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Resetera just scared off Digital Foundry

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Gold Member
I believe the medias job is to inform period. Digital Foundry's video wheter intentionally or not is influencing purchasing decisions on the game and with the developers history of Anti-lgbt comments(not just ingame mind you) i don't think its unreasonable to inform your viewership of that.

DF/Eurogamer don't want to rock the boat with their viewership which is fair, but that is a choice and for that i feel my criticisms are waranted.

DF are not a political channel. Their job is to inform and educate us regarding the tech behind videogames and that's it.

If you want to hear/read about that stuff and it's more important to you than the technical side then you can go elsewhere.




Ok, there's the article from a while ago where someone said the people at Naughty Dog are changing their character designs because they are worried about offending trans people.
This is the quote:
"A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for sexualising women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”

But I swear it's not about offending the trans community but they are worried about offending these power hungry internet forum mob leaders.

They aren't really afraid of being insensitive towards trans people or hoping to be more inclusive for trans people in general. They are scared shitless of making only certain people angry who have the power to ruin your career. I'd argue trans community in itself doesn't have that power or even that will to destroy careers, it's these certain people who have lost their touch to the ground and have become drunk from their newfound powers to destroy their self-created imaginary enemies. And if not outright destroy careers, they use their powers to shame and blame people away from them.

They are the Pharisees of modern days.

Imagine yelling about toxic this and toxic that so much that you don't see the toxic waste around you comes from yourself.

It's god damn sad to see someone say they are not wanting to hurt anybody and they are doing their best to walk on a tightrope. That's exactly how it felt here before the exodus happened. I don't want to hurt anyone either, and I believe John is very genuine with that too. But holy hell it drains the energy and passion from a person when they have to constantly feel they will drop from that tightrope if they say the wrong word or show the wrong emotion.

Not that I'm into any "omg that game is too woke" outrages and overreactions here either. But at the very least, even though some posters might be assholes at times, you don't have to fear about getting booted or getting doxxed or career ruined even nearly as much here than there.


Some of these people are directing their obsessions and emotion at the wrong person on that DF staff.

John's "problem", he's a nice guy, thus that is like chum in the waters to these sharks.

You know how often they post "if you are not an ally..." In short 99% people are their enemies if they aren't actively participating in ANTIFA lynch mobs.


Gold Member
You know how often they post "if you are not an ally..." In short 99% people are their enemies if they aren't actively participating in ANTIFA lynch mobs.

Fuck'em. One day they will push too far, and not like the monster they created when the pendulum comes roaring back in the other direction.


1) Voidpoint is the developer of Ion Fury.

2) Destructoid article about the Ion Fury/Voidpoint controversy.

3) So customers can be properly informed when making purchasing decisions.

To me, they're one in the same. The artist is forever tied to the art.

Alright, alright, fine, I admit it. Sometimes I get crumbs in the butter tub.

Good points! Can you help me?
I really really like the burgers down at the local surf club, but I wonder about the political affiliation of the guy that cooks the burgers and his extended family. I wouldn't want to contribute to support bigots.

How do I proceed to find out that he and his own family are not bigots so I can make an informed decision on whether to buy from them in the future? Is there some list or web page I can check to see if the burgerplace is ok to eat at or if it is a hidden nest of gay-hating bigots?

Oh, wait. Normal people do not operate like that. Never mind.
Turns out I don't give a shit about what the burger flippers guy or his family think about anything. I just want a burger.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I believe the medias job is to inform period. Digital Foundry's video wheter intentionally or not is influencing purchasing decisions on the game and with the developers history of Anti-lgbt comments(not just ingame mind you) i don't think its unreasonable to inform your viewership of that.

DF/Eurogamer don't want to rock the boat with their viewership which is fair, but that is a choice and for that i feel my criticisms are waranted.

Technical enthusiasts and professionals are not journalists.

You guys should be learning something from this, but I see you'd rather double down instead.


Gold Member
Good points! Can you help me?
I really really like the burgers down at the local surf club, but I wonder about the political affiliation of the guy that cooks the burgers and his extended family. I wouldn't want to contribute to support bigots.

How do I proceed to find out that he and his own family are not bigots so I can make an informed decision on whether to buy from them in the future? Is there some list or web page I can check to see if the burgerplace is ok to eat at or if it is a hidden nest of gay-hating bigots?

Oh, wait. Normal people do not operate like that. Never mind.
Turns out I don't give a shit about what the burger flippers guy or his family think about anything. I just want a burger.

If these pussified pasty cunts had it their way, they would make all those who don't subscribe to their ever shifting religion, wear gold stars on their chests... as the first step.
How was Era's Ego fractured this time? Was Ion Fury full of Straight White Males or something?

