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Republican Senator Corker: Trump Not 'competent'

Republicans need to leave the "Council" too, so Trump can disband it 17 minutes later.

2 birds, 1 stone.

"So as not to add any pressure to my Republican colleagues, I am disbanding the GoP. Thank you!"


here's a question. Do we really want impeachment to happen now? With Pence and Ryan waiting in the wings? Both hold views just as disgusting as Trump but are competent enough to actually get legislation passed.

After the 8 months we've had you'd still think trump is better? World relations are a disaster, racists and neo-nazis coming out in public, lgbt issues are once again in danger. Who is trump good for at this point?
Holy shit. Someone please tell me that The Spectator is legit.




The Spectator is a 200 hundred year old conservative magazine. That makes it sound like one that is extremely unlikely to run bullshit stories on a conservative politician. Let miracles be real!


Tim Scott just came out and said he was morally compromised.

Ok, strong words, but you are going to do what about it?
Keep driving the wedge between the GOP and the administration deeper and something may actually get done here. It can be a domino effect. One Senator first and a Trump backlash can lead to 2 and so on.
Honestly a great sign. Corker is a pretty red senator representing a deep red state. It is not nothing and is a start.

While some will say it they are just words, don't forget that words are important and set the tone for what will follow. This white supremacy thing started as just words and now we have nazi demonstrations. It will not happen overnight, but this is great news. Let's get the ball rolling and hopefully more will speak up.
The Spectator is a 200 hundred year old conservative magazine. That makes it sound like one that is extremely unlikely to run bullshit stories on a conservative politician. Let miracles be real!

Age is no indicator of bullshit or not bullshit. The New York Post, the worst rag on the east cost, is 215 years old.


Aftershock LA
If only there was some kind of, I don't know, way for Republicans to maybe remove this "incompetent" and "dangerous," President from office. Like, if there was an actual term and action they could take to remove him. I'm just spitballing here.

Anyway, until these Republicans call for impeachement, I'm going to save my pats on the back for deserving people. Words are words. Impeach this fucker so we can try to get this country back on track. It is clear we have lost the plot when it comes to what America needs to stand for in the year 2017.
Cool more republicans saying the same shit.

It's the same song and dance every single day and nothing new.

Hey let me put a tweet out or a statement to discuss my displeasure with the shithead running the country, but that's as far as we'll go. No action is being taken still. Next week there could be another riot and shithead says some dumb stuff. Then republicans say how much they disagree with him and then they move on. NOTHING ever gets done.

Trump is a Nazi or sympathizer the least. What kind of humans do we have that they won't do any actions to him. This doesn't count all the other load shit things he says and does.


Yawn. More of the empty "unless things change at the White House".

They know it's not going to change. Until they stop saying their waiting, it's hollow.


Cool more republicans saying the same shit.

It's the same song and dance every single day and nothing new.

Hey let me put a tweet out or a statement to discuss my displeasure with the shithead running the country, but that's as far as we'll go. No action is being taken still. Next week there could be another riot and shithead says some dumb stuff. Then republicans say how much they disagree with him and then they move on. NOTHING ever gets done.

Trump is a Nazi or sympathizer the least. What kind of humans do we have that they won't do any actions to him. This doesn't count all the other load shit things he says and does.

Mueller investigation is ongoing. So to say no action is being taken is wrong. I don't think you can just impeach the President because you personally think he's incompetent.

I agree with all your hatred towards Trump but it doesn't make sense in my view to try to kick him out due to incompetence when there's an active investigation that will hopefully get the job done.


If they want to show they are actually concerned then they can throw their weight behind Rep. Cohens Articles of Impeachment and pressure others to support it.
Mueller investigation is ongoing. So to say no action is being taken is wrong. I don't think you can just impeach the President because you personally think he's incompetent.

I agree with all your hatred towards Trump but it doesn't make sense in my view to try to kick him out due to incompetence when there's an active investigation that will hopefully get the job done.

I'm ready for nothing to happen.
I believe only the Mueller investigation has a chance to lead to impeachment but it is still important that GOP members are trying to distance themselves from Trump. Otherwise, I wouldn't even think the Mueller investigation would do the trick. They may be considering it at this point but the case has to be extremely strong otherwise they will have no chance with convincing their base. It will always be party over country with the Republicans, I'm sure of it now. Trump just has to be worse for the party and it's starting to look more and more that way.


