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Republican Debate 6 [Fox Business] Super PAC Fighter 2 Turbo

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Honestly, I think Cruz did fine on the NYC thing. I think it plays perfectly to his base which you're not going to find on this message board. I suspect the only folks who think he got wrecked in that exchange are people who were never going to support him in the first place.

Nah. He looked weak and made Trump look compassionate, patriotic (USA!), and a leader all at once.
I doubt they'll poll for that specific exchange so I'm not sure you'll ever see what you're looking for.

Also Drudge, /pol/ and Free Republic are as core conservative as it gets.

After debates I see polling data for specific groups all the time. Cruz almost always nails it even if the talking heads don't realize it. Cruz uses polling data better than anyone else campaigning right now.


After debates I see polling data for specific groups all the time. Cruz almost always nails it even if the talking heads don't realize it. Cruz uses polling data better than anyone else campaigning right now.

He might of so far but I think you'll see Cruz go backwards honestly after tonight.
He might of so far but I think you'll see Cruz go backwards honestly after tonight.

If he does I doubt it will be significant. He's running by far the best campaign in the GOP field right now. I'm telling you he's not speaking to the avg GAFer in these debates and I strongly believe his base is eating up what he's saying.

I say this as a Cruz hater.
I think he was legit pissed off at the New York diss and (maybe) had a genuine moment; adding the Goldman stuff in there would've meant politics as usual.

Agreed. The crowd was hostile when the moderators brought it up the first time. The GOP would have viewed it as a "gotcha" moment.


If he does I doubt it will be significant. He's running by far the best campaign in the GOP field right now. I'm telling you he's not speaking to the avg GAFer in these debates and I strongly believe his base is eating up what he's saying.

I say this as a Cruz hater.

His base isn't enough to win much more than Iowa, which I'm skeptical he'll be able to do much more with that performance at this point.


No Scrubs
I think he was legit pissed off at the New York diss and (maybe) had a genuine moment; adding the Goldman stuff in there would've meant politics as usual.

That's why it worked so well, it wasn't a political moment. For just an instant Trump managed to be a human being.


I think he was legit pissed off at the New York diss and (maybe) had a genuine moment; adding the Goldman stuff in there would've meant politics as usual.

Rewatch it, Trump was pissssed. That was the most honest emotion I've ever seen from him. He had a dead cold stare on his face.


Looking at the video again you can see just how pissed Trump was during that NY dissing segment from Cruz. This wasn't Trump's usual bombastic self, he was personally feeling it.


So I can't bring myself to watch the Kids Table debate. Any standout moments there? Carly try to convince us that the sky isn't blue? Santorun make any funny faces? Huckabee gleefully imagine torturing more people at Guantanamo Bay?

Edit: Watching closing statement from Cruz now. What a freaking huckster. How this guy missed his calling as a car salesman I'll never know. He could make a fortune.
Trump is ahead by double digits in both states if you look at poll aggregates.



Unless there's a big shake up in his favour he isn't winning those.

He can't win NH, but I think SC is doable once other candidates are bloodied from the first two primary state elections. I also think Trump is going to under-perform his polls.

It's not a lock, but Cruz is in great shape.
"New York values" reminds me of the first episode of West Wing with the Christian lobbyist complaining about the White House staff's "New York sense of humor," which Leo translates to Jew.

Honestly fuck any Republican for dumping on New York like your states are ever any fucking better. Go sit on your porch and stroke your guns


So I can't bring myself to watch the Kids Table debate. Any standout moments there? Carly try to convince us that the sky isn't blue? Santorun make any funny faces? Huckabee gleefully imagine torturing more people at Guantanamo Bay?

Edit: Watching closing statement from Cruz now. What a freaking huckster. How this guy missed his calling as a car salesman I'll never know. He could make a fortune.

No. There was nothing redeeming about the bottom tier debate.


He can't win NH, but I think SC is doable once other candidates are bloodied from the first two primary state elections. I also think Trump is going to under-perform his polls.