DD should just do what they do and not listen to any forum.
Why does everything have to be censored, disclaimed or outright PC (not necessary this specific game or topic, in general)? George Carlin is rolling in his fucking grave. You don't like something? Click away, don't buy, post you don't like etc but FFS go and make your own joke, product, service, better place and get off your fucking high horse of outrage that then leads you to forcing your ideals onto the rest of the populace. This idea that everyone has to think and react the same is so fucked these days.
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Gold Member
Hell, Obama mocked the special olympics and killed 1,000s via drone strikes. Should we lobby Netflix to add a disclaimer to his Netflix productions?

He's the right kind of warmonger!

But even looney SJWs don't care about brown on brown violence or crime. ;)
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again, bullshit forum with bullshit rules. you don't like their politics, you are BANNED.

/v/ is the better place to be. shitera is full of bullies who want to put their politics and agendas over people who don't care or want to care about their politics.


I mean..... a website that has been focused on tech since its inception that doesn’t put a political disclaimer in front of a game and then gets railroaded by an internet mob (the truly few that they are by percentage) is just insanity.

They are truly lunatics and do not understand the hellscape they wish to create.

They all are in for a real disappointment when they realize that most people have no interest in sanitizing the world in their vision.
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Perpetually Offended
So a little retro inspired game called Ion Fury just released its console ports and DF did a technical review. They’ve been fairly cozy with Resetera and made a thread to promote the video.

Within a few messages, the usual suspects took the thread off topic and began to question the video’s creator why he didn’t admonish the questionable and bigoted content of the game. Instead of veering the thread back on topic, the mods allowed it to continue and even banned members who wanted to get the thread back on the rails.

After 6 or so pages, John Linneman has called it quits from Resetera and it looks like he’s taken his collaborators with him.

This is a major loss for their forum. It’s both disgusting but completely on brand for a forum so far up its own ass it’s eating itself.

Reset is an abomination. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Not really. Some people were shitty to him on here, but it wasnt systemic failure from the top down enforcing a bias and punishing wrongthink. John's a cool guy in his videos but he seems extremely fragile sometimes. Its probably for the best that he doesnt post anywhere really. But of course I think he'd get a much better response over here.

Holding individuals to account with no equalising in sight.

Great stuff, Miku :messenger_ok:


I mean, he really should have known this would happen. Anyone familiar with ResetEra knows that it would devolve into complaints about "representation" because every ResetEra thread devolves into that. Gaming or not.


I’m a bit bummed John did a mea culpa. It comes off desperate and sad like a guy begging his ex-girlfriend to take him back in front of the new dick right outside her dorm building back in October 2001. I even made her a fucking Doctor Worm themed birthday cake and drove 40 miles to buy her friend speciality film for her photography class. What a pathetic piece of shit I was. I cried and begged holding a cake and film in front of all those people.

Whether or not he genuinely agrees with them, he should have stoically taken his ball and gone home.


Can't help but think he's best to just stay off forums, and twitter to be honest.
His leaving gaf kinda confirmed that he's too easily influenced by trolls, there are a shit ton here, especially in single console centric threads.
The ignore button works fabulously so there really is no excuse to dialog with unreasonable people. It works wonders for your ability to discuss opinions with people when you can squelch morons who are purposely obtuse.


I’m a bit bummed John did a mea culpa. It comes off desperate and sad like a guy begging his ex-girlfriend to take him back in front of the new dick right outside her dorm building back in October 2001. I even made her a fucking Doctor Worm themed birthday cake and drove 40 miles to buy her friend speciality film for her photography class. What a pathetic piece of shit I was. I cried and begged holding a cake and film in front of all those people.

Whether or not he genuinely agrees with them, he should have stoically taken his ball and gone home.
You must be an old fuck


I believe the medias job is to inform period. Digital Foundry's video wheter intentionally or not is influencing purchasing decisions on the game and with the developers history of Anti-lgbt comments(not just ingame mind you) i don't think its unreasonable to inform your viewership of that.

DF/Eurogamer don't want to rock the boat with their viewership which is fair, but that is a choice and for that i feel my criticisms are waranted.

The entire studio? Like every employee including senior leadership? I don't think so.

And what kind of standard are we setting? Does every video edited on a Mac need a disclaimer that abusive sweat shops were used to increase margins on the product and enrich Big Tech? Should DF conduct background checks on ALL employees of every game they create videos of? Or just the ones which had some depressed man-children on twitter make a fuss about?

It's sad to see he bought into their bullshit about trying to scarlet letter the developers, but if he's still posting on that Orwellian forum he's been willfully ignorant of its toxicity.


John is a really chill but enthusiastic dude, it's a shame he was drove off both sites for stupid reasons on each side, driven away from here because some fanboys were foaming at the mouth about DF being paid shills for Microsoft, etc (which is a fucking stupid claim in itself) and driven away from ResetEra for apparently not being woke enough to denounce a game he enjoys because like one person out of the hundred or so working on it said some dumb shit.

Attacking John over these things and then gloating that he's not "strong enough" to hang is also draining, I wouldn't want to return to either if I was constantly getting hate from both sides, and no it isn't "cool and strong" to stay around a place that has a hate boner for you, most of us are too old for that shit so it's easier to just peace out and spend what little spare time you have somewhere where you wont get slated for being Too/Not Woke Enough.


