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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


So is the
circular saw
as good at stunlocking, and just generally chewing through enemies, on Madhouse as it is on Easy and Normal difficulties?

I still have a Madhouse playthrough to do. If anyone has any general madhouse tips, that would be awesome as well!

Lastly, is it true that you get something else if you beat Madhouse difficulty in under 6 hrs?

I did Madhouse without using unlocks, but beat Normal first so I had a basic familiarity of what was to come.


- Basic handgun ammo is practically worthless, either use enhanced or avoid enemies altogether.

-There are autosaves, just much fewer than Normal and not paced the way you'd expect. Look for the spinning icon on the top-left corner of the screen.

-You get 1-3 cassette tapes per save room, and there are single tapes to be found via exploration. Rolling save files is recommended so that if you happen to royally fuck up, you can go back to a slightly earlier one.

-The Mutated Jack fight is a serious ammo check. Conserve heavy artillery (i.e. shells) as much as possible. Health items aren't as big of a deal because of guarding.

- Save your neuro rounds. You'll know when to use them.
Is there a way to keep the chainsaw by the way?

I want to fuck up The Molded with that thing especially because they can be dismembered.


What did you expect? it's a Resident Evil game. Guns and monsters have been prevalent through the entire series.
Less action and more survival horror based on the demo and the intro chapter of the game. I always expected combat but not combat as annoying as I'm finding the latter half of this game. =/



Are the assault/Iron defense coins worth it? What are the stats?

Both combined will make you immune to damage while blocking. In general they only work while blocking, no idea about the dmg mitigation with only one though, probably 50%.


Both combined will make you immune to damage while blocking. In general they only work while blocking, no idea about the dmg mitigation with only one though, probably 50%.

Don't think think is true. I still took (notable) damage while guarding, but I wasn't using any of the post-game unlocks to stack. Are you confusing them with the essence/secret of defense items?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Is there a way to keep the chainsaw by the way?

I want to fuck up The Molded with that thing especially because they can be dismembered.

Not that chainsaw, but
there's another unlockable circular saw that you get for beating the game in under 4hrs, that thing on easy/normal basically fucks up normal molded in a second.

^ minor unlockable spoiler.
Finally finished at 11:23. Had a really good time with it. The only real complaints I have are:

1. Enemy variety was too weak. It would have been interesting if they had molded that were in different stages. Maybe some that were slow and zombie-like, some half human and faster, etc. There's a lot they could have played around with

2. The upgrade system was lackluster. Just tack on a resident evil 4 style and it would have been great. Also could have used some more interesting weapons instead of dupes(gun/shotgun). Maybe a crossbow since it's the bayou heh

3. The last sections kind of fizzled out a bit. Level design was a bit too straightforward and it just didn't have that frantic feeling most resident evils end with

4. Almost forgot - the puzzles were awful, even for an RE game

Now to try madhouse =O

This pretty much sums up exactly how I feel as well.
The enemy variety is my biggest complaint hands down. It's a real shame too because the boss fights were all unique and pretty excellent but man was I tired of the Molded after about the first few encounters. I wasn't even halfway through the game before I was telling myself "this is all I'm gonna fight the entire game isn't it?" They really lose their eerie factor fast when it's the only damn thing you ever fight.

All in all though, excellent game and I loved it. It was a very pleasant surprise as I enjoyed the demo but wasn't extremely intrigued. Looking forward to trying out Madhouse as my wife actually booted the game up and started it on easy.. so I just went along. Way too easy, lol. Finished in about 10 hours and for the 2nd half of the game I was pretty much swimming in ammo and dozens of health items.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Both combined will make you immune to damage while blocking. In general they only work while blocking, no idea about the dmg mitigation with only one though, probably 50%.

Slight correction there, its not the coins. If you have the art and essence of defense items (unlockables from beating the game) together in your inventory, THAT completely negates damage when blocking, even on madhouse


So is the
circular saw
as good at stunlocking, and just generally chewing through enemies, on Madhouse as it is on Easy and Normal difficulties? If it is, it'll probably be my main weapon of choice.

