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Resetera reflects: This place sucks. We want GAF back.

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And yet your criticism of noegaf that seems to animate you the most is that neogaf is to "trump friendly" or isn't banning people enough.

You brought up the Kavanugh thread. Would you have locked the thread or banned posters defending Kavanaugh and criticizing Ford
I would not have locked the thread or banned posters. Be right leaning if you want...but don't pretend like the site hasn't turned into a right leaning (though not ban heavy) version of era that isn't as active...
Whatever consensus happens to form at any given time in discussions here is not the result of thought police shaping it to that effect either through bans, empowerment of activists supporting a particular side, or tolerating dogpiling. If you see echos bouncing around, use your voice.
I never said it was the result of that. But when many bees left the old hive that gaf was when all the shit went down, a new hive formed in it's place. And it's not being sincere to pretend that the new hive that is neogaf is not very very right leaning. I've decided to start discussion again over here, and you'll likely see me post more (sounds like that is not music to many of your ears who demand I go back to ERA- but whatever). I like lively debate. When a site is predominately of one political leaning, it's not a surprise when not as many people of a differing point of view come to chat. (be that era or neogaf).
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Define "hive" for us here, becuase there isn't a shortage of liberal posters on this forum, and from what I've seen no one is acted against for being more one side over another. We have disagreements all the time here, we are having one right now in the politics subforum, and neither have been banned.

Has it ever occured to you that a forum with light moderation might look like a "hive" to you, becuase most forums aren't like this.
This place may be a "ghost town" but I sure as hell am more likely to read individual posts here than at Reeeee. Goddamn a large portion of users make dumbass posts there.

Go into any Political thread about any non-liberal you often get tons of posts to the effect "Fuck X."
That is masturbation and not discussion.

Also, I'm tired of seeing phrases like "tone deaf" and "toxic." Words that have lost all their meaning because it applies just about anything and, thus, used everywhere.

Quality over quantity, baby.
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Dr. Claus

I would not have locked the thread or banned posters. Be right leaning if you want...but don't pretend like the site hasn't turned into a right leaning (though not ban heavy) version of era that isn't as active...

You are correct. NeoGaf is a "right leaning" version of ResetEra. Do you know what that makes it? Normal left. The people here, as can be seen by the numerous threads on politics and specifically the political compass, are mostly left-leaning folks. However, you have been so used to the far-left mentality that anything that is to the right of that is immediately trump-supporting republican to you. That is on you, not the community to fix.

Also, we are definitely "less active" than Era, but that is a *good* thing. Go to ResetEra and see how many threads allow you to actually converse without being banned. How many of those threads have quality discussion that isn't the same thing spouted ad nauseum for 10 pages? How many video game topics were inundated with political dribble or outright closed because it hurt the feelings of a few?

Quality always beats quantity.
Your last 2 posts here 12 months ago are about Era. Don’t bullshit why you are here. Damn they don’t spend their good trolls. If this place is so dead but you’ve been here, but you don’t post... then wtf have you been doing here this last 12 months? There’s nothing to read because it’s dead right?

Clearly you haven’t been here. We deal with former gaffers with the same talking points you have at least 3 times a week.
This site meant a great deal to me for a long time. It was a one stop shop, so to speak, of video game news, breaking news, dramatic debate, bitching, laughing, etc. I check both of the sites very often for the same purposes as I used to. Era is just, quite honestly, more active. I'd love to hear more diverse voices over there (even ones I think are reprehensible as I've been following the Kavanaugh threads on both sites for the past month)...but this isn't this heavenly place of diverse opinion either like you all seem to pretend it is simply because you aren't as quick to ban...I'll post more often over here...this place could use some dissenting voices...but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.
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I mostly lurk nowadays, but it is laughable to compare GAF to Era.

GAF does not moderate (or ban) political thought. Lefties are free to post here and they do.
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ostrichKing said:
This site meant a great deal to me for a long time. It was a one stop shop so to speak of video game news, breaking news, dramatic debate, bitching, laughing, etc. I check both of the sites very often for the same purposes as I used to. Era is just, quite honestly, more active. I'd love to hear more diverse voices over there (even ones I think are reprehensible as I've been following the Kavanaugh threads on both sites for the past month)...but this isn't this heavenly place of diverse opinion either like you all seem to pretend it is simply because you aren't as quick to ban...I'll post more often over here...this place could use some dissenting voices...but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.

Then feel free to add a blue voice to the red.

Nobody is stopping you.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I never said it was the result of that.

....okay? No one was putting words in your mouth. It's an explanation to support my position and weaken the basis of your argument. "I never said that" and repeating the same claim, yes, we got it the first time. Glad you like lively debate, but you're not very sharp at it yourself.
This site meant a great deal to me for a long time. It was a one stop shop so to speak of video game news, breaking news, dramatic debate, bitching, laughing, etc. I check both of the sites very often for the same purposes as I used to. Era is just, quite honestly, more active. I'd love to hear more diverse voices over there (even ones I think are reprehensible as I've been following the Kavanaugh threads on both sites for the past month)...but this isn't this heavenly place of diverse opinion either like you all seem to pretend it is simply because you aren't as quick to ban...I'll post more often over here...this place could use some dissenting voices...but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.
Well then... you have something in common with the majority of us. Gaf meant and still means a lot to all of us that stuck around or come back. It's exactly why I stuck around. I try to contribute here because this place means something to me.

