But Nana Ruth! May her sacrifice never be forgottenIt seems pretty clear you're woefully ignorant on the issue
But Nana Ruth! May her sacrifice never be forgottenIt seems pretty clear you're woefully ignorant on the issue
But Nana Ruth! May her sacrifice never be forgotten
Shrug. I feel protesting on an interstate/highway is too dangerous for the people protesting and the drivers on the road. And it seems pretty clear that type of protesting is unsuccessful.
I didn't think they'd be so blatant about it. I thought they'd at least try to sneak it by as a rider on some motor safety bill.
I didn't think they'd be so blatant about it. I thought they'd at least try to sneak it by as a rider on some motor safety bill.
Why wouldn't they be? Being blatant about it won them control of the entire government.
I dunno, I guess I just assumed they'd be willing to let Trump take all the risk on that and continue with their usual playbook of making good-sounding bills with terrible riders and blaming the Democrats when they don't pass or slipping them by unnoticed when they do.
I dunno, I guess I just assumed they'd be willing to let Trump take all the risk on that and continue with their usual playbook of making good-sounding bills with terrible riders and blaming the Democrats when they don't pass or slipping them by unnoticed when they do.
It seems pretty clear you're woefully ignorant on the issue
I live in North Dakota. There was a poll on my local newspaper's website about this bill. Over 65% of the people who replied thought this bill was necessary.That *wink* pushed the accelerator by accident *wink* bit in the opener was kind of chilling.
In addition to the highway-protesting bill, Minnesota lawmakers also proposed a separate piece of legislation that greatly increases penalties for nonviolent cases involving obstructing the legal process. Under the bills language, nonviolent obstruction of authorities would carry imprisonment of not less than 12 months and a fine of up to $10,000.
Isn't Washington a blue state, if so how is that going to get passed? Never the less this shit is disgusting. The Republican party will probably spend the next 4 years doing everything in their power to stay in power, even if that means stripping the rights of citizens.
Worse yet some people will be cheering and hooting as their rights are slowly stripped away.
"Economic terrorism"?
Isn't economic terrorism what the US does to its working class?
On the flip side, maybe robbing the left of its ability to protest will redirect our collective focus to the actual, most effective form of showing disdain for Government: voting.Wow, not allowed to protest? Wtf country is USA turning into?
Jesus... buckle up for 4 years of the most transparent totalitarianism we will probably ever live through in America. If we survive it.
Wow, not allowed to protest? Wtf country is USA turning into?
Okay a question here in regards to streets/highway protests. Are we talking about protesting at the sides of freeways or on the sidewalks, or are we talking like completely occupying a freeway or busy avenue and shutting it down completely, stranding thousands of people trying to get to work or home at rush hour?
I'm for right to protest, but I think that kind of protest that completely shuts down major avenues, traps thousands of people in traffic, and potentially causes them to lose their jobs over being late to work, etc is going too far. At the least, I don't think that's going to endear those people to the protesters' causes.