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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Can we now have a public statement where Trump says America will have better prostitutes, and that he would never settle for Russian ones?

Believe me!

Also waiting for Trump to tweet: Putin says that those who ordered dossier (VERY FAKE!) are worse than prostitutes. I agree - smart man.
It just occurred to me,why would Putin care if Trump care if Trump is seen as legitimate or not? Since when do they care about drama about the US president?

Can you see Russia saying "Why would Bill Clinton need Monica Lewinsky?"

Pretty telling that they even comment.

Maybe it's proactive defence.

Russian opinion of Bill Clinton actually went up during the scandal. He was seen as a virile man.

EDIT: Also the Putin prostitute comments, about how "high quality" they are? Reminds me of earlier in the thread where someone quoted a guy who was on Howard Stern and that guy quoted Trump praising Russian prostitutes in a way that was very similar to what Putin said.


America just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Russia where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the American public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to watch the inauguration, nor will they accept Trump as a legitimate president. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but America has alienated the entire world with this move.

America, publicly apologize and cancel the Trump presidency or you can kiss your business goodbye.



Bloomberg: Putin Says Doesn’t Believe Trump Met Prostitutes in Russia

Unsubstantiated allegations made against Trump are “obvious fabrications,” Putin told reporters in the Kremlin on Tuesday. “People who order fakes of the type now circulating against the U.S. president-elect, who concoct them and use them in a political battle, are worse than prostitutes because they don’t have any moral boundaries at all,” he said.

Trump is “a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world,” Putin said. “I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world.”


“I was just in Russia. These girls have no morals. You gotta get out there"

Obviously this is speculation, finding the use of the word "morals" interesting considering it's the same word Trump may have used to describe women in Russia. By defending trump so publicly could he also be signaling something else?


Neo Member
I have been reading this topic compulsively ever since its inception. I feel so alarmed by the state of the world, and I don't really know what to do other than despair! I'm going to be in the NYC Women's March this weekend, but nothing feels like "enough" to me short of Donald Trump's complete disappearance from politics.

I find myself really yearning for his dismissal and then to just deal with regular old-fashioned (but still completely horrible) republican Pence.

This has been mentioned before in the topic but I have also felt like a bit of a "shoe on the other foot" feeling. Believing in this kind of makes me feel like a birther. I feel like I can empathize with my grandparents now, who felt like someone completely antithetical to their ideals and completely illegible for the presidency had assumed control when Obama became president. I still think that I am right and they were wrong of course, but purely in terms of human experience... this completely sucks!


"Why would he need prostitues, he has the Miss Universe pageant show!"

Is Putin indirectly saying the bed pissing didn't involved prostitues, but instead miss universe pageants?


Doesn't have to do with the topic but Trump has another lawsuit coming.

BREAKING: Gloria Allred Says Accuser Will File Lawsuit Against President-Elect Trump


"From Gloria Allred: a Trump accuser is holding a PC at 2:30 EST to announce the filing of a lawsuit against the president-elect"

Is this the one that was going to do it but canceled? It had to do with Trump raping a minor or something awful like that.


It's willful ignorance, at this point.

Maybe, but they've been duped hard, they just can't see that yet (and maybe never will). I've posted about it recently, but for years the right has been fed ever-increasing bits of disinformation and conspiracy theories. Alex Jones told them "There's a war on for your mind!". Thing is, that war was on for their minds, and it's been won. The Faux News machine and crafty liars have made every gullible schmuck out there believe the GOP and right wing has their best interests at heart.

Good couple of videos out there about how the AJ crowd is being strangely calm about what they've always raged about, up until now:


At least we have this guy to keep us laughing right now
I have been reading this topic compulsively ever since its inception. I feel so alarmed by the state of the world, and I don't really know what to do other than despair! I'm going to be in the NYC Women's March this weekend, but nothing feels like "enough" to me short of Donald Trump's complete disappearance from politics.

I find myself really yearning for his dismissal and then to just deal with regular old-fashioned (but still completely horrible) republican Pence.

