I think you probably put more effort into this post than the show runners did coming up with this new RE series. This shit looks....really bad, lol.Which makes Lance Reddick's casting the more confusing.
From the games... Albert Wesker is like the very definition of "problematic white guy." He's the villain of the series. In subtle ways his whiteness is very much part of his villainy. So you'd think you'd want a white actor to portray Wesker.
Unless Reddick's character is somehow a Wesker clone made in a lab and he's supposed to be a "good" Wesker... or something.
Can we just let Koreans do anything zombie related
These are all fantastic points. You should go apply for a job as a storyboard writer for Season 2... If the show even makes it to Season 2, that isHow hard can it be to make a decent adaptation of the Mansion Incident? These people are seemingly being given a pretty big budget to make a Netflix Series based on RE. Look at the fucking games and cast accordingly. Slow the hell down and properly develop the characters. Those old SD Perry novels did a pretty good job of fleshing out the characters....why not go with something along those lines? Show the members of Alpha/Bravo Team prior to the incident so we actually care a bit about them when the shit hits the fan.
Show Barry's relationship with his family. Show some interactions between Chris and Jill. Show Wesker being a charismatic dickhead so that when he turns it actually means something. Etc, etc.
It can't be that difficult to make something decent out of the RE series.
legendary franchise
Yep. Diversity isn’t even a bad thing, just the way it’s been handled. It’s become a parody of itself.Netflix just can't help themselves, can they..
Coming soon:
I think he might be able to. Maybe.What the fuck is this garbage? Lance Reddick and women? He can't carry this shit.
The last movie's biggest problem was that it was boring. The W.S. Anderson films (aside from the first one) are critically bad movies but have that Fast and Furious levels of crazy. The CG films have anime levels of cheese mixed with gunkata. The recent remake games are like over the top extended 80s action movies with puzzles. You need a visionary who understands the latter to direct for this property. They probably should have hired someone like Sam Raimi ages ago.Looks way better than the last movie (comparing the trailers)... Which doesn't mean much, since the last movie is atrocious.
Still, since I love RE... I will watch it and probably hate it.
A black Wesker LMAO this Netflix guys
Netflix just can't help themselves, can they..
Harddddddddd pass.
Well...It is Netflix. I did not expect anything else from them
They probably should have hired someone like Sam Raimi ages ago
The people that don't know anything about shows or film make just as many funny comments as the people that don't know shit about games. When you get that one person telling you to avoid Activision games and tells you not to be Sekiro..... if you can see something odd with this, you can understand why I find it funny that anyone thinks "NETFLIX" is one building that makes shows.
They contract studios to make shows and films, many times those projects can even be completely finished and simply get a deal on Netflix.
So......the studio that did the original films Constantin Films, is the one doing this show folks.
True, but does Capcom even want to pull out dat Sam Raimi money doe? Probably not lol
I'll still check it out as to me, all the Resident Evil films are pretty fucking bad, but shit the story to RE has always been....well really bad. RE7 and RE8 easily are the best stories they've ever crafted.
Its why a Outbreak show maybe makes more sense from a outside perspective of the outbreak vs (lets bring them to the lab and fight da CEO to Umbrella) lol To me with Zombie concepts, the why is irrelevant, even the how is irrelevant, its more about the...this is where we are, how can we survive etc As in, with something like Fallout, we know some war happened, but 99% of that series is about what is going on, not how it fucking started and going to labs to solve how it happened as I feel that tunnel isn't that interesting and if anything hurts the whole idea.
So the Fallout show will likely be about the wasteland, Resident Evil show....will be about some labs, how evil the company is, ohhhh boy a plan to overtake da Earf. You can only talk about that shit for so long until it just becomes moot and boring, we get it...they hate life and want some BIO weapon and shit lol I just want a story about someone surviving the outbreak thats just a regular person. So I think you are correct with an Outbreak concept, but this studio and Capcom sound like they just want the main evil corp concept 100x.
I dunno man, people were complaining about generic bald white dude but now it seems everyone is making the same strong diverse woman with lesbian haircut. I just want good shit to entertain me.![]()
Yea that's her on the far right.Lance Reddick is a great actor, but even he wouldn't be able to save this if the material sucks.
The chick all the way to the right (the tall caramel-skinned one wearing the white top) is pretty hot. (EDIT: isn't she also the Forspoken chick??)
You're getting way too defensive about this...All this concern over "respecting the lore" of a game series whose narrative is the equivalent of brain damage due to alcohol.
. . .and that second trailer and comments from the showrunner already show that the shows exists within the videogame universe and Reddick's character is almost certainly a clone of Wesker, so it's clearly just as dumb a project as the previous RE films, so what're you complaining about?!
If that's true, why are you having a conniption fit over a genre show with a primarily lady-parts cast, as if ORPHAN BLACK or YELLOWJACKETS aren't excellent shows.
This show might be terrible, but hand wringing about the cast before you know ANYTHING about the basis of the show is odd.
I don't understand where the funding is coming from for all these dumpster tier RE movies over the decades. You would think after over a decade of releasing animated and live action movies that have all been borderline razzie material, execs would stop paying for these movies to be made. Yet again, they are going right back into the ring.
I wish I could get as many second chances in life as the live action RE franchise has.
Despite all of the movies receiving generally negative reviews from critics, the Resident Evil films have grossed over $1.2 billion combined