I still have a Madhouse playthrough to do. If anyone has any general madhouse tips, that would be awesome as well!

Lastly, is it true that you get something else if you beat Madhouse difficulty in under 6 hrs?

yes it is but the molded can sometimes hit you hart. 2 hits and you are dead. Boss fights are easy peasy with it
chainsaw Jack, spider Mag and final form jack are a joke with it on all difficulties
if you have the chem fluid pre order coin it is even more easy because the coin boosts you knockback ability


Anyone know the cheapest place to get the season pass? (UK account) .

CDKeys have it for £21.99, not sure if they still do a 5% discount, is there anywhere else?

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Both combined will make you immune to damage while blocking. In general they only work while blocking, no idea about the dmg mitigation with only one though, probably 50%.

Those are the scrolls. The coins are different.
Not that chainsaw, but
there's another unlockable circular saw that you get for beating the game in under 4hrs, that thing on easy/normal basically fucks up normal molded in a second.

^ minor unlockable spoiler.

That sounds really cool actually. I'll get the game at a later point again and run through some of this stuff surely.

So I only ever got the
3 coin & 5 coin upgrades (health and reload boosts?) in the courtyard trailer. Are these the only upgrades, outside of the 9 coin Magnum, available on Normal or did I miss some?

One my favorite moments would be
getting my ass handed to me by Lucas several times only to utter destroy him the fourth or so time. I saved all my grenade launcher shots for his last phase and blasted three right in his face, incredibly satisfying.


See this is why the puzzle difficulty is just fine in RE7.
That room is by far the hardest puzzle in the game, and while it's not that bad. It's stumped a few people I know as well.

RE uses puzzles as a means to an end. It's not meant to be the main focus. Really hard puzzles would cause that for some. However puzzle difficulty like in SH would be the best alternative.

I think the lack of variety is the biggest issue. There is only handful of puzzles and 3 of them are shadow puzzles.

There's no good reason why this wasn't available at launch. $9.99 for, among other things, a wave-based survival mode that ought to have been on disc to replace Mercenaries.

It's Capcom bullshit all over again. They did it with Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6's multiplayer modes. They did it with Street Fighter x Tekken. It's shameless.

Well atleast the story DLC is free.

Banned Footages aren't story related right?


I think the lack of variety is the biggest issue. There is only handful of puzzles and 3 of them are shadow puzzles.

Well atleast the story DLC is free.

Banned Footages aren't story related right?

I definitely agree with that. Harder difficulty no, more variety in puzzles definitely.
As you said there was way too many shadow puzzles. There's actually 5 if you count doing the same one twice and the optional one.



Are the assault/Iron defense coins worth it? What are the stats?

The assault coin is definitely worth it. Without it I kept dying to Jack in the
chainsaw duel. I would get him to take a knee twice to be able to l2 r2 him in the back but then he would get up and I wouldn't be able to finish him off. with the coin he died while i was sawing him the second time


I definitely agree with that. Harder difficulty no, more variety in puzzles definitely.
As you said there was way too many shadow puzzles. There's actually 5 if you count doing the same one twice and the optional one.

I would like them to be harder too but I think RE should just have puzzle difficulty toggle like Silent Hill. It is such a good thing to have and I don't get why RE never copied it.

Wait. What is this assault coin people are talking about? I only have defensive coin afaik.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So I only ever got the
3 coin & 5 coin upgrades (health and reload boosts?) in the courtyard trailer. Are these the only upgrades, outside of the 9 coin Magnum, available on Normal or did I miss some?

That is correct, Madhouse has more upgrades and more coins to compensate. But easy/normal have just those 3 cages.
Finally got a chance to play this. I think this is the best Resident Evil game since RE4. It isn't even close for me. This is exactly why I enjoy these games. I hope they stick to this formula!


