucking a dead pig (which had no effect other than being embarassing for a couple of days).
Obama getting this report.
This leak is CIA retaliation.
honestly speaking, if this is confirmed to be legit what could happen? can he still be president?
I would caution against swallowing (*ahem*) any of this based on this report alone. No need to lower our own standards for sources just because it involves Trump.
How do you think Obama reacted when he was briefed on this?
imagining obama reading this text
This leak is CIA retaliation.
Yuck, Obama should never accept a drink from Trump or anything else if he can help it.
If anything in this report is confirmed then Trump must be impeached. He must.
I literally cannot believe this is happening.
What the fuck am I reading?
Not enough feetNext Tarantino's movie plot
This seems kind like they're trying too hard to the point of sounding stupid. Like when a prosecutor goes overboard trying to discredit someone and they're like "TELL US ABOUT THE SATANIC RITUALS!". I mean, I suppose I should believe anything at this point but come on.HE WANTED TO DEFILE THE BED OBAMA SLEPT IN HOLY SHIT
I mean, sure, the piss thing is crazy as fuck, but the meat of this is the concept that Russia is blackmailing Trump and he's been plotting with them. It's kind of hard to separate the two even though that is a clear Trumpian strategy.
You think that stunt is funny?The piss thing is funny but in the cold light of day is on par with David Cameron fucking a dead pig (which had no effect other than being embarassing for a couple of days).
that really doesnt sound real. who is the source giving them this intel when they couldnt produce anything definitive before
the 1st Pissadent of the United States of America
Maybe we can prepeach him.Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.
The thing about contact between Moscow and Trump team went around before the election, even with some analyzing of data streams. Didn't get picked up by a lot of media though. Maybe different now that the CIA and FBI take it seriously.Quickly glanced the Buzzfeed story. Isn't this the thing that was rumored months ago? Him being monitored in weird sex acts?
I'm looking forward to it!trump's next tweet gonna be mad awkward
From the Buzzfeed article -
"It is not just unconfirmed: It includes some clear errors. The report misspells the name of one company, Alpha Group, throughout. It is Alfa Group. The report says the settlement of Barvikha, outside Moscow, is reserved for the residences of the top leadership and their close associates. It is not reserved for anyone, and is also populated by the very wealthy."
This kind of harms its credibility, but oh man I hope this is true.
Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.
Quickly glanced the Buzzfeed story. Isn't this the thing that was rumored months ago? Him being monitored in weird sex acts?
im sure this was asked but im too lazy to go read it.
Is this treason?
Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.