Maxwell House
Top 25 Jobs
1. Personal finance adviser
2. Medical scientist
3. Computer software engineer
4. Chiropractor
5. Environmental engineer
6. Biochemist and biophysicist
7. Sales manager
8. Epidemiologist
9. Computer system analyst
10 Athlete
11. Agent and business manager
12. Marketing manager
13. Producer and director
14. Actor
15. Lawyer
16. Advertising manager
17. Management analyst
18. Postsecondary education admin
19. Financial manager
20. Actuary
21. Airline pilot
22. Geoscientist
23. Market research analyst
24. Securities sales agent
25. Medical services manager
Descriptions and reasoning for the top 25 job rankings
I am an Actuary, which has been rated the #1 or #2 job by the Best Jobs Rating Almanac for the past few decades. I think Fast Company had a lower rating of my profession because they underestimated how much money Actuaries make.
Of course, having to take brutal tests the first 4-9 years of your career is a big negative, so I can see it being ranked down to 20th for that reason quite easily.
Some of the top 25 jobs are pretty funny IMO. Actor? Athlete? Producer and Director? Shouldn't attainability of jobs be a factor? :lol
1. Personal finance adviser
2. Medical scientist
3. Computer software engineer
4. Chiropractor
5. Environmental engineer
6. Biochemist and biophysicist
7. Sales manager
8. Epidemiologist
9. Computer system analyst
10 Athlete
11. Agent and business manager
12. Marketing manager
13. Producer and director
14. Actor
15. Lawyer
16. Advertising manager
17. Management analyst
18. Postsecondary education admin
19. Financial manager
20. Actuary
21. Airline pilot
22. Geoscientist
23. Market research analyst
24. Securities sales agent
25. Medical services manager
Descriptions and reasoning for the top 25 job rankings
I am an Actuary, which has been rated the #1 or #2 job by the Best Jobs Rating Almanac for the past few decades. I think Fast Company had a lower rating of my profession because they underestimated how much money Actuaries make.
Some of the top 25 jobs are pretty funny IMO. Actor? Athlete? Producer and Director? Shouldn't attainability of jobs be a factor? :lol