It comes off as cult-like and is definitely super creepy. These are children. Stuffing allegiances to a country down their throat from an early age on is not exactly normal. And explains why oh so many Americans grow up to genuiely think that they are the best country in the world, period, when there is so much wrong with it that makes outsiders just shake their heads.
That's America for you though. The "American Dream" is literal. Its a nation built on self-created myths.
The beauty and greatness of this is that its one hell of a force to bind people together and motivator to succeed. The west was only won through blood, sweat and tears, ideas like Greeley's "Manifest Destiny" that got people to subject themselves to tremendous hardship based on the idea that a "promised land" was waiting for them.
Same deal with the US Constitution, its a wonderful document, a grand aspirational statement. Or the promise of the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
Now obviously there's a dark side to all of this, but you can say the same for any nation or empire in history, and the point I'm trying to make is that America is a land of powerful "ideas", its baked-in to the national character. I think this is why "wokeness" has metastasized so virulently in the US. Its like some sort of societal auto-immune disorder, all the things that should give the nation its integrity seem to have turned upon it.
The scary part is that America has always exported her dreams to the whole world, so its going to continue spreading outwards. You cannot deny the cultural influence of the US is huge.