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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


I know this has probably been asked but how does this differ to the beginning hour in regards to the vr? I have a PS4 Pro, but did they make improvements to the textures etc?
I wouldn't call that the final stretch at all really. You've a few more hours to go.

That's good to know.

I like to take my time with games so I might do seperate runs for 'all collectibles', 'using item box less than 3 times, 'healing less than 3 times' before attempting the speed run.


Legitimately pissed, especially after locking out VR as well

God fuckin dammit

I'm rather disappointed then pissed but I get you.
My re7 hype is very high atm and I even considered to get the season pass just because the first DLC(s) is coming tomorrow and having more content now would be great. In 3-4 weeks I'll probably be occupied with something else and I'll probably won't get the DLC till the next big discount and even then only if it is really good.


I've finally gotten the
Scorpion Key
I know where to get the
broken shotgun
but I just can't.

Jack seems to be everywhere
and I feel like I'm getting constant panic attacks, I get in the room, I
jack walking around
and I just freeze for like ten minutes then eventually give up and quit :(

I really need to find a way to get this under control because I'm never going to finish at this rate.


Anyone buy the physical deluxe edition and actually own the season pass after entering the code on Xbox One? It accepts it but doesn't actually add it to your account (or it didn't in my case). Both Capcom and MS corroborated something went wrong when I contacted them separately. I'm just wondering if anyone redeemed their code and has the season pass icon in their RE7 "manage games" section.


Play with the lights on. It's a small thing, but it helps.

I tried... also took off my headphones
he was in a spot where he was sure to see me
and ran, made it to the room put them back on.

I think I might wait until a weekend and just have the windows open.
I am a chicken shit. I LOVE survival horror games but I can never play them for long (Like we're talking 5 mins, then I quit) I'm someone who can't play Amnesia or Outlast and I've been trying to play Alien Isolation since it released and I can't. I just get consumed with tension/fear and I can't move forward.

But the tone of RE7 helps a lot compared to those other games. And because of that, I am finding the game to be completely playable for me. So maybe give the demo a shot. If you can play that, the main game shouldn't be a problem.
Yep. The horror is solid enough for a RE game, but not really much to be afraid of:
- There are tons of ambient jump scares (mostly sounds), but the game VERY rarely actually follows up on them with a hostile encounter
- Few enemies pop up and attack you from behind
- The humor breaks up tension really well
- Bakers are not that scary, just like the evil guys in slasher fics generally tend to be
- It is easily predictable when enemies won't show up because almost all encounters are trigger/spawn based, cleaned rooms stay save unless you advance the plot by e.g. picking up quest items (changing patrol routes of the Baker's aside)
- The game is more about creating tension through sudden or stressful situations (e.g. jumps scares, having to sneak around past the Bakers or running out of items) rather than outright fear (compared to e.g. the psychological horror in Fatal Frame).
- Save rooms are always save
- Areas generally very well lit, not much moving around in darkness
- You can rely on your guns to keep you safe as long as you manage ammo (knife and Glock Handgun aside, heh)- lack of or limited ability to fight back is what makes many horror games really scary
- Enemies are easy to run away from to skip them or get away, they de-aggro rather fast especially if moving to other rooms

It's a far cry from games like Dead Space or Fatal Frame/Project Zero. Even if you have problems playing horror games you should be totally fine. The game gives you more than enough funny situations, humor, breathers and predictable safety to keep you in your seat even with lights off and headphones on (the latter I strongly recommend because the sound design in the game is awesome).


I'll echo the sentiment that this game isn't that scary, especially once you get used to it and get more weapons.

I'm usually terrible with scary games - I couldn't finish Amnesia for example but I am managing RE7 well. The first quarter of the game was the hardest to get through, but I am nearing the end now (I think) and it isn't too bad.

I absolutely love the game far more than I ever thought I would though, what a return to form. Can't wait to play on Madhouse.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I'll echo the sentiment that this game isn't that scary, especially once you get used to it and get more weapons.

I'm usually terrible with scary games - I couldn't finish Amnesia for example but I am managing RE7 well. The first quarter of the game was the hardest to get through, but I am nearing the end now (I think) and it isn't too bad.

I absolutely love the game far more than I ever thought I would though, what a return to form. Can't wait to play on Madhouse.

Yea, once you get past the first hour and the game settles into classic RE, the scares are dialed down a bit.


To me even
the ship
was scary. The only not sure scary parts were
the salt mine


What settings are 1070 users running this on? I don't usually ramp shadows up but I had to put shadow quality to at least low because very low had this weird stuttering issue.


What settings are 1070 users running this on? I don't usually ramp shadows up but I had to put shadow quality to at least low because very low had this weird stuttering issue.

Low Shadows? Because you want it or because you need it?

I'm close to running this game at max settings with a 970.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I got about an hour into it last night. Really digging it. Probably going to take me forever to finish it, but I'm determined.

I don't think it will take you as long as you think, the pace picks up significantly from that point onwards.
What settings are 1070 users running this on? I don't usually ramp shadows up but I had to put shadow quality to at least low because very low had this weird stuttering issue.
Main reasons you have the stutering/freezes is because the Texture Quality, Shadow Cache and Shadow Quality settings eat insane amounts of VRAM and if you have less than 6GB VRAM it WILL massively increase the stuttering/freezes caused by the game loading assets to the game becoming borderline unpayable. You usually only have that when you enter a different area for about half to max 1 second otherwise.

