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Republican Senator Corker: Trump Not 'competent'


Sen. Bob Corker delivered his harshest criticism of President Trump yet, telling an audience in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Thursday that Trump has not shown the competence that is needed to lead the nation.

"The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to demonstrate in order for him to be successful — and our nation and our world needs for him to be successful, whether you are Republican or Democrat," the Tennessee Republican said at a Rotary Club meeting in Chattanooga, according to local news reports.

Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he fears the nation will be in peril unless Trump makes radical changes at the White House.

Trump "recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of our nation — what has made it great and what it is today," Corker told reporters following his luncheon address.

Could this be the first ripple in the GOP pond?


all these concerns and denouncements sure are gonna make me feel safe at night knowing that no practical steps are being taken to remove this cancerous orange pile of shit from office
all these concerns and denouncements sure are gonna make me feel safe at night knowing that no practical steps are being taken to remove this cancerous orange pile of shit from office

Yup, this sums it up. Until a single ACTION is actually taken, I will see these words for what they are, words.


all these concerns and denouncements sure are gonna make me feel safe at night knowing that no practical steps are being taken to remove this cancerous orange pile of shit from office

As insufficient as this is, this type of thing is turning Trump into a lame duck. At absolute least this hurts his legislative agenda and makes him have less pull in Congress. He absolutely should be ejected from government, though.

Not to mention having the Pubs in a circular firing squad only hurts them at the polls.


God I love watching Trump self immolate; and all of his 'fans' they were so happy when he won shriek in horror as he fails on literally every fucking level.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
"I don't agree with his social outlook, but he is trying to give tax cuts to the wealthy, so I'll just appear to object in the meantime"


Trump might have picked the absolute worst time to come completely fucking unglued. Everyone in congress, on either side of the aisle, is at home or on vacation watching in disbelief and thinking about how they will move forward once recess is over. These are just the first rumbles, I feel.


and all of his 'fans' they were so happy when he won shriek in horror as he fails on literally every fucking level.

Ehhh I wouldn't go that far. Most of his supporters still seem to think that he's accomplished more in 7 months than any other president has in a full term (or two). It's both laughable and terrifying how goddamn stupid they are.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.

Welcome to 2 years ago Mr Corker. Anyone sane could've told you this before but no, you and your voters gave him the nomination, then the presidency.

He's not just incompetent, he's unrepentant in his idiocy. He will never learn and is going to take the reputation of the entire nation through the shutter before he's gone.

We all know this isn't even going to be his Nadir. Because he's going to do something worse, he's shown that he only has one direction in his presidency so far, down.


I'm glad to see a gop senator speak against Trump. The criticsm may not mean anything now, but hopefully it's a stepping stone in rallying the party to actually hold Trump accountable instead of trying to deflect and deny his failures.
When someone isn't qualified for their job and makes work a living hell for everyone else that person is typically fired. Trump's probationary period is over, he failed to make the cut.


So, what's stopping the GOP from actually moving forward and getting that cheeto-colored bum out of office?

...Oh, yeah...all those tax cuts and other items on the agenda...
So, what's stopping the GOP from actually moving forward and getting that cheeto-colored bum out of office?

...Oh, yeah...all those tax cuts and other items on the agenda...

Which aren't happening with Trump anyway. Why they can't fucking see this and go with Pence already is beyond me.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Well then I await his call for impeachment.

here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.


Ehhh I wouldn't go that far. Most of his supporters still seem to think that he's accomplished more in 7 months than any other president has in a full term (or two). It's both laughable and terrifying how goddamn stupid they are.

Exactly. The kind of people who would vote for Trump are the same kind of people that are unlikely to notice how much of a shitshow his administration has been.
here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.
This is where I am now. Replacing him will only lead to more damage as long as the Republicans hold all this power.
here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.
Well they're smart enough to not go around inciting racial hatred and advocating mass murder of muslims, so I think I'll take it. We can undo bad legislation more easily than we can undo a rise in Neo-Nazism and other radicalism, not to mention whatever the fuck he's doing to our standing in the world and to our basic institutions of democracy.
here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.
Umm yes!

We need to bring this country back to a place of normalcy. Trump is not normal and everything he's doing is damaging our relationship with allies and almost just got us into nuclear fucking war.

Pence and Ryan are vile beings for sure, but they are normal republicans. You can fight nirmal, you can't fight this disgusting cult of trump.


Unconfirmed Member
here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.

I think about it this way. We can either damage our country and our relationships with everyone else around the world via Trump, or we can just damage our own with someone more competent while restoring some goodwill internationally, with the hope that a democrat sweeps in come 2020 and not only maintains good relationships abroad but also restores some goodwill at home.


This was abundantly clear when he was still running and Republicans just went with it.

Seriously, you can scream bloody murder when a guy from the other party gets a consentual blowjob, but when the guy in your party is encouraging white supremacists to march and scream "blood and soil", all they can do at worst is hem and haw and wag a finger or two.

Its like we already forgot this idiot was egging on North Korea just a short while ago knowing full well they had nukes and a unstable leader.
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