I’m a bit bummed John did a mea culpa. It comes off desperate and sad like a guy begging his ex-girlfriend to take him back in front of the new dick right outside her dorm building back in October 2001. I even made her a fucking Doctor Worm themed birthday cake and drove 40 miles to buy her friend speciality film for her photography class. What a pathetic piece of shit I was. I cried and begged holding a cake and film in front of all those people.

Cuuuuuuck! :messenger_tears_of_joy: /jk
As someone who returned to GAF recently I have to second this for a lot of ex-members or dormant members. There's a world of difference these days.

We are (and I quote from ResetEra here) "the trashfire of free thinkers" doing that dangerous free thinking thing and letting people create unsafe spaces by having open debates and discussions.

Might be risky. Might give Era members some dangerous ideas like being exposed to opposing/differing points of view from the prevailing narrative. People actually have to talk to each other here from different perspectives here.

Being on the right side of history means shutting down any and all dissent and banning people for having problematic opinions.

Our mods have the audacity to let people disagree with each other.
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That word just grates on me and makes my skin crawl. I think you nailed the reason, it is in fact the calling card of a retard.

Sorry if that sounds ableist, please don't report me to the PC police. :pie_roffles:
I won’t report you because all cops are bastards


I believe the medias job is to inform period. Digital Foundry's video wheter intentionally or not is influencing purchasing decisions on the game and with the developers history of Anti-lgbt comments(not just ingame mind you) i don't think its unreasonable to inform your viewership of that.

DF/Eurogamer don't want to rock the boat with their viewership which is fair, but that is a choice and for that i feel my criticisms are waranted.
It is not the media's job, nor its responsibility, to be a foot soldier for whatever little self-righteous moral crusade you wish to further or deem important. It is their job to inform, in as best an objective sense as they can, the facts pertinent to topic (as John was doing). At that point, it is the individual's prerogative to take initiative to inform themselves and exercise their rights as consumers in accordance to what they choose to support respective to their moral compass. Has it ever occurred to you that you (nor anyone at ERA) are not the arbiter of that? Because your entire above position arrogantly launches off that premise without even allowing the question to be asked.

Who are you people to believe you have the right to tell anyone anything, much less demand that your beliefs warrant some pathetic disclaimer above anyone else's? Especially when the site you advocate for and defend has absolutely NO interest nor tolerance for allowing any debate to take place, only to ban people the second the mere semblance of impropriety appears, which is seeming to accomplish nothing so well as to push good, well-intentioned people away, such as John?

If you want the media to "inform" people of your moral grandstanding, then fucking earn it and actually demand that shithole of a site stand up for that position instead of simply silencing those who don't agree with it.
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As far as I remember:

-one of the developers expressed reservation about transitioning young children, or using hormone blockers too young (something like that) in a discord server and the chat leaked
-there was an item in the game called “UGAY” which I guess was a goof on the name of a lotion product?
-in some part of the game inaccessible without cheats, there was something labeled “fagbag” or close to that. There’s some dispute about what that could actually be referring to in another country though.

So because of this the developers have been labeled transphobic and homophobic and discussing the game is taboo.

Gay slurs are one thing but the fact that not giving kids hormones and shit and transitioning surgery is just common sense: they’re too young to realize the life long ramifications.


Gold Member
So we’re not much better than, Resetera. Fantastic. Great job, @demigod
the whole controversy around that game proved that to me

at first, when it exploded, you saw people defending them

then they came out with a statement saying they would try to do better. instantly this board was full of people saying "fuck them for listening to SJWs". which is funny cos they didn't actually do anything. but because they landed on the wrong side of the tribal wars they were instantly the enemy. except they were the enemy for something they didn't even do! all to own some imaginary SJWs they appeased that didn't exist. it was hilarious.

i dont blame Dark for not wanting to bother. personally if i worked in the industry i would have zero contact with gaming forums online. there are too many trolls and idiots like demigod, it is a giant waste of time.
Jesus. @demigod what is your fucking issue
Forgot about those hilarious posts from 2 months ago.

That was right after MS showed SeX and Sony showed PS5 where Demigod bailed ship from GAF after people were grilling PS5 for SSD. He's been a big time Sony supporter for eons and the second Sony showed PS5 his posts instantly dried up. His console warring was done and he decided to do off topic tab posts. So to air out his frustrations with one last hurrah he dumped on Dark10x before packing it up calling him and DF shills for MS.

Although I suspect he might be an alt account since then.

As for John Linneman, I said this i another thread this past week, but if his posts are serious (and he's not being clever doing some reverse psychology) about being emotionally burned out by forums, he's got to man up and bail then. But if he thinks he's got to keep doing it for clicks, that's on him. If it's users posting DF articles and they are dumping on DF and the editors, you got to just forget it. No different than a YT video where half the people bitch and moan. That's the net.
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