This has been mentioned before in the topic but I have also felt like a bit of a "shoe on the other foot" feeling. Believing in this kind of makes me feel like a birther. I feel like I can empathize with my grandparents now, who felt like someone completely antithetical to their ideals and completely illegible for the presidency had assumed control when Obama became president. I still think that I am right and they were wrong of course, but purely in terms of human experience... this completely sucks!
Birtherism was based on racism. This is a false equivalency and not close to the silly racist feelings of birthers. The stuff going down with Trump is some potentially serious shit. US Pres compromised by a foreign power...
I have been reading this topic compulsively ever since its inception. I feel so alarmed by the state of the world, and I don't really know what to do other than despair! I'm going to be in the NYC Women's March this weekend, but nothing feels like "enough" to me short of Donald Trump's complete disappearance from politics.

I find myself really yearning for his dismissal and then to just deal with regular old-fashioned (but still completely horrible) republican Pence.

This has been mentioned before in the topic but I have also felt like a bit of a "shoe on the other foot" feeling. Believing in this kind of makes me feel like a birther. I feel like I can empathize with my grandparents now, who felt like someone completely antithetical to their ideals and completely illegible for the presidency had assumed control when Obama became president. I still think that I am right and they were wrong of course, but purely in terms of human experience... this completely sucks!

This situation is based on an intelligence report created with info provided by a credible ex-M16 agent.

Birtherism was a racist temper tantrum with no grounds in reality that persisted even after the Obama administration provided the birth certificate.


Birtherism was based on racism. This is a false equivalency and not close to the silly racist feelings of birthers. The stuff going down with Trump is some potentially serious shit. US Pres compromised by a foreign power...

And really when you think about it, how would a man born in Africa but since spent his time in America, effect him being president at all. Of course it wouldn't, it would be a technicality and not something most American people should care about even with the constitution being what it is.

It's obvious the push for it was based on racism. The two examples here are not comparable what with Trump potentially being blackmailed by Russia.


"Why would he need prostitues, he has the Miss Universe pageant show!"

Is Putin indirectly saying the bed pissing didn't involved prostitues, but instead miss universe pageants?

Probably not but I imagine he knows exactly what Trump is like and what he does with random women.


The weird part is he keeps reiterating how he's never met Putin and denying any business connections to Russia, despite both of these being previously confirmed by him and his son, but at the same time he publicly bends over backwards to help Russian interests, cravenly and far beyond any previous President(-elect. He's not even in office yet!). Talks about lifting sanctions already, recognising Crimea separately from the Ukraine, praising Putin repeatedly, attacking NATO, rubbishing the EU and its stability, attacking his own Intelligence Agencies, even his own party. I'm still waiting for the slightest hint of criticism of Russia in anything he says. He has something negative to say of everything else in the world but never, ever Russia.

Guilty or not of being compromised by Russia, he's doing his best to appear as guilty as possible.


not characteristic of ants at all
I've been out backpacking for the last 4 days. Is there any updates on this? Do we know anything more about Christopher Steele? Does this have any hope of bringing Trump down?

Apologies for not going through the entire thread an perusing these answers myself


I've been out backpacking for the last 4 days. Is there any updates on this? Do we know anything more about Christopher Steele? Does this have any hope of bringing Trump down?

Apologies for not going through the entire thread an perusing these answers myself

Nah, nothing really. Trump still hates the IC and the CIA boss correcting him for blaming them constantly even after having been told it wasn't them. Russia, Putin sitting in a tree etc.

Still, 3 days....


We're clearly going to need Jack Ryan to solve all of this. Though I don't even know if he's up to the task, or if he'd be called "fake" since he was part of the intelligence community.


Neo Member
Birtherism was based on racism. This is a false equivalency and not close to the silly racist feelings of birthers. The stuff going down with Trump is some potentially serious shit. US Pres compromised by a foreign power...

This situation is based on an intelligence report created with info provided by a credible ex-M16 agent.

Birtherism was a racist temper tantrum with no grounds in reality that persisted even after the Obama administration provided the birth certificate.

I completely agree that what's going on right here is imminent and dangerous and the entirety of the birther movement was just racist and hateful.

I just meant to express that it's interesting that this experience has unwittingly given me a point of reference toward understanding the "pit in the stomach" feeling that my elderly, white, and unfortunately racist grandparents felt– even if the source of that feeling is from the opposite end of the political spectrum.