Welcome back.

As far as this place being "red" "right leaning" or whatever... no. Are those on the right allowed conversation now? Yes. However the majority of this community is left leaning or don't participate in politics at all. You will see many on the Gaming and Off Topic side that don't post in the politics. FYI, you can still be right of Old Gaf and still left of center.

And thats why you think we are pretending.

Again welcome back. Hope to continue seeing you around :messenger_fistbump:
Then feel free to add a blue voice to the red.

Nobody is stopping you.
As I said...I probably will start posting more.
....okay? No one was putting words in your mouth. It's an explanation to support my position and weaken the basis of your argument. "I never said that" and repeating the same claim, yes, we got it the first time. Glad you like lively debate, but you're not very sharp at it yourself.
But you are trying to make this debate about something I never said and then insulting me for not engaging with your sidestep. I specifically said that era's political leanings are made even narrower through excessive banning and over sensitivity. And that one nice thing with neogaf is that people are not banned left and right for dissent. And while I don't know if it's allowed to bring up, but the reason for the "mass exodus," and your conduct at the time, combined likely had a large impact of why predominantly only one type of bee has taken over the vast majority of this hive...and most of the old bees don't have any interest in coming back and "adding their voice". And honestly, the non-political threads I used to love here are just more active at era...
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Well then... you have something in common with the majority of us. Gaf meant and still means a lot to all of us that stuck around or come back. It's exactly why I stuck around. I try to contribute here because this place means something to me.

Welcome back.

As far as this place being "red" "right leaning" or whatever... no. Are those on the right allowed conversation now? Yes. However the majority of this community is left leaning or don't participate in politics at all. You will see many on the Gaming and Off Topic side that don't post in the politics. FYI, you can still be right of Old Gaf and still left of center.

And thats why you think we are pretending.

Again welcome back. Hope to continue seeing you around :messenger_fistbump:
Thanks for the welcome back.


As I said...I probably will start posting more.

But you are trying to make this debate about something I never said and then insulting me for not engaging with your sidestep. I specifically said that era's political leanings are made even narrower through excessive banning and over sensitivity. And that one nice thing with neogaf is that people are not banned left and right for dissent. And while I don't know if it's allowed to bring up, but the reason for the "mass exodus," and your conduct at the time, combined likely had a large impact of why predominantly only one type of bee has taken over the vast majority of this hive...and most of the old bees don't have any interest in coming back and "adding their voice". And honestly, the non-political threads I used to love here are just more active at era...
You keep rushing back to this hive allegory that makes no sense.

There is no "hive" here. There are just people you disagree with speaking freely.


And honestly, the non-political threads I used to love here are just more active at era...

Maybe, but I would't be part of a forum where most of users want people like me (white, straight, cis, male) dead or "reeducated to be turned on at trans women".


Unconfirmed Member
I think resetera is extremely ban heavy, very left leaning, and often overly sensitive...but holy shit...neogaf has gone mental...and honestly, dead...most threads here just sort of quietly die. At least there are active threads and new threads and some semblance of a pulse over at era. And WTF at most of the political threads here? You really want to pretend that era is an echo chamber and this is a place of a vast diversity of respectful opinions?? You cherry pick the most extreme things from era or twitter to mock and laugh at and throw fits when the "dumb libs" do the same with republicans most inane extreme shit too? I mean holy shit...some threads here basically read like Donald Trump fansite. Laugh all you want at era...but this site has become the flip side of the coin (and imo- especially after reading some of the nauseating "poor Kavanaugh" thread) the worst side of it...and a dying one at that.

I identify as a socialist and have found this place pretty welcoming to be honest, and I've been able to have really good discussions around many issues with people on the right, it's good to talk to the 'bogeyman'. As for Kavanaugh, people are treating it as a political crusade, a matter of left vs right, when in reality it's nothing of the sort, it's he-said-she-said from so long ago, that if you apply any standard of proper justice (such as requiring evidence, and treating people as innocent until proven guilty) then one has to argue that the fairly obviously politically-motivated #metoo stuff going on is not ok. You're welcome to debate that on either side, and I've seen people passionately argue while achieving an impressive level of civility throughout the forum.

I wasn't here before the split, but I find the activity level about right for me. I can find threads of interest and keep up with them reasonably well, where if numbers get too high it gets hard to follow and you end up with a lot of people repeating the same points, "I agree"-ing, dogpiling, etc.


Hipster Princess
but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.

I'll let you in on a little secret, just because you keep saying something over and over again, doesn't all of a sudden make it true.

Perhaps you should peruse the political compass thread and then report back afterwards how Neogaf is some sort of far right haven.

I've not had to say this for a long time but it bears repeating, just because Neogaf isn't left of chairman Mao anymore, doesn't automatically mean we are Hitler...


I'll let you in on a little secret, just because you keep saying something over and over again, doesn't all of a sudden make it true.

Perhaps you should peruse the political compass thread and then report back afterwards how Neogaf is some sort of far right haven.

I've not had to say this for a long time but it bears repeating, just because Neogaf isn't left of chairman Mao anymore, doesn't automatically mean we are Hitler...

