Don't you lean more on the Libertarian / laissez faire economy side?
If so, let them have their dogs. They'll be all the more crippled and unable to usurp your own job position when they do eventually enter the job market.
We do have a Libertarian party, but they are too small to be represented in all national districts and as such they aren't on the roll when there are elections.
Even so, although i do support some views of them, there are other parties who i support more by way of tallying good points. The party that i would want however does not exist, so i have to settle for compromises.
Who are you referring to with
they, by any means?
No mate, it would have taken you a few seconds to google it. If it were an actual effort involved to find the evidence required to back up my claim I would have provided links, but the fact you're too lazy to type a word into google and view the immediate results is not on me at all.
I have to disagree here. Even for more obscure points of view you can find it easily within Google, but i find this always a dead ringer point to bring forward.
''Just Google It'' does not prove
you know the evidence or the exact
specifics of your argument, since that's redelegated to the party who asked for said evidence in the first place.
I had this with a guy (Now a Ree mod, how bou dah) who felt Todd Howard was a lying sleazebag so i asked him to evidence this and he used this exact rhetoric. I knew what he was referring to, and i even would have agreed with some of it, but simply telling the parties who ask for said evidence to just Google it does not establish your factual interest or knowledge of the topic at hand. I don't expect people to know things
exactly, but if they can relay things non-verbatim and back that up with a simple link, then that establishes his/her status as a serious discussional partner.
How am i now supposed to know that you
know what you are talking about? I can look it up yes in 5 secs and be aware, but the whole request for evidence is to establish that
you too also know what you are talking about, thus confirming your status as a serious discussion partner.
A long explanation, but i rather take a more friendly and explanative approach to this piece and explain
why it is a poor debational tool to do so then to just say
''this isn't how that works here'' since i remembered an earlier post from you regarding political affilations. I hope you can respect that i do it this way around though.