In any case, I really hope that the ball is rolling enough that this gets a stop put to it. I really dread the notion that once Trump is in power he could just put the kibosh any investigation.


The weird part is he keeps reiterating how he's never met Putin and denying any business connections to Russia, despite both of these being previously confirmed by him and his son, but at the same time he publicly bends over backwards to help Russian interests, cravenly and far beyond any previous President(-elect. He's not even in office yet!). Talks about lifting sanctions already, recognising Crimea separately from the Ukraine, praising Putin repeatedly, attacking NATO, rubbishing the EU and its stability, attacking his own Intelligence Agencies, even his own party. I'm still waiting for the slightest hint of criticism of Russia in anything he says. He has something negative to say of everything else in the world but never, ever Russia.

Guilty or not of being compromised by Russia, he's doing his best to appear as guilty as possible.
He's lying about having never met Putin. He's met Putin.



Still can't accept we are living in a world where the leader of Russia talks about how they have the best prostitutes and at the same time clearing the incoming US president from ever having used said prostitutes in an effort to help his pupp...buddy weather a peepee and bribery dossier storm, so they can both get to work on a thinly veiled maneuver to get rid of sanctions on Russia in order to not run out of bribery money in 2017 used to prolong his rule for a couple more years or decades and at the same time invest in shady US oil infrastructure deals so that his buddy's rule is lasting more than 4.

Can I please get out of this dimension? What the hell is happening?


Still can't accept we are living in a world where the leader of Russia talks about how they have the best prostitutes and at the same time clearing the incoming US president from ever having used said prostitutes in an effort to help his pupp...buddy weather a peepee and bribery dossier storm, so they can both get to work on a thinly veiled maneuver to get rid of sanctions on Russia in order to not run out of bribery money in 2017 used to prolong his rule for a couple more years or decades and at the same time invest in shady US oil infrastructure deals so that his buddy's rule is lasting more than 4.

Can I please get out of this dimension? What the hell is happening?
You could always move out of the country. Then you can turn a blind eye to America's crazy and self-destructive ways.
I would imagine that is easier than trans-dimensional travel.


You could always move out of the country. Then you can turn a blind eye to America's crazy and self-destructive ways.
I would imagine that is easier than trans-dimensional travel.

Wherever you move, Brietbart will eventually open an office there.


You could always move out of the country. Then you can turn a blind eye to America's crazy and self-destructive ways.
I would imagine that is easier than trans-dimensional travel.

Living in the EU though. You know the political entity the incoming US president knows very little about while trash talking it down and at the same time spouting NATO's umbrella over said EU is obsolete, the Brexit is a wonderful thing, globalism is overrated, trade wars are in order and Mexico will pay for that wall.

It feels like we have catastrophic tectonic shifts in world power and politics all the while the markets shrug it off as "meh". It is absolutely surreal.


Junior Member
Living in the EU though. You know the political entity the incoming US president does know very little about while trash talking it down while he is stating NATO's umbrella over said EU is obsolete, the Brexit is a wonderful thing, globalism is overrated, trade wars are in order and Mexico will pay for that wall.

It feels like we have catastrophic tectonic shifts in world power and politics all the while the markets shrug it off as "meh". It is absolutely surreal.

The markets react only after it's too late.


Looking for meaning in GAF
The weird part is he keeps reiterating how he's never met Putin and denying any business connections to Russia, despite both of these being previously confirmed by him and his son, but at the same time he publicly bends over backwards to help Russian interests, cravenly and far beyond any previous President(-elect. He's not even in office yet!). Talks about lifting sanctions already, recognising Crimea separately from the Ukraine, praising Putin repeatedly, attacking NATO, rubbishing the EU and its stability, attacking his own Intelligence Agencies, even his own party. I'm still waiting for the slightest hint of criticism of Russia in anything he says. He has something negative to say of everything else in the world but never, ever Russia.

Guilty or not of being compromised by Russia, he's doing his best to appear as guilty as possible.
If this was a mystery thriller movie, people would complain that it's being insultingly obvious to the audience.

But this it's real life, so let's have half the country blare endlessly about it being fake or some shit.
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