I still think this is a "left" site. Not isnta-banning everybody with a more right point of view doesn't mean the overall user base suddently swapped sides or something, just now there are more opinions (and that's good).
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From that thread on Era:
Machachan said:
Yes, yes, what we need more of is transphobia. Poor transphobes, getting banned for making this forum an unwelcome shithole, clearly alt-right people on the old forum getting angry over this is a sign that something is wrong. Clearly, their plight is the rosa parks issue of our time, being unable to hate on one of the most vulnerable minorities around.​
What you perceive as "ridiculous levels of moderation" is actually just doing the bare minimum on that topic. It's telling that even this little is an issue for you.​
BigJeffery said:
This is a perfect example of what sucks about this place beyond the lack of humor. Nuance is not allowed at all.

BigJeffery was banned for this post, for "Downplaying transphobia".

I visit that forum out of morbid curiosity at how far the SJW madness goes. This is my real home; I've been here since 2008. I'm a minority with very close gay family members so I'm supposed to be on their 'team' but I find those people so utterly embarrassing.
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I was temp-banned from ResetEra for asking if I am now a sexist for not buying Battlefield V, even though I've never bought any other Battlefield game ever.
I am unbanned, but will not be posting there. I sometimes visit topics that people mention - out of curiosity.

Thiagosc777 Thiagosc777 made a thread about a lengthy article on 'The Social Justice Left'. I find much of what it says parallels what I saw in the behaviour of the ResetEra community.

I'm convinced that this entire mentality, whilst it has a degree of traction at the moment, will start spinning its tires harder and harder. It will end up losing traction and, eventually, fuel.
I would not have locked the thread or banned posters. Be right leaning if you want...but don't pretend like the site hasn't turned into a right leaning (though not ban heavy) version of era that isn't as active...
Errmm no it hasn't....the difference here is there is actual discussion and logical thought and to some degree a level of respect for people.

If you count as having a different opinion as being right leaning you really have been whipped by the sheep herders over there as there are quite a few on here that think the orange gorilla is an idiot ....and the alternative is just as bad...guess you would call it the centre.

Anyone have any tips for buying another nazi uniform for Halloween....I don't want to wear my good one out.
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The Giant

From the latest south park.

"Sometimes PC babies don't even know what they're crying about"

Sums up alot of people on Era.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
As I said...I probably will start posting more.

But you are trying to make this debate about something I never said and then insulting me for not engaging with your sidestep. I specifically said that era's political leanings are made even narrower through excessive banning and over sensitivity. And that one nice thing with neogaf is that people are not banned left and right for dissent. And while I don't know if it's allowed to bring up, but the reason for the "mass exodus," and your conduct at the time, combined likely had a large impact of why predominantly only one type of bee has taken over the vast majority of this hive...and most of the old bees don't have any interest in coming back and "adding their voice". And honestly, the non-political threads I used to love here are just more active at era...

We would be less of a 'hive' if far more hard-leftist would stick around/engage.

The majority of Era users cant tolerate discussion that isnt aligned with their own ideology.

And it isnt even about left vs. right. If you take a look at the political compass thread here vs. the own posted at Era current GAF posters mostly fall into the middle ground with some swaying more left and some right. Eras political compass thread shows an their active user base in a almost, if not total, alignment of ideas.
99.9% of current users believe in equal rights for all here, believe in sensible gun ownership, dont care who your sleeping with or want to marry, and want the best for the our own citizens regardless of race, creed, sex or sexual orientation and want these ideas for the rest of the world.

Want more activity? Want more political discourse with more far-leftist/progressives involved?
Have them stick around and challenge the ideas they dont subscribe too.
As it stands now they just label anything racist, Nazi, or phobic that doesnt hold the same ideology.

What is the joy in a political thread spanning 150 pages and 20k responses that is repetitive group think? No discussion, no differing opinions. Hate, misery, demoralization, etc..
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Darkness no more
This site meant a great deal to me for a long time. It was a one stop shop, so to speak, of video game news, breaking news, dramatic debate, bitching, laughing, etc. I check both of the sites very often for the same purposes as I used to. Era is just, quite honestly, more active. I'd love to hear more diverse voices over there (even ones I think are reprehensible as I've been following the Kavanaugh threads on both sites for the past month)...but this isn't this heavenly place of diverse opinion either like you all seem to pretend it is simply because you aren't as quick to ban...I'll post more often over here...this place could use some dissenting voices...but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.

Hi there and welcome back. I agree with some of what you said and disagree to some extent also. There is more discussion at ERA. You are 100% correct there. We had a pretty big exodus last year, so they simply have significantly more users now. I’ll also agree that their gaming threads are normally pretty good. The ones that mix in social and political issues always turn into shitshows, but if you ignore those it is pretty decent.

I think off topic or anything political there turn into horrible discussions. Everyone just posts the same thing in agreement because they know posting otherwise will earn them a ban. There are a lot of unwritten rules there you have to pick up on quickly to not get banned. There’s also a group of the same usual posters that always seem to be online there that are always outraged over everything and trying to draw people into bans. It’s just not a friendly environment.