The Spectator is a 200 hundred year old conservative magazine. That makes it sound like one that is extremely unlikely to run bullshit stories on a conservative politician. Let miracles be real!
So is the New York Post and I wouldn't trust anything in that about any subject. Wait until you get a better source than British tabloids.

Shy Fingers

While he hasn't announced if he's running, he's up for election next year. Nashville's population and demographics have changed a lot in the past 5 years.

I think he might just trying to set a path for that.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Got the feeling something big is about to happen. 🌫


"The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to demonstrate in order for him to be successful — and our nation and our world needs for him to be successful, whether you are Republican or Democrat,” the Tennessee Republican said at a Rotary Club meeting in Chattanooga, according to local news reports.

Ehhh, sounds to me like more wishful thinking on the part of Republicans who don't want to admit to the giant mess they've made.

It's like Ohio governor Kasich's appearance on the news the other day. He complained a ton about how bad of a present Trump is, and then when asked if he'd try to talk to others in his party to do something about it, he backed off like crazy.

The GOP is worthless. Truly the party of (other people's) personal responsibility. They're behaving worse than a kid who broke his parents priceless vase and is trying to pretend it wasn't him.

What worries me is what is going to happen, honestly. The GOP are being increasingly pushed against a wall, I think? But I don't know where that wall is. Their silence and refusal to act really worries me. How much damage are they going to allow before they do anything? Considering the history of their recklessness, I'm actually really dreading the next few months.
This actually is a bit significant. Corker isn't a Lindsey Graham, McCain, Sasse or the other usual critics of the President.

If guys like Corker are openly questioning Trump's ability to lead the country, then a sea change is beginning. Remember it's only been 6 months. It feels like 6 years but if you step back Trump is losing support from Republicans relatively fast. Because at this current rate, he could be impeached and convicted by the Senate in 2018/2019


Junior Member
This is nothing.

For once I actually agree with a this is nothing post. This is basically a long winded way of saying give him a chance. He's had nearly 9 months for fucks sake.

Yet is the key word here. He's just telling the admin to get their shit together.


I believe only the Mueller investigation has a chance to lead to impeachment but it is still important that GOP members are trying to distance themselves from Trump. Otherwise, I wouldn't even think the Mueller investigation would do the trick. They may be considering it at this point but the case has to be extremely strong otherwise they will have no chance with convincing their base. It will always be party over country with the Republicans, I'm sure of it now. Trump just has to be worse for the party and it's starting to look more and more that way.

I believe the endlessly disastrous events of this presidency will serve to very gradually weaken the support from the GOP to Trump and sap any political capital. If then in a year or whenever it finishes the Mueller report reveals a pile of crimes committed by Trump and his campaign (this isn't just Russia, they're very likely to uncover a host of financial crimes in the Trump organization) it might lead to a stronger chance of impeachment and perhaps removal.

Then again, of course, in a year's time it will be close to the mid-term elections, so who knows what kind of an effect that will have. Either they think his continued presidency will harm their re-election chances, or they will think having their sitting president impeached shortly before elections would do more damage.


Republicans are just doing a tactical retreat regarding Trump now that things are breaking badly and distancing themselves from the political fallout. Bet every red cent that if somehow popular opinion turned in favor of Trump (wars are good for making unpopular leaders instantly popular, for example) they'd be right back by his side to swim in his slipstream. It's pathetic.
Okay, so what are you and other shithead republicans going to do about it?
Nothing, so why even bother speaking on it? Pussy.
After his response to the CEO council disbanding, yeah I believe this.

He'd rather be the one to say "Fake news and dems have ruined politics and I will have no part in it, good day!" than to be humiliatingly impeached or charged with crimes while still in office.

But if he resigns, he'll lose his pardon power. Unless he does mass pardons on the way out the door.
And you just realized this, Corker?

Realize? Nah. Starting to grow a spine and willing to fall on his electability sword? Yes.

Tim Scott just came out and said he was morally compromised.

Ok, strong words, but you are going to do what about it?

Good. Along with Flake, McCain, Graham, and this little nugget of news bodes well that they're not only distancing themselves from him (as he retreats into his safe space of fantasy), but also reflecting on the need for practical legislation and their own moral and ethical ways (ie: the increasing lack thereof).

Also, glad my phonecalls are paying off *pats self on back cuz I WAS HELPING*
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