
Is the PS5 cooling solution TOO good? x3 (just a little tongue-in-cheek 'k).
Ooh, a twofer x3!!
I normally don't focus on Reeee but I think it's worth noting that they seem to be particularly sensitive about certain topics allowed to proliferate, even on the gaming side, as we've seen today when another RE8 rumor thread with points coming from Dusk Golem (that the game is apparently struggling to run on PS5 but not on Series X or PC), has seemingly been shut down.
Mind you, this is after the fact Dusk has, to even my surprise, been right about the PS5 event date phase (1st half of September; the 16th is just one day off), the Shenmue stuff (an anime series got announced earlier this month), AND the Monster Hunter stuff (a new Monster Hunter is indeed coming to Switch and is an exclusive). That's three for three, at least WRT recent rumors.
Now, the way Dusk brought up this RE5 stuff initially seems REALLY suspect, and the wrench at the end of doing it because of what he felt was bad publicity for MS (lol) that week was the cherry on the cake. Gave a lot of folks good enough reason to laugh it (and him) off. However, in light of some of his other rumors turning out correct, and knowing his history with Capcom-related rumors in particular....I started wondering if he made up the whole "I felt bad for Xbox" thing to simply throw off traces.
Given RE8 did have another showing at Sony's presentation yesterday and had some frame drop issues (among a few other things)...I think it's fair to open the door back up to this particular rumor and hear him out, to see if there is indeed truth to it. However, it'd appear places like ResetERA would rather censor and shut down discussion on these rumors as speculation, and for not very credible reasons IMHO.
Consider this: moderator Morrigan (the one who shut down the recent thread) seemingly only did so when Matt (who, let us clarify here, is not an actual programmer or developer! He just works as a community guy at an (albeit large-ish) 3rd-party studio AFAIK. Not to belittle him, but just getting the record straight on this one) chimed in on the thread with this:
Not really no, because that point honestly doesn’t make any sense, and doesn’t provide any information conducive to constructive discussion.
leading to moderator Morrigan to post:
^ In light of this, and how we don't think those tweets are particularly thread-worthy to begin with, we're locking this.
Bolded emphasis mine. Keep in mind, ResetERA's Matt is the same guy who did his own bit of not "providing any informative conducive to constructive discussion" when he merely said "disregard it" WRT the Github leaks. It's almost as if people were supposed to blindly assume his position as fact simply because of his stature on the forum, rather than him providing any informative reasons as to why (which he failed to do).
So at the very least, what we have here are double-standards by moderators on ERA in terms of whose fluff words are allowed to carry weight and whose are to be shut down from even having a discussion formed around them. But it gets a bit deeper than that. Notice that the main reason this latest thread around an older rumor Dusk mentioned (that he's recently touched back on again), probably has to do with the fact a "certain platform" seems to be the odd one affected.
Let's just be honest and admit that people in gaming media have their preferences, and for some of them those preferences turn into biases. However, when it comes to the point of potentially sequestering discussion of a rumor simply because one platform is at the center of a not-so-glamorous rumor, IMHO that does more harm than good. To my knowledge I have not seen moderators on ERA do something like this WRT any rumors of dev hassles regarding Microsoft platforms, and that's good because people should be allowed to freely discuss their thoughts on those kind of things, regardless if they turn out to be true or not. They don't seem up on allowing a singular set of voices dictate with authoritative impunity what things are up for or not up for discussion with some platforms, so why not enforce that across the board?
This is not even considering the fact that, yes, while Dusk's rumor regarding RE8 difficulty on PS5 doesn't get into technical specifics, has this ever been a requirement for other game dev-related rumors on platforms in the past? If not, why suddenly make it a condition here, in this instance? His lack of any in-depth technical insight on this particular rumor doesn't preclude other people to speculate what the reasons might be; yes you will inevitably get the console and PC master race warriors who will say it's due to the GPU downclocking, or variable frequency, and leave it at that...but those by and large would not be the only opinions thrown around, would they?
I think it says a lot about ERA that they feel they have fostered such a lopsided and immature community, to outright censor certain gaming (not even politics-in-games stuff) topics or rumors, from having any type of discussion. Especially when attempting to use the word of other high-up members as an authority on something when said person probably knows even less than the person who brought up the rumor! This sort of controlling of discussion and the narrative comes off as protectionism.
Yes, ERA are allowed to do with their forum as they see fit. But there's a responsibility to be had, I feel. Not just to the game developers, publishers, and platform holders, but also to the actual gamers who want to openly (and respectfully) discuss potentially controversial game-related rumors on a gaming forum. Considering how (IMO unearned) ERA is sometimes regularly cited by quite a few bigger gaming publications, sites, and content creators, this should be all the more reason for them to uphold that aforementioned responsibility to the average gamer who populates their board, rather than simply protect (possible) corporate or game dev-peer interests. Because ultimately, it's the gamers who are financially buying this software (and the systems to play them on) to justify them being made in the first place; if they're so free to purchase as they see fit, they should be just as free to discuss (again, responsibly) as they see fit, too.
So then, let's get to that Dusk rumor then. My personal take? I think the whole thing only really has to do with the fixed profile modes in PS5 devkits, and (possibly) some PS5 API tools either not being ready, or not integrating well into RE Engine at current time. Which probably has more to do with the RE Engine than it does the PS5 API tools. All of these things would be temporary issues: Sony's already confirmed the retail PS5 units won't use the fixed profiling modes, and API tools improve over time.
It's also possible that Sony may've replaced certain PS4 API tools with newer PS5-specific ones that work a lot differently in the small level ways (though give similar results altogether), and that could be causing a fuss. The issues could also be related to getting the game VR-ready; hell, there is always the off-chance that this rumor could be related to the VR mode in the game! I don't know if that's such a stretch but if not, I'm more than confident those are things Capcom could fix via a patch post-launch.
The fact that ERA would supersede any of this type of sensible speculation-discussion for a 3rd-party dev-affiliated member's take that focused more on (IMHO hypocritically) downplaying the rumors due to lack of in-depth details lending to "conducive" discussion, is the very sort of controlled narrative shenanigans currently plaguing a lot of gaming atm, let alone media in general. If ERA's done their job as a forum, they should allow users to have sensible, mature discussions over these types of rumors, especially considering both they've allowed this in the very recent past (particularly around Xbox-related stuff), AND Dusk's track record of late with these rumors has been pretty spot-on (although even I'm still a bit "eh?" with some of the Street Fighter 6 stuff they posted).
But what do you all think? Do you think there's some meat to these rumors, or are they bogus? And yeah, let's try to keep it cordial