Wait for the next financials. More people will cancel their subscription after watching this turd

Give it a watch, its only 8 episodes and because of how mixed some of the users are on here, clearly some actually like it and you don't know if you'll be one of em. I love the RE series and maybe the best adaption for it is simply a whole cast of new characters and new story and sprinkled with a few established characters. The world they made can stand on its own and complements RE very well.
You're such an expert that you cannot like the stuff you're an expert of anymore. That is sad.Fragile much? Consume that product. Enjoy the fanfiction. I'm sorry you can't accept I know more about the games than you and can see this is nothing like Resident Evil.
Imagine getting this defensive over a resident evil show. I have other things to waste my time on. Congrats to you and anyone else who enjoys this trash.You're such an expert that you cannot like the stuff you're an expert of anymore. That is sad.
Reality will never be as good as your headcannon but it doesn't mean it is not enjoyable, by others or you even.
I have one and a half ep to go. I finally watched the wesker clones scene and it was brilliantly kitsch, Lance cosplaying while still acting uber straight made me grin from ear to ear. This show is very fun, if you know this protip : just fast forward a bit when you start getting bored...
The beginning part with the family moving in and complaining about the new racoon city being full of weird white people was pretty disgusting. Can't really watch past that
Fantastic post, I fully agree.Honestly, that’s the least of it. I can well imagine them saying something like that given how fake and manufactured the town is supposed to be. A perfectly understandable reaction.
The problem with the show is its terrible writing, worse acting, appalling story lines, character stupidity, boring tropes, and hackneyed dialogue. The diversity isn’t the issue at all.
The beginning part with the family moving in and complaining about the new racoon city being full of weird white people was pretty disgusting. Can't really watch past that
Wait for the next financials. More people will cancel their subscription after watching this turd![]()
I tried watching the first episode and I couldn't even make it more than halfway through before straight up quitting. I feel so completely disillusioned with the media world today. I don't know how else to describe it other than Grandpa Simpson's famous "it" quote. I ain't with it anymore, because this shit is not for me. I find it weird and scary.
The beginning part with the family moving in and complaining about the new racoon city being full of weird white people was pretty disgusting. Can't really watch past that
Was it really that bad guys? Or are yall just joking? And did the bolded really happen?
I'm not exaggerating when I say its a pile of shit. Total waste of time. Trust me and don't watch it.
It explains a little of why it's #1 viewed. Which isn't saying much considering the other shitty shows that had that distinction.Geez. It's on the front page of everything Netflix and I want to watch it so bad. But if it's trash, I don't want to waste my time. I can't believe that Netflix didn't do a better job here. Is Cowboy Bebop any good?
Geez. It's on the front page of everything Netflix and I want to watch it so bad. But if it's trash, I don't want to waste my time. I can't believe that Netflix didn't do a better job here. Is Cowboy Bebop any good?
Cowboy Bepop was better, not saying much as it's still shit. Bepop does actually have some good scenes.Geez. It's on the front page of everything Netflix and I want to watch it so bad. But if it's trash, I don't want to waste my time. I can't believe that Netflix didn't do a better job here. Is Cowboy Bebop any good?
did the bolded really happen?
Just an heads up, being stoned doesn't help either.Wow that was bad. I was really high and couldn’t believe the amount of social engineering they crammed into the first episode alone.
Just because she's attractive doesn't mean she's a model...she went from school to acting school to working as an actress.The chick that plays adult Jade is extremely attractive. She looks like a model. Which is the problem -- too many models try to cross over into the performance arts (usually singing or acting) without having a lot of prior experience or training.
I stand corrected... At least on the part of her being a professional model. You're right, she isn't.Just because she's attractive doesn't mean she's a model...she went from school to acting school to working as an actress.
It explains a little of why it's #1 viewed. Which isn't saying much considering the other shitty shows that had that distinction.
Cowboy Bebop also has very mixed views on whether it's good or not. I haven't seen it, but my friends that have are about 60/40 split on it. 60% being negative.
Yes it did. The girl says the people in their new neighbourhood are ''weird'' ''freaks'', and specially mentions that them being white is a reason for this
about 10 minutes into episode 1 driving though their new neighbourhood. Go check it out now on one of those 'free' streaming sites if need be.
Yes, the first episode shitted on itself with those lame ass lines. I pushed on, but I almost didn't want to watch any further after hearing that. Then one of the girls starts liking a white dude.....lol.Now make a show where white people say the same but about black people.
In all seriousness tho I am so fucking tired of this.
No one who isn't terminally online and hang around tankie larp circlejerks on Twitter, Reddit or Resetera hears that shit and doesn't cringe.
I am not a right-winger by any means but I think this shit legit does more harm than good to the causes these people think they're supporting.
Normal people just don't want to hear this shit.
Normal people don’t obsess over race.Normal people just don't want to hear this shit.
A few minutes in. so she has been out here for 6 months with her hairdresser?
sort of sick of shows that doesn’t even attempt to make people a little dirty or disheveled living in primitive conditions.