I also agree with you that this site currently leans slightly right. I don’t think that is a bad thing because most people seem reasonable. Republicans are in full power right now, so maybe things will shift around as power changes. I dont think it is possible to have a site that is exactly 50/50 at all times, but we do have people on both sides here. Political opinions are never banned.

The Kavenaugh thread is a really big thread and I liked reading through it and participating. It often got pretty heated since people were debating both sides. On ERA everyone agreed with Ford. In real life I have talked with friends and family who have fallen on both sides also. Personally I found her story did not have enough evidence, but I’m happy she got to tell it. That view point would have got me banned on ERA. I’d rather discuss a topic like that here where both sides can be heard. I like it better when discussions match what happens in the real world. No one tells me to shut up and screams at me in real life for a normal viewpoint that half the population shares. They may point out why they disagree though, which is great.

We have had a lot of ERA people come back only to pop in to shit on this forum. Your first posts were of a similar nature, so that is why you were met with a few hostile reactions. I’m assuming you are genuine by your follow up posts, so I wrote you a genuine reply. We have our issues here and some growing pains to still go through.
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Thanks for the thoughtful and respectful replies to those that did. I think a major problem I have and why I view this site as the flip side of the coin just with less banning is that the same generalizations and vitriol that I see the most extreme of those on era exhibiting also live here on the other side and there seems to be an opinion it doesn’t. A lot of the banning complaints I’ve seen in this and the other thread (and I’m not personally of the opinion that people should be banned for many of these things) have not been 100% honest in why the banning occurred and what actually was said or insinuated. As I said in another post...part of the reason many have no interest in coming back and bringing their voice here again is because of WHY the exodus occurred and the conduct of how people who financially benefit from this site behaved during that period...


We would be less of a 'hive' if far more hard-leftist would stick around/engage.

The majority of Era users cant tolerate discussion that isnt aligned with their own ideology.

And it isnt even about left vs. right. If you take a look at the political compass thread here vs. the own posted at Era current GAF posters mostly fall into the middle ground with some swaying more left and some right. Eras political compass thread shows an their active user base in a almost, if not total, alignment of ideas.
99.9% of current users believe in equal rights for all here, believe in sensible gun ownership, dont care who your sleeping with or want to marry, and want the best for the our own citizens regardless of race, creed, sex or sexual orientation and want these ideas for the rest of the world.

Want more activity? Want more political discourse with more far-leftist/progressives involved?
Have them stick around and challenge the ideas they dont subscribe too.
As it stands now they just label anything racist, Nazi, or phobic that doesnt hold the same ideology.

What is the joy in a political thread spanning 150 pages and 20k responses that is repetitive group think? No discussion, no differing opinions. Hate, misery, demoralization, etc..

The deal with me is I'm strongly openly atheist.
Those who would condemn this choice because a religion says so, are being counter-productive. It further erodes the appeal of their faith.


Thanks for the thoughtful and respectful replies to those that did. I think a major problem I have and why I view this site as the flip side of the coin just with less banning is that the same generalizations and vitriol that I see the most extreme of those on era exhibiting also live here on the other side and there seems to be an opinion it doesn’t. A lot of the banning complaints I’ve seen in this and the other thread (and I’m not personally of the opinion that people should be banned for many of these things) have not been 100% honest in why the banning occurred and what actually was said or insinuated. As I said in another post...part of the reason many have no interest in coming back and bringing their voice here again is because of WHY the exodus occurred and the conduct of how people who financially benefit from this site behaved during that period...

You keep alluding to Evilore's behavior. Stop being coy and say what you mean. How is Evilore's behavior keeping people away? Why did the exodus occur in your opinion?
Thanks for the thoughtful and respectful replies to those that did. I think a major problem I have and why I view this site as the flip side of the coin just with less banning is that the same generalizations and vitriol that I see the most extreme of those on era exhibiting also live here on the other side and there seems to be an opinion it doesn’t. A lot of the banning complaints I’ve seen in this and the other thread (and I’m not personally of the opinion that people should be banned for many of these things) have not been 100% honest in why the banning occurred and what actually was said or insinuated. As I said in another post...part of the reason many have no interest in coming back and bringing their voice here again is because of WHY the exodus occurred and the conduct of how people who financially benefit from this site behaved during that period...
A large majority of the people here A)left and came back B) never left at all

Many of Old Gaf wouldn’t come back because they won’t like the new moderation. And many left because they thought the site dead with all the account suicides.

