Yeah it is a coincidence that Netflix sh
....the studio that did the the same one that did the films. You are going to have to deal with that fact.
Thats like saying some shit like "Walmart being Walmart. Imagine if Walmart actually cared about quality Doritos"
(Disregards that Walmart doesn't MAKE Doritos but sells them as a distributor)
The more you'd go on about "Walmart treats its workers like trash, they outsource their jobs and Yeah it is a coincidence that Walmart Doritos are" etc
It shows you have a bias so fucking strong, you'll disregard facts, when those facts are then given to'll try to reach to this other classic "yeah it is a coincidence" shit cause you can't really find some actual facts to support this... If folks felt the films were bad, why would anyone be shocked that they dislike the show? lol
Fans care about Resident Evil more than Capcom ever will be.
lol ah yes, the classic weeboo fanfiction cries. Tell us more about how you'll save Resident Evil from the company that made it =)