If you have less than 6GB VRAM you definitely should set:
- Texture Quality to medium (almost no noticable impact on visuals, texture loading/pop up time slightly increases), the other texture settings can be set to high/very high
- Shadow Cache Off - Only brings a performance increase on more than 6GB VRAM, otherwise it will cause stuttering
- Shadow Quality - same as texture quality, kills FPS in general, medium shadows look more than good enough, have low impact and you won't notice a difference to higher settings anyway unless you spend your game staring at shadows and playing with settings
Forgot to save on Madhouse just after the
Marguerite Form 2
fight and died in the
Room. I'm not sure if the
standard Molded
when you first leave the room plowed through my
circular saw
or I was ganked from behind, but man does it feel bad having to now go through that fight again.

After this run is done it should take just one more to Platinum.
What settings are 1070 users running this on? I don't usually ramp shadows up but I had to put shadow quality to at least low because very low had this weird stuttering issue.

I just finished it fine with no issues on my 1070.

Like I said finished it, enjoyed it, not my favorite RE game but definitely a great game to the end. Gonna wait for the DLC reviews before buying those.


What settings are 1070 users running this on? I don't usually ramp shadows up but I had to put shadow quality to at least low because very low had this weird stuttering issue.

Hmm it is running very well on my 1070 at 1440p + 1.1 pixel density and max settings (TAA).
Try turning off shadow cache instead of lowering shadow quality.
I can't deal with the build up, noises, sound of my own footsteps in this area after lantern door.

Somehow the candles, small doors, etc remind me of fatal frame.


Yeah this game really isn't scary. It is so in your face "boo! Haunted house" that I just keep laughing. And the amount of swearing doesn't help.

Not sure why Mia
suddenly dies after being stabbed once, she recovers just fine after being axed at the start

Not to mention
getting shot to the face 10+ times.
If it helps:
there will be just 2 or 3 enemies on your way back, you can just run past them

I couldn't really see enough to run around safely so I just blasted them. : p

I understand that people find different things creepy, but I think the way that the
black muck zombies
pop out and the
spread of the black muck itself upon my return
are scary enough for me. I think the game has been able to maintain an element of the unknown with standard enemies, given the way they tend to spawn that is really effective.


Anyone buy the physical deluxe edition and actually own the season pass after entering the code on Xbox One? It accepts it but doesn't actually add it to your account (or it didn't in my case). Both Capcom and MS corroborated something went wrong when I contacted them separately. I'm just wondering if anyone redeemed their code and has the season pass icon in their RE7 "manage games" section.
almost None Season Pass for any Game is under mange Game. Go to te Store and search for it there should ne standig owned. Only if the sp is tight to a ingame Item then this Item is under manage Games
Not sure why Mia
suddenly dies after being stabbed once, she recovers just fine after being axed at the start

There seems to be a certain threshold that the
mold will cease to sustain the host and will calcify

The game doesn't really provide an explanation to this in regards to why it's so wildly inconsistent between all of them. Even taking into account the
self mutilation and probable in-fighting over the prior three years
, there's still quite a difference.

Here's what I can recall:

Mia: Drowning, likely severe head trauma from the head bashing, axe to the throat, killed in the attic; final death a crowbar imapaling the abdominal region. No mutation.

Marguerite: Shot/fall+ whatever that acidic substance was; killed in Greenhouse. 1 observed Mutation causing body deformations and whatever-the-fuck-i-dont-want-to-know to reproductive system.

Jack: Killed in combat/self impales, burns, destroyed brain through gunshot, top half destroyed; killed or induced into stasis state of calcification by serum. 2 observed mutations with first mostly internal while the latter is extreme growth, body deformation, standard-issue glowing weak spots, and structurally composed of visible mold.

Zoe: Killed or put in calcification stasis through internal manipulation via Eveline.

Eveline: Drowns; Killed by E-Necrotoxin injection and experimental weapon Albert-001. 1 Mutation, though as the source of the biohazard the E-Series doesn't likely have the same limitations and possible patterns as its victims.

I'd love to be able to unlock the infinite ammo, but I'd have to beat madhouse to do that, yeah?



See, that's what really confused me about this game.
He has his hand stapled back on - flesh on flesh, no nerves reattached - and, all of a sudden, he can use his hand again and feel pain in it? I'm sure there's a logical explanation to it (well, logical by Capcom's standards) but it's just...lolwut?
Ethan can reattach his leg by using "Stong First Aid Meds", dude is basically an Action Man doll.
During the basement fight too?!

Yes, and I think someone had also had a
do it as well as day or so after the games launch. That one I haven't seen for myself and haven't seen it mentioned outside of that one post, so could have been BS.

Edit: confirmed above.


And in the
molded can do it too.

Oh well, I just finished the game on Normal yesterday and those never happened in my 30+ deaths. :lol

Will start Madhouse tomorrow for infinite ammo, I want to Plat this game! Maybe it'll happen in the process this time.


During the basement fight too?!

I almost beat Jack and then he cut off Ethan's leg like it was nothing. Of course I had no strong first aid meds on me, so all I could do was pick up my leg, admire it in the item viewer and slowly bleed to death.


The first time it happened to me was on my limited healing run, so I couldn't do anything to fix it. It got me a RE.net challenge though, so it sorta worked out.

Not sure. It was
claw one
when it happened to me and it only happened once. Would assume it has to be though.

That's what I assume too, it doesn't make much sense for the others to be capable of it.


Stuck again in the real cake room this time...game is getting onmy nerves...taking a break.
See this is why the puzzle difficulty is just fine in RE7.
That room is by far the hardest puzzle in the game, and while it's not that bad. It's stumped a few people I know as well.

RE uses puzzles as a means to an end. It's not meant to be the main focus. Really hard puzzles would cause that for some. However puzzle difficulty like in SH would be the best alternative.
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