Saying that everyone left because of the situation and how it was handle actually argues for Old Gaf being a hive minded community btw.
Of course it was hive minded- I wouldn't argue that. And overly strict moderation tends to keep hives even more single minded. But to pretend that the new neogaf doesn't have a dominant hive mentality is just not true; the community that ended up reforming has a very different (but not really any more diverse) flavor. A lax level of moderation doesn't necessarily mean open discussion and can turn people off when a forum often seems to allow practically free reign to spout nearly anything unchecked. I get it. A lot of you like the moderation being so lax. And I wish era would calm with the overeactive bans and be less moderated. As to the exodus. I'm not being coy. It is incredibly difficult for many who do not support his and others behavior/actions/response to what happened to want to come back and contribute to the well being of this site. Is there a way to fix that? Probably not. Are most people likely to come back? Probably not. I frequent era more often simply because its far more active and quite frankly, outside of a few extreme view points here and there on the site (and the excessive banning), the members that I liked best from old gaf are there. The hypocrisy spouted in these threads and generalization of what era is and its community is ridiculous...and doesn't help the argument that this is a more open and diverse community of thought. Nor does the disingenuous framing of why certain people were temp banned. Lastly, I appreciate, that while Evilore decided to insult me and attempt to change the framework of what I was debating, he didn't ban me (yet?).
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Darkness no more
Thanks for the thoughtful and respectful replies to those that did. I think a major problem I have and why I view this site as the flip side of the coin just with less banning is that the same generalizations and vitriol that I see the most extreme of those on era exhibiting also live here on the other side and there seems to be an opinion it doesn’t. A lot of the banning complaints I’ve seen in this and the other thread (and I’m not personally of the opinion that people should be banned for many of these things) have not been 100% honest in why the banning occurred and what actually was said or insinuated. As I said in another post...part of the reason many have no interest in coming back and bringing their voice here again is because of WHY the exodus occurred and the conduct of how people who financially benefit from this site behaved during that period...

I’m of the opinion most people don’t really care about the reasons behind the exodus. The story against Evilore wasn’t really anything bad. GAF had been a toxic shithole for many years, so people left hoping for a fresh start. Things had been boiling up and waiting to burst. Once the move happened ERA wasn’t much different after the first few weeks, but all the content was there. People will stick around where the majority of the content is. Content is king.

Evilore and the old staff made a lot of mistakes with managing this place over the past few years so I can agree with you there. Ultimately the way things were managed led to the GAF we have today, which has its good and bad aspects. We are all human and will make mistakes. We can only learn, improve and move forward. He has covered this many times over the past year so I will leave it at that.


Of course it was hive minded- I wouldn't argue that. And overly strict moderation tends to keep hives even more single minded. But to pretend that the new neogaf doesn't have a dominant hive mentality is just not true; the community that ended up reforming has a very different (but not really any more diverse) flavor. A lax level of moderation doesn't necessarily mean open discussion and can turn people off when a forum often seems to allow practically free reign to spout nearly anything unchecked. I get it. A lot of you like the moderation being so lax. And I wish era would calm with the overeactive bans and be less moderated. As to the exodus. I'm not being coy. It is incredibly difficult for many who do not support his and others behavior/actions/response to what happened to want to come back and contribute to the well being of this site. Is there a way to fix that? Probably not. Are most people likely to come back? Probably not. I frequent era more often simply because its far more active and quite frankly, outside of a few extreme view points here and there on the site (and the excessive banning), the members that I liked best from old gaf are there. The hypocrisy spouted in these threads and generalization of what era is and its community is ridiculous...and doesn't help the argument that this is a more open and diverse community of thought. Nor does the disingenuous framing of why certain people were temp banned.

What actions specifically though? I'm not understanding what you're implying and I want you to be really clear, don't assume I know what you're referring to. What caused the exodus that formed Era in your opinion? I think if you spell this out it will help a lot of us understand what you're arguing when you say a lot of people don't want to come back.
I’m of the opinion most people don’t really care about the reasons behind the exodus. The story against Evilore wasn’t really anything bad. GAF had been a toxic shithole for many years, so people left hoping for a fresh start. Things had been boiling up and waiting to burst. Once the move happened ERA wasn’t much different after the first few weeks, but all the content was there. People will stick around where the majority of the content is. Content is king.

Evilore and the old staff made a lot of mistakes with managing this place over the past few years so I can agree with you there. Ultimately the way things were managed led to the GAF we have today, which has its good and bad aspects. We are all human and will make mistakes. We can only learn, improve and move forward. He has covered this many times over the past year so I will leave it at that.
Many that left and have no interest in coming back, strongly disagree with that view point. I agree with you content is absolutely king. And stand by my original post. This site feels like it's dying. It's absolutely shocking how little response there is to most threads.


Many that left and have no interest in coming back, strongly disagree with that view point. I agree with you content is absolutely king. And stand by my original post. This site feels like it's dying. It's absolutely shocking how little response there is to most threads.

In terms of posts and active threads it is actually trending up if you compare to Q1 of 2018. If your baseline is pre-ERA then yes it is way down. GAF is recovering though I don't see it ever being as active as it once was. Too much competition from reddit and social media, without that large legacy userbase GAF once had it is hard for a forum to compete.
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What actions specifically though? I'm not understanding what you're implying and I want you to be really clear, don't assume I know what you're referring to. What caused the exodus that formed Era in your opinion? I think if you spell this out it will help a lot of us understand what you're arguing when you say a lot of people don't want to come back.
Specifically the accusations themselves (which were awful if true), how they were dismissed, how the woman who made the accusations was demonized by many prominent members of this community, and how the reaction to situation was handled.
Many that left and have no interest in coming back, strongly disagree with that view point. I agree with you content is absolutely king. And stand by my original post. This site feels like it's dying. It's absolutely shocking how little response there is to most threads.
Should have looked here 9 months ago. It's growing.

We get that complaint from returning members a few times a week. Either A) there aren't enough new topics or too many topics about -BLANK- or B) it's not active enough for them.

So the answer is either post more or create threads. It's your choice to be part of the solution to the problem you are calling out.