It's not a lock, but Cruz is in great shape.

Other candidates getting bloodied may well mean more support for Trump is the issue I see there. Carson would basically need to exit and give all his support to Cruz, but then I think we're in major shakeup territory.


I love this Trump guy, he just crushed Cruz like a little ant, completely, totally demolished in that New York exchange. I bet Cruz will never ever again bring up that stupid 'New York values' ever again


Other candidates getting bloodied may well mean more support for Trump is the issue I see there. Carson would basically need to exit and give all his support to Cruz, but then I think we're in major shakeup territory.

I'll be interested to see where Carson's supporters go once he realizes presidents have to work on Saturdays and drops out. The hardcore religious types will likely go to Cruz, but the people who think that the person best suited for the hardest political job in the world should be someone who has zero experience in politics may swing to Trump.

I still think Trump is going to have a "coming out" moment as a hardcore Christian at some point soon. Someone is going to challenge him about his lack of religion (he has no need for a god other than himself), and Trump is going to tell a story about how a friend of his has been doing devotions with him on the campaign trail. He will become deeply emotional and talk about how he never thought he needed Jesus in his life, but his eyes have been opened now and he's doing his best to walk a new path. The base will eat it UP and Trump will sail to the nomination.


That New York values moment was so bad for Cruz. What the fuck was he thinking with that.

Yeah Cruz got fucked up. Trump invoked 9-11 at an actual appropriate time and eviscerated Cruz. The thing about Trump is that he stays in his lane unless you attack him, then he devastates with counters. Cruz went on the attack and he ended up in traction.
Yeah Cruz got fucked up. Trump invoked 9-11 at an actual appropriate time and eviscerated Cruz. The thing about Trump is that he stays in his lane unless you attack him, then he devastates with counters. Cruz went on the attack and he ended up in traction.

It was such a weird thing for him to attack about though. Cruz is smart, but what compelled him to insult a whole state? It doesn't matter if it's New York or Wyoming, it's just fucking weird to call out a whole state as being full of dumbasses, even if you know that's not where your case is.
It was such a weird thing for him to attack about though. Cruz is smart, but what compelled him to insult a whole state? It doesn't matter if it's New York or Wyoming, it's just fucking weird to call out a whole state as being full of dumbasses, even if you know that's not where your case is.

He thought he was being cute and would appeal to his base, but Trump turned it around into a way (MURICA FREEDOM TERRORISM!) that even the base can't get mad at.
He thought he was being cute and would appeal to his base, but Trump turned it around into a way (MURICA FREEDOM TERRORISM!) that even the base can't get mad at.

Yea I guess. You could see the look on Cruz's face too when he realized what was happening. He looked like he was about to start sweating bullets.
The best moment to me was when Trump was responding to that dumbass comment and Cruz actually had to applaud his own evisceration as Trump mentioned the response to the attack.


I didn't watch. Was there any meaningful policy discussion? Or any policy discussion at all? Or was it all just talking points?

There were a few minutes on trade, tax and entitlement policy not much else

Cruz actually pointed out how meaningless it is to ask goo candidates about gun rights, which I enjoyed


It was such a weird thing for him to attack about though. Cruz is smart, but what compelled him to insult a whole state? It doesn't matter if it's New York or Wyoming, it's just fucking weird to call out a whole state as being full of dumbasses, even if you know that's not where your case is.

Sarah Palin did a similar thing talking about "Real America". It's a divide and conquer tactic that relies on tensions that go back 50 years or more. The problem is that here Trump called Cruz on it and blacked both of his eyes.


Someone on CNN put it very succintly, that attack line would have worked in some town hall in Iowa where Trump couldn't immediately refute. Doing it on a debate stage that is being televised nationally was truly foolish.
Guys, what if though, we're all thinking too logically about this? To us, we saw Trump eviscerate Cruz.

BUT, to the rightwing crazy Repub, what if we just saw Cruz handling the response well and getting the one up on Trump by showing he was presidential while Trump got emotional?

You never know...