The assault coin is definitely worth it. Without it I kept dying to Jack in the
chainsaw duel. I would get him to take a knee twice to be able to l2 r2 him in the back but then he would get up and I wouldn't be able to finish him off. with the coin he died while i was sawing him the second time

or get the item for beating the game in under 4hrs
I'm no prude and I curse like a sailor, but
potty mouth was pretty hardcore. A few times I was like dayyyyyum.

Someone needs to steal that family's copy of Devil's Rejects on no doubt VHS in general, they're clearly taking their fanboyism a little far.


I think I may need to just swallow my pride and do this. Madhouse is proving to be more frustrating than I expected

It's pretty damn hard but I managed to beat it last night with just the
secret of defense.
I'll have to beat it again for that coin trophy but at least I'll be overpowered at that point.


That sounds really cool actually. I'll get the game at a later point again and run through some of this stuff surely.

So I only ever got the
3 coin & 5 coin upgrades (health and reload boosts?) in the courtyard trailer. Are these the only upgrades, outside of the 9 coin Magnum, available on Normal or did I miss some?

One my favorite moments would be
getting my ass handed to me by Lucas several times only to utter destroy him the fourth or so time. I saved all my grenade launcher shots for his last phase and blasted three right in his face, incredibly satisfying.

Why do some people think that boss fight is
? It's pretty obvious that that's


I do think people who post on neogaf aren't representing a lot of the people who are playing the game. For example my friend is more towards the casual crowd and he's having a lot of trouble on the games puzzles and figuring out where to go. Though he's slowly getting it.
So I can't even imagine how some other people are handling this.
Why do some people think that boss fight is
? It's pretty obvious that that's

I don't know, came off that way to me seeing how I dealt with
for the entire segment prior. So it was
, cool, it was a great boss fight whoever it was.

It would've honestly not bothered me if it turned out that it was indeed a gigantic, living pile of human feces seeing how they flushed the entire plot down the toilet right after anyway.


To those saying this game isn't that scary lol are you playing in VR?

This is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever and part of it is capcom nailing a return to form in a sense, coupled with their fantastic implementation of VR

Love the house designs love the gameplay so far , Jack scares me so many times lol


To those saying this game isn't that scary lol are you playing in VR?

This is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever and part of it is capcom nailing a return to form in a sense, coupled with their fantastic implementation of VR

Love the house designs love the gameplay so far , Jack scares me so many times lol

Report back on how scary you're finding the game in a couple of hours. It could very well change, because it did for me.


To those saying this game isn't that scary lol are you playing in VR?

This is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever and part of it is capcom nailing a return to form in a sense, coupled with their fantastic implementation of VR

Love the house designs love the gameplay so far , Jack scares me so many times lol

Well I don't have VR but THAT area in the Old House is fucking scary. I think the
is pretty creepy too. He's got good times ahead with VR.


Fucking finally managed to beat the first fight on Madhouse difficulty. Took me over twenty tries, not even exaggerating. Now I'm having quite a lot of fun again because I realized (spoiler about the Madhouse difficulty itself)
that the item and enemy placements are not the same as they are on normal difficulty
. This mode really is no joke!
I am kinda starting to hate this game. I really enjoyed the first part when it was pure horror exploration but now it's all guns and headshots and "molded" and I'm just like, enh..

I feel you. The first part of the game was the best. Then it's nothing but generic goopy monsters till the end.

What did you expect? it's a Resident Evil game. Guns and monsters have been prevalent through the entire series.

Almost every other RE game has multiples more monster variety than this one.. The Moulded get old, fast.


I am kinda starting to hate this game. I really enjoyed the first part when it was pure horror exploration but now it's all guns and headshots and "molded" and I'm just like, enh..

While I didn't hate the game at all personally, I've begun to realize more on subsequent playthroughs that the game is pretty front loaded with all of the more unique encounters and scenarios in the first couple of sections.