Darkness no more
Many that left and have no interest in coming back, strongly disagree with that view point. I agree with you content is absolutely king. And stand by my original post. This site feels like it's dying. It's absolutely shocking how little response there is to most threads.

I’m sure there are many that left and will never return due to the Evilore story. Ultimately I believe most of the crowd will just follow the content. If all the content came back here then the user base would follow. That’s never going to happen, so that’s just me speaking from a hypothetical perspective.

Evilore has talked about the story and other things quite extensively over the last year. I don’t believe most people will look at the story as badly as when it first broke with all the details filled in. At this point that probably doesn’t matter though.

I came back here from ERA awhile back. Traffic has been picking up each month since then. It will probably never be close to the old levels. I think all of us posting here have come to accept that and that we have a different type of community now that we can slowly grow. It sounds like you are expecting something different then what we have here now. ERA exists, so if you like it there better you can post there. Message boards are not exclusive, so if there are some aspects of GAF you still like you are more then welcome to participate here also.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
believe in sensible gun ownership
Since it is 99.9%, chances are my position on that is included? Because I do believe in sensible gun ownership, with a very simple rule: If you are a law enforcer, or need it otherwise for your job (e.g. forester) you may have a gun. But only those guns that are actually necessary for the job, so an AK is basically never sensible. Everything else is simply unreasonable.
Since it is 99.9%, chances are my position on that is included? Because I do believe in sensible gun ownership, with a very simple rule: If you are a law enforcer, or need it otherwise for your job (e.g. forester) you may have a gun. But only those guns that are actually necessary for the job, so an AK is basically never sensible. Everything else is simply unreasonable.
Too many punches in the head from Mario :messenger_winking_tongue:

You’re still great tho


Specifically the accusations themselves (which were awful if true), how they were dismissed, how the woman who made the accusations was demonized by many prominent members of this community, and how the reaction to situation was handled.

Are you aware how that situation played out and what the truth of the matter was? I'm actually going to question how genuine you're being with us, I was active on the board when it all went down and by far the overwhelming immediate reaction was to burn Evilore at the stake. There was little to no nuance whatsoever in how the discussion proceeded and in hindsight was really predictable. Saying the accusation was dismissed, if you're referring to Evilore, is really silly because that's about the only thing he could do. If you look at what "prominent" posters of this site had to say at the time, it's overwhelmingly on the side of condemning Evilore. Mistakes were made in handling communities and things like that, but I don't think that mattered at all to you specifically. What you've said lines up perfectly with the way you initially attacked us for how a lot of us viewed the Kavanaugh/Ford situation, and I don't think I believe you're posting earnestly.
Are you aware how that situation played out and what the truth of the matter was? I'm actually going to question how genuine you're being with us, I was active on the board when it all went down and by far the overwhelming immediate reaction was to burn Evilore at the stake. There was little to no nuance whatsoever in how the discussion proceeded and in hindsight was really predictable. Saying the accusation was dismissed, if you're referring to Evilore, is really silly because that's about the only thing he could do. If you look at what "prominent" posters of this site had to say at the time, it's overwhelmingly on the side of condemning Evilore. Mistakes were made in handling communities and things like that, but I don't think that mattered at all to you specifically. What you've said lines up perfectly with the way you initially attacked us for how a lot of us viewed the Kavanaugh/Ford situation, and I don't think I believe you're posting earnestly.
Enlighten me on to what you seem to think I missed on "how it all played out" and what the "truth" was. And speaking as someone who nearly every woman close to me in my life has had similar things happen to them as Ford had (with similar gaps in their memories- and similar reasons for not coming forward at the time), to have her accusations absolutely dismissed (and mocked) in the manner in which they overwhelmingly were in that thread was disgusting. That's a long side discussion I'm not going to derail this one with...but yes, in general, it's incredibly rare for a woman to come forward publically with accusations of sexual assault and be making it up. So my default is to initially believe them. Much as my default response when I hear someone's house was burned down is to have empathy for them as a victim, rather than jump to a far less likely situation in which they burnt their house down for insurance money.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
They had a thread at one time where some people, were telling other people they were transphobic for not wanting to date or have sex with a trans person. I got banned in that thread too, lol.

With that logic I am homophobic for not wanting to sleep with another man. It is crazy.
I remember that. You would be getting banned because saying that somehow implicates you view trans people as lesser people. Which is an overblown exaggeration to that statement. You figure out for yourself what excites or interest you. To force that excitement upon others like such bans prove... how is that not harassment? ERA is so uptight around this sentiment but it does not realize it actively contributes to a imbalanced society by holding a cold and hard definition as to what to like. You can't force that upon people, as that is a personal choice. Its why people are straight, or gay, or a little bit of both, or are trans.

The idea that a forum on the internet should tell people what to like and what to love by doing so effectively wants to make the decision you make personally a decision they make collectively.

I think resetera is extremely ban heavy, very left leaning, and often overly sensitive...but holy shit...neogaf has gone mental...and honestly, dead...most threads here just sort of quietly die. At least there are active threads and new threads and some semblance of a pulse over at era. And WTF at most of the political threads here? You really want to pretend that era is an echo chamber and this is a place of a vast diversity of respectful opinions?? You cherry pick the most extreme things from era or twitter to mock and laugh at and throw fits when the "dumb libs" do the same with republicans most inane extreme shit too? I mean holy shit...some threads here basically read like Donald Trump fansite. Laugh all you want at era...but this site has become the flip side of the coin (and imo- especially after reading some of the nauseating "poor Kavanaugh" thread) the worst side of it...and a dying one at that.
Welcome Ostrichking and welcome back to NeoGAF.