Some lines in the first episode are trash and makes you wonder who the fuck thought this was a good idea. There are some back and forth between the sisters later that are just ridiculous.Was it really that bad guys? Or are yall just joking? And did the bolded really happen?
The first scene with them is bad and cringe.Some lines in the first episode are trash and makes you wonder who the fuck thought this was a good idea. There are some back and forth between the sisters later that are just ridiculous.
Why are you all so negative?
I saw three episides last night, thought it was great.
It’s just flashbacks and to tell the transformation story, I liked it, it’s like the diary notes in RE1. The future stuff was proper Resident Evil, lickers and spider were brutal, with some added stuff on top with that worm. Loved it.I think it's because most people were expecting Resident Evil and not a teenage high school drama.
It’s just flashbacks and to tell the transformation story, I liked it, it’s like the diary notes in RE1. The future stuff was proper Resident Evil, lickers and spider were brutal, with some added stuff on top with that worm. Loved it.
Okay I’ve only seen 3 episodes but we’ve seen a tired zombie transformation a million times, the emotional roller-coaster of being trapped with the infection or having someone close getting it is more interesting. And I like that they’re doing something new here, a post-apocalyptic what if scenario with 6 billion people infected is interesting. Haven’t seen what people say on imdb but I bet it’s more about heated us politics and not retelling the raccoon city story again than actually judging this show. I’ll go take a look. Edit: lol yup as I thoughtFlashback take more than 50% of runtime and continue all the way until the end of the show. Also since when a post apocalypse is a proper Resident Evil?
Showed is slammed by viewers on IMDB. It's not good. It's also okay to enjoy things that are universally agreed on being bad.
Okay I’ve only seen 3 episodes but we’ve seen a tired zombie transformation a million times, the emotional roller-coaster of being trapped with the infection or having someone close getting it is more interesting. And I like that they’re doing something new here, a post-apocalyptic what if scenario with 6 billion people infected is interesting. Haven’t seen what people say on imdb but I bet it’s more about heated us politics and not retelling the raccoon city story again than actually judging this show. I’ll go take a look. Edit: lol yup as I thought
Yeah I mean you can just look at the scores really. 1/10. Like, how? I wouldn’t even rate some badly drawn kids show 1/10. It’s just mindless hate really. Review bombing because something triggered them. Going by the 3 episodes I’ve seen it’s at least a 6 or 7 out of 10. Some oddities bring it down but it’s still solid zombie entertainment with nice effects and some fan service and new ideas.Yea most of the review bombing has to do with politics and jack shit to do with the show. The moment you hear em crying about something, ignore whats being stated regarding the show, its now an irrelevant view. The same people trying to make it sound like EVERYONE hates it, are the same fucking people who made it sound like a Call Of Duty getting downvotes on Youtube was a sign of doooooms and the end of cAll oF dUtY aS wE kNoW iT lol annnnd only for that shit move 20 million units. So this idea that some triggered fanboys are crying over some joke made in the show now equals everyone or the majority is just as silly as the COD or AC hate. Its a small minority that fucking wishes they spoke for everyone else.
The show is currently ranked number 1 on Netflix. I'm skeptical the moment someone tells me some site here or there got "da bad reviews" and you read it and 99.9% isn't even talking about the game or show or movie or something and the zealot fanboy is telling you had badly EVERYONE hatez itz broz. I've seen that shit play out time and time again and usually you know its a view to ignore, when every fucking factual metric disagrees with that so called hate. Using this logic, Call Of Duty, Assassins Creed, Fast and the furious, Harry Potter, Star Wars should all be fails and out of business.
omg look at how much everyone hates it /s
Next thing you know COD being number 1 on NPD is the real sign that everyone hates it "shows a site with COD fanboy reviews talking about politics" lol
I love the post apocalyptic setting and love the idea of a RE show where Umbrella won and the world is shit compared to the same shit over and over. I also love all the crazy monsters in the season. I shant spoil it.
Young Jade actress feels like the Wish version of Zendaya, or is it just me?
While I do admit the idea of moving time a bit further to explore the possible futuristic scenario of Resident Evil, the fucking execution and narrative are horrible, because this show decided to borrow the name of a franchise that has a huge history and weight, while completely ditching what makes the franchise really good.
Oh my god, I'm so vegan. Bad umbrella is testing on bunnies. Imma go and steal my daddy's card so I can go free the bunnies. Oh noes, bad doggy bit me.
And there you go, it's Racoon City all over again. What the actual hell is this script. Seriously?
I'm just watching the series for the lulz. I lost it when the girl that got bitten asks Wesker if she will need to stay in quarantine. His answer: I don't think so, it's not like Covid![]()
it's Racoon City all over again. What the actual hell is this script. Seriously?
Also since when a post apocalypse is a proper Resident Evil?
Watching stuff high never fails to determine if something is truly a turd or not.Wow that was bad. I was really high and couldn’t believe the amount of social engineering they crammed into the first episode alone.
That's because the nomination is for Outstanding Main Titan Design. If that's the only reason you're going to watch it then I'll save you 10-11 hours:UGH!...... Didn't Cowboy Bebop just get an Emmy nomination? Because that's the only reason I put it on my watchlist.