I'm starting to think that one of the reasons the marketing was so secretive was that there wasn't really much to show in the first place. The game is pretty short and even quicker once you know what to do, and the Baker estate is smaller than the Spencer mansion. Also (some mild spoilers here) of the 8 hours it took me to do my first playthrough
the Bakers were only stalking me for about 10 minutes of it, the rest was just molded, which got old very quick.
I suspect I might have just locked myself out of a puzzle :/

I am at the section where I just found the pieces to assemble the burner, but right after assembling it I realised I needed one of the parts for the spider silhouette puzzle. Is there a way to disassemble the burner?


I suspect I might have just locked myself out of a puzzle :/

I am at the section where I just found the pieces to assemble the burner, but right after assembling it I realised I needed one of the parts for the spider silhouette puzzle. Is there a way to disassemble the burner?

It's a completely separate item. I suggest you keep burning stuff.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Just finished it. Last few hours were easily the worst part of the game. I found myself really wanting the game to end. Great game but it's a shame about what happens to the game after you beat
mutated Jack
. That felt like the real final boss. I mean the game had already started to go downhill before that, but after that is when it really gets to can this just end already territory. Was the actual final boss even actually a boss? Because that felt scripted as fuck.
I suspect I might have just locked myself out of a puzzle :/

I am at the section where I just found the pieces to assemble the burner, but right after assembling it I realised I needed one of the parts for the spider silhouette puzzle. Is there a way to disassemble the burner?

As far as I recall, no
burner piece
is involved in the solution to that puzzle.


Just finished it. Last few hours were easily the worst part of the game. I found myself really wanting the game to end. Great game but it's a shame about what happens to the game after you beat
mutated Jack
. That felt like the real final boss. I mean the game had already started to go downhill before that, but after that is when it really gets to can this just end already territory. Was the actual final boss even actually a boss? Because that felt scripted as fuck.

The final boss killed me a few times on Madhouse. You have to deal enough damage to it to get to each scripted part. I disagree with all the complaints about how action-packed it is near the end. It's really not. I thought the
was great and spooky and had decent exploration. The only parts slid the game that are straight action are the
Mia flashback
and the very last area, both of which are extremely short. In the last area you can just run past everyone.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
The final boss killed me a few times on Madhouse. You have to deal enough damage to it to get to each scripted part. I disagree with all the complaints about how action-packed it is near the end. It's really not. I thought the
was great and spooky and had decent exploration. The only parts slid the game that are straight action are the
Mia flashback
and the very last area, both of which are extremely short. In the last area you can just run past everyone.
Running past everyone is exactly what I did since I assumed I'd need my ammo for the final boss. Lol.


Running past everyone is exactly what I did since I assumed I'd need my ammo for the final boss. Lol.

Yeah the last boss is really disappointing. I was fucking ready to unload on whatever abomination the game had in store for me with all this crazy amount of ammo. Then it never happened.


Running past everyone is exactly what I did since I assumed I'd need my ammo for the final boss. Lol.

Like always with this series I hoarded like crazy throughout the playthrough and used as little ammo/items as possible, had a ton of stuff in storage by the end.

The same thing happened when I played REmake last year, hoarded like heck and ended up with an entire armory towards the end. A lot of it unused.

Will definitely be a lot more liberal with ammo/item use when I do another playthrough of 7.
Like always with this series I hoarded like crazy throughout the playthrough and used as little ammo/items as possible, had a ton of stuff in storage by the end.

The same thing happened when I played REmake last year, hoarded like heck and ended up with an entire armory towards the end. A lot of it unused.

Will definitely be a lot more liberal with ammo/item use when I do another playthrough of 7.

This always ends up happening to me as well. I get so OCD with my item use, I'll reload the last save if I miss a few headshots or something along those lines. It was painful to have to use pistol bullets to hit the
potential exploading crates in Lucas' maze.

I read some talk of a
double barreled shotgun somewhere in here I thought, is that true? If yes, give me now.
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