I think it should be said that GAF after the exodus has been a different GAF altogether. We are at the point where the staff isnt infamous for their actions, but rather anonymous, working behind the scenes, presenting themselves as a People's Staff, and not as a Dictatorial one. This in my book is the single biggest accomplishment Tyler and crew have managed to achieve within a year: That people can post freely, even when these thoughts are controversial or differing, as long as you hold a civil line and back up what you say. There is atleast no scare of getting banned like it was before.

Now, do i think GAF is perfect? Absolutely not. Political discourse became so omni-present that it was taking over the entire Offtopic subforum. This is why a Politics forum was created, and maintained. And although i am a rare visitor, i can imagine that there are postings there that vary from all sides under the sun. Perhaps Politics is indeed an echo-chamber, but GAF on its whole? I doubt that.

As a matter of fact, i should be posting a very lengthy Discord conversation i had with some ERAdians on the topic of Valkirya Chronicles 4. You would be surprised how quickly the tone change from neutral to completely hostile. One of the contributors first posts was saying: ''I get it, you're upset you got perma banned from Era and so got a perma chip on your shoulder'' when i simply provided a description for the VC4 scene, as another user asked me to.

What i am trying to say with it is this: Both sites aren't without faults, not GAF for its past (Which i prefer to call OldGAF) nor ERA for its present-day behavior. It is imperative that GAF acknowledges the mistakes made and moves from it. As far as i can tell, this is exactly what the GAF staff has been doing since. A common theme around ERAdians (Atleast the ones in the Discord) is the tendency to quickly shut down any nuance when it comes to certain topics, especially around but not limited to:
  • OldGAF staff
  • Evilore's adventures
  • Politically sensitive topics
I was told to defend a sexual abuser when i categorized Evilore's shower story as an allegation and not defined him as an abuser. I was told of tone whining regarding VC4, when i was referring to the scene and not the whole game itself (As apparently, the problematic protag in the game is constantly being sexually curious) and i should just ''go fuck yourself'''. This is what happens when a LALALA stance is incorporated: There is no incentive to listen to the content of a post, but rather reply to actions of others from the past.

Lastly, i was accused of being morally superior for keeping a calm tone. Perhaps i am. But i don't believe in promoting discourse shouting expletives or profanities. Arguing, by itself, is just the attempt of convincing someone else of your own ignorance.

Why i am telling this story? Its because your stances fall in line with what i have heard yesterday. And you know what? Its okay to be sceptical and be critical. I would be the last to claim that the Shower Story was a singular incident, as for many it proved to be the last drop in a long line of drops spread throughout the years. I get that.

But do i think it is detrimental to the cause to just continue to bring the same story to the stage, over and over? I don't think so. Evilore's actions stand as Evilore's Actions. We can support, or condemn them, but ultimately, we aren't the people who have to pay the debt. That is on Tyler's to do so privately and he and he only can change the ship publically around.

And this is what i feel he and the GAF crew have been doing. Moving on from a past that they are repenting still, day by day. And through positivity, i reckon they are paying the debt for the public eye. How Tyler deals with this privately is none of our concerns. What we should focus (and judge) him upon, is his actions moving forward, not backward. That is atleast how i look at it.

You all act like because you don't ban people, its a place of diverse thought and respectful discussion. Please.
Please do not use ad populum as a tool in this discourse. Not everyone upholds the same view, nor does everyone visit the politics section.

This site meant a great deal to me for a long time. It was a one stop shop, so to speak, of video game news, breaking news, dramatic debate, bitching, laughing, etc. I check both of the sites very often for the same purposes as I used to. Era is just, quite honestly, more active. I'd love to hear more diverse voices over there (even ones I think are reprehensible as I've been following the Kavanaugh threads on both sites for the past month)...but this isn't this heavenly place of diverse opinion either like you all seem to pretend it is simply because you aren't as quick to ban...I'll post more often over here...this place could use some dissenting voices...but don't pretend neogaf doesn't have a new very red identity.
Then by all means, feel free to post a few examples! Like i said, i am rarely active in politics because (for me) its too US minded, but the one time i did post a view that i would consider less than usual, i didn't get any weary eyes. I am not pro-Republican, but more Democrat, and even i felt that Ford, based on the clips i saw (So obviously, i do not know everything, but like i said, my interest in this is little because its US) i felt something was off and Kavanaugh seemed more geniune. In this i was not looking at their poltical color but i viewed them as humans.

Now either Kavanaugh is worthy of an Oscar for his emotional outlet, but i don't believe one can act like that if it isnt a trained method actor. That also does not mean that i am a woman hater. Ive posted a bit more on Kavanaugh in another thread:
I mean, i don't like Kavanaugh (not personally) but even a stone can tell that the stories don't match up. That does not mean i am some women-hating neckbeard that thinks #metoo is a fabricated farce - Far from it. But i do believe that the #metoo scenario needs to be discussed in a much more nuanced manner and not blown up where every single thing is instantly #metoo worthy.

Sadly, i saw this coming the second #metoo gained traction. I knew it would get used to include every little nitpicking thing under the sun - making the term far less valueable. Not everything is sexual harrassment or even imaginary rape and i feel a lot of this should revolve more on a case-by-case level.

I remember how i tried to iterate this in the beginning days of ERA and i got shunned at because people doubted that #metoo victims would exaggerate their stories or make them up. Or in the very least its not that wide spread (No pun intended.)

And likely it is not, but we can also not ignore that #metoo has also given some people a dangerous weapon to use that could ruin people's lives. This is why i say that cases need to be discussed on a deeper level than what you see happening now.
All i am saying is: Sure, there will be people along the way that will have a very straight-forward view on things. And perhaps Politics is an echo chamber. But i would want to invite you to please see GAF in a bigger picture than just politics. GAF is more than that, or atleast, it attempts to be.

To that, i am glad you are here, Ostrich!

A lot of the banning complaints I’ve seen in this and the other thread (and I’m not personally of the opinion that people should be banned for many of these things) have not been 100% honest in why the banning occurred and what actually was said or insinuated.
Okay, then i would appreciate it if you went to that thread and showed people why :) A lot of the bans are commented on by way of the banbot, which also proves a way too detailed statistic on posters and threads a like. People can literally see why a ban was made, but if you feel that some of the complaints from users who weren't banned aren't honest, please, have a say! Perhaps there is indeed context that went missing.. but provide it, so we can all learn from it!

ERA exists, so if you like it there better you can post there. Message boards are not exclusive, so if there are some aspects of GAF you still like you are more then welcome to participate here also.
Not to mention that there is also Metacouncil as yet another outlet if one so wishes to be there.
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Dr. Claus

Specifically the accusations themselves (which were awful if true), how they were dismissed, how the woman who made the accusations was demonized by many prominent members of this community, and how the reaction to situation was handled.

The shit you on about? The vast majority of OldGaf went insane with believing every little accusation without solid evidence. The age old adage "innocent until proven guilty" did not exist for them. To them, Evilore was guilty and nothing more.

Remember: these are the same people who think it is okay to sing about killing babies, as long as they are white. The same folks who think that you are "downplaying rape" if you didn't immediately side with Ford during the Kavanaugh shitstorm. The people who think you are a racist, far-right supporting misogynistic transphobe if you think that GamerGate is anything other than pure evil.

You are absolutely off your rocker, mate.


Enlighten me on to what you seem to think I missed on "how it all played out" and what the "truth" was. And speaking as someone who nearly every woman close to me in my life has had similar things happen to them as Ford had (with similar gaps in their memories- and similar reasons for not coming forward at the time), to have her accusations absolutely dismissed (and mocked) in the manner in which they overwhelmingly were in that thread was disgusting. That's a long side discussion I'm not going to derail this one with...but yes, in general, it's incredibly rare for a woman to come forward publically with accusations of sexual assault and be making it up. So my default is to initially believe them. Much as my default response when I hear someone's house was burned down is to have empathy for them as a victim, rather than jump to a far less likely situation in which they burnt their house down for insurance money.

I'm not wasting more of my time trying to educate you. Evilore has written several essays on what happened and the aftermath, and if you have a genuine interest in understanding it they would be very easy for you to find. The bottom line with the Kavanaugh situation is that it takes more than an uncorroborated allegation to treat someone like they are a criminal. If you can do the mental gymnastics to twist that into rape apology then I don't think you've ever really been interested in rational debate.


(which were awful if true)

That IF is still the most important part of your whole argument, the whole exodus was caused by an "IF" but we are living in the overreactive/mob era so who the fuck cares IF it was true or not.

Also, on a personal note, I never felt those accusations were THAT awful. I'm gonna re-read the whole mess again because maybe I don't remember it 100% (something something they were drunk and had sex??)
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
That IF is still the most important part of your whole argument, the whole exodus was caused by an "IF" but we are living in the overreactive/mob era so who the fuck cares IF it was true or not.

Also, on a personal note, I never felt those accusations were THAT awful. I'm gonna re-read the whole mess again because maybe I don't remember it 100% (something something they were drunk and had sex??)
The only thing you need to know of that:

(she's bi)

Given how that was presented, that line always cracks me up. :p
I can visually illustrate it with what i think is a hilarious use of a meme, but i dont want to raffle any feathers and save it for a better moment. Its a story of the past, should remain as such. :)
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But to pretend that the new neogaf doesn't have a dominant hive mentality is just not true

Enough false equivalencies. There is no hive here period. People can say it as much as they want but it will not make it true. The old gaf was very much hive minded yes indeed, but currently this place is not that way in any respect, shape or form. There are not constant swarms of posts like "GROSS", "TELL US WHAT YOU REALLY BELIEVE", etc., followed by bans right after. There is no thought policing at all in fact. There is no ban for disagreeing with the majority narrative. There are no special status users getting people who offend their sensibilities banned when mods finish their second lunch. All you are seeing is actual disagreement and discussion. Just because, GASP, there are actually people who disagree with one acceptable position, does not make it a hive minded forum. All it means is they are able to actually post here without a swarm of wasps calling for their heads.
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