I love this Trump guy, he just crushed Cruz like a little ant, completely, totally demolished in that New York exchange. I bet Cruz will never ever again bring up that stupid 'New York values' ever again

You never know with Cruz -- this is a guy who couldn't resist using his Biden laugh line right after Biden's son died


Guys, what if though, we're all thinking too logically about this? To us, we saw Trump eviscerate Cruz.

BUT, to the rightwing crazy Repub, what if we just saw Cruz handling the response well and getting the one up on Trump by showing he was presidential while Trump got emotional?

You never know...

Then Cruz fucked up by clapping.


I think half the problem was that the attack was so vague. I mean "New York values", what does that mean.

It allowed Trump to pick what he thought it meant to rebut him and he sure picked the right thing for that crowd.

Nelo Ice

Didn't watch the debate but any links to this exchange where Trump lays the smackdown on Cruz?. Seems that is the must see moment of the debate haha.
Someone on CNN put it very succintly, that attack line would have worked in some town hall in Iowa where Trump couldn't immediately refute. Doing it on a debate stage that is being televised nationally was truly foolish.

Yup. Cruz set himself up perfectly and Trump not only bit, but devoured Cruz.

If Cruz had any hope of being president, he nailed himself on the cross with his feeble attack on Trump.
"New York values" reminds me of the first episode of West Wing with the Christian lobbyist complaining about the White House staff's "New York sense of humor," which Leo translates to Jew.

Honestly fuck any Republican for dumping on New York like your states are ever any fucking better. Go sit on your porch and stroke your guns

I mean I know most everything in this debate is braindead pandering to preconceived notions, but the trashing of New York makes absolutely no sense when applying any logic to it. I mean, I get exactly why they're doing that. It's divisive "lululu librul zoo york!!" bullshit but it plays well with the incredibly uninformed base that likely hasn't traveled more than 200 miles from where they were born their entire lives. A lot of people just eat that shit up.

However, this isn't a "lululu I hate X city" debate, this is one for the presidency. They're really gonna trot out bullshit "my city is better than your city" dick-waving in the middle of this thing? Especially when you consider the fact that yes, New York is actually more emblematic of the US than practically any other city in the country (except maybe LA). It's the symbol of the United States in many aspects. It's exactly why the World Trade Center was targeted, because they wanted to strike at the "heart" of the country.

Then you have a clown like Cruz trying to act like it's some sort of weird foreign "enemy" territory you have to shit on to get people to prop you up. The saddest (and funniest) part of all this is that it was Trump of all people to point this out.

I know this is becoming a tired meme at this point, but nothing can describe that pathetic exchange better than youjustplayedyourself.gif.
I think half the problem was that the attack was so vague. I mean "New York values", what does that mean.

It allowed Trump to pick what he thought it meant to rebut him and he sure picked the right thing for that crowd.

Yeah, I mean we all know it meant broad social liberalism at best, treating minorities as equals at worst but by starting something he couldn't really finish on live tv he handed his neck to Trump.


Looking at the video again you can see just how pissed Trump was during that NY dissing segment from Cruz. This wasn't Trump's usual bombastic self, he was personally feeling it.

Cruz's rambling was giving me major douche chills. Trump tapped into a vein of sentiment and did it without appearing insincere or mawkish about it.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Cruz's moralistic tirade on the corruption of the New Babylon has more in common with actual religious extremists than any view that Obama purportedly shares with them.

Ted Cruz said:
But everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro- gay-marriage, focus around money and the media.

I'm sure he thinks that plays real well on the stump.

Cruz is a true believer with a superiority complex, and apparently he's pretty tone deaf. I'm glad Trump gave him the smack down, even if I dislike both.


I didn't watch. Was there any meaningful policy discussion? Or any policy discussion at all? Or was it all just talking points?
Probably was the most substantiative debate yet due to the couple questions on trade deficits, businesses avoiding US taxes, tariffs, and corporate tax strategies. It was actually quite jarring and out of place with the rest of the debate being a shit show as normal.
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