Dance Inferno
Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone played the game chronologically? That's my intended plan, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not.
I preordered the anthology, so I might actually start with the old games and then skip 4 and 5.
Has anyone played the game chronologically? That's my intended plan, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not.
This is kinda shocking to me. Granted I want to love it because Chris is my fav, but given the Demo impreessions I'm honestly kinda shocked anyone is saying Chris's is the best.
It most certainly isnt.
While still fun, its a big downgrade from RE5.
The intensity is dropped and so is a lot of the strategy involved.
Has anyone played the game chronologically? That's my intended plan, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not.
I'm doing the Chronological run and am glad I went with this route. Makes the game feel like one cohesive experience and I find myself not getting bored or burnt out by just playing straight with one character.
It was talked about previously in the thread. Give me a second and I will find the recommended order I am using.
Theoretically, a remake of RE2 it would be great. But in reality, it would never work.
I'm doing the Chronological run and am glad I went with this route. Makes the game feel like one cohesive experience and I find myself not getting bored or burnt out by just playing straight with one character.
It was talked about previously in the thread. Give me a second and I will find the recommended order I am using.*Didn't realize it was put in the OP*
So for what its worth guys, here is my almost 11 minute video review
Pardon? In "reality" it'd work perfectly fine, just like REmake did.
How's the story, guys? I might just put the game on Easy and enjoy the story and just mindlessly blowing away zombies and shit.
Back from Gamestop. Time to saturate evil.
Some kids came dressed up as zombies decked out in makeup and everything.
The story itself isn't anything to write home about. What makes the game shine is the character dialogue and scenarios they find themselves in. The actual plot is so-so, and I say that as a huge fan of the series storyline.
Trusting the new developers to stick to this mantra despite doing almost everything against it seems pretty naive.
Just force them to develop it the right way, that's what executives should be good for.
This is kinda shocking to me. Granted I want to love it because Chris is my fav, but given the Demo impreessions I'm honestly kinda shocked anyone is saying Chris's is the best.
The demo is honestly the worst part of Chris's campaign, it amazes me that it's what Capcom put in the demo, but really so many of the bad decisions surrounding this game amaze me.
Chris's campaign is all action, which is what the game is best at. It has the least cutscene and QTE interruption, the camera is better, the game mechanics actually seem tighter, and quite frankly, if it was the only thing on the disk Capcom wouldn't be getting ridiculed for the game.
Fuck, I love playing as Ada. <3 RE4 vibes.
Fuck, I love playing as Ada. <3 RE4 vibes.
Most of the reviewers seem to like Leon's campaign the best.
So um, I thought that tutorial/intro/QTE That you jump into at the beginning was cool. How terrible am I? Obviously it's not the style of gameplay I would want to see a lot of out there, but here and there I actually find I enjoy stuff like that.
Haven't played the game proper, yet, I'm waiting for my co-op partner.
Some new details from the guide... If you beat all chapters on Pro......You apparently unlock No Hope Difficulty, which is supposed to be harder than RE5 in Pro. Also includes some new mini-bosses, apparently.
Really bored with it so far.
because I played the demo a billion times
Can we all agree that, regardless of our overall feelings towards the game, that co-op doors are awful and RE6 would be much better without them (or at the very least, with them spread much further apart)?
I played the demo way too much.
Tonight I was trolling new players by showing off fancy moves and spamming the thumbs up. Dropkicking dudes, spamming Hydra quick shots (so badass). One dude just stared at me in awe after I slid under the bleachers in Leon's demo lol. I feel really bad for anyone that doesn't understand all the mechanics at play here, it's really essential.
I'll have to ask, this info is coming from others and not me.YASSSSSS!!!!!!
Did they say if,you can use that difficulty for mercs mode?
So disappointed at Amazon for not shipping before the release date...
Edit: Add me to the burned by Amazon list. At this rate I won't get the game until Thursday if I'm lucky, Friday if I'm unlucky (which will certainly be the case).
Details on No Hope Difficulty from the guide (via GameFAQs):
-Enemies are always moving at max speed
-Enemies recovered from being downed in about 1 second
-Enemies attack non-stop with no pause between attacks until killed
-Enemies that attack in combos or quick successions now have more combo moves to trap you longer
-Enemies recover from being dazed incredibly fast
-Enemies with firearms are insanely accurate and shoot and reload faster
-J'Avos chance to mutate has increased dramatically, 80-90% chance of mutation
-Enemies with grapple attacks do it a lot faster and can attack you more while grappling
-New mini bosses, including a new mini boss that will chase you through all